Yan Cigui

Chapter 369: The origin is great (two updates in one)

Everyone gathered together to look at the waist card.

There was only a small space next to the table and there was no room for so many people, so Ruan Wei, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishments, took advantage of the friendship of the landlord and was the oldest to sit on the Taishi chair.

As an older man, his eyesight is poor. Ruan Shangshu simply picked up his waistband and motioned to others not to block the oil lamp. He looked at the things in his hand carefully against the lamp.

“From the East Palace?” Ruan Shangshu asked doubtfully, “And it’s stained with mud?”

“Turn the book over and look at it again,” Shan Shen said, “Look at the back.”

Ruan Shangshu translated it accordingly: "Geng Baoyuan? What's the origin?"

 “This man has a great background.” Shan Shen gritted his teeth and said.

 For a time, everyone looked at him.

Shan Shen took a deep breath. The anger in his stomach was so strong that he endured it.

  Earlier on the mountain, he really had no impression of the name Geng Baoyuan, so he only listened to Tong Xuan’s introduction.

Hurrying back to the city, Shan Shen gradually remembered something as the cold wind blew all the way.

Shan Shen had heard of this name after the incident in Chenmi Hutong.

At that time, Shuntian Mansion questioned the guards of the East Palace one by one. One of the guards named Qian opened his mouth and "bited" Liu Xun, and Geng Baoyuan was implicated in his words.

“He wanted to present his beauty to His Highness before, thinking that Your Highness liked the smell of his outer room, so he signaled to us that someone with the image of the outer room would let us go and rob people quietly.”

"I didn't go, how could I do such a thing! Maybe Geng Baoyuan heard it, anyway, he disappeared later, maybe he missed it?"

"Who is the culprit? How do I know! Anyway, His Highness was very angry after Geng Baoyuan disappeared. His Highness had no such **** thoughts at all. It was all Liu Xun who deceived people."

 Of course, Liu Xun denied it.

Liu Xun’s theory was that he never hinted at robbing anyone, and that Geng Baoyuan disappeared because he was hiding from gambling debts.

This statement is consistent with the rumors from Tongjian and neighbors.

 But what the facts are, Shan Shen has some judgment in his mind.

  It is 80% likely that people will be robbed.

I heard that Geng Baoyuan disappeared on the eighth day of the first lunar month. Colleagues Chen Mihu and colleagues found out that it was already late spring, and a few months had passed and there was no way to get it.

 Besides, from the beginning to the end, no one knew who was going to be robbed. No family came to report to the officials, and the Geng family did not come to report missing. What else could their Yamen do?

At that time, the Holy Emperor was in a dark cloud about the prince's affairs. Their Shuntian Mansion had not figured out what happened at Dao Heng and Chen Mi Hutong, and they then made the mistake of mentioning that "a guard in the East Palace might have tried to kidnap someone half a year ago." "To entertain His Highness", Shan Shencai pressed the bull's head into a horse's mouth!

 Therefore, the news of “suspected kidnapping and disappearance” was not reported to the higher authorities in the end.

Unexpectedly, what was suppressed at the beginning will have to be uncovered today.

Shan Shen did not dare to think carefully about what the Holy Emperor would do when he heard the news that was half a year late.

This is true, the good flowers haven’t bloomed yet, and the rotten melons have grown sideways!

 Otherwise, why can’t we ring a bell without sixty years of skill?

Shan Shen rubbed his swollen forehead, and with a straight face, he introduced Geng Baoyuan to everyone without any expression. Whether he ran away to escape a debt or failed to rob someone, he did not miss any details.

 In the whole room, apart from Shan Shen's voice, there were two sounds of the oil lamp wick exploding.

 When Master Shan finished speaking, there was only the sound of the core.

“What’s wrong?” No one spoke for a long time, so Shan Shen took the initiative to ask, “I’ve lit up the fire, but you all have become dumb?”

