Yan Cigui

Chapter 366: Keep the prince steady (two updates in one)

Chapter 366: Stabilizing the Prince (two updates in one)

 East Palace.

Wang Gouzi carried his meager luggage and Ma Liu packed up his residence.

 Then, he stood in front of the basin, straightened his appearance, and walked out of the house.

The sun was shining brightly outside the house, but the wind was strong, making a whining sound. Wang Gouzi looked around and saw Eunuch Guo standing on the corridor outside the main hall, talking to a chamberlain.

 He walked over quickly and stopped after about fifteen or sixteen steps.

After Eunuch Guo finished speaking, he turned around and saw the newly transferred little chamberlain waiting there with his head bowed.

 Eunuch Guo looked at him a few times.

Eunuch Cao had privately told him to "pay attention" to this servant from Yongji Palace.

 Subconsciously, Mr. Guo recognized that this person would cause trouble, but when he saw him face to face, he actually felt that this person was very obedient.

He was very well-behaved when he was led into the East Palace, and he was very well-behaved when he was asked to pack his things first. Now he is even more well-behaved when he is waiting for instructions.

 Perhaps it’s your first time here…

 Still holding back the bad water.

Eunuch Guo was particularly considerate. He cleared his throat and said, "The new guy."

Wang Gouzi then raised his head, walked closer, and greeted Eunuch Guo: "My surname is Wang, and the previous bosses all called me 'Gouzi'."

"The Za family still calls you 'dog'," Guo Gonggong said, "Have you packed it up? Is there anything missing?"

Wang Gouzi said: "It's packed. There's no shortage of things. Everything in the house is quite good."

Eunuch Guo smiled.

Wang Gouzi said again: "As you know, I used to work in Yongji Palace, which is not as good as the East Palace."

 Eunuch Guo understood what he meant.

With the temperament of the Holy Emperor, it is absolutely impossible for him to deduct food and clothing from the one in Yongji Palace. Eunuch Cao is in charge, and he will not do unnecessary things.

 But those are all directed towards that person. If it is really implemented, there will still be a few reductions, and these reductions will ultimately be borne by the people in the lower palace.

Especially for a young palace man like Wang Gouzi.

The house you live in may not have air leakage, but don’t expect to have enough charcoal fire for heating.

 As far as Wang Gouzi is concerned, going from Yongji Palace to East Palace is indeed an ascension.

"Since you live well, you must also do things well," Guo Gonggong said, "His Highness has invited you here, and you must serve him well."

"Young one must do your best," Wang Gouzi hurriedly expressed his loyalty, "It's just Eunuch Guo. I used to do odd jobs. I have no experience in working in front of noble people. I don't know many things at all. I hope you can give me more advice." , I’m sure I’ll study hard.”

Eunuch Guo nodded.

This dog seems to be somewhat active.

 Same, if you are inactive, how can you ascend?

Just don’t hit the smiling person with your hand. The dog has not shown any signs of bad behavior. Naturally, Eunuch Guo will not be able to scare the snake away.

 “Let’s go, I’ll take you in to see His Highness.” He said.

Wang Gouzi followed. After entering the main hall, he did not dare to look around and followed Eunuch Guo and Li Shao to greet them.

Li Shao met the person and said directly: "You will follow me from now on."

Wang Gouzi's face looked happy, surprised, but not ecstatic. In the eyes of Eunuch Guo, this emotion could be considered to be restrained just right, so he couldn't help but take a deep look at Wang Gouzi.

Wang Gouzi knelt down and saluted Li Shao: "Thank you, Your Highness, for your promotion."

 Li Shao asked him: "What? You didn't know before?"

“The little one just wanted to come to the East Palace and run some errands in front of you,” Wang Gouzi said, “I didn’t expect to follow you around.”

Li Shao nodded slightly and signaled Wang Gouzi to make tea.

Wang Gouzi stood up and looked at Eunuch Guo.

When he first arrived, Eunuch Guo couldn't leave him alone. He took him to get acquainted with the things in the lower hall, and also talked about Li Shao's preference for tea.

 The young man has a good memory, and he remembered everything after listening to it once.

Eunuch Guo saw that he was quite reliable in doing things, so he left first.

 Be careful about the method of "paying attention". If he keeps staring, others will not have a chance to make trouble.

 Wang Gouzi served Li Shao tea.

Li Shao took a sip and said, "When you left Yongji Palace, did my third uncle say anything?"

Wang Gouzi said: "The young one is just a small chamberlain. If he hadn't led the way for His Highness, he wouldn't have been able to reach the main hall and wouldn't have seen him. He only listened to a few instructions from the steward and then came here."

Li Shao clicked his tongue: "Can't see him? I originally wanted to ask him something more."

Wang Gouzi smiled sarcastically: "You ask, even if you are a kid, you don't know much, and few can answer it."

"He seems to know a lot about things outside the palace. Who told him?" Li Shao asked directly.

