Yan Cigui

Chapter 365: I didn’t disappoint my son (two updates in one)

Chapter 365 Didn’t disappoint my son (two updates in one)


Lin Yunyan arrived at Cining Palace.

Eunuch Yu came out to greet her, and as he walked, he said: "Your Majesty, I just got up from my nap. I heard from Grandma Wang that she didn't seem to have had a stable rest. She just sent someone to the Imperial Study Room and wanted to invite the Holy One to come over later." trip."

Going around the screen wall, Lin Yunyan glanced towards the main hall.

Why does everyone in Beijing say that she is the Empress Dowager's sweetheart? Because she never had to submit a notice in advance to enter the palace, she could come whenever she wanted.

This honor was given to her by her empress.

A few years ago, she had been worried that the empress's favor was just favor, her own rules were rules, and being arrogant based on favor was a taboo, so she should be more responsible to avoid being picked on.

Later on, I gradually thought about it.

How proud can she be? She is at her most pampered when she enters and exits Cining Palace at will.

 Besides, if she insists on doing her duty, wouldn’t she be hurting the queen’s heart?

In this life, Lin Yunyan will no longer be taboo about those things. Making the empress dowager happy and getting along like the grandparents and grandchildren of ordinary people is the best reward for the empress.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Yunyan did not expect that she might meet the Holy Master today.

The Empress Dowager rarely looks for her Majesty in the afternoons on weekdays, and the Majesty also values ​​the empress and will definitely come as long as she is not busy.

 Less than the father-in-law specially brought it up...

"Is there something important to say?" Lin Yunyan asked softly, "Then I'll go to the side hall to take a look."

 Grandpa Yue smiled in response.

In the inner hall, the Empress Dowager was eating sweet soup. When she saw Lin Yunyan coming in, she hurriedly asked: "Were you scared the day before yesterday?"

Lin Yunyan stepped forward and said: "I was anxious to wait outside. I didn't worry about it at the time. It was only later that I saw His Highness, the Duke, and the black bear that I became afraid."

"Amitabha," the Empress Dowager recited the Buddha's name, "when the news came back, the Ai family was shocked. It was also bad luck that they met a blind bear. How is Xu Jian's leg?"

Lin Yunyan sat down next to the Empress Dowager. Knowing that she was concerned, she explained the situation to her in detail.

 The Queen Mother listened very carefully.

Even though they knew they were out of danger and heard reports of the situation, it was not as good as hearing it from Lin Yunyan's own words.

 When I can see the person and see her lively, my anxious heart finally subsides.

“Let Xu Jian take good care of him,” the Empress Dowager sighed. “He is young and has contracted the root cause of the disease. He will suffer in the future, and you will not be able to relax.”

 Lin Yunyan responded.

The two chatted for a while, and just as Lin Yunyan was about to bring the topic to Li Shao, there was a movement outside.

 The Holy Spirit is coming.

Lin Yunyan got up and went out to pick up the driver.

The Holy Master was in a hurry and had a serious face. When he saw Lin Yunyan, he was a little surprised, and then his expression brightened slightly: "When did Ning'an come?"

 “I just came here not long ago,” Lin Yunyan replied.

The Holy Master nodded slightly and walked towards the inner hall. When he noticed that Lin Yunyan did not follow him, he knew that she wanted to avoid her, so he said: "Ning An, come in and talk to me and the Queen Mother."

Lin Yunyan responded and couldn't help but make assumptions in her mind.

The Empress Dowager must have said that it was an important matter, and the Holy Father did not let her avoid it. Did he think that the matter was unimportant, or did he not want to speak openly with the empress, so he simply used her as a shield?

 It was unclear at the moment, but she could only follow it.

The Empress Dowager's gaze passed across the faces of the Holy One and Lin Yunyan, and she seemed to have heard what the Holy One had just said.

 A few people took their seats.

The people all retreated, Grandma Wang was waiting in the inner hall, Eunuch Yu was standing in the middle hall, and Eunuch Cao was guarding the corridor.

The Holy Master took a sip of tea and spoke first: "I know what you want to ask.

This is strange, I didn’t tell you in advance. If you guessed it, you must be unhappy and have many thoughts.

By Ning'an being here, I would like to hear your opinion, and I would like to ask you to give me some advice. "

The Queen Mother looked deeply at her Majesty and sighed, "It's not that I'm unhappy, but that I'm worried."

The Holy Spirit leaned forward slightly, as if he was listening attentively.

"The Ai family heard that a **** from Yongji Palace was transferred to the East Palace?" The Queen Mother asked, "Is this the prince's own idea? Or did the Holy One know about it and didn't stop him?"

Lin Yunyan was heartbroken.

 The only thing that could make the Empress Dowager rush to find the Holy Master was Li Shao.

 In other words, it is a trap that is about to unfold around Li Shao.

The Holy Father answered frankly: "It was Shao'er's idea, and my ministers did not stop me."

"What do you want, Your Majesty?" The Queen Mother lowered her voice, "How dare Your Majesty believe the people in Yongji Palace? The Ai family is old and there won't be much turmoil."

