Yan Cigui

Chapter 368: waist card

Chapter 368: Waist Card

 As a parent officer, Shan Shen has adjudicated many cases.

What he is most willing to adjudicate are those trivial disputes, in which relatives and neighbors are quarreling, crying and howling. The quarrel is a bit noisy, but it does not involve human lives.

  No matter how strong ordinary people are on weekdays, they will always be honest and honest in court. With the slap of the scaffolding and the blow of the killing stick, there are not many arrogant ones left.

Shan Shen doesn’t like to solve murder cases.

Who likes dead people? A living life, being killed for no reason is naturally pitiful, but even if it is a **** with a heinous crime, his life should not be taken away casually.

 But this matter cannot be avoided. As the government, we can only do our best to solve the case.

Shan Shen thought that his ability to judge cases was pretty good, and the clerks in the yamen were also very capable, and he could find out the results with more effort.

 What left him most helpless was those murder cases that had become "rotten".

 It is too difficult to find clues in a handful of loess.

Just like this case, the corpses floating down from the river were of both men and women, all of them had been dead for a long time. Not to mention that they looked scary, but just to find out their identities, the Shuntian government spent a lot of time. strength.

“Someone died in one month, three months, or even half a year later,” Shan Shen sighed, “I admire the murderer, but the body was still preserved.

During that time, the Duke of Guo also knew that I took so many people from the government office and stayed outside the city every day to find out where they drifted down from and what their origins were. "

As he spoke, Shan Shen opened the cloth bag, which was full of thick files.

"Look, there are so many confessions from the people in the villages in that area," Shan Shen patted her twice, "and then I slowly found out that there were businessmen from out of town and a young daughter-in-law from the village."

Xu Jian listened to what Shan Shen said, picked up another file and flipped through it carefully.

There are three murderers found by Shuntian Prefecture. They are all idle gangsters who have never done anything serious.

  Initially, he robbed a wealthy businessman from other places and robbed him of his money. In the process, someone died, and he was so frightened that he hid the body.

After two months of timidity and caution, no one from the government came to the door, and no one came to look for him at the merchant's house. This made them bolder, and they followed the same pattern and robbed a merchant, and even found a place to bury them.

Originally, he was still unaware of the ghost, but the daughter-in-law of one of them discovered the clues. She was so frightened that she wanted to report it to the official, but she was killed.

The murderer also buried his young daughter-in-law somewhere. When people in the village asked, they said, "The stinky **** ran away with the wild man." They cursed her a few times, but no one took it seriously.

 No one expected that this spring would suddenly turn cold and the rain would not stop.

They didn’t bury the people well, and the bodies were washed into the water and floated all the way to the outskirts of Beijing.

 When Xu Jian finished reading the case file, Shan Shen said: "I don't want to say how hard it was for Shuntian Mansion to figure out the identity. After several months of investigation, it was almost straightened out. The Ministry of Punishment asked me for it.

 Just ask for it, the evidence was given, the suspect was given, everything was given, they sorted out the things that could close the case, and after the verdict was completed, they submitted it to Dali Temple, but they were beaten back!

Dali Temple is full of official talk, and the Ministry of Punishment comes to our Shuntian Mansion again. What can I do?

Mr. Grand Duke, please tell me, I am really unlucky that day. "

Xu Jian laughed heartily and said, "You get excellent grades all year round. Isn't it unlucky for Master Shan?"

 “TOEFL, TOEFL!” Shan Shen cupped his hands and thanked him, “Even with such bad luck this year, I can still get an excellent score, all thanks to the help of the Duke.”

This is not a polite statement, but the truth.

Xu Jian said: "Master Shan, are you sure this case can be settled without any problem?"

"The three murderers were not sentenced to death. I only scolded them halfway. They couldn't bear it one by one and started biting each other," Shan Shen said. "The murderer confessed his crime and his confession was correct. Anyway, our Shuntian Mansion Have a clear conscience.”

 Xu Jian nodded.

 He has worked with Shan Shen before, knows Mr. Shan’s ability, and believes that he is not a fool.

 “This case…” Xu Jian considered it.

 Hand neither he nor Lin Yunyan actually remembered the case.

In the past, at this time, the marriage had been decided, and the little princess who was about to get married lived in the inner house. She could listen to many disputes between the east and the west, but she had no chance to listen to such yamen cases.

 Xu Jian went to court normally. If the Shuntian Mansion, the Ministry of Punishment and the Dali Temple were in the Jinluan Hall for several days over a case, he would definitely have an impression. In fact, Xu Jian did not remember such a thing.

Similarly, among those long experiences, there are almost no fragments from the twelfth lunar month of Yongjia.

 This is a completely blank section for them.

"The case needs to be solved before sealing?" Xu Jian asked, "I think the case file is already so clear. Instead of continuing to investigate, Mr. Shan might as well block the door of Dali Temple with the people from the Ministry of Punishment and let them sign the seal and deposit it."

Shan Shen laughed: "I was about to hang myself at the gate of Dali Temple!"

"Then dig three feet into the ground?" Xu Jian's finger fell on the case file, pointing to the burial place. "Dig further? Or ask Commander Wan to borrow some manpower? They guard the Yamen and have experience in digging. ”

Shan Shen couldn't laugh or cry.

