Yan Cigui

Chapter 377: I think you are petty-minded (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

Chapter 377 I think you are small-minded (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

The Holy Father changed into his regular clothes and sat down on the chair.

Seeing that Li Shao looked like he had something to say, His Majesty let him dry for a while and said to Mr. Cao: "I'm a little hungry. Is there anything to eat in the kitchen?"

Eunuch Cao said: "There is clear porridge, some pickled vegetables, and yes, shredded chicken."

"That's all," said the Holy Sage. "You ask someone to get it, and I'll put it on my back."

With that said, the Holy One looked at Li Shao again and asked, "Where's Shao'er? Do you want to have some porridge with me?"

Li Shao was anxious to complain to the emperor, but he could not ignore the problem directly, so he said: "My son, I will accompany you to eat porridge."

 The Holy Spirit nodded slightly.

Eunuch Cao went out to give orders to the young eunuch.

Seeing this, Li Shao could only sit patiently.

  No matter how anxious you are, you have to choose the right time.

 The porridge will be delivered soon. If you don't have time to say a few words, you will be interrupted and you have to wait.

Your Majesty moved to the side table. Li Shao followed. The waiter had already set the table.

Li Shao waited for the Holy One to move his chopsticks, and then also picked up the bowl. Even though he was not hungry, he was still anxious to finish the porridge.

After putting down the bowl and chopsticks, he was about to speak, but was glanced at by the Holy Master.

The meaning in his eyes is clear: Eat without speaking.

 This is not the time for father and son to drink and eat meat and chat about home affairs. My father doesn't want to talk now.

 In this way, Li Shao could only swallow the words on his lips again.

 After the Master finished eating, the two returned to the study. The Master sat down and looked at Li Shao for a while.

 “Shaoer, have you calmed down?” he asked.

Li Shao was stunned for a moment and said hurriedly: "My son, I am not uncool."

"Really?" The Holy Spirit asked again, "I saw that you held back a lot of fire when you were in the Jinluan Palace. I would like to ask you, have you calmed down after eating a bowl of hot porridge?"

 Li Shao's throat rolled.

It is said that one can make great efforts in one go, then weaken again, and then be exhausted three times. The same is true for Li Shao.

From the initial rush to complain to the father to being interrupted time and time again, the anger has actually been reduced a lot. It can be said that it has been completely extinguished, but it has definitely not. It has changed from a big fire to a small fire, and it is still simmering. Burning the internal organs.

"As you said, I was indeed not calm enough during the morning court. If you hadn't stopped me, I would have lost my composure." His mood changed. When Li Shao spoke, he did not use such intense words, but instead spoke in a roundabout way, "Today I What the two censors and Lord Gu said really made my son feel uncomfortable."

The Holy Father was sitting on a pillow, and it was impossible to tell his mood at this time just by looking at his expression.

"Why are you feeling uncomfortable?" The Holy Master asked, "What they said about Yumen Pass is also true. You did sneak out of the pass disguised as a soldier, and it was indeed Xu Jian who rescued you during the battle between the two armies. It was me. I asked Xu Jian to hide the truth and not give a specific explanation in the past few years. "

"Isn't it enough for him to marry Ning An?" Li Shao couldn't help but ask, "If there weren't those things, why would he marry Ning An? The Queen Mother would let Ning An marry someone who stays at Yumen Pass all year round and never returns to the capital?"

"These are two different things. A duke and a princess are a perfect match," the Holy Emperor said, tapping his knuckles on the table twice. "In the final analysis, you are wrong, and so am I. Censors It’s all right to scold you.”

Li Shao pursed his lips.

His mind was filled with the aggressiveness of the censor, which made his exhausted anger suddenly burn again, rising three feet high.

"Father, what I want to say is not what is right or wrong at Yumen Pass, but why did the news spread in Qianbu Corridor?" Li Shao said, "I know the ins and outs so clearly, it can only be that Xu Jian deliberately did it. Of!"

The Holy Emperor’s eyes were heavy: “Shao’er, what do you want to say?”

"Father, I know that you like Xu Jian very much. You even tolerated him because of the Yumen Pass incident. You also said that you wanted him to be my right-hand man. However," Li Shao took a deep breath. , "Er Chen thought that Xu Jian had other ideas and that he was not that loyal to Er Chen."

The Holy Emperor said coldly: "Xu Jian is not loyal to you? Then who is he loyal to?"

What Li Shao wanted to say was stopped by the Holy One: "Saving his life to save you on the battlefield is not considered loyalty. Isn't it considered loyalty to save you regardless of old injuries in the paddock? Shao'er, you should be glad that you didn't say this in the Jinluan Palace. Otherwise, how many people would be disappointed?"

Li Shao's face turned white, but he knew that there was no turning back when he fired his bow. If he took this step back, it would be difficult for him to talk to his father about Xu Jian's cunning intentions in the future.

 He has to fight for himself!

