Yan Cigui

Chapter 378: This is a pit (five thousand big

Wang Gouzi choked on the air-conditioning, covered his neck and coughed, his face red and his ears red.

He couldn't arrange the carriage like this. Li Shao saw this and didn't rush him. He just waited for him to calm down and raised his chin to signal him.

Wang Gouzi gasped and gritted his teeth.

 Speaking of selfishness, he definitely didn't want the prince to see Xu Jian now.

Your Highness is still angry. Once he sees the "initiator", he won't explode without making any noise.

Especially, if the Fu Guogong fanned the flames again, my dear, the fire would probably burn from the Duke's Mansion to the Royal Study.

  Once that time comes, he will completely fail in the task assigned to him by his master.

I thought that the Duke of Fu would not leave the house, at least not for this year, but I did not expect that His Highness the Crown Prince had just visited him a while ago because of the paddock, and he would go again today.

 But it is impossible for Wang Gouzi to stop Li Shao.

If the prince had such an idea, Wang Gouzi could coax, persuade, and lie, and he might be able to put his highness to rest with his words.

 That is what the Holy Spirit told us, and the Holy Spirit said that we must "make amends."

Wang Gouzi didn’t hear what was said in the study room, but he thought it was about those topics.

 Given that the prince was so angry when he went to court, it was not unusual for him to be pressured by the Holy Emperor to apologize in the end.

Wang Gouzi glanced at Li Shao secretly.

Your Highness’s irritability is all on display!

 What does the Holy Spirit think? How could His Majesty think that by going to the Duke Fu's Mansion, His Highness could properly make amends with the Duke? Did the Holy One misunderstand His Highness, or did he misunderstand the Duke of Fuguo?

 After asking three questions in a row, Wang Gouzi fell silent.

The Holy Emperor favors the prince. After so many years, who in the whole court doesn't know?

Even the eunuchs who are not in the palace but working in Yongji Palace know this.

It is said that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." This should be the same for me when it comes to the son I love. In the eyes of the Holy One, His Highness must be able to listen to good words and be able to correct his mistakes.

 And Wang Gouzi has another master, so he naturally knows more than other eunuchs. For example, there is indeed a conflict between the Duke of Fu and His Highness. The intensification of this conflict is indispensable for His Highness's conscientious work, but Duke Fu has also poured fuel on it, not less.

 One slap can make a loud sound, but two slaps together make it even louder!

But with such a loud slap, how come the Holy Spirit's efforts towards the Duke of Fu are really invisible?

Especially today, even he Wang Gouzi felt that the rumors were inextricably linked to Duke Fu, but His Highness did not convince the Holy Emperor in the Imperial Study Room.

 Just let your Highness go and apologize...

Wang Gouzi sighed inwardly.

 His job is really difficult!

Even though he was 10,000 reluctant, Wang Gouzi arranged a carriage and followed Li Shao to the Duke Fuguo's Mansion.

When he arrived at the place, Wang Gouzi came forward and knocked on the door. When the door opened, he did not put on the airs of the East Palace people, just hoping that there would be less oil.

Li Shao stomped down and looked up to see Xu Bai coming out in a hurry. He said coldly: "I'm here to see Xu Jian."

Xu Bai introduced people into the mansion and sent people to the main courtyard to deliver the message.

Li Shao was arranged to sit down in the flower hall, and tea and snacks were served. A mother-in-law replied. After Xu Bai listened, he said to Li Shao: "Your Highness, the doctor has just diagnosed and treated the Duke of Guo. Please wait a moment. Come right away."

Li Shao snorted lightly.

 It's just that this "horse" had been riding for a quarter of an hour, but Xu Jian was not seen.

Seeing the impatience on Li Shao's face, Wang Gouzi hurriedly asked Xu Bai in a low voice: "Chief steward, why hasn't the Duke come yet?"

“Normally, we should have arrived by the time we took the chariot from the inner courtyard,” Xu Bai said softly, “My father-in-law, don’t be anxious, I’ll send someone to have a look, they should be halfway up the road.”

Wang Gouzi pursed his lips and smiled, looking polite but sighing in his heart.

 What to install?

 Does he know that this is a deliberate delay by the Duke of Fuguo? He didn't want to pour oil on him, but Duke Fu wanted to pour oil on His Highness.

 But when you are on someone else’s territory, you really can only be manipulated.

Wang Gouzi gritted his teeth and looked at Li Shao.

In the final analysis, it is just a small trick to leave people hanging. It is not painful at all to change to someone more stable and deeper. After all, His Highness is the crown prince. No matter how hard he is, he can't show his face. Zuo is nothing but After two or three quarters of an hour, it will be difficult for Duke Fu to explain.

 But His Highness has nothing to do with stability. This kind of small trick should be used accurately on His Highness.

Wang Gouzi was quick-thinking. He thought for a while, then stepped forward and said to Li Shao, "Maybe the doctor is not feeling well after the treatment. Your Highness, would you like to go and have a look?"

Li Shao said: "It must be pretending."

Wang Gouzi smiled apologetically: "Even if you are pretending, you still have to see it with your own eyes. You wait patiently. If he pretends, he disrespects you. If you are anxious, his falsehood will become true."

 You also said that he is used to doing these little tricks. Not only does he pretend to do it, but he also has a princess who helps him to make the empress dowager feel distressed.

You can see it so clearly, but you can't let him fool you even though you know it's a trap. "

This makes sense. Li Shao's face brightened slightly: "In that case, don't go. I'll sit here and wait and see when he comes. When my father asked me about it later, it wasn't that I didn't want to apologize to him. He wants to tease me again."

Hearing this, Wang Gouzi breathed a sigh of relief and persuaded Li Shao with good words before retreating.

The master and the servant spoke in a low voice. Xu Bai didn't hear a few words, but he could make some guesses.

He looked Wang Gouzi up and down again. This chamberlain looked young, but he was a eloquent person who could stabilize the prince. He was much better than the previous ones who followed the prince to fool around.

 It’s a pity that it can be stable for a while, but it cannot be stable for a lifetime.

  It is difficult to persuade people to be good; it is easy to make others evil!

Especially for someone like His Highness who has gone astray. His Highness himself does not want to think about "good things", and no matter how much people around him persuade and admonish, they can't get him back.

 Xu Bai was thinking about Wang Gouzi when he heard movement at the end of the corridor. He followed the sound and saw that it was the Duke and the princess who were coming together.

The chariot was lighter and carried into the flower hall.

 Xu Bai asked people to move the couch placed in the secondary room to the open room, and directed people to move Xu Jian from the chariot to the couch.

Lin Yunyan and Li Shao greeted each other and said, "I heard that His Highness was visiting. I wanted to come over quickly, but I didn't expect that I had just finished the diagnosis and treatment and had not yet recovered. I stood up so hard that I almost fell down and couldn't get enough energy." No more slowness, that’s why Your Highness has been kept waiting.”

Li Shao pursed his lips.

Listen to this, whoever believes it is stupid!

 But Ning An said it without any guilt, and Li Shao couldn't do anything to her.

 Looking at Xu Jian again, he was half sitting and half lying on the couch, his face was white with a bit of gray, and he looked in very bad spirits.

Li Shao saw this and even bent down to get closer: "Your face is ugly enough."

 Speaking of which, he was the unlucky one. It was he who was involved in the case and was chased by Shan Shen. It was he who was scolded by the imperial censor when the old story was exposed. It was he who was scolded by his father in the imperial study.

He doesn’t even have such a bad face. What does Xu Jian mean by having such a bad face?

 Xu Jian said: "The discomfort in my legs makes His Highness laugh."

 Li Shao:…

 A joke?

 Can he laugh?

"Why am I laughing?" Li Shao sat back and played with the tea cup, but his mouth showed annoyance, "I was scolded like this. It's good that I didn't cry. Can I still laugh?"

Xu Jian pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Why did Your Highness say this? Could it be that Shuntian Mansion found something else? Did Mr. Shan find the missing Geng Baoyuan? Or did he know whose girl Geng Baoyuan wanted to kidnap?"

Li Shao's anger started to rise.

The most annoying thing about dealing with Xu Jian is not that Xu Jian has to deal with everything, but that this person pretends to be confused because he understands.

Xu Jian knew where he was in pain and cut him there every word.

They were all blunt knives, and there was no blood when they were cut. Others could not tell the difference. Only Li Shao himself knew that it hurt so much!

Just like now, he speaks with integrity and does not mention any rumors.

 But wouldn’t Xu Jian know about those things outside?

 It’s impossible, Xu Jian knew it!

Wang Gouzi was waiting aside, and his heart sank when he heard the conversation between His Highness and Duke Fu.

His Highness is no match for Duke Fu. If Duke Fu does this again for two paragraphs, His Highness will surely jump.

Seeing that the prince was about to speak, Wang Gouzi covered his mouth, turned away and "coughed" twice, as if the weather was cold and his throat was uncomfortable, and then he calmed down and apologized to the nobles present.

Lin Yunyan glanced at Wang Gouzi and then at Li Shao. As expected, Li Shao seemed to have regained his composure when interrupted by the chamberlain.

Lin Yunyan said to Wang Gouzi: "I had a bad throat a few days ago. The doctor prepared some medicinal ingredients for throat soothing and gave me some tea. I sent someone to send it to the next door. My father-in-law is not polite, so I sat down and took a few sips."

Wang Gouzi immediately said: "Thank you, Princess, I'm a little out of breath for a moment, it doesn't matter, you don't need to worry."

"It's just a few sips of herbal tea, I'm drinking it anyