Yan Cigui

Chapter 361: Father’s new letter to Xu Jian (two updates combined into one)

 In the Imperial Study Room, the Holy Master listened to Eunuch Cao’s report with a gloomy face.

 “Are you sure?” he asked.

Eunuch Cao bowed his head and said, "When I asked where I was from Yong'an and where I was in Jiangzhou City, I guessed it. But judging from the reaction of the waiter Feng, I think I guessed it right."

The Holy Father gave the handrail a heavy thump.

 “What a good method, one after another!” The Holy Master said through gritted teeth.

 Shuntian Prefecture is investigating Chenmi Hutong, and it is Daoheng himself. Monk Daoheng is an accomplice of Wang Liuliu, so this matter is certain.

It is true that Shaoer acted chaotically and out of line, but his lingering in Chenmi Hutong was also a "calculation" in itself.

These people are all on the same road, using Li Mi as a guise, but in fact there are other people behind them.

Is that person’s goal just for Shao’er?

 No, it was through Shao'er, staring at his dragon chair.

Then it’s not surprising that they tried to sow discord between Shao Er and Xu Jian.

Shaoer is surrounded by jackals, tigers and leopards!

There were people who couldn't bear it and wanted to pull Shaoer down from the position of prince. Later there were people who didn't even care about the position of prince and wanted to drag him, the emperor, down.

“Let’s investigate,” said the Holy Master. “We have to dig him out!”

Eunuch Cao responds.

The Holy Emperor couldn't help but worry about Li Shao again. Just when he was about to ask a few questions, someone suddenly reported from outside that the prince was here.

Eunuch Cao went out to welcome the people in.

 Li Shao saluted with the Holy Master.

The Holy Spirit asked: "Has the fever gone? You came to see me, but what did you want to understand?"

"My son's health is much better, which worries my father," Li Shao finished speaking, glanced at Eunuch Cao, and asked, "I heard that Eunuch Cao took Feng's wife away. I wonder what he did? "

The Holy Emperor did not answer directly, but instead said: "Answer me first, why do you think Xu Jian is pretending to be injured? When you go to the paddock, do you want to hunt, or do you want to test Xu Jian?"

Li Shao focused on looking for Feng's wife, but the emperor continued to question him. His face was not very good for a while: "You mean Xu Jian didn't pretend to be injured?"

The Holy Emperor took the Xu Jian's piece of information from the major case and asked Mr. Cao to give it to Li Shao.

Li Shao didn't know what he meant. He took it and looked at it, and the corners of his lips twitched several times.

 What a eloquent person! High-sounding!

Xu Jian would tell whatever his father liked to hear.

"He..." Li Shao blurted out, but when he met the Holy Sage's sharp gaze, he felt guilty, and finally changed his words, "He saved my son. I am very grateful. The way he fought with the black bear was really... It’s not like he’s injured.”

The Holy Father was not satisfied with Li Shao's excuse.

But this time, he didn't refute anything, and there was no specific emotion on his face. He asked: "The situation was urgent in the middle of the night. I also listened to what Eunuch Cao said and what Eunuch Yu said to others. In the morning, I listened to the censor and Commander Tao. "But they are all new after all. At first, only you know the best about the situation in the forest. Please tell me slowly."

Having said this, even though Li Shao really wanted to know the condition of Feng's wife, he still restrained his temper and told the whole story.

The father had preconceived ideas and believed what Xu Jian said. At this time, he had to reverse the situation.

With these in mind, Li Shao naturally spoke about things that would be detrimental to Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan.

"I wanted to go to the paddock, but I didn't expect to go yesterday. You asked Eunuch Cao to come to the Ministry of Rites to deliver a message. It will already be noon when everyone is ready."

"It gets dark early in winter, and I was really anxious, but Ning'an was procrastinating. He even got out of the car at the city gate. He was delayed for a long time, which made the people look around."

“When we met the black bear head-on, Xu Jian’s two personal followers asked the guards to look for him. In fact, they were very capable and could lure the black bear away. Without the burden of their sons and ministers, they would be better able to deal with the beast.”

"Er Chen was dizzy inside. Suddenly he saw Xu Jian arriving and was very surprised. You didn't see that he came with a light on his back and suddenly rushed down from the **** on horseback. Er Chen almost thought he was a magic weapon. Heaven descends.”

"His skills didn't look like he was injured at all. The blind bear was no match for him. He sent the beast spinning around with just a shovel. Erchen really couldn't stand it at that time. He wanted to let me lead him and leave first. Xu Jane doesn’t agree. He’s obviously his own follower, but he still can’t believe that he’s capable?”

"Later it got dark, and I was cold, hungry, and tired. Fortunately, the blind bear had one of his arms cut off. Several times I felt that the beast had caught him."

“Later, the forest guards arrived one after another and worked together to kill the beast. I relaxed in one breath and when I opened my eyes again, I had been sent outside the paddock...”