"That's not what I mean," Li Shao said hurriedly. "What I want to say is that Xu Jian doesn't want his son to be a prince. He must be loyal to you and your father. But, it's just Xu Jian." Jian did many things very strangely. Erchen thought that he was very ambitious. He wanted to manipulate Erchen and become the regent. "

Seeing that his father’s eyebrows were furrowed but he did not stop him from explaining, Li Shao reorganized his thoughts.

"He has been looking for trouble for Erchen," Li Shao said. "As for the batch of Guyue tribute wine, Erchen did not think carefully at the beginning and changed the wine privately, but Xu Jian asked Ning'an to go to Cining Palace. Ask the Queen Mother for wine.

Begging for a drink is fake, but asking for trouble is real!

There are also tiger bones. There are so many tiger bones in the imperial pharmacy that Ning An doesn’t even like them, so he insists on asking his ministers for them.

On the day of the paddock, Ning An deliberately got off the carriage at the city gate...

Xu Jian didn't have any bad intentions, he just wanted to tease his son, make him look embarrassed, and "grace" him.

I know that I have done many things wrong. Father, you should teach me how to teach me. Not only you, the three orphans are my teachers, and I should listen to their advice.

But this is not what Xu Jian should do. Xu Jian not only did it himself, he also instigated Ning An and took advantage of the Queen Mother. "

 As soon as Li Shao opened his mouth, it was like pouring beans.

The Holy Spirit did not interrupt him. It was not until Li Shao stopped that he asked, "Are you done?"

Li Shao said: "Father, Xu Jian is really not what you think..."

"Do you know what you are talking about?" The Holy Sage's voice suddenly became serious, with a little anger, "So this is how you judge Xu Jian, no wonder! Xu Jian said you are thoughtful, but I think you are petty. !”

Li Shao's pale face instantly turned red, feeling embarrassed and embarrassed.

Even though he had thought that his father Xu would not believe him, it was hard for Li Shao to accept his father saying such harsh words.

“Father,” Li Shao stood up, “Xu Jian has a good relationship with Shan Shen, and it was clear that he was behind Geng Baoyuan’s incident.

The book left in the outer room was not taken out earlier or later, but it happened to appear at this time.

Xu Jian just wants to prevent his son from coming to Taiwan, and there are also those rumors, everyone is complaining about Xu Jian..."

 “Shut up!” The Holy Father said word by word.

It was just two words, but it was like two knives, which made Li Shao look in a daze.

From childhood to adulthood, he has not been scolded by his father for so many years. When Yumenguan came back, he was scolded bloody, but at that time, the scoldings all revolved around him.

 This time, it’s for an outsider.

His father believed Xu Jian more than he believed him, so his father scolded him because of Xu Jian.

Li Shao was so wrapped up in these emotions that he could only see the Holy Emperor's lips moving, but could not hear clearly what he was scolding.

 The Holy One scolded me fiercely.

 The sound was not loud, maybe even in the nave, but it was very deep, the voice was deep, the tone was deep, and the words were even deeper.

Disappointment, sadness, and anger enveloped him. He even walked up to Li Shao and really cursed him.

“Did you listen?!” At the end of the reprimand, the Holy Master took a deep breath and stared at Li Shao for a moment, “Did you listen to everything I said?”

Li Shao came to his senses with a start and shrank his neck.

The Holy Emperor raised his hand and pressed heavily on Li Shao's shoulder: "Everyone has emotions, you have them, and so do I, but the king of a country cannot judge people by their emotions. I am really disappointed that you have speculated on Xu Jian in this way. You Go back and calm down, think about what I said, and after you understand it, go and apologize to Xu Jian."

 Li Shao was stunned.



 Xu Jian tricked him and hid well and deeply, so Xu Jian is capable!

 But he was the one who was cheated, and he still wanted to apologize, so how could he have such a smooth tone?

 "Father..." Li Shao opened his mouth.

 The Holy Spirit added more strength to his hand: "Do you still have any objections?"

Li Shao felt pain for a moment and frowned, but did not dare to say anything else.

 It’s useless to say it.

“I understand,” Li Shao said, “I will retire.”

The Holy Spirit did not leave him alone and signaled him to go out.

Eunuch Cao has been standing by, listening with a variety of emotions. After sending Li Shao out with his head lowered, he returned to the imperial court.

Seeing the Holy One leaning against the back of his chair with his eyes closed and concentrating, but with a look of exhaustion on his brows, Eunuch Cao's heart also tugged.

 Having served His Majesty for so many years, he understands His Majesty’s love and care best.

Although it is said that "sharpening His Highness's temperament" was the decision made by His Majesty, and many arrangements were made by His Majesty in order to achieve results, but today, His Highness walks into this net and when he really says those words, His Majesty will still The pain that cuts through the heart and lungs.

This kind of disappointment weighs on the heart of the Holy Spirit, this feeling...

Eunuch Cao gently poured tea for His Majesty, then cleaned his hands again, stood behind the big chair, and pressed His Majesty's forehead.

After pressing the button for a while, the Holy Father whispered: "It's too late for me to deal with Shao'er's temper. I should have dealt with Shao'er's temper two years ago."

