Yan Cigui

Chapter 364: A good pregnancy (two updates in one)

Chapter 364: A good pregnancy (two updates in one)

Li Shao stepped on the car.

The waiter responded with his lips, and while he was not paying attention, he secretly exchanged a few glances with the handlebar type.

 Handlebar style understanding.

Eunuch Guo told us to send His Highness to assist the Duke's Mansion. Although the others didn't say much, they who were waiting on him also had an idea in mind.

Didn’t you see that Feng’s wife never came back after being called away by Eunuch Cao?

If His Highness stays outside the palace and encounters an inexplicable situation, the two of them will not be able to think about it.

 After making eye contact, the waiter also got in the car.

 The carriage drove away slowly, passing through the streets and alleys.

 After Laba Festival, the New Year atmosphere in Beijing becomes more and more intense, and many people are busy buying New Year goods and making final preparations for the new year.

The sun has risen today, there are more people on the street, and the carriage can only move slowly.

Li Shao didn’t have a clear destination, so he didn’t mind the slow speed and even opened a little of the curtain to look outside.

There were many stalls on the street. After walking almost half the street, he called out to stop.

The chamberlain was wary, fearing that His Highness might want to go down and wander around.

“Have you seen that stall of hawthorn cake?” Li Shao pointed at it without realizing it, “The color looks very bright. Go down and buy some, and I’ll have a taste.”

Seeing that he was not interested in shopping in person, the waiter breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly responded and got out of the car.

At this stall, not only the hawthorn cakes are booming, but the business is also booming, and there is a long queue.

The chamberlain stood at the end of the queue obediently.

He knew that there were a lot of rumors in Beijing these days, and he was dressed as a palace servant. He wanted to buy a pastry, so he didn't want to cause more trouble to His Highness just to save trouble.

Li Shao doesn't mind this either. It's just passing time. What's not passing time.

He leaned on the pillow and closed his eyes to meditate. Unexpectedly, he heard a few comments outside.

“The prince caused trouble again and again, but he wasn’t punished severely?”

 “Isn’t the grounding harsh? I was banned for several months before.”

“Is that considered cruel? It’s not painful or itchy. You see, he went to the paddock again not long after he came out, injuring so many people.”

"Hey! Who makes a prince a prince? Among the saint's sons, who is as noble as him? This man still needs to be able to reincarnate."

“I saw the prince at the city gate that day, and he looked like a dandy!”

“What he did was just a fool’s errand. I heard he met a black bear. How big of a bear can it scare people to the point of running away?”

The handlebar type sitting on the frame frowned and looked sad.

The pastry stall was at the diagonal corner, and the queues were spread out some distance apart, so that the waiter was completely unaware of the goings-on in the room. He could only hear the traffic and was sweating all over his body, wondering what the **** was wrong with these people.

Looking at his clothes, he is probably a dandy. Anyone who dares to arrange the prince in this way probably has a different stance from His Highness.

How do you know that the arranger arranged it so that it was on the protagonist’s face? Should this be said to be due to a bad mouth or bad luck?

For a moment, Chao Xi thought, which one would be more unlucky in this situation, hunting with His Highness and encountering a blind bear...

The blind bear was obviously carried back to the palace, but it seemed that his heart was lost and was eaten by these deadly things.

The handlebars were trembling. The carriage was solid and gorgeous, but it could not block the movement outside. He was just thinking about how to signal those unfortunate things to shut up, when he saw that those mouths had already been closed.

Li Shao opened the side curtain and looked at them gloomily.

"Recognize me? But I don't recognize you. Do you want to introduce yourself?" Li Shao sneered, looking at the person who was chatting before but dared not speak out now, "How old is Blind Bear? Want to know? I'll send you there. Let’s go around the paddock and see if we can find another one. Or I’ll ask the imperial kitchen to stew a bear paw and give it to you, about the size of a hand. Let me tell you which one to give it to.”

 After saying that, seeing that those people did not dare to get angry or speak, Li Shao curled his lips and threw down the curtain.

 What a piece of shit!

He was plotted against by Xu Jian, and was irritated by Ning An. He was angry but could not do anything about it. Who made the two of them, the father and the empress dowager, look towards each other? He was now "weak" and could only accept it.

Who are other people who dare to ridicule him?

This time we met him head-on, and we usually don’t know what nonsense he said about him behind his back.

 Does foot restraint feel painful or itchy?

 Isn’t it his ability to be reincarnated?

The black bear has achieved that kind of virtue. It is already good that he can hold on until reinforcements arrive.

Do you have to be like Xu Jian and chop off that beast's arm with a shovel?

 He must have the ability of Xu Jian...

Li Shao licked his back molars. He has that ability. He put these things in a cage with tigers and leopards to see if they are afraid!

