Yan Cigui

Chapter 363: Xu Jian didn’t say anything (two updates in one)

Chapter 363 Xu Jian didn’t say anything (two updates in one)

Eunuch Guo stood by the couch with his head bowed, a little confused by Li Shao's sudden question.

Just looking at the prince's expression, Eunuch Guo could not guess his mood. It seemed that he was just asking casually. But if he really answered casually, Eunuch Guo thought, he would probably cause some trouble.

 And he didn't want to cause trouble.

The incident in the paddock happened yesterday, His Highness is still ill, and Chamberlain Feng was taken away. At this moment, what else happens in the East Palace...

Your Highness is the biological son of His Majesty, and Eunuch Guo is not the biological son of Eunuch Cao.

Eunuch Cao chose him to work in the East Palace, and he became a straw bag. From then on, he could only go to the imperial garden to sweep leaves.

“Your Highness,” Eunuch Guo asked, “What did Feng Neiji commit?”

Li Shao glanced at him.

Eunuch Guo gritted his teeth and continued: "Eunuch Cao came to take him away in person. Maybe it's something serious..."

 Li Shao snorted: "I was with Wang for six years."

"Ouch!" Eunuch Guo's face suddenly turned pale, and he was frightened for a moment.

He only heard that Feng's wife was stirring up trouble, but he didn't know that the other party had such a big background.

Such a person is lurking next to His Highness...

 Fortunately, he and Mr. Cao filed a complaint, otherwise, it would be really over.

"Well caught!" Eunuch Guo said, "Those with ulterior motives must be dealt with by Eunuch Cao. No matter who files the complaint, they should be sued!"

Li Shao just wanted to find out the situation and had no intention of settling accounts with the person who complained. Just now he was hasty in talking and directly exposed Feng's servant. Now seeing that Eunuch Guo seemed really surprised and frightened, he turned his back on him. The doubt went to three points.

How should I put it, no matter who it is, people related to the sixth year of the king's reign cannot be retained.

 Chenmi Hutong has already suffered a loss. Li Shao is really itching to deal with Dao Heng and Li Mi.

 However, Feng's wife is still Feng's wife, and Guo Eunuch is still Guo's father-in-law. It is impossible for Li Shao to have a heart-to-heart relationship with him.

"If one person sneaks in, there may be a second one. Since you are the manager of the East Palace, you might as well sort out the manpower quickly to avoid having any accomplices." Li Shao said.

Eunuch Guo responded naturally.

Li Shao changed the topic and said: "But in this case, I am missing someone by my side."

Eunuch Guo hurriedly asked: "Is there anyone in the East Palace group who is suitable for His Highness?"

"No," Li Shao said directly, "If there is, how can I still let the servant Feng take the lead? I'd better pick a few more suitable ones."

Eunuch Guo thought for a while and said, "I will report it to Eunuch Cao."

Eunuch Cao couldn't get over this matter, and Li Shao knew it well, so he didn't care about it with Eunuch Guo. He just said, "Do you think I should go visit Xu Jian?"

Eunuch Guo:…

To be honest, that's quite appropriate.

But Eunuch Guo is really a little afraid of Li Shao. If he doesn't do anything nice, His Highness suddenly comes up with another trick and catches him off guard.

"You are right," he followed first, and then said, "But we have to wait until your body recovers. If you go to visit despite your illness, the Duke of the country will be scared, and the Holy Spirit will not be worried."

 Li Shao curled his lips.

 Xu Jian would be panicked?

 “Okay, you can get out, I want to take a rest.”

Hearing this, Eunuch Guo bowed and left. When he went to the corridor outside, he still had people watching over him, and he hurriedly went to the imperial study room again.

The matter has come to this, and at least Eunuch Cao must be able to see that even though he may be confused in his actions, he is loyal and does not dare to lie in any way.

 When he arrived outside the Imperial Study Room, he subconsciously felt that something was not right about the atmosphere.

From the imperial guards to the chamberlains, everyone was tense, and there was a sense of boredom about to come.

Eunuch Cao came out to see him: "What do you want your Highness to say?"

Eunuch Guo looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose: "Shi Feng was taken away, and His Highness wanted to add a few more people to the East Palace. His Highness also mentioned that he would visit Duke Fu."

Eunuch Cao raised his eyelids and asked, "Is that what Your Highness said?"

Eunuch Guo nodded.

Indicating to him to wait, Eunuch Cao went inside and spoke to the Holy Sage.

The Holy Spirit rubbed his brows, picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

  I was so worried last night that I barely got any sleep. Today I have big things on my mind. I am extremely tired, so I have to prepare strong tea.

No matter how good the tea leaves are, they can't bear to be spoiled like this. The taste is so thick and bitter that the aftertaste is not very sweet.

"It's okay to add more people. Let him draw up a roster and then look at the selection."

"If he wants to see Xu Jian, he will go. You can go see Lin Yuan later and let him get to know Xu Jian."

  "Tell Chamberlain Guo that I will see Lin Yu and San Gong again in the afternoon. The clouds are gathering in front of the imperial palace. Let Shaoer think about it again."

