Yan Cigui

Chapter 367: He is a talent (two updates in one)

 Chapter 367 is a talent (two updates in one)

 Retreat from the court.

Li Shao stood up from the small throne and followed the emperor out of the Golden Palace.

The cold wind hit him, making him unable to hold back and rubbed his hands.

The Holy See saw it in his eyes and said as he walked: "I just got sick a few days ago. You should pay more attention and take care of your body."

Li Shao hurriedly said: "My son, I would like to thank my father for your concern."

“Let’s go to the Ministry of Rites later,” the Holy Master said, and then looked at Wang Gouzi, “take good care of the prince.”

Wang Gouzi replied respectfully: "You must take good care of the little one."

 After saying this, the Holy Master quickly went to the imperial study room.

Li Shao watched him leave and exhaled slowly, all filled with white mist.

Wang Gouzi rolled his eyes, approached Li Shao, and said in a low voice: "Your Highness, this is the first time I have been so close to the Jinluan Palace, and the first time I have listened to the civil and military ministers discussing politics."

Li Shao glanced at him.

 Perhaps it was the excitement in Wang Gouzi's tone that made Li Shao a little curious: "What do you think?"

“Hey,” Wang Gouzi touched the tip of his nose, “I think I can have a great future by following His Highness.”

 Li Shao raised his eyebrows.

 This sounds like nonsense.

Following the dignified crown prince will definitely have a better future than being a young **** in Yongji Palace.

However, Li Shao suddenly said out of nowhere: "It's hard to tell. Do you know how many people the East Palace has changed in the past two years?"

Wang Gouzi was stunned when he heard this, shook his head, and then nodded: "I'm not sure exactly, but if the younger one can fill the gap, he must have been replaced again."

 Li Shao sneered.

Wang Gouzi said: "It must be that they did not serve His Highness well, right? If you do a good job, you should be able to stay."

 Li Shao was noncommittal.

Wang Gouzi continued to express his loyalty: "When I first went to court in the morning, I was waiting outside the main hall. When I raised my head, I could see the Holy Master and you sitting high up. The way you gave orders was so magnanimous. I knew you shouldn't. But the little one couldn’t take his eyes off it.”

Li Shao didn’t expect him to say that. He was stunned for a moment and asked, “Am I giving orders?”

"Yes," Wang Gouzi nodded, "those adults have been unable to agree, and it was you who made the final decision. My heart was pounding when I heard it. What you said was really good. You see, the Holy One approved it at that time. You.”

 Li Shao touched his chin.

His father did agree with what he said, and in order to show off in front of his father, he asked Shuntian Mansion and the Third Division to finalize the decision before next year.

Of course, that’s what I said. I only speculated on my father’s thoughts when I said it. At this time, Wang Gouzi mentioned it like this...

 It’s quite enjoyable.

 This was the first time since he sat on the little throne, and Li Shao felt that he had a little fun in the morning.

He no longer simply sat there, nor was he scolded by the imperial censor. Instead, he expressed his own opinion, which was recognized by his father and the emperor, and the ministers listened to his explanation.

This is really quite a taste.

Wang Gouzi looked at his expression and said, "You said a few shameless words. Now that I have seen this, I understand why everyone wants to be an official or a high official.

 It’s really fun to make people obey you.

 The big officials are in charge of the little officials, and you are in charge of the big officials. The little ones like this, which means they admire Eunuch Cao. "

Li Shao laughed.

Wang Gouzi is not very old, but he speaks truthfully, and Li Shao likes to be so truthful.

When Wang Gouzi said this, he couldn't help but think that it felt really good to have those officials obey orders honestly.

 Especially Shan Shen.

The monk who had been arrested earlier was caught on his head and carried into Shuntian Mansion in disheveled clothes, which made him extremely unlucky.

Now that it's better, let Shan Shen have a taste of the trouble.

“Let’s go,” Li Shao said, feeling much better. “Follow me to the Ministry of Rites, and I’ll show you how senior officials manage junior officials.”

 The dog responded and followed excitedly.

 On the other side, Shan Shen returned to Shuntian Mansion and walked all the way to the back office with a gloomy face.

The big case was complex but not messy, and there were thick documents and files. He glanced at it, resignedly took out the booklet related to the case, and read it carefully from beginning to end.

 I read it back and forth three times, until I could almost recite it, and even Shen didn't find anything wrong.

“Forgive me for my blindness,” Shan Shen smiled and spread the case file on the table, “How can we, Shuntian Prefecture, investigate the time, place, witnesses and material evidence, and the ins and outs?

In Dali Temple, I can stand and talk without pain in my back. Those from the Punishment Department rush to the front to ask for credit. When something goes wrong, they come to me again.

The suspects have been taken away by them. Now come and ask me about Shuntian Mansion?

 How can I check? Do I make it up for them? "

Listening to his tone, the master knew that Mr. Shan was holding back his anger.

 This is unavoidable.