The chamberlain came back from buying hawthorn cakes. When he saw the man who was almost crying, he looked at the young men standing by pretending to be dead and almost couldn't breathe.

He hurriedly climbed into the car and looked at Li Shao cautiously.

Li Shao felt angry, but did not have an attack.

The carriage moved forward slowly, twisting and turning. The waiter assessed the distance and lifted a corner of the front curtain to look at the road.

  Looking at it several times, when he reached the intersection, he asked tentatively: "Your Highness, the Prince Jin's Mansion is not far ahead. Do you want to take a rest?"

Li Shao's face became increasingly gloomy.

  Lifting up his foot, he stepped on the chambermaid's chest, but he didn't use any force, so he just held it there.

“I said I wasn’t going anywhere, are you deaf?” he said.

 Last year, Li Shao would definitely have gone to the Jin Palace.

 But ever since that day when he left Shuntian Mansion and went to Jin Prince's Mansion to ask for help but was rejected, Li Shao had quite a problem with his second uncle.

Not only did they not help him, but they also preached to him, and even had some indifference in their words, for fear of being implicated.

 Just like this, can Li Shao still trust him?

If he went to Jin Prince's Mansion to sit down now, he would probably have to listen to some great teachings again.

Perhaps, the second uncle may be lucky that he is not the one accompanying him to the paddock this winter.

The more Li Shao thought about it, the more irritated he became. The more irritated Li Shao became, the more he felt angry.

 The waiter's teeth were chattering and he didn't dare to move.

 Li Shao took back his foot.

He was indeed restrained today because he was in the car and was afraid of kicking someone out of the car.

Father was still angry, so he kicked her so hard that she was thrown out. It was not easy for him to deal with his father's anger.

  With his father's anger on one side and the depression in his heart that couldn't be released, Li Shao was really depressed.

 But at this time, all the methods to disperse the Qi are useless...

He couldn't go horse racing, eat wine, or find a woman to sleep with. Li Shao felt so angry that his mouth was boiling.

"What are you doing here?" He raised his voice and asked, "The horse's leg is broken? Go back to the palace!"

 The chamberlain secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

 If you want to get angry, just get angry, just go back to the palace, just go back to the palace!

 Hurting the horse with a handlebar, he decided on the shortest route back to the palace.

This road passed by the north side of the palace. When Li Shao opened the curtain in frustration to let out the cold wind, what he saw was the palace wall of Yongji Palace.

 Suddenly, he thought of Li Jun who was imprisoned.

Li Shao didn't have any good impression of Li Jun. He only thought that his third uncle was rich and small-minded, but he was too annoyed today and wanted to annoy others again.

 “Go to Yongji Palace.” Li Shao said.

The chamberlain’s eyes widened: “Your Highness, you can’t do that there…”

“Can’t go?” Li Shao asked, “It’s not like I haven’t been there before, so what? Can Li Jun eat me?”

 The waiter is miserable.

Li Shao stood up, bent over to the car curtain, and opened it: "Yongji Palace." His hand on the handlebar trembled, and he responded quickly.

He was afraid of His Highness's temper. If he went crazy, he would be overturned.

 The carriage stopped outside Yongji Palace.

Li Shao jumped out of the car and strode inside.

The palace attendants of Yongji Palace were also surprised to see Li Shao. They were respectful, but they also showed their intention to block the way.

 Li Shao pushed.

"Your Highness, Your Highness! Don't embarrass the little ones. This is not the place for you."

“Your Highness, no one can enter without the Holy Spirit’s command.”

Li Shao clicked his tongue, and in a blink of an eye he saw a familiar waiter.

 He recalled it for a moment and called out: "Dog."

Hearing the sound, Wang Gouzi came forward with a smile and saluted, "Your Highness."

 “Can I go in?” Li Shao asked.

 Wang Gouzi said: "This..."

 Li Shao looked him up and down.

Wang Gouzi could only say: "Your Highness, please come this way."

Li Shao strode forward, but Wang Gouzi was stopped by other chamberlains.

 “How did you…”

Wang Gouzi winked and said, "I can't stop you. I'm looking at His Highness. I'll go to the palace to find someone who can stop him."

 After saying that, he quickly followed Li Shao.

As Li Shao walked away, he asked, "The battle is huge today. No one will stop me when I come back."

Wang Gouzi smiled dryly and said, "You came here just before dawn. Except for the little one guarding the door, no one else got up. Isn't it almost noon today? Everyone is here."

Li Shao sneered: "It's so easy."

"After all, this is the Yongji Palace. If you stay in the inner hall and can't come out, there won't be much going on ahead," Wang Gouzi said. "There are few things to do, little oil and water, and even less enthusiasm."

Li Shao glanced at Wang Gouzi.

Going straight to the inner hall, Li Shao saw Li Jun.

