Yan Cigui

Chapter 362: One is missing and is well-founded (two updates combined into one)

Lin Yu arrived a little late.

Standing in the corridor, he tidied up his appearance while the waiter came in to make announcements.

Eunuch Cao came out and called "Uncle".

Lin Yu said: "I went to Fu Guogong's Mansion at noon, and I didn't know about the call from the Holy Father until I returned to the Hanlin Academy."

"Your Majesty, there is no rush," Cao Gonggong said, "I just happened to have lunch."

 This lunch was for Cuihua Palace. He went so suddenly that the imperial concubine was not prepared.

Eunuch Cao led Lin Yu in and said a few words in a low voice: "Your Majesty is not in a good mood."

Lin Yue was not surprised.

There was an incident in the paddock yesterday and it was so "busy" in the morning. How could His Majesty not hold his breath?

Just now he met Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan again, and learned a lot of hidden secrets. Even though he has always been calm and temperamental, he almost had a fit on the spot.

Too dangerous!

 She plans to plot against the prince, but also protects the prince from getting hurt. How risky it is!

What’s more, are they colluding with others? They are conspiring with a crazy blind bear!

One careless move will result in minor injuries!

Even if Yun Yan could imagine such a dangerous move, she couldn't do it. Only Xu Jian had the courage and ability to take the initiative to plan it.

Since Xu Jian is the mastermind, Lin Yu will not train Lin Yunyan, but he should train Xu Jian...

 The training cannot be continued.

It's not a matter of being close or not. Who can be so cruel as to discipline a person who is lying on a hospital bed to recuperate?

Furthermore, Lin Yu also saw Xu Jian’s determination.

 The day we returned home, their husband-in-law talked a lot in the study.

 Xu Jian wanted to replace the prince, but Lin Yu could not persuade him with words, and wanted to calm down and see if the prince was really so hopeless.

Who would have thought that things had changed less than ten years ago after I had been in charge of government.

He risked his life to set up such a situation, which shows that Xu Jian "went on to have his own way". He was a persistent character. Once he made up his mind, he continued to move forward and bit the prince with this trick that could hurt the enemy by one thousand and hurt himself by eight hundred.

 Because, Xu Jian found out that someone was following him, and it was arranged by Eunuch Feng who was next to Li Shao, so he took advantage of it.

Lin Yue knew that Xu Jian and His Highness did not have much of a relationship as monarchs and ministers, but he secretly ended up following her. He really didn't expect it.

 What exactly does His Highness want to do?

They have not yet taken power, and if they treat Xu Jian like this, what will happen to the Xu and Lin families when they come to the throne?

No wonder Xu Jian was tense.

Lin Yu couldn't help but wonder, could it be stretched to this level just by seeing clearly and thinking thoroughly? He couldn't even say that Xu Jian was thinking too much, it was more like Xu Jian had seen and tasted it with his own eyes.

 The bitter and spicy taste was so unforgettable that Xu Jian avoided it like a snake or a scorpion.

This tension obviously also affected Yun Yan.

 In other words, at this moment, it affected him to some extent.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yue arrived in front of the emperor, saluted and said hello.

The Holy Father gave him a seat and said, "I heard that Aiqing went to visit Xu Jian and Ning'an at noon?"

"Yes," Lin Yue replied, "They returned to Beijing at midnight, so I didn't disturb them. I took advantage of the lunch break to go there. I saw with my own eyes that everything was fine, so I felt relieved."

 “This is natural,” the Holy Spirit sighed, “this is the case for all parents.”

Perhaps because of the mention of Li Shao, the Holy Father sighed with emotion: "Unfortunately, I calm down and think about it, I am not a good father."

Lin Yu did not answer, waiting for the Holy One to continue speaking.

“I’ve been keeping Shao’er by my side for so many years, but some of my previous ideas with him didn’t seem to go together.”

“I hoped that he would be a good prince, but he obviously failed to do so; he tried his best to be filial to me, but I am really not a loving father.”

Lin Yue understood what the Holy One meant and considered it carefully: "The relationship between you and His Highness is different from other fathers and sons in the world."

 In other families, father and son are father and son, but here, there are still monarchs and ministers separated, and they have to pay attention to the inheritance of the country.

To be fair, Lin Yu believes that if there are no monarchs and ministers, but just ordinary father and son, the father-son relationship between the Holy Emperor and His Highness is actually very good. Without the position of crown prince, His Highness's growth and temperament, even if there are shortcomings, will not be This gives the Lord a headache.

After hearing what Lin Yu said, the Holy Father smiled and shook his head: "Raising a child is not easy! Every family has its own worries. I don't have to worry about my son's food and clothing. All I have to worry about is...

I always thought that the queen would leave Shaoer alone. If I didn’t put more thought into it, who would make arrangements for him?