It is said that they were officials in the same dynasty, but after all, they were in different yamen and had different responsibilities. The peach trees they had planted in Shuntian Prefecture were picked for no apparent reason, and the fruit pickers and tasters came to hold them accountable. The fruit is not fragrant and sweet enough…

Master Shan has restrained himself even if he didn’t hit anyone’s face with a shovelful of bad luck.

Come to think of it, Master can't vent his anger through the same nostril as Shan Shen.

 They are naturally of the same mind, but venting their anger will not solve the problem.

"How about we revise the case file and make it more detailed?" the master suggested.

Shan Shen's mouth twitched: "How meticulous? Isn't such a clear thing enough? Whitewash and polish it, and write it into a play script and divide it into upper, middle and lower parts? Or you should do it and change it into a story script, I am the official If I lend you the gavel, you snap it and say, 'If you want to know what happens next, please listen to the explanation next time'?"


 That doesn’t have to be the case.

Zhang Yuan, the prime minister of the government, happened to be passing by outside. He only heard the last few words and subconsciously asked: "What are the funeral arrangements? What kind of decomposition?"

Shan Shen sneered: "Want to know? Let the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple tell you."

 Zhang Yuan couldn't laugh or cry.

Infuriated and annoyed, we finally had to get together, brainstorm and sort things out again, hoping to finalize the case before the year.

For this reason, Shan Shen led his men and went to the Punishment Department and Dali Temple for several days.

Zhang Yuan had no time to spare, and he followed Master Shan's instructions of "no one should have a good life." In addition to their manpower from Shuntian Mansion, they also asked people from the Ministry of Punishment to assist, and asked people from Dali Temple to supervise, to go to the relevant departments of the case together. Exploring several places on the outskirts of the city.

 On a very cold day, the northwest wind makes my head buzz.

After more than half a year, it is difficult to find out anything new. Instead, some of the confessions of ordinary people have been repeated over and over again. The listeners can still remember some of them, but the tellers have become confused.

 Four or five days have passed, and it can be said that there has been no progress.

  In the morning, perhaps they were tired or helpless. No one was doing anything else. They just listened to the crown prince reminding them that time was limited and they should hurry up and hurry up.

The sky is snowing again.

Xu Jian was holding a hand stove, sitting on the Arhat bed and playing chess with Lin Yunyan.

In the past few days, he never left his hand stove and kept it on his legs. It was the warmth that kept his legs from getting cold.

 Doctor Yue told the truth, after all, he caught the cold again, so he had to take it easy.

Xu Jian didn't want Lin Yunyan and Mrs. Xu to worry, so she cooperated.

The game of chess has been played for more than half an hour, and the situation is still indistinguishable.

Lin Yunyan paused and said softly: "Li Shao seems to be particularly honest these days."

Xu Jian smiled: "It's true, that dog is a talent." Although he had not gone to court, he still knew all the big and small things in the court, especially those related to Li Shao.

Ever since he left the Duke's Mansion and went to Yongji Palace that day, Li Shao suddenly calmed down and went to court and observed government affairs as scheduled every day without any mishaps.

 For a time, stability was beyond the expectations of all "informed people".

 Xu Jian knew Li Shao well.

Li Shao is not always honest. In the first few days when he went to the Ministry of Rites to observe politics, he also followed the rules. Not to mention how much he learned, at least he couldn't make any mistakes.

 But Li Shao in those days is actually different from Li Shao in these two days.

 The former is impetuous and can barely control his temper, but is actually very wild at heart; the latter has fewer distracting thoughts and has become much more restrained.

 It is impossible to say that Li Shao has become righteous.

 In Xu Jian's words, Li Shao had too many "bursts".

If this were not the case, the Holy Father would not have thought of pinching him so hard before, and he was too obedient to do so.

Of course, Xu Jian is the biggest “victim”.

He was dragged along by Li Shao in the past, thinking that he had been taught bad things, and tried every means to correct the crown prince, but finally realized that there was no hope at all.

Li Shao can't be led to the right path by just changing a few people around him.

In addition to pulling him down from the position of crown prince and eradicating the people behind the scenes, Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan cannot rest easy.

 Therefore, Xu Jiancai said that Wang Gouzi was a talent.

 At least this person knew how to "coax" Li Shao, making Li Shao look like a reformed crown prince in a short period of time.

"It seems that that person is more afraid of Li Shao being deposed." Lin Yunyan said.

 Xu Jian lowered his eyes and turned over the chess pieces in his hand: "He needs a crown prince like Li Shao more than we do."

  Previously, they used Li Shao as a banner and as a lead. Unless Li Shao went crazy, the Holy Spirit would not be able to use him ruthlessly, and he could not rely on him to lead out the hand behind the scenes.

But the person behind the scenes wanted something different. He wanted to use Li Shao as a knife. He wanted to use Li Shao to eradicate dissidents and control the government. The mantis stalked the cicada and the oriole followed.

How can Li Shao still make swords if he is no longer the crown prince?