Eunuch Cao glanced at the Holy Emperor quietly and sighed in his heart.

  No one can dissuade you from something that the Holy Spirit has decided upon.

 When choosing people, you no longer choose people who are sensible, but people who have ulterior motives.

 Let him check with Duke Fu and let him reveal more or less what he has and what he doesn't have, so that His Highness can think about it and make guesses.

 Let His Highness ponder in the unknown, which will eventually lead to a "reasonable and well-founded" deposed prince.

The arrangements were made step by step. The person walking on this road was His Highness who was at a loss. But the most heartbreaking thing was undoubtedly the Holy One who was holding His Highness's hand and walking forward.

 Can only hope, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

His Royal Highness has been able to grow up quickly after going through such hardships, so he can be regarded as living up to the good intentions of the Holy One.

Eunuch Cao agreed and withdrew to explain to Eunuch Guo carefully.

 Eunuch Guo didn't really hear any clues about the first two items, but for the last one, he immediately understood why "a storm is coming".

 “Eunuch Cao,” Eunuch Guo licked his dry lips, “this... the danger in the paddock was not His Highness’s intention.”

After finishing speaking, he thought of the servant Feng and asked carefully in a low voice: "Is that really the same person who was with the king for six years?"

“Otherwise?” Eunuch Cao laughed, “Otherwise, how could the Holy Spirit be so angry?”

Eunuch Guo scoffed: "That's not His Highness..."

"You can't recognize people clearly," Eunuch Cao interrupted Eunuch Guo, "Shang Shangqi is angry about this."

Eunuch Guo said no more and hurried back to the East Palace.

Li Shao didn't sleep peacefully. Instead, he felt a headache. There seemed to be a muscle in his head twitching, which made him frown.

 After hearing Eunuch Guo finish speaking, Li Shao glanced at him: "You are quite fast."

Is this a compliment?

Obviously not.

 Eunuch Guo listened in one ear and out the other, pretending he didn't understand Li Shao's sarcasm: "Before you choose a new person, someone still has to follow you."

"Whatever, I'll go see Xu Jian tomorrow," Li Shao said, and then asked, "Why did my father call Uncle Chengyi and Sangong to discuss how to tear Feng's mouth open?"

Eunuch Guo said bravely: "The other party is plotting against you again and again. This is provoking the Holy One. The Holy One will definitely not sit idly by."

Li Shao didn’t ask any more questions.

 After nightfall, the wind and snow started again. Eunuch Guo did not dare to fall asleep. He got up almost every two-quarters of an hour to check on Li Shao's condition, fearing that he would get fever again.

 Fortunately, it was a peaceful night and nothing happened.

Li Shao rested for a day and went to court again.

The Holy One only asked about his body and nothing else.

Li Shao followed him into the Jinluan Hall and sat on the small throne.

Although he didn't come yesterday, Ge Yushi went to the East Palace and scolded him again. Li Shao thought he had been beaten and could calm down today, but he didn't know that it got worse this morning.

 Some of them were kicked out by Ge Yushi yesterday and had no chance to show their talents. Some of them smelled something from Sangong coming in and out of the imperial study, and they all started to "discuss the matter."

Without Ge Yushi scolded hard, but there were a lot of people, you sang me, and I turned around and trained Li Shao's face.

 Li Shao was sitting on pins and needles.

For the first time, he knew that sitting on this little throne would be so uncomfortable.

He turned to look at his father beside him. His father had a sullen face and a serious expression. He was in a bad mood, but he had no intention of interrupting.

 Li Shao listened to the training for almost an hour.

 Lin Yu stood in the queue, looking between the Holy Emperor and the Prince, and then back again.

These things in the court are all firewood. You and I are doing the same thing. Xu Jian is the barrel of oil. He goes back and pours it on the firewood and lights up the fire...

The matter handed over to Xu Jian by the Holy Spirit is really difficult to handle.

 Having said that, what Xu Jian wanted to do was originally extremely difficult and dangerous.

  After finally getting to the next court, Li Shao went to the Duke Fu's Mansion with a sullen face. When he got off the carriage, his face was still ugly.

 Xu Jian is in the flower hall.

Lin Yunyan led him in, and Li Shao saw Xu Jian lying on the couch at a glance.

 “Can’t stand up?” Li Shao asked.

"I really can't stand up," Xu Jian sat up straight and saluted, "I hope your highness will forgive me."

Li Shao clicked his tongue.

He had great opinions on Xu Jian, but it was boring to fuss over these small things: "Then just sit down."

Lin Yunyan prepared tea and asked: "Where is His Highness? I heard that His Highness had a fever after returning to the palace. I thought at that time, could it be that the conditions in the paddock were limited and the doctors were in a hurry and did not realize that His Highness was actually injured? Otherwise, everything was fine. Why is it so hot?"

 Li Shao:…

This is funny.

He was still being polite, but Ning An started to show his teeth and claws at him.

"According to what Ning An said, I can't be sick anymore?" Li Shao asked her.