"Master Shan, don't think I'm talking nonsense," Xu Jian sipped her tea, "This case depends on whether Dali Temple can handle it for you. No one knows what Dali Temple will insist on, so you Shuntian Mansion will have to pretend to be more or less. When a monk rings the bell one day and you ring it deafeningly, at least you have a good attitude."

Shan Shen smiled and said very helplessly.

Having been an official for many years, how could he not understand the importance of saving face?

"This is really..." Shan Shen sighed, "It's already afternoon, and it will get dark in a while. Let's wait until tomorrow. No, we don't have much time, let's do it today. We'll be digging all night. Is the bell ringing enough?" "

Xu Jian said: "Say a few more good words to Commander Wan."

Shan Shen took his leave.

Wantang borrowed the loan reluctantly. After hearing Shan Shen slap the table and scold the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple, Commander Wan, who was often restrained by other yamen on weekdays, felt a little sympathy, which was considered a favor. head.

By the time Shan Shen climbed up the mountain with his men, it was snowing again.

There are scattered footprints all over the mountain. When there are many people, it becomes a mess. When the shovel is pressed, the ground is hard and difficult to dig.

  We dug until it was dark, and we could only rely on torches for lighting. Shan Shen rubbed his frozen hands and said in a loud voice: "Be careful. You can light a fire in winter. Don't burn the mountains first if you can't cultivate much land."

 That's right, they are here to cultivate the land. God knows what flowers will grow next spring.

After a while, suddenly, a clerk guarding the yamen muttered: "What is this?"

 Several people close to him leaned over and looked at the things in his hands.

 “It seems to be a brand?”

"Waist card? Is it a waist card?"

 “Get the torch closer and take a closer look.”

Shan Shen heard this and waved to the clerk: "Come, come, come and have a look."

The clerk came over and wiped the things with his sleeves as he walked: "It's all mud."

Shan Shen frowned when he saw his action: "Stop wiping it, bring it to me for a look."

 The clerk responded and handed the things to Shan Shen.

Shan Shen took it and saw that the torch was nearby. He took a look at it.

 It's dirty and old, a lot of mud has been wiped off, and there are still some corners that can't be wiped clean, but it doesn't prevent you from seeing things clearly.

 Then, Shan Shen's face suddenly turned ugly.

That is indeed a waist card, and it is the waist card of the East Palace.

With a breath stuck in his throat, Shan Shen turned over his waist card and stared at the words behind it.

Geng Baoyuan.

Who is Geng Baoyuan?

 Why is his badge in this place?

Shan Shen hurriedly asked the clerk: "Where did you dig it out?"

 The clerk took him to see it.

The area was dug deep and shallow, and it was a mess.

Shan Shen squatted down and took a closer look, twitching the corner of his mouth.

 They are really good at digging things when they are guarding the Yamen!

Things were dug out and the ground was completely damaged. Apart from knowing where the waist badge was dug out from, he couldn't make any other judgment.

Shan Shen raised his head and looked at the clerk.

The clerk was in his early twenties, very young, and his tone was nervous but a little excited: "Sir, is this useful? My hands are all scratched. Please turn around and say more for me in front of the commander." A nice word, right?”

Shan Shen:…

What can you say?

Such a newcomer who didn't understand the specific rules and regulations, Shan Shen couldn't even complain.

He could only take a breath of cold air and asked a few people around him: "Is there a man named Geng Baoyuan in the East Palace?"

 Nearly everyone shook their heads.

 A general judge came up and talked to Shan Shen: "His family used to live in the alley next to the small house. He was a guard. He hasn't seen anyone since the beginning of the year.

I heard he was a good gambler. He owed a lot of debt, abandoned his father and ran away. No one knows where he went.

His father ran away not long after, fearing debt collection.

His waistband is buried here. Sir, could it be that he failed to escape and was hacked to death by a moneylender?

 Tsk! Everyone in the East Palace was beheaded. Which moneylender was so arrogant? "

Shan Shen can't go up or down in one breath.

 What is bad luck?

 This is what he is like.

I came to pretend to ring the bell, thinking that even if Dali Temple didn't raise their hand, their Shuntian Mansion's attitude in handling the case would be passable.

How could I have imagined that after digging around, I would find such an unfortunate thing!

 Looking at the dark sky, Shan Shen pressed his swollen eyebrows.

Tomorrow morning, His Highness the Crown Prince will ask about the progress of the case again. What will he say?

"Your Highness, your former bodyguard was cut off from debts..."

 Can this be said?

“Dig! Keep digging! The belt is here, where have the people gone?” Shan Shen said a few words, but did not stay on the mountain anymore and hurried down the mountain back to the city.

 I can't sleep tonight.

 He endured it, and both the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple endured it together!

Those three **** were interrogated overnight. Since they all picked the same place to bury their bodies, you can't say they didn't know anything about it, right?

 It was late at night, and the Xingbu Yamen was brightly lit.

Shan Shen strode in. When the servants called the minister of Dali Temple, Shaoqing, the Minister of Punishment, and the minister, he clicked his waist card and pressed it on the table.

 “Let’s take a look! Let’s take a look together!”

Let’s ring the bell. If this bell is not an old monk who has been chanting sutras for sixty years, he really can’t ring it.

  Do you still remember Geng Baoyuan? The one who was killed by the little princess with one arrow.

See you tomorrow.



 (End of this chapter)

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