The Queen Mother spoke very restrainedly.

The Holy Father has been on the throne for more than ten years. The most important thing about maintaining a harmonious and harmonious relationship between them is that she does not point fingers casually.

The emperor was unwilling to appoint another queen, but the empress dowager tried to persuade her twice, reasoning but not forcefully.

The emperor wanted to establish a prince as early as possible, and the empress dowager also analyzed the pros and cons with him, and made it clear, and she did not ask for a certain way.

 There are cases where the relationship between a biological mother and her child breaks down because the mother is too strong. The Holy Emperor is not her biological child, and the Empress Dowager always acts with caution.

It was because of her sense of propriety that even though Li Shao had done several stupid things in the past six months, the Empress Dowager never acted aggressively during the pilgrimage.

 But today, she cannot turn a blind eye or close her eyes.

"You can't blame the prince for what happened in the paddock," the empress dowager said. "The impact is indeed bad, but the matter has come to this, and there is no problem whether it is punishment or punishment, but it is not a wise move to let Yongji Palace get involved. . The prince doesn’t know who Li Jun is. Don’t you and I also know?”

The Holy Father clasped the armrest and spoke in a very soft but firm tone: "Mother, I intend to depose the crown prince."

The Queen Mother took a breath of cold air.

She guessed it and figured it out, so she anxiously asked the Holy Spirit to come forward. But when the Holy Spirit said it himself, she was still frightened.

 But she soon noticed that Lin Yunyan was not much surprised.

 “Yun Yan?” She wondered.

Lin Yunyan nodded slightly.

The Holy Sage said: "Ning'an knew that my son-in-law didn't ask her to avoid it. He just asked her to listen again and send a few words to Xu Jian."

The Queen Mother held Lin Yunyan's hand and couldn't say anything for a moment. The Holy Spirit sorted out his thoughts and did not immediately explain to the Queen Mother about deposing the prince. He only asked Lin Yunyan: "What did Shaoer say when he went to the Duke's Mansion this morning?"

"Your Highness actually didn't say much," Lin Yunyan smiled and said, "Last night my father came over and told my fellow countryman what you thought. Today I deliberately found fault with the Crown Prince and complained eloquently. Your Highness seemed not to want to talk to you. My general knowledge was that I left quickly. ”

Rao Shisheng was in a bad mood. Hearing her careful words of "complaint", he laughed and shook his head.

"Shao'er is unreasonable, what can he argue with you?" After the Holy Emperor finished his comments, he looked at the Empress Dowager and said, "To tell you the truth, there are indeed people with ulterior motives around Shao'er.

The chamberlain named Feng was actually in the same group as Wang Liuliu.

 Twice, first in Chenmi Hutong, and then in this person named Feng, of course, there may be more than one. It is hard to say whether someone encouraged Shaoer to leave the customs at Yumen Pass at the moment. "

The people who followed Li Shao at that time had already been punished, and they didn't know that there was a group of people like Wang Liu6 at that time, so they didn't check it. It's difficult to gain anything from tracing back now.

The Holy One continued: "Those who are interested are looking for trouble, and it is Shao'er who is deceived because of his own failure. But Erchen also has to think carefully, if Wang Liuliu can carry his fourth brother on his back and have another master, how can Zhu Even if a prince confiscates his family and exterminates his family without giving any explanation, such a person will not only be targeting Shao'er, in the final analysis, he is still an eyesore to his son and ministers. "

At this point, the Queen Mother understood: "Your Majesty wants to lure the snake out of its hole? Your Majesty is suspicious of Li Jun?"

“I can’t say for sure,” the Holy Master said, “but you know, many things were not finalized back then, and the third brother must be an insider.

Shao'er needs a lesson. If he doesn't give it a try, how will he be able to shoulder his great responsibilities in the future?

So Erchen wanted to depose the prince and let him experience it more, but if he wanted to be deposed in a legitimate way, the paddock would definitely not be enough, so Erchen wanted to drag the third brother in.

In this case, it’s time to try Third Brother again. If we can get some clues from him, we may be able to solve the mystery of the fire in Dingguo Temple.

You just said that you are old and cannot see the turmoil. What Erchen wants is to take advantage of Erchen to take control of the situation, let Shaoer grow more, and eliminate the hidden dangers of old things for him.

I don’t want my son to be unable to move or control himself one day. Shaoer is still confused between loyal and traitorous, and is used as a weapon. In the end, he even loses the throne. "

After hearing this, the Queen Mother raised her hand and pressed her eyebrows: "As long as your Majesty is determined."

"My minister actually made this decision in a hurry. I only thought about it yesterday. I only talked to Uncle Chengyi and Sangong, and asked the uncle to tell Xu Jian and Ning'an," the Holy Master said, "I should have told you immediately. You, it’s still too late, I’m worrying you.”

The Queen Mother smiled lightly and shook her head: "The Ai family heard about Yongji Palace and were worried all day long."

"Yes, Shao'er went to Yongji Palace," the Holy Master mentioned this, with a heavy look in his eyes, "I am still preparing to see how to make Shaoer make a big mistake, but I didn't expect that Shaoer is really , I did not disappoint my son..."