“What I said is true. I am not injured or in pain, but I can’t hold on after crawling in the forest for a whole day. If Xu Jian is really injured, how can he fight with that black bear?”

Li Shao talked for a long time. His mouth was dry, so he picked up the tea cup and drank.

When Eunuch Cao saw this, he respectfully offered tea to him and let out a long sigh in his heart.

Even though the saint’s face was expressionless, Eunuch Cao could guess his mood.

Your Majesty is in a terrible mood.

Because His Highness said that the princess was "procrastinating", which was undoubtedly due to the "Feng's wife's instigation of dissension" that he had reported before.

Your Highness has listened to the instigation. When you mention the princess in front of the Holy Lord, isn’t His Highness just hoping to make the Holy Lord also dissatisfied with the princess?

These words have made the position clear from the beginning. The following ones describe Duke Fu as heroic and incomparable. How can this be a good thing?

 But for those things that His Highness pointed out, the Duke and the Princess had given His Majesty the answers before that.

It’s not to supplement the answer after being asked, but to have already answered it before letting the Holy Spirit see the question...

The order of the previous and the following is reversed, and it falls into the heart of the Holy Spirit, and the feeling is completely different.

Even Eunuch Cao could understand the meaning of Li Shao's words, so how could he hide it from the Holy Emperor?

"Your martial arts skills are far inferior to Xu Jian's, and your resilience is far inferior to him. At the age of fourteen, he was able to fight single-handedly with the lieutenants in the army and win everyone's admiration. This is not only due to his martial arts skills, but also his resilience. He can't hold his breath without holding his breath. "Relaxed persistence," the Holy Master looked deeply at Li Shao and said, "Shao'er, you have never suffered that kind of hardship. If you don't understand, I won't say anything."

I'm just telling you that if you left without someone to protect you, it's not that Xu Jian didn't want to, but that he couldn't. That blind bear's target has always been you. "

 Li Shao's face turned red.

The emperor's father praised Xu Jian so much at this time, which fell into Li Shao's ears, and it was no different from refuting him.

Like two big ear scrapers, it made his ears buzz.

 And the last sentence made Li Shao stunned again.

 Is he the target of Blind Bear?

 Why didn’t he see it?

 No, Xu Jian is even talking nonsense about this?

Li Shaoqing was anxious to retort: ​​"I didn't provoke that beast, how could I..."

 The Holy Spirit waved his hand to him.

 Xu Jian tried his best.

Blind Xiong was exhausted. After one of his arms was cut off by Xu Jian, he persisted for so long under the encirclement and suppression of the imperial forest, and even injured dozens of people with his backhand. Such a beast, even if Xu Jian was really strong. No one can say that they can cope better if their illness is painless.

"You are mentioning Ning'an," the Holy Master rubbed his brows. He had already asked about the paddock, and now the focus is on the person with evil intentions. "Why are you mentioning Ning'an for no reason?"

Li Shao was speechless: "This..." He came here for Feng Neishi, but he couldn't say that it was Feng Neishi's words that made him realize Ning An's little actions, right?

The Holy Emperor continued to ask: "I'm still curious, why do you think Xu Jian is healed? Is he pretending? Have you seen Xu Jian jumping around with your own eyes?"

 Li Shao opened his mouth.

 He did not see it, but Feng Neishi sent people to follow Xu Jian and saw it in Zhangping Garden.

Your Majesty didn't need Li Shao to speak. He understood a lot just by looking at his reaction. He asked directly: "It's the **** named Feng, right? He told you that Xu Jian pretended to be injured, and it was he who told you about Ning'an."

 Li Shao's breathing tightened.

 He was scared. Being pressed by his father in this way, Li Shao was so afraid that he had goosebumps.

 But deep down in his heart, he also knew that there was still excitement and excitement beneath the goosebumps.

 How exciting, how much I like it!

Every time he tastes it, his blood boils. So this time, can he escape unscathed?

 How is he going to explain to his father...

“Er Chen,” Li Shao’s throat rolled up, his lips trembled, nervousness and excitement mixed together, “Er Chen did not go to the paddock to test Xu Jian.

 I heard that his injury was healed, but he only went to court and did not follow your wishes to watch the government with him. He must be a newlywed, and he wanted to spend more time with Ning'an.

It just so happens that I want to go to the paddock and hunt some game for you and the Queen Mother. I asked Xu Jian to go with him. Firstly, it will reassure you, and secondly, it is also a pastime for the couple to go to the paddock.

 Erchen actually also thought that Xu Jian might also need a chance to recover from his injured leg, but he did not dare to raise his whip because of his heart disease..."

 Once you get started, the rest of your words will flow smoothly like flowing water.

"These are all muddle-headed thoughts. I know very well that it is difficult to catch game at this time of the year. You can only try your luck." Li Shao touched the tip of his nose. "So, I was really happy when I saw that deer. .