 Ruan Wei's old face looked gloomy under the dim butter light.

 The waist card in his hand was extremely hot, neither holding it nor throwing it away.

"Isn't that so?" Ruan Shangshu smiled dryly, "Sir, just for the sake of the case that should have been closed, you came up with something like this?"

 The person he was talking about was Mr. Shan, but his eyes were looking at Shi Rui, the minister of Dali Temple, with clear meaning in his eyes.

 Let you Dali Temple have nothing to do to find trouble, now it's better, you have found big trouble.

Shi Rui's face was also ugly. He asked Ruan Shangshu to take the waist tag and read it carefully: "Real thing? Doesn't it look like it has been buried in the ground for a year?"

Shan Shen said: "How does Mr. Shi know how long he has been buried? Then Geng Baoyuan has been missing for nearly a year, not necessarily dead for nearly a year. Besides, being dead does not mean that he is buried, and the fact that something is buried does not mean that a person is dead. "

The principle is this principle, but the case must pay attention to the ins and outs.

"At any rate, you want to see people alive, and you want to see the corpse when you die, right?" Zuo Shilang smiled bitterly to smooth things over.

"Whether it's a person or a corpse, if you want to investigate, you have to make a big splash," Shan Shen said bluntly, "There are only a few days until the seal that His Highness said. My lords, our Shuntian Mansion has limited capabilities, so I'm afraid we won't be able to find out.

Now that we have discovered such a powerful figure, will you all join me tomorrow morning to introduce this Geng Baoyuan to your Majesty? "

Shi Rui's eyebrows jumped when he heard this: "This is a serious matter! Master Shan, is this unnecessary?"

After the case was settled, he knew that Shan Shen was holding back his anger, but he would not burn down Shuntian Mansion just to spread the fire.

"I asked you for a feather duster, and you gave me a beating?" Shi Rui asked, "Or a stick. Hitting me doesn't count, but you also hit yourself?"

Seeing that this room was about to get into a quarrel with each other, Ruan Shangshu also hurriedly tried to persuade him.

With good words and good words, each party gave a step forward, and the situation was barely settled.

  Just be careful of the fire and return it to the fire, and also know how to stop it when it is good.

 Besides, scolding people does not solve the problem, he is here to solve it.

 Taking the hot tea, Shan Shen soothed his sore throat and said, "Two ways, let's decide."

Even though it was dug out in the same land, it does not mean that Geng Baoyuan's case is related to the previous case.

 The New Year is about to come. If you don't want to give the Holy Spirit a "unique" New Year's gift, then everyone should shut up, but they haven't dug it out tonight.

The Ministry of Punishment reorganized the case file and polished it more. Dali Temple approved it. Two days later, the three parties made a decision together and closed the case.

As for Geng Baoyuan, it’s just a matter of a waist card, and Geng’s father is nowhere to be seen, so don’t look for trouble.

 The other way is to bite the bullet and investigate carefully.

He interrogated the three people and inquired about Geng Baoyuan's possible whereabouts in Beijing after a year. Even if he didn't know who he wanted to rob, he still found out which gambling debt the **** owed and whether he was being chased and killed.

As a result, there is not enough time, so we can only spread the matter. Everyone stands in line in the Jinluan Palace to watch the changes in the faces of the Holy Emperor and the Prince.

 The room fell silent again.

Shan Shen stood by the window with his hands behind his back, listening to the rustling wind outside, with a "you guys discuss it slowly" look.

  Anyway, it’s a broken jar.

 The members of the Ministry of Justice undoubtedly chose the first path.

 It was Dali Temple who was provoking trouble for no reason and picked out such a fatal thing.

The case had been settled long ago, how could such a mess happen?

 How can I spend this new year if I really give a big gift to the Holy One?

  Dali Temple is idle, and so is their Punishment Department.

As long as Dali Temple opens its mouth and loses a moderate amount of face, their Ministry of Punishment will show their kindness and make the case file more beautiful.