Lin Yunyan pursed her lips: "You are the Crown Prince. You are the most important thing in everything. I don't dare to let anyone get hurt at all. I am afraid that the ministers will not protect you well. If something happens, I have to make things right for you. ”

Li Shao was stunned for a moment, and before he could reply, he saw Lin Yunyan reaching out and landing on Xu Jian's injured leg.

 “The Duke’s old injury has not recovered yet, and he also suffered from severe cold.”

This statement no longer means anything, it is clearly straightforward.

Li Shao's face turned blue and white: "You are so angry today, Xu Jian didn't say anything..."

"What can he say?" Lin Yunyan said, "Even how he was injured in the first place, I had to ask him again and again, and then I asked him about the ugly Yinmao!

 Otherwise, I would really have thought that he got injured after playing against Xiliang.

Your Highness, it is difficult to save people. The battlefield is ever-changing and no one knows which side the hidden arrows are coming from. The blind bear is a beast. If there are not many forest guards, they will not be able to capture it.

The Duke of the State saves you, not to mention once or twice, even twenty or thirty times, it is all justified, but there are always times when people are beyond their power, what if? What if something happens again and he can't save you?

You are injured. Your own losses are not counted, but those who are with you must compensate you.

I don’t want to go to Cining Palace to kneel down and cry, begging the Queen Mother and the Holy One not to make me a widow. "

 At the end of the sentence, Lin Yunyan's eyes turned red, tears gathered in the corners of her eyes, and her long eyelashes trembled, almost ready to fall in the next moment.

Xu Jian seemed to have a lot to say, but couldn't say it. He could only hold Lin Yunyan's hand and clasp her fingers for comfort.

Li Shao was speechless by this call.

 It’s not that I’m angry or upset, I’m just a little confused.

Knowing that Ning'an was definitely not as docile as his father and the Empress Dowager saw him, and knowing that Ning'an and Xu Jian were originally on the same team, what Ning'an kept talking about was probably not Xu Jian's instruction, but when he really listened to it, Li Shao still had mixed feelings.

 Perhaps it’s because of Ning An’s expression of whether she wants to cry or not?

 No wonder it’s quite a trick to make the Empress Dowager pamper her like an eyeball.

 It’s like the piece Xu Jian wrote to his father, a routine!

Li Shao saw it clearly, but could not refute it.

He is not good at discussing merits and demerits with women. Of course, no matter what Xu Jian says, Li Shao can't win verbally. Xu Jian's yin and yang attitude will only make him angry to death.

"It seems," Li Shao stood up, "I came in the wrong place this time."

"So what, is it the right time to come?" Lin Yunyan asked, "Does the Duke insist on going to court tomorrow, or do I go to Qianbu Corridor and say that his worsening injury has nothing to do with you? It's just bad luck. , met a blind bear."

“Isn’t it bad luck?” Li Shao’s anger surged, “This debt should not be placed on me.”

Lin Yunyan sighed and said: "It doesn't matter what you are angry about, just don't be angry at the Holy Father anymore. I heard from my father that the Holy Father was angry and sad yesterday, and he is very disappointed in you.

Now that you have come to the Duke's Mansion, you might as well go to Prince An Yi's Mansion, and then go to the Royal Forest to reward you. There are so many people rushing to rescue you. It doesn't matter if you are really grateful or fake. At least it is just a whitewash, which can stop those who are using the topic as a pretext. mouth, asking the Holy One to be purer.

 You think so? "

Li Shao stood up and left.

Lin Yunyan sent him out all the way, and kept saying: "I feel unhappy, so I just muttered a few words like this. The most important thing for Your Highness right now is to make His Majesty happy, but you should know how to calm His Majesty..."

After sending the person away, Lin Yunyan breathed a sigh of relief.

Yesterday, her father came again after leaving the office, and the news he brought surprised both her and Xu Jian.

 The Holy Spirit actually had the idea of ​​"deposing the prince".

  Admittedly it is just a means, but if they can really take this step, it is an opportunity for them.

The Holy One wants to be deposed in a legitimate way, so they, who are informed and informed, must of course do a good job of fanning the flames.

Xu Jian was a courtier, so some things he said were not easy to say. If he said it too much, it would be a hidden danger. Lin Yunyan was a female family member, but she didn't have to worry about it. It was no big deal if she really cried. She grew up in the palace, and it was not like she didn't cry in Cining Palace. Pass.

Since it is impossible for them to get along with Li Shao, it is not that important whether her complaints and grievances are true or false, just ignite the fire.

Of course, if it were not to stimulate Li Shao, Lin Yunyan would never have said this at this time.

 On the other side, Li Shao left the Duke Fu's mansion, feeling quite depressed.

Go to An Yi Bo's Mansion or to the Royal Forest Army?

If Ning'an hadn't mentioned this, he would have gone, but Ning'an is neither yin nor yang, which is very annoying.

The chamberlain asked cautiously: "Your Highness, are you going back to the palace?"

“I’m not going back,” Li Shao said. “I’m going to Jin Prince’s Mansion. No, I’m not going anywhere. Let’s just wander around the city first…”

  Suddenly I realized that it has exceeded one million words, which is really not easy...

  (End of this chapter)

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