They all worked hard to raise their children, and Aiqing raised them much better than I did. "

"This is embarrassing for me," Lin Yu said. "Yun Yan is a girl, and her family has no worries about food and clothing. I can't raise her. Her upbringing depends on the empress dowager, my mother and father." Her brothers and sisters all dote on her."

“I know that Ning An would rather not be favored like this, and she would rather have her mother.” The Holy Lord sighed, “If the Queen were here, Shao’er probably wouldn’t be like this.

To tell you the truth, I am quite hesitant at the moment.

There is no shortage of upright people around Shaoer, whether it is Sangu or Xu Jian, he has been mentioned frequently in recent years.

It's easy to learn bad things but hard to learn well. A Liu Xun can make Shaoer happy in Chenmi Hutong and forget about Shu. I replaced all the people in the East Palace, but I still have a Feng servant. That person is the same as Wang Liuliu, he said Just mutter a few words..."

Lin Yuan looked shocked.

He knew that Feng’s wife had asked people to follow Xu Jian, and he also thought that the palace would check the people around His Highness, but he did not expect that Feng’s servant would be found, and that this person was actually related to Wang Liu6.

"You mean, Li Mi..." Lin Yu shook his head, "I heard that Li Mi is indeed dead."

The Holy Master looked at Lin Yu and said: "Li Mi is dead, but he is still alive. Some people don't want Shaoer to be good, and they don't want to see me being good. That's right. In the **** days, King Ding was killed with poison, and a fake mountain bandit was created, but in the end the throne was lost. How can I be content with this?"

Lin Yu pursed her lips, hesitating whether to mention the Dingguo Temple fire.

Before he could think it through, the Holy Father had already spoken: "I have called Ai Qing here today to discuss something."

"Your Majesty, please speak." Lin Yu said.

"Shao'er's temperament needs to be tempered," the Holy Master sighed. "Xu Jian told me before that Shao'er has been the crown prince since he can remember. It went very smoothly, but it also made him lack confidence.

He has not changed his identity from an ordinary prince to a crown prince, and he does not have to exercise restraint and caution every step of the way. Therefore, he has a small throne to let him feel the difference to a certain extent.

 Unfortunately, it is still not enough. "

Lin Yu was keen, and when he heard this, his heart trembled.

 He couldn't help but glance at Eunuch Cao.

Eunuch Cao stood guard by the curtain from beginning to end, looking very serious.

Seeing this, Lin Yu basically confirmed his guess and said: "If you want to take this step, the risk is very high."

The Holy Spirit laughed.

Lin Yu is indeed smart. No wonder the late emperor was particularly fond of him when he was still alive. It is easy to talk to smart people. “My dear, you might as well elaborate.” He said.

Lin Yue did not speak immediately, but frowned in thought, thinking again and again.

The Holy Spirit did not rush. He knew that the matter was serious and required careful consideration.

After a long time, Lin Yucai said: "You want to 'abolish the prince'. This is a means. It does not really cut off his inheritance path. You just want to use this to tighten the prince's skin and let him understand that the position of prince is not easy to sit on, and that he understands the country." It’s not easy to bear. Once he becomes the crown prince, you will give him a ‘transformation’ experience.”

“Previously, Colleague Chen Mihu said that there were many voices of impeachment against His Highness in the DPRK. Until the ban was lifted, some people tried hard to pull His Highness down. You suppressed them at that time.”

"I heard from Xu Jian that you have considered it. His Highness made a big mistake regarding the Chenmi Hutong incident, but there are also other people plotting against him. Under the clear plan, you will punish even your most beloved prince to the point of abandonment. This will affect other His Royal Highnesses."

"The oldest of them is only eight years old, and the youngest is still in his infancy. Once someone goes out to eradicate dissidents, the growth of your highnesses will be worrying."

"There was an accident in the paddock this time. There were a lot of injuries, but no one was killed. It was bad luck to encounter a black bear. It was your nod to go to the paddock. If you dethrone the prince because of this, it really can't be justified."

"Even if you want to give the prince a chance to start over, you have to convince him. If the blow is too much and His Highness is unable to recover, it will be counterproductive."

“The position of prince, whether it is established or abolished, will ultimately have a great impact on the fortunes of the country.”

After Lin Yu finished speaking, he bowed and saluted.

Today's situation is really shocking. Even if Xu Jian's purpose is to change the prince, Lin Yu dare to say that Xu Jian never thought that the emperor would have such an idea at this moment.

Of course, Lin Yu would not be secretly happy, because he knew very well that the deposedness of the Holy Emperor and the deposedness of Xu Jian were two different things.

 The Holy Spirit is a means, but what Xu Jian wants is the result.

And when Lin Yu was in front of the emperor, he had to tell everything he was thinking, good and bad. This was the attitude he had to show.

Lin Yun was not the only one who had the brains. The Holy Spirit came up with this method, and there were many twists and turns. How could he not have thought about it?