  She said she was not disappointed, but Lin Yunyan could not tell that she was extremely disappointed with Li Shao.

The impeachment in the Jinluan Palace, her strange words in the Duke's Palace, she was picking up firewood, waiting for the right opportunity to light it, but she didn't expect that the firewood started to emit sparks.

Li Shao went to Yongji Palace and even transferred an internal servant from there to the East Palace.

With such "cooperation", it's no wonder that His Majesty was heartbroken.

"The transferred chamberlain's surname is Wang," said the Holy Master. "Eunuch Cao is checking his background. Let him stay in the East Palace first and see what he wants to teach Shao'er."

  No matter how detailed it is, the Holy Spirit has not mentioned it.

Li Shao went to Yongji Palace and directly called the Wang chamberlain "Gou Zi", which shows that the two of them recognized each other.

And how did Li Shao know the people from Yongji Palace? Eighty percent of them were recognized when I went back.

 It allows Li Shao to see Li Jun directly. That Wang Gouzi's "skills" are not small.

 The Empress Dowager felt relieved that Eunuch Cao was doing things. Furthermore, the Holy Sage was not unprepared, but took the initiative to facilitate the matter, which also reassured her.

Of course, only part of it can be installed.

Deposing a prince is a major matter for the country. Even if it is just a means of killing two birds with one stone, it is by no means light.

"Since the Holy One has said this," the Queen Mother said solemnly, "when there is a need to mourn the family, just speak up. Even though the mourning family is old, they should still be more concerned about the mourning family.

The Ai family has experienced too much in their lives until now. The ones who are worried about it are Yun Yan and A Qi.

If the country is unstable and the court is in turmoil in the future, their lives will definitely be difficult. "

When the Holy One heard this, he glanced at Lin Yunyan and said to the Empress Dowager: "You are right."

 After finishing the matter, the Holy Emperor got up and returned to the imperial study.

Lin Yunyan sent him out.

The Holy Spirit said: "Let Xu Jian rest for a while. There will be many times when I will ask him to work together in the future."

 Lin Yunyan responded.

After seeing off the Holy One, Lin Yunyan returned to the inner hall to see the Queen Mother.

With a tired look on her face, the empress called her over, held her hand, patted the back of her hand, and was silent for a long time.

“Take care of your health,” Lin Yunyan said.

“The Ai family is okay,” the Empress Dowager thought for a moment and said, “The Ai family was always worried before that you had offended the prince for no reason, and when the Ai family left, you couldn’t even bring in reinforcements.

Now, it’s time for the Ai family to change their worries. The prince will suffer a little loss and suffer a little. He should change his bad temperament and stop causing trouble for you and Xu Jian in the future, so you don’t need to call in reinforcements. "

Lin Yunyan rolled her eyes and smiled.

 She knew that the Queen Mother was comforting her, so it was best for her to listen to this.

The Empress Dowager added: "This year is over. The coming year will be uneven, so we have to cheer up."

Lin Yunyan leaned towards the Empress Dowager and asked in a low voice: "Can you tell me about the one in Yongji Palace?"

The Empress Dowager hesitated, but soon figured it out: "Li Jun is a madman. He is bold and scheming. He is not a good person. The late emperor once said that Li Jun behaves like a snake."

Lin Yunyan pursed her lower lip and said, "But the late emperor just imprisoned him."

"Because A Cang is gone," the Empress Dowager choked. "The Ai family had suspected the cause of A Cang's illness, but there was no evidence or clues. The late emperor may have also suspected it. It's hard to say. He was in very bad condition at the time. The Ai family I haven't argued with him about this.

 But after all, he lost the son he had high hopes for, and the late emperor's already poor health made it worse.

He imprisoned Li Jun and demoted Li Mi, but he didn't kill him. He couldn't do it at the time. They were all his own sons, so he only sent one away. He couldn't be cruel anymore...

More than ten years later, Li Mi died in Jiangzhou. What happened to Wang in the past six years could not be blamed on him, so he was considered honest.

Li Jun stayed in Yongji Palace and kept quiet, but if he got the chance, he would definitely bite someone. "

Lin Yunyan listened carefully.

 She and Xu Jian had a discussion half a year ago.

 The fact that Li Shao could become so crazy in the past must have something to do with Li Jun. The more people interact with Li Jun, the crazier Li Shao becomes.

 It can be said that Li Jun is the true son of Wang Liuliu, Zhu Chang and others, but that is obviously not necessarily the case.

Even if Li Jun wanted to stir up trouble, Zhu Chang didn't seem to be so loyal to an imprisoned prince.

After Comrade Chen Mihu found out, the man behind the scenes guided Li Shao to meet Li Jun, and he made the water even more muddy. So now, what she and Xu Jian want to do is to follow Yongji from this muddy water. Palace, really find that person.

   Thanks to the book friend Xiaoyuan for the reward. Thanks to Bookstore Book Friend Jiu for the tip.

  (End of this chapter)

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