Wang Gouzi's face turned pale and he said in surprise: "Do you know about things outside the palace? According to the rules, that person should not be allowed to know.

 The small ones are serving one group at the front, and the ones waiting close behind are another group.

The young people can occasionally hear some news from outside the palace, but the ones inside are not known.

But I can’t say for sure, maybe someone is not following the rules, and the person who asked the question just answered it. "

 Li Shao snorted and reluctantly accepted this explanation.

 Speaking of it, this is the case in a place with people. Everyone has a mouth, and it is impossible to completely block all kinds of news.

He was grounded before, and the news from the East Palace and outside was cut off, but Feng's servant could still deliver it in. At that time, it was said that the person who delivered meals every day could speak a few words.

Yongji Palace naturally has the manpower needed to send the daily needs. As long as the third uncle wants to collect some information, he can always do it.

“Speaking of which, you are quite agile,” Li Shao looked at Wang Gouzi and said, “Why didn’t Third Uncle find you?”

Wang Gouzi looked embarrassed and said, "Maybe I think the younger one is too young? The younger one looks smart, but in fact he is not very courageous."

“Aren’t you brave enough?” Li Shao said, “Then what can you do?”

Wang Gouzi thought about it seriously and said: "I will serve you in your daily life. When you are in the six departments to observe politics, I will serve you with pen and ink. I will do the things you tell me well."

 Li Shao:…

It's true that he's very lively, but why is he no more experienced than Feng's wife?

No, Feng's wife is very knowledgeable. How could Wang Sixian and his group not have the same skills? They even found someone to follow Xu Jian, but they obviously weren't very good at following him.

 But this bastard...


He was originally working in Yongji Palace, so what kind of connections does he have? Do you know where the capital is interesting?

The reason why I called Wang Gouzi over was because he was quite pleasing to the eye.

 The sun is tilted to the west, and the sunset is like fire.

Cheng Xi led people to set the table and serve the Jin nobles.

With a glance at the pot of wine, Cheng Xi stroked the pot, hesitating whether to add more or not.

Jin Guiren glanced at him.

Cheng Xi had no choice but to ask: "Can I warm another pot for you?"

"Forget it," Jin Guiren put the wine cup on his own, "I won't drink it after finishing this pot."

Cheng Xi secretly breathed a sigh of relief and poured the last bit on.

Jin Guiren touched the wine cup and asked, "How is the man named Feng doing?"

“It’s still in Eunuch Cao’s hands,” Cheng Xi replied, “Don’t worry, he won’t talk nonsense.”

“It’s not surprising what comes out of a living person’s mouth,” Jin Guiren said. “Eunuch Cao’s method almost failed even Wang Liu in his sixth year. Others can’t say for sure.”

Cheng Xi pursed her lower lip.

 He knew that what his master said was true. He was very afraid of death, and so was Tong Gonggong, so when Dao Heng and Wang Qi died before, they were extremely panicked.

 Ke Chengxi also knew that death was just a moment, and the inability to die was the most unacceptable thing.

Fell into the hands of Eunuch Cao...

Cheng Xi didn’t dare to think about whether he could endure it.

 “Give him a pleasure?” Cheng Xi asked cautiously.

“I think Feng Neishi really wants to be happy,” Jin Guiren commented, “but can you do it? Under the nose of Eunuch Cao, without knowing it, give Feng Nei Shi a solution?”

 Chengxi lowered his eyes.

 It cannot be done.

 The master has his own way of doing things, and in recent years he has only been forced to have his tail cut off by Xu Jian. The reason why he can be so "comfortable" is because the master will not act randomly.

  Unless you are fully prepared, you will not show your teeth and claws in front of the Holy One.

 To touch the people who have been publicized by Mr. Cao is no different from the lion dance in front of the emperor.

 I can’t help Chamberlain Feng, I just want to see how long he can hold on.

Cheng Xi didn't mention Feng's wife again and said, "The prince asked Yongji Palace for Wang Gouzi. He has already gone to the East Palace."

Jin Guiren finished the last bit of wine and asked, "Have you told him?"

 “I’ve been told,” Cheng Xi said, “Let him be careful and stabilize the prince.”

Jin Guiren sneered.

  It is indeed necessary to keep His Royal Highness steady.

  The things that happened in the paddock must be blamed on Xu Jian. He used the trick very well. He found trouble for the prince without being settled by the emperor at all. He had a good sense of scale.

 But does the Holy Spirit really not blame the prince?

Summoned Uncle Chengyi, summoned the three princes, sat back and watched the prince go around Yongji Palace, and even sent a dog to the East Palace. The undercurrent behind this movement could not be hidden from anyone.

Didn’t you see that the Empress Dowager invited the Holy Father to Cining Palace?

 There is no doubt that the Holy Spirit is thinking about some "big things".

"It's hard for him," Jin Guiren whispered, "He loves the prince so much that he even thought of such a method."

Cheng Xi didn’t understand, so naturally he didn’t dare to answer.