Li Jun was wrapped in a thick robe and standing in the yard with a calm expression. When he heard footsteps, he turned his head and his eyes fell on Li Shao.

“Your Highness,” Li Jun raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly in his slender eyes, “What mistake did you make this time to hide here from me?”

Li Shao asked back: "Don't the third uncle know? I thought all uncles knew."

"How can I, a prisoner, know what's going on outside?" Li Jun's smile became even heavier, "If it could reach Yongji Palace and let me know the whole story, how big of a crime would you have to commit? What crimes have you committed now? The ability to do big things?"

Li Shao frowned.

 He really hates Li Jun.

He wanted to annoy Li Jun, but Li Jun's few words made him even more annoyed.

 But Li Shao did not leave in a hurry.

He walked up to Li Jun and said, "What kind of big deal is it? Is it the same as what my uncle did back then? Why don't you let me learn from it? Didn't you say you would teach me a while ago?"

Li Jun looked at Li Shao critically, and soon he burst into laughter.

 Smiling cheerfully, he patted Li Shao on the shoulder: "Grow up, you have grown up."

 Li Shao was puzzled.

“Children can cause trouble, but they cannot provoke,” Li Jun said. “When you want to provoke your father, you grow up. Just like me, when I want to provoke my father, I also grow up.”

As he spoke, Li Jun licked his lips and said in a scornful and cold tone: "I can't help it. My dad is so powerful. At that time, all I could think about was provoking him. I was scared and excited. This taste is addictive, you say. Right?"

 Li Shao's breathing was stagnant.

 He agreed with what Li Jun said. He was also addicted, but he would not tell Li Jun.

He just asked: "Your father imprisoned you, but he is already dead. You said you are not afraid of my father, so why do you stay here honestly? You are such an addicted person, are you depressed?"

Li Jun smiled again, very cheerfully: "Then ask your father for me if you would like to let me out."

 Li Shao:…

Li Jun didn't care what Li Shao's reaction was, and kept talking to himself: "I really want to teach you, but you have to tell me how you provoked your father."

 Li Shao said: "I'm more interested in how you provoked your father."

"Let me give you an advice. Time is limited. It won't take long for someone to come looking for you," Li Jun said. "After passing this village, there may not be this store. Next time you want to come to Yongji Palace, it won't be that easy. .

However, for the sake of your growing up, let me give you a few pointers.

Have you touched your father’s grace? As long as you grasp that degree, you can do anything.

Your father dotes on you so much. I think your attitude is much broader than mine.

 You still have a few years left. Before your younger brothers grow up, you can slowly try and explore. "

 Li Shao's throat rolled.

Li Jun approached Li Shao and whispered: "Look, you broke Xu Jian's leg and your father pressed it down for you. What are you afraid of?"

Li Shao's eyes tightened suddenly and he took a step back: "Uncle really knows everything."

 Li Jun was noncommittal.

 The atmosphere was frozen for a moment, and no one spoke again.

Soon, as Li Jun said, Eunuch Guo rushed to Yongji Palace.

Li Shao had reached such a high level, he didn't say anything to Li Jun anymore and went back to the palace.

Li Jun looked at Li Shao's back coldly and laughed.

It is not a good thing to be "outstanding". The crown prince is so naive, he can't do much serious things, and he can't make trouble at that level.

Unlike himself, if he had not met his father, if he had been a younger generation competing with Li Shao, the dragon chair would have been in his pocket.

 But this man was born into a good child!

 Envy, so envious!

You are so stupid, but you still have a father to protect you.

How can Xu Jian marry Ning'an if he is smart?

Xu Ning'an took the throne and was tied to a rope, with the Empress Dowager as a guarantee. That was a talisman that was not afraid of fire.

 In the other room, Li Shao returned to the East Palace.

Eunuch Guo quietly served a cup of tea and stepped aside.

 He remembered the three things that Eunuch Cao had said.

Your Majesty asked His Highness to think about it again. Are you warning His Highness not to act out of line again, or are you waiting for His Highness to continue to make mistakes?

Eunuch Guo was really unsure, but he felt like he was being blown all over by the mountain rain.

Li Shao didn't know what Eunuch Guo was thinking, so he sipped the tea and said, "Did you say before that I should decide on the new candidates to be transferred to the East Palace?"

Eunuch Guo came to his senses and nodded quickly: "Do you have a candidate you are satisfied with? I said I want you to draw up a list."

“I don’t know many people,” Li Shao said. “I just went to Yongji Palace and found the chamberlain named Gouzi to be quite pleasing to my eye. Why don’t we bring him over?”

Eunuch Guo lowered his head and said, "I will take care of it."

   Thanks to the book friend Xiaoyuan for the reward.

  (End of this chapter)

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