Eunuch Cao said: "It's late, but it's not too late..."

"You don't need to comfort me," the Holy Sage sighed, "I really didn't expect that he would think about Xu Jian like that. It has been difficult for Xu Jian in the past two years."

 Not only in the past two years, but also in recent times, Xu Jian has also been in trouble.

 Because he wanted to temper Shao'er's temper, and because he needed a legitimate reason to depose the prince, Xu Jian also racked his brains.

 The things that happened to Geng Baoyuan in January had nothing to do with Xu Jian.

That waist card is real. Geng Baoyuan has disappeared a long time ago. Xu Jian couldn't get the real waist card, so he probably dug things out of Shuntian Mansion and "added fuel to the fire".

 After all, only the Xu family knows what is going on in Liu Xun's outer chamber now. The letter left behind may only be hidden by the Xu family or Mrs. Xu, and be taken out when something happens.

 As for the gossip outside...

To be fair, His Majesty did not want to make a fuss about what he had concealed back then.

He had the same idea when Lin Yu came to the Imperial Study Room to discuss with him a few days ago, but in the end it was Lin Yu who convinced him.

Only a few people in Beijing know about the old events of Yumenguan.

If it was not convenient for Xu Jian to enter the palace and he needed to ask for instructions from the emperor on his behalf, he would not have been told this matter.

But the soldiers who had experienced Yumen Pass at that time were more or less aware of it. They guarded the border, and the soldiers would return to Beijing and soldiers would return to their hometowns. Maybe one day they would no longer be able to keep their mouths shut.

 Furthermore, the purpose this time is to depose the prince. Once the prince is deposed, there will be many people who do not want him to come back to life.

In a few years, when the fight for the position of prince becomes serious, someone might be thinking of going to Yumen Pass to find out the matter.

Instead of being suddenly found out one day and giving His Highness a heavy blow, it is better to take this opportunity to spread the word, scold and punish, and try to settle the old score in the future. This old score has also become bad, it's nothing. Got it.

 To avoid unnecessary troubles in the future and facilitate this plan, the matter of Yumenguan can almost be "justified" and dethrone the prince.

Besides, a wound will rot if you cover it and it will be difficult to heal. Only by opening it and scraping away the fester can new flesh grow.

 The meat will grow well only if hidden dangers are removed.

The Holy Spirit was silent for a long time, but he still listened and asked Lin Yu to tell Xu Jian to just figure it out.

This is how the rumors gradually spread outside.

Your Majesty doesn't know how Xu Jian arranged it. You can ask Xu Jian a few questions when he enters the palace next year, but your Majesty has already seen the results.

The Qianbu Corridor was spread, and Yu Shi was in trouble early, and Gu Heng also made up.

No matter what his thoughts were, he finally achieved the situation he wanted. The only thing that made the Holy Emperor panic was Li Shao's attitude.

 Li Shao pointed directly at Xu Jian.

It is true that Xu Jian did something behind his back, but Shaoer questioned him because he thought Xu Jian wanted to take advantage of him...

Even tribute wine and tiger bones were brought out, which shows the depth of emotion.

The knot between Shao'er and Xu Jian must be resolved. If they can heal their wounds through this time and get better completely, that is what the Holy Spirit hopes to see most.

“Xu Jian is capable,” the Holy Master sighed, “but it’s a pity that Shaoer can’t listen.”

Eunuch Cao kept holding his hands and sighed in his heart.

On the other side, after Li Shao walked out of the imperial study room, the howling cold wind did not calm him down, but made him more and more agitated.

The dog followed him step by step, his face hanging down looked ugly.

 He also understands the prince.

Having been scolded by the censors in the morning and reprimanded by the Holy Emperor in the royal study, His Highness's mood at this moment can be imagined.

This fire was held back and did not come out, until it became suffocated and exploded louder.

 Let His Royal Highness find a place to vent his anger...

 How can there be silence in this current situation?

It’s impossible to race horses in the paddock, it’s impossible to go crazy while eating and drinking, and it’s even more impossible to find a woman...

 Every tree and plant is a soldier, it’s been discovered, it’s over!

 Li Shao walked all the way to the palace gate, turned around and said, "Prepare the carriage."

Wang Gouzi was startled: "Your Highness, where are you going?"

 “Go to the Duke Fu’s Mansion.” Li Shao gritted his teeth and said.

 Wang Gouzi took a breath of cold air into his throat and just said, "It's not good!"

Li Shao ignored him and said, "Father asked me to go and apologize to Xu Jian, so I will go."

 Wang Gouzi:…

  On the last day of the year, please give me a monthly pass. Please give me a monthly pass. Please give me a monthly pass.

   Can I get 2,000 votes this month? I’m so anxious...

   Thanks to Book Friends’ Small Yard, Lonely Cello, Ears Like Lies AX, Book Friends 20210930082137428 for their rewards, and Thanks to Book City Book Friends Yushenghaohao_ea for their rewards.



 (End of this chapter)

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