Jin Guiren didn't care about the reactions of the people around him. He actually wanted to carefully consider Xu Jian's thoughts.

Like him, Xu Jian treated the crown prince as a **** and could cause trouble for the prince, but the flag could not fall down.

If the Holy Emperor is really determined to "depose the prince", it will be an accident for him, and it will also be a variable for Xu Jian.

Of course, he didn’t want to go that far.

 But the prince's birth was really a lot of things, and it was full of flaws that were difficult to stop.

 Jin Guiren stood up from a few doors away and walked to the window.

 The glow outside faded and night gradually fell. He looked at it for a while and said, "Xu Jian doesn't plan to go to court?"

Cheng Xi replied: "I heard that I need to recuperate from my injuries."

"He is recuperating and has a lot of free time every day," Jin Guiren said coldly, "He is just too free."

 Only when you are free can you find a lot of things for the prince to do.

 It seems that in addition to stabilizing the prince, preventing him from continuing to commit crimes and giving the emperor an opportunity, he also has to find something else for Xu Jian to do.

 However, Xu Jian has bad legs and needs to be taken care of, so that no matter what happens to him, he will easily be pushed away.

 The next day.

 Li Shao still followed the Holy Shang to the court.

 While preparing, Sheng glanced at Wang Gouzi who was following Li Shao.

The dog is well-behaved and honest, with a hint of uneasiness, and follows every step.

Your Majesty withdrew his gaze, and when the time came, he stepped into the Golden Palace.

Probably because they had been so impassioned yesterday, today the censors have all stopped and stopped looking at His Highness the Crown Prince and saying anything.

 Other thoughtful people, such as Gu Shaoqing and others, did not have the censor to clear the way, and they also restrained themselves a bit, making Li Shao's morning court less difficult.

 The main point today is still focused on the case that cannot be reached.

Shuntian Prefecture insists that it has found out. You push me and I push him in the third division, but no one can convince anyone. They wish they could keep the case from the end of the year to the end of the New Year.

Shan Shen was so angry that he blew his beard and glared. He had a poisonous mouth, but he still had to be a little cautious in the Jinluan Palace, and all he said was respectable.

He has become dignified, but the case is still not dignified. It is here, with no way forward or any retreat.

Your Majesty is impatient to hear their quarrel.

Li Shao didn't have this patience anymore and said: "Father has also said before that the morning court is not a place for the ministers to debate. Since it is a case, let's check the result. If it is not the result, don't come and go around here. If there is It’s better to check again at this time.”

As soon as the voice fell, the people below fell silent for a while.

 The Holy Spirit turned to look at Li Shao, and then said: "The prince is right."

Shan Shen took a deep breath.

 Taking matters into consideration, he also understood that what His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said was true, but the current situation was clearly caused by the three ministers being messy.

Dali Temple returned the case file from the Criminal Department, and the Criminal Department came to talk to him about Shuntian Mansion. However, he did not want to think that he was picked off by the Criminal Department and kicked out of the case.

This is really...

 Aggrieved, very aggrieved!

His arms can't twist his thighs. If the Xingbu and Dali Temple come to trouble him, he won't be able to handle it either.

 At this time, Shan Shen missed his "Bodhisattva" very much.

If the Duke of Fu was supervising this case, would the Ministry of Punishment dare to pick peaches? How dare you not understand it and come here to cause trouble again?

There is no other good Bodhisattva who can achieve such efficacious effects by lighting incense and offering them. At present, I cannot find another good Bodhisattva.

After all, the Duke of Fu has to recuperate from his injuries. No matter how much Shan Shen misses him, he will not ask for help at this time...

Thinking like this, Shan Fuyin couldn't help but look up at Li Shao.

Your Royal Highness, the deer was not brought back, and Shuntian Mansion lost a large Buddha that could be moved.

Li Shao didn't notice Shan Shen's gaze.

He knew that these days had made his father angry. Now that his father agreed with his words, he felt less anxious and wanted to express himself even more.

"This case has been delayed for more than half a year," Li Shao cleared his throat and said, "There is no reason to delay it until next year. Can you give me a result before sealing it?"

 When he said this, Li Shao's eyes fell on Shan Shen.

Shan Shen:…

 It’s his fault that he was standing in the wrong position.

 Those in the third division are not on the same line as him.

To Shan Shen, the result is already there, just like what he found out before. Before sealing it, it will be the same now.

 But after His Highness the Crown Prince explained it like this, it is obvious that he is not easy to break the pot, so he needs to make some supplements more or less.

Shan Shen could only look at the three people standing aside.

Dali Temple was high-sounding and urged the Ministry of Punishment to provide additional evidence; the Ministry of Punishment turned to Shan Shen and urged him to handle the case carefully.

Shan Shen lowered his head, rolled his eyes secretly, and swallowed a lot of curses: "I should do my best to work with the Third Division to find out the facts of the case."

So be it.

No one can have a good New Year!

 (End of this chapter)

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