 What Lin Yu said was well understood by the Holy Spirit.

What the Holy Father needs is someone who can give him a "push" and firm up his ideas.

Even if Lin Yu insists on objecting, this matter will probably be pushed forward in the end, but he and the Holy Spirit will be estranged in their opinions.

That's what Lin Wei didn't want.

 Furthermore, even if it is two different things, this is still a big step.

The Holy Father listened carefully to Lin Yu's words, nodded and said: "I understand Ai Qing's thoughts, so if I want to abolish it, I must abolish it with reason."

 It can make other ministers who have plans to make decisions and think carefully.

"Furthermore," the Holy One cleared his throat, concealing some of his fatigue, "I am still in my prime, so I can clear the road while I can still control the situation.

As long as Shaoer is determined to grow up well, I will give him a chance and will not let anyone replace him.

What I’m worried about is that if I don’t temper him, how can I be able to control the situation for him when I get older? "

At that time, he was old, and his other sons were gradually growing up. Under those open and covert arrows, there would be the next Ding Wang Li Cang, and the next deposed prince Li Mi...

 The Holy Spirit does not want his sons to reach that outcome.

"You have good intentions, and I hope that His Highness can understand your intentions," Lin Yu said, paused, and then said, "You are now lacking a 'reasonable basis'."

 The Holy Father nodded: "Yes."

Lin Yu pondered and said: "Your Majesty, you still doubt that the fire in Dingguo Temple was not an accident, right?"

The Holy Emperor looked deeply at Lin Yu: "I have never changed my opinion. You know that, my dear, but you always contradict me."

"I just can't find any evidence to question it," Lin Yue took a deep breath and sighed, which showed the ups and downs of his emotions. He stabilized himself and said, "What happened that night was not just Dingguo Temple, but those rockeries. There is no conclusion yet as to who was behind the thief.”

 The Holy Spirit signaled Lin Yu to continue.

“In the rumors, the most likely person is the one from Yongji Palace,” Lin Yuan said. “He has never admitted it.”

“Recognize or not, he was imprisoned by the late emperor.” The Holy Master said.

Lin Yuan changed the subject and brought it to Li Shao's head again: "After Chen Mi and colleagues were exposed, even if His Highness the Crown Prince went to Yongji Palace, how did he meet him?"

The Holy Emperor narrowed his eyes: "Ai Qing, do you want to make a fuss about Li Jun?"

"If you want to abolish it with good reason and let those who are willing to consider it, the man from Yongji Palace is a good cover," Lin Yu said, "His Highness has met him once, and you can also meet him a second time. He has interacted with him a lot. It's justifiable.

Furthermore, you also know that person’s temperament. He has been banned for more than ten years, and he will not be without resentment in his heart. If the fake bandits and Dingguo Temple were really related to him, or if he knew something, he would not be safe if he was excited. Won't tell anything. "

Your Majesty lowered his eyes, slowly sipped a cup of tea, and said, "What Aiqing said makes sense. I will think about it more."

Lin Yu stood up and left.

Eunuch Cao sent him out and said softly: "Uncle, please go slowly."

Lin Yuan responded with a smile, his attitude was clear. He knew the importance and would not talk nonsense outside the imperial study room.

 This matter is so important that the Holy Emperor cannot just listen to Lin Yu's words.

 In the afternoon, he summoned San Gong again.

 No one knows what the Holy One said to the important ministers, but it can be seen that the moods of the elders are quite solemn.

 At this moment, some new words were added to the discussion in Beijing.

Yesterday we ate porridge, and today we are busy buying new year's goods. Gradually, no one knows who first remembered the flowing banquet promised by Mr. Chen's family, and they all became concerned about Duke Fu's injury.

“I heard it’s getting better. I thought I’d be able to have a feast next spring.”

 “It seems that I haven’t gone to court again today.”

“Wouldn’t it be bad to have to walk around in the paddock on such a cold day?”

“I heard that it was to save His Highness the Crown Prince. His Highness was being chased by a black bear, and it was only because of the protection of the Duke that nothing happened.”

“Your Highness seems to have passed away and was frightened!”

"I'm looking for trouble. I was frightened and I didn't say anything. I also got into trouble with the Duke of Fu and all the imperial guards. Yesterday, so many people rushed out of the city. Didn't they all see it?"

These rumors and rumors can reach Qianbu Corridor, but not the East Palace.

Li Shao didn't know at all. He was just lying on the couch, his eyes were distracted and his thoughts were unclear.

Feng’s wife is actually in the same group as Wang Liuliu? !

 He was actually led away by the nose?

 Is there anyone trustworthy around him?

Xu Jian was pretending to deceive his father. I won’t mention it anymore, but Eunuch Guo was originally from Eunuch Cao.

“Eunuch Guo,” Li Shao waved, called the person to him, and asked, “You weren’t the one who sued Feng Nei, right?” (End of Chapter)

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