Yan Cigui

Chapter 376: Attack (Two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

 The next day.

 It's probably going to snow again, the sky is very gloomy.

The north wind blew hard. When Gu Heng got off the sedan, he was almost staggered by the wind.

Subconsciously, he wanted to open his mouth to complain, but when he thought about the wind, he didn't dare to speak out. The wind was strong and cold, and it was too uncomfortable to pour it into his mouth.

However, perhaps because he was ready to attack His Highness the Crown Prince today, Gu Heng was in good spirits and felt warm all over.

He quickly rushed to the court room and looked at the old people inside, gathering around charcoal pots to keep warm. He turned his eyes and didn't see the person he was looking for, so he didn't go in and just stood in the shelter of the corridor.

After waiting for about half a quarter of an hour, Shan Shen came over from a distance.

They met each other, and Gu Heng greeted him with a cup of arms.

Master Shan was quite cold and really had no interest in talking, but he couldn't resist Gu Heng's enthusiasm.

"Have you heard, Mr. Shan?" Gu Heng's voice was very low, almost close to Shan Shen's ear, "Yesterday, many people in Qianbu Corridor were mumbling, and their words were very clear. I listened to it, I was really shocked.”

Shan Shen and Gu Heng used to have a reputation-based friendship, not one where they could get together to exchange gossip, so they were very cautious about Gu Heng's sudden enthusiasm.

"Shuntian Mansion is far away from Qianbu Corridor, neither far nor close. It's a cold day and everyone is busy with things. I don't know what you are talking about."

Gu Heng said: "Your Highness the Crown Prince injured the Duke of Fu. It was not in the paddock this time, but at Yumen Pass. The Prince acted out of line and was almost killed by the Xiliang people, but the Duke of Fu sacrificed his life to save his leg and was injured..."

Shan Shen took a breath of cold air.

 This rumor has been heard before.

I don’t remember when it was, he hesitated, hid it, and revealed that corner. It was related to the Crown Prince. Shan Shen was not stupid. He had heard it and pretended not to have heard it. He would not rely on his relationship with the Duke of Fuguo. Yes, just dig out the truth from the other party.

 If you are too curious, you will be doomed.

 But no matter how I heard it at the time, it never sounded as clear-cut as what Gu Heng said.

Shan Shen gritted his teeth with a breath of cold air, covered his mouth and said, "Hey, Mr. Gu, you can't talk nonsense about this."

"Your mouth is cold, but my heart is also cold!" Gu Heng said, "If His Highness really behaves as badly as the rumors say, is it ridiculous that the Holy One will still cover him up?

I said that it was for the sake of the imperial court that I wanted to be a minister who spoke out. I guess most of my colleagues didn’t believe me. After all, I have a prince and a grandson.

But no matter how selfish I am, I also hope for the good of the world and the good of the people. Your Highness, the Crown Prince, has done it again and again. You said that he was young and ignorant and only caused trouble time and time again. But in the past two years, he has grown up before his eyes. Now, I don't seem to be much calmer.

Geng Baoyuan’s case has been brought to your Shuntian Mansion. Mr. Shan, you feel your heart and say, can the robbery and disappearance really have nothing to do with His Highness? "

Shan Shen had a dull face and actually touched his heart with his hand.

 What can he say?

He only knew that Gu Heng was freezing here with him in the north wind before going to court in the morning, not to express how loyal he was to the court and how ambitious he was for his future.

"Isn't this still under investigation?" Shan Shen laughed, "Mr. Gu, to tell you the truth, I am also worried to death. The case was fine before, but when the New Year came, the investigation was re-investigated, and I found it after the first investigation. Geng Baoyuan, I really haven’t been able to sleep well these days. People say I need to gain weight in the winter, and I’m watching my forehead lose weight..."

"His Highness is too messy in doing things, robbing people, how could he come up with this idea!" Gu Heng said.

Shan Shen took the topic away and was brought back directly by Gu Heng. He didn't want to get involved in Gu Heng's thoughts and was about to play a trick again. Fortunately, the time had come and he had to go to court, so he stopped talking.

When entering the Jinluan Hall, Shan Shen was still muttering.

Mr. Gu is acting unusually today, and if Duke Fu’s injury is really what the other party said, then there will be trouble...

 When the emperor and the prince sat on the throne, and the courtiers reported the matter, a censor stood up.

How could the news in Qianbu Corridor escape the ears of the censors?

It's just a matter of the prince. I can't say whether it's true or not, so some people are watching.

But there is no shortage of bold and outspoken censors, and the one who stood up was the censor Zhen. However, it was not the first day for him to become an official. He "turned over the table" with a bit of cleverness, and opened his mouth to "spread some nonsense." "The news is harmful to His Highness's reputation", he kept silent and "let Fu Guo Gong explain how he was hurt, so as to set the record straight."

Li Shao’s face tensed up after hearing this.

After hearing the discussion of the clerk next door in the restaurant yesterday, he knew that the matter would be revealed, but he did not expect that the court would begin today.