 At Dali Temple, it is obvious that they are not willing to directly embarrass themselves.

Shi Ruidao: "I didn't mean to stir up trouble. There are indeed some unclear aspects of the case, so I brought it back for a retrial."

Ruan Shangshu looked at him with a cold face. Shi Rui went directly to Shan Shen: "Sir Shan has always been meticulous in handling cases. Now Geng Baoyuan only has a few cards left. Are you serious about not even checking?"

"Since I handle the case meticulously," Shan Shen said, "this case was basically investigated by our Shuntian Prefecture and we arrested the person, so the Criminal Department took over the situation. Mr. Shi, why did Dali Temple fight back?"

Everyone, it's already the third watch. You're not tired. I'm tired. I've been digging in the mountains for several hours and haven't even had a bite of hot food for dinner.

Don't push back and forth, settle the two paths quickly.

 If you really can’t decide, come here and show me a third way. If your feet don’t sprain, I’ll follow you. "

 It was said that it would be finalized soon, but it would only be finalized two-quarters of an hour later.

 It’s not one or two, it’s just a compromise and it’s a compromise between three.

The Ministry of Punishment prepared the whitewashed case file, and Shuntian Mansion secretly investigated Geng Baoyuan's gambling debts. In the past few days, it was best not to ask, but to act like a quail when asked, and rush to seal it. If found out, he would report it as appropriate. If you don't come out, Dali Temple will directly close the case and leave the matter.

Shan Shen picked up his waist badge and strode away.

 Officials from Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment also walked out of the house and looked at the dark sky.

Just now, I didn’t feel red-faced because of the argument, but instead felt extremely heavy.

 This matter concerns the East Palace. Regardless of whether the prince knows about the so-called robbery or not, lax governance is inevitable.

That His Highness has been in constant turmoil this year, and he doesn't even know how to deal with it himself. It's just "fate" that he is in charge.

Mr. Ruan let out a sigh of relief: "It's best to have fallen there by chance. The two things have nothing to do with each other."

Shi Rui also sighed.

Who is to blame?

It’s my fault that Dali Temple is looking for trouble, and now it’s here.

Let's be ashamed of ourselves. Once the case is closed, no one will know the inside story except the few people in the room today.

 Early morning the next day.

Shan Shen pretended to be a quail, and when he left the Jinluan Hall, he was stopped by Wantang.

Commander Wan asked: "I heard something was dug out, why didn't you mention it to the government? Didn't you find out?"

Shan Shen glanced at Wantang and said, "Old Wan, don't ask and don't get involved. This is really not a good thing."

"Huh?" Wantang quickly looked around and said in a low voice, "So miserable? Can it be worse than when you tricked me into Chenmi Hutong?"

Shan Shen smiled.


 No need to ask, this posture is bad at first glance.

Shan Shen didn’t want to drag Wan Tang into the water, but he couldn’t escape from the guarding Yamen. In the afternoon, Shan Shen had no choice but to go to the Yamen again to look for Wan Tang.

“I’ve asked all the gambling houses, big and small, and Geng Baoyuan doesn’t owe any money to any of them.”

“Several families have mentioned that it must have been the ninth day of the Lunar New Year. Geng Baoyuan’s father and another person, which sounds like he might be Qian Hu, went to look for someone together in the middle of the night, but no one saw Geng Baoyuan in those two days.”

“But I found out that a man named Zhang Cheng, a handlebar driver from Dong’an Automobile Dealership, was a gambling friend with Geng Baoyuan and had a good relationship. He owed Geng Baoyuan a lot of money.”

"Zhang Cheng has only been in Beijing for half a year. He has no relatives in Beijing. According to the dealer, he saw someone on the morning of the eighth day of the lunar month, and an old man came by in the evening. He said that his mother from his hometown was seriously ill and urged him to go back. Zhang Cheng was in a hurry to leave, so he He returned the car on his behalf.”

“You can’t see anything on your own, but if you don’t see anyone on the front and back legs, you can’t guarantee that it happened together.”

“Whether it was Geng Baoyuan who killed Zhang Cheng to collect debts and escaped, or whether he actually robbed people and lost their lives, we can only continue to investigate.”

Wantang wanted to cover his ears when he heard this: "I don't even want to get involved, what are you saying to me?"

“On the eighth day of the first lunar month, let’s see if anyone recognizes and remembers Geng Baoyuan and Zhang Cheng in the roster of guards at the gates of the capital,” Shan Shen said, “I don’t ask you for them, but who do I ask for them?”


Today is half way through the twelfth lunar month, let me ask about the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month?

If those gambling houses hadn't been visited by their fathers, I'm afraid they wouldn't have even thought about it.

 Besides, how could the city gate guard recognize Geng Baoyuan or Zhang Cheng?

"I will definitely give you the roster," Wantang said, "but you are responsible for investigating the case. It is not our responsibility to guard the Yamen, so don't cover our heads. We are providing some clues, not even assisting in the investigation."

Shan Shen also understood Wantang.

If you look deeper, you will find that two people are missing, one of whom is a guard of the East Palace; if you look deeper, you will be able to dig a hole as big as possible.

 It is human nature not to want to get involved easily.

Of course, it is difficult to check.

  The guards couldn't even remember the people they met on the eighth day of the last month, let alone the eighth day of the first lunar month.

The people sent to Zhang Cheng's hometown to inquire about it have just set off. It's freezing. It takes at least a month to go back and forth, and they have to be on the road year after year.

Shan Shen thought about it and went to the Fuguogong Mansion again.

 At first, Qian Hu and Liu Xun mentioned Geng Baoyuan that day, and it was clear that Duke Fu was present.

Secondly, Duke Fu suggested digging again, although he probably never expected to find such a valuable asset.

 Xu Jian still received Shan Shen in the flower hall.

There are no outsiders here. Shan Shen is familiar with Xu Jian, and he is not very particular about his mouth. From Liu Xun to Qian Hu to Geng Baoyuan, he scolded them all.

Xu Jian took a sip of tea.

He listened to Mr. Shan scolding for fun. After listening, he gave his opinions sincerely.

“Considering the case,” Xu Jian said, “I think the original case has nothing to do with Geng Baoyuan’s disappearance.”

Shan Shen nodded.

 After investigating many cases, you will have an intuition.

“That Geng Baoyuan has some characteristics, he has a mustache,” Shan Shen said. “I asked the three murderers, and they all said they had never seen any mustache. Judging from their expressions, it doesn’t seem like they were lying.”

Xu Jian touched the tea cup and said, "Although it is irrelevant, I suggest that Mr. Shan report the truth truthfully to the court."

Shan Shen was surprised and puzzled: "Don't you want your Majesty to have a good year?"

"Sir Shan also speculated on His Majesty's thoughts and felt that it is irrelevant, so there is no need to mention it further," Xu Jian paused and said, "I also speculated on His Majesty's thoughts before making this suggestion.

 I can’t say anything specific, but I dare say that Mr. Shan definitely doesn’t want to hear so much.

If Master Shan believes in me, he will mention it to the court tomorrow morning. The Holy Spirit will not be angry with Shuntian Mansion when he is angry. I can guarantee this.

Of course, be cautious and don’t mention it to Dali Temple or the Ministry of Punishment. "

Shan Shen took a breath and neither agreed nor said no.

After a long while, he said: "If you really think about it, I have kept it secret for half a year."

“Something happened to the prince, and the guards around him bit him randomly. It was unsubstantiated at the time, so it makes sense not to report it.” Xu Jian smiled, “Besides, I kept it secret. If the Holy One wants to ask, I will go to the imperial study room to tell him.”

 Thanks to book friend Qiao Mobai for the tip.

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