The deer looked fat at first glance and was very fragrant when roasted. The son and his ministers focused on bringing it back, and finally chased it deeper and deeper.

 It’s a pity that I didn’t catch up. "

 The Holy One closed his eyes.

 In my ears, it was no longer Li Shao's voice, but Ge Yushi's impassioned voice in the Jinluan Palace.

“It’s winter, Laba, what makes His Highness insist on going hunting in the paddock at this time? Is it because you want to hunt two more deer for the Holy Emperor and the Empress Dowager and come back to taste the fishy smell of the meat?!”

Filial piety...

Shao'er's filial piety was revealed at this time. It was sincere, so why couldn't it be a means?

 What I felt a few hours ago, I now experience it again. This feeling...

"The **** named Feng," the Holy Master opened his eyes and looked directly at Li Shao, "don't you want to know why he was taken away? He and Wang Liu are in the same group, do you understand?"

 Li Shao's head banged.

For a moment, he didn't realize what Wang was doing in the sixth year, but the next moment he realized it and looked at His Majesty in astonishment.

He didn’t dare believe it, how could he believe it?

 The chamberlain beside him is actually the same person as Wang Liusheng?

 But his father would not lie to him. If his father would say so, there is evidence.

"Why? It shouldn't be?" Li Shao murmured. All the stimulation, excitement, and excitement were blown to pieces in an instant, and he couldn't care about it anymore.

"You are the crown prince, why do you think it is?" The Holy Master asked, "Why did he ask you to think about Xu Jian's injury?

I have told you before that Xu Jian will be your most powerful arm in the future, so there will be countless people who want to sow discord between you and Xu Jian.

Shao'er, you know clearly who is sincerely interested in you and who is harming you. "

Li Shao was speechless for a long time.

Feng’s wife is harming him? Xu Jian protected him instead?

 The mouth is silent, but the heart is screaming.

Maybe Feng's wife was really caught by Eunuch Cao, but Li Shao could definitely say that Xu Jian had malicious intentions towards him. Xu Jian definitely wanted to take advantage of him. Xu Jian was thinking and planning. Those are different from what my father saw!

 But he could not convince his father.

 He has no evidence!

His father didn’t believe him, but he believed Xu Jian even more. This book, yes, the book he had in hand was extremely hypocritical, just like Xu Jian, who was sanctimonious!

It just so happened that my father just did what Xu Jian did!

Seeing the various emotions on Li Shao's face, the Holy Emperor didn't want to continue to talk to him.

No matter how much you say, it’s up to Shaoer to understand it himself.

"You should retreat first," the Holy Master said, "and go back to the East Palace. It's cold outside. Be careful of the fever coming up again at night. It's most important to take good care of yourself."

Hearing this, Li Shao could only suppress his anger and stood up to leave.

Eunuch Cao sent him out. Seeing Li Shao's hesitation, he still said: "Eunuch Feng must be in the same group as Wang Liu6. Your Highness, these people have ulterior motives."

Li Shao glanced at him, nodded vaguely, and left.

Eunuch Cao watched him off, and when he returned to the palace, he saw the Holy Minister leaning on the back of his chair, with a look of exhaustion between his brows.

“Your Majesty,” Eunuch Cao considered, “there are too many people staring at His Highness.”

"His identity means that he needs to bear all these things," the Holy Emperor opened his eyes and said, "Brother Emperor, wasn't he being watched by others when he was here? He even lost his life for it!"

 The throne is not easy to sit on, whether you have already sat on it or will sit on it in the future.

You have to tighten a string and be careful again and again.

Shao'er's path was easier than that of other princes. There are so many successions of thrones in the history books. How many of them were not fought for by brothers?

Even though he, Li Yi, did not take the initiative to participate, he watched the brothers fight with his own eyes. Under those plots, he lost the Xia family and walked step by step to where he is today.

Shao'er walked the best way, but he didn't walk well.

 Insufficient ability?

Your Majesty doesn’t think so.

What's worse is the character of the heart, the strength to carry the country, Shaoer never tightened it from beginning to end!

"He needs to be sharpened," said the Holy Master. "If I don't sharpen him properly, someone else will sharpen him."

Eunuch Cao’s heart trembled and he asked subconsciously: “What do you mean…”

The Holy Father took Xu Jian's book and read it from beginning to end.

“I really want to talk to Xu Jian right now,” said the Holy Master. “It’s a pity that he has to be raised. If I call him into the palace again, Ning’an will be really unhappy.”

 Eunuch Cao was sarcastic.

 When he came back from the Duke's Mansion, he would naturally not complain to the Holy Lord about the princess's urgent situation, but wouldn't the Holy Lord not understand? You can guess.

 “Go and summon Uncle Chengyi,” said the Holy Master.

 guess what the Holy Spirit wants to do.

 Thanks to Bookstore book friends fyhrr and Jiu for the reward.

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