 Especially, today is different from the past.

"Zhu Chang is dead, Wang is dead in the sixth year, plus Dao Heng and Wang Qi," Xu Jian said, "No matter how many people he has at his disposal, he can't help but die before he leaves the army. If he loses Li Shao again, he will It’s even more difficult.”

Lin Yunyan said: "The Holy Master finally came up with this idea. Once Li Shao behaves, there may be changes."

 The human heart is unpredictable.

 The Sacred Heart is even more unpredictable.

 The Holy Father is too partial to the prince.

"The Holy One wanted to use Wang Gouzi transferred from Yongji Palace to make Li Shao make a mistake, but he didn't expect that Wang Gouzi now has to try his best to protect Li Shao and prevent Li Shao from doing anything out of the ordinary," Lin Yunyan said, " There are still ten days before the seal, even if you want to design him, it is not easy to do it. "

 Too close, too close to Laba.

 One accident can deceive the Holy Emperor, but if it happens again, it may not be flawless.

Xu Jian took a sip of tea and said, "Who knows..."

 In the afternoon, the snow stopped.

Shuntian Mansion is still clouded.

Shan Shen sat back on the Taishi chair, rubbing his swollen forehead.

For a moment, he wanted to break the pot and asked his master to write a storybook and submit it to the Ministry of Punishment. Fortunately, he still had some sense.

The sound of footsteps could be heard outside, neither fast nor slow, completely inconsistent with the mood of everyone in the Yamen these days.

Shan Shen opened his eyes and asked, "Who is coming?"

The master stood up, opened the door, took a look, turned around and said, "The personal attendant of Duke Fu."

Shan Shen was stunned and stood up. He saw Xuan Su standing in the corridor carrying two food boxes. He hurriedly invited people into the room to talk.

 Compared to Xuan Su, Shan Shen is more familiar with Shen Chen.

 In the past, when Fu Guogong was in charge of their yamen, Shen Chen was usually followed by him.

 “How is Brother Shenchen’s injury?” he asked.

Xuan Su said: "The flesh wound is almost healed. I have some free time, so I might as well let him rest more."

“There’s no harm in feeding more,” Shan Shen said, his eyes falling on the food box, “This is…”

Xuansu handed the things to his master and said, "I asked you to send them to your lords.

We have been taken care of by the Shuntian Prefecture this year. We are supposed to set up a table after the seal and invite the adults to have a drink, but our master is not able to go out and hold a banquet now.

Thinking that the yamen has been very busy in recent days, and Mr. Shan is too busy to have a hot meal, I have prepared some pastries for you to fill your stomach and relieve your fatigue. "

Shan Shen looked at the food box and said happily: "Is it sweet?"

Xuan Su replied seriously: "The little one thinks it's average, not too sweet."

Shan Shen laughed.

 Sweet is fine, just make a pot of tea.

He was asked to tell him that Duke Fu Guo was truly on the right path.

When it comes to taking care of them, the only one who can be called taking care of them this year is Ma Liuer, who has completed the reconciliation arrangements between Liu Jing and Mrs. Xu for them. From the time they walked in to the time they left, it was extremely fast.

 But on the other hand, Shan Shen also took advantage of Fu Guogong this year.

 If nothing else, the dire situation in Chenmi Hutong, if it were not for the help of Duke Fu in front of the emperor, Shuntian Prefecture and the garrison Yamen would be in trouble to close the case.

  Just light incense and bless you from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. Where can you find such a Bodhisattva?

After the things were delivered, Xuan Su was about to leave.

Shan Shen touched his beard.

What did Duke Fu Guo say last time?

 “I won’t say polite words”, “When I need help from Mr. Shan, I will speak up.”

Then should he stop being polite and go have a few words with the Duke of Fu?

Shan Shen suddenly thought about it and asked, "How is the Duke of Guo recovering? I was supposed to visit him at home, but I never did."

Xuan Su then said: "I am recuperating. The doctor does not allow him to move around freely. He can only stay in the room to read and play chess."

 Sounds very leisurely.

Shan Shen is very envious of his leisure time.

In the evening, when Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan collected the chessboard, someone from the front announced that Yin of Shuntian Prefecture was here.

Xu Jian went to the flower hall, and not long after waiting, he saw Shan Shen carrying a large baggage and following Xu Bai in.

“Master Shan,” Xu Jian pointed to the cloth bag, “Escape?”

Shan Shen snorted and said, "The Duke of Guo has a good eye."

Xu Jian also smiled and nodded: "It's not easy to curse people in the Jinluan Palace, but the Shuntian Palace isn't enough for you?"

“Just scolding can make Dali Temple ‘high-handed’, and I’ve already scolded him like a bastard,” Shan Shen sighed, “I don’t even know how hard they went about this case!”

my dream:

   The books I am following are updated by 10,000 words every day; my beloved wife is writing new ones seamlessly.

   My reality:

Mom, why is it so difficult to make four thousand a day! !

  (End of this chapter)

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