Moreover, the way of revealing it is so "insidious"!

  Every sentence is for the sake of His Highness the Crown Prince, but every sentence is to embarrass His Highness the Crown Prince.

 What is the right way to listen?

 Why let Duke Fuguo say it?

This kind of hiding behind the scenes and acting like a good guy is Xu Jian's usual way of doing things!

The more he listened, the angrier Li Shao became, but his father didn't say anything. Even if he was holding back the anger in his heart, he could only endure it for the time being.

 Down below, Gu Heng was also looking at Yushi Zhen.

Taichang Temple Yamen and the Metropolitan Procuratorate are side by side, separated by a wall. He is quite familiar with the officials of the Metropolitan Procuratorate next door and has good personal relationships with them, but he has no contact with Zhen Yushi.

He originally arranged for You Yushi, who had a close personal relationship with him, to be the vanguard. He pointed out that the prince ignored his identity, did not know his importance, and was in danger at Yumen Pass, and even caused the Duke of Fu, who was supposed to be a pillar, to be seriously injured. Follow up, superficially trying to persuade, but actually asking the prince to give an explanation.

Unexpectedly, Yushi Zhen attacked first.

 For a time, the atmosphere in Jinluan Palace became tense.

Not everyone has the guts to scold His Highness the Crown Prince for his behavior like Censor Ge did last time, nor is everyone like Shan Shen, who questioned the Crown Prince as a suspect in the morning. Even if the words are gentle, that is When asked, most officials will wait and consider.

Gu Heng is also thinking about it at this moment.

He raised his head and looked at the two people on the throne. The prince was angry and dissatisfied, and the emperor was frowning and not very happy.

It must be unhappy, the son caused this kind of thing, whether the dad's tube is the emperor's relative or mud legs, which are all unhappy.

 However, there seems to be no partiality in this unhappiness?

 Gu Heng was confused for a moment.

  Something’s not quite right…

His Majesty’s reaction seemed to be not quite right.

During the prince's confinement, or in other words, when the prince caused trouble, Gu Heng was the one who reacted most positively. He was at the forefront and pointed out that Li Shao did not have the responsibility and appearance that a prince should have. The Holy Spirit sees this clearly.

It was precisely because he was looking for trouble too many times. Gu Heng knew very well how unhappy the Holy Emperor was.

Even though the Holy One did not say harsh words and did not neglect Empress Jieyu and the Fourth Highness because of this, the Holy One was partial to the Crown Prince and did not like to hear them looking for trouble with the Crown Prince. This was a sure thing.

When dealing with the prince, Gu Heng was particularly attentive to the emperor's words and expressions. It was precisely because of this that he was able to notice that the emperor was different at this moment.

 Strange, very strange!

Therefore, when You Yushi winked at him across the line of courtiers and asked if someone was rushing at the front and if they wanted to follow, Gu Hengxin hesitated and nodded lightly but firmly.

rush! Gotta rush!

Shan Shen, who is as slippery as a loach, may not be able to help, but with the emergence of Censor Zhen, they will not be fighting alone.

You Yushi received the instruction and took a step forward to talk eloquently.

This impeachment is just like marching and fighting. It requires careful formation and coordination.

Since Zhen Yushi went around in circles to protect the reputation of the prince, You Yushi sang the opposite and pointed out that the prince had no sense of propriety and even disguised himself as a soldier to sneak into the battlefield.

"Your Majesty, the Crown Prince, don't you know the danger of fighting between the two armies? In the eyes of His Highness, is the battlefield just a play house?" "Do you know how important Yumen Pass is? In the eighth year of Yongjia, Xiliang invaded, and the Anxi General's Mansion was full of loyalists. , Sacrifice so many soldiers to stop the Xiliang people outside Yumen Pass. "

"Old Duke Fu led the army to defeat Xiliang, but he fell ill and died of illness in just over a year. This left only Duke Fu as a young man. Duke Fu continued his legacy and guarded Yumen. His Highness acted as the Holy Father. Are you just risking your own life by going out on patrol? "

"Once His Highness falls into the hands of the Xiliang people, no matter life or death, what a big blow it will be to the court and the soldiers? How much land, gold and silver do you want the Holy Lord to redeem you for?"

"Fortunately, Duke Fu rescued you and prevented me from losing face. But he broke a leg. The court is in short supply of generals! The court has to face not only Xiliang, but also the Tatars in the north. Those foreign tribes in the southwest who have not surrendered, and Japanese pirates invade from time to time at sea. In order to defend this large area, we need talents! "

"To die in battle is to exchange one's blood for a lifetime of fame. What does it mean that Duke Fuguo broke his leg when he shouldn't have been injured? Just because he saved you, just to protect you, he didn't even discuss his merits. I can’t talk about this merit!”

"Your Highness, have you really learned the lesson from Yumen Pass? What you have done in the past two years may not seem as dangerous as sneaking into the battlefield, but you have never looked like a crown prince at all?"

After saying these words, You Yushi was so excited that his breath was unsteady.

 Of course, it’s more because of fear.

 He originally wanted to take the path of Zhen Yushi, but unfortunately he was pushed ahead by others, so he had to change.

It was not difficult for him to speak well, but the sound of the sword being swung at the prince was still very scary. He was afraid that the prince would settle the score after the fall, and he was even more afraid that the emperor would directly settle the score.

At the same time, for fear of being interrupted by the Holy Father, he did not even dare to take a breath and kept speaking.

 Until I finished speaking, I was out of breath and my heart was beating fast.

 But the Holy One did not blame him, which made You Yushi feel a little relieved, and he raised his head and looked directly at Li Shao.

 Li Shao's face was already red, not from shame, but from anger.

If he hadn't been at the court meeting, and if Nayou Censor hadn't been far away, he would have kicked him over.

He was angry at this smooth-tongued man, but he even gritted his teeth at Xu Jian.

 Listen to those words!

It's all about Xu Jian, and it's all about Xu Jian's speaking. Could it be that Xu Jian's instruction was not included in this?

 Xu Jian promised his father not to mention Yumenguan in the imperial study room, but what happened? In just two or three years, Xu Jian's old story was brought up again, and it was still an old story that was making a fuss in Beijing.

 The more Li Shao thought about it, the more he couldn't swallow this breath.

 “Father,” Li Shao turned around, “My son...”

The Holy Emperor glanced at him and said, "Just listen to what the censor wants to say."

 Li Shao was blocked and came back.

Your Majesty's voice was not loud. You Yushi didn't know what the Majesty said, but seeing that the prince was depressed, he naturally went a step further.

“Your Highness,” You Yushi asked, “Do you have anything to explain about Yumenguan?”

How to explain Li Shao?

Gu Heng stood up at this time: "Your Majesty, are those rumors true or false? Why did you hide the inside story of Yumen Pass from His Highness?

The Holy Emperor loves the prince, but he cannot indulge the prince in this way. The prince does not get the lessons he deserves, so he behaves again and again.

 Geng Baoyuan’s incident was also about the prince..."

Li Shao couldn't bear it anymore.

 This is an encirclement and suppression!

 He could see it, everyone lined up and took turns to fight.

Gu Heng is clearly Li Fen’s grandfather, but he actually cooperates with Xu Jian? I’m not afraid of being sold by Xu Jian later!

“Whether Geng Baoyuan is dead or alive has nothing to do with me,” Li Shao raised his voice, “I did not instigate him to gamble, and I did not allow him to rob people. Any bad thing will be thrown at my face!”

 In the Jinluan Palace, there was silence for a while.

At the same time, those who are quick-thinking are also getting clues.

Your Highness categorically denied the incident about Geng Baoyuan, but kept silent about Yumenguan. It seems that those are the truth and cannot be refuted.

Gu Heng was still standing in the middle of the hall. He did not retreat. He only turned his head to look at Shan Shen.

Shan Shen frowned and sighed secretly.

 He finally understood why Mr. Gu was chatting so enthusiastically before.

 Master Gu is looking for help.

 Judging from his observation, Yushi Zhen was Cheng Yaojin who appeared out of nowhere, Yushi You seemed to be cooperating, and the real commander was Gu Heng.

Gu Heng’s purpose was very clear. He was going after the prince and wanted to bring him down.

As for You Yushi, who opened his mouth to assist the Duke but kept silent to assist the Duke, he did not necessarily speak for the Duke, but more like he was doing his own business while dancing the banner of the Duke.

To be fair, Shan Shen didn't really want to get involved in Gu Heng's affairs.

The last pirate ship has not yet docked, and I don’t know if this ship will sink...

 But once the name "Geng Baoyuan" was thrown out, Shuntian Prefecture couldn't pretend to be quail.

I can only say that fortunately the Holy Spirit encouraged him.

Thinking of the encouraging look from His Majesty before, Shan Shen was somewhat confident: "I am still investigating, and I will definitely get to the bottom of it."

The Holy Father said nothing, only announced his withdrawal from the court, and then walked down from the throne.

When passing by Gu Heng, the Holy Master stopped and looked at him seriously. A cold sweat broke out on the back of Gu Heng's neck before he walked away.

Li Shao followed him angrily. When he saw his father walking a few steps away, he lowered his voice and asked Gu Heng: "Are you also friends with Xu Jian?"

 Gu Heng lowered his head and did not answer.

 Li Shao threw down his sleeves and left.

As soon as the guard of honor left, the depressing Jinluan Hall suddenly became lively, and familiar officials were talking about it.

Li Shao heard the commotion, and his anger became more and more unbearable. He quickly caught up with the emperor and returned to the imperial study together.

While waiting for the Lord to change his clothes, Li Shao sat there and sorted out the events of the past two days.

 Xu Jian, it must be Xu Jian who is causing trouble.

 He had to let his father know that Xu Jian had done so many things that were detrimental to him behind his back!

 Monthly tickets are doubled, please give me monthly tickets. Please give me more monthly tickets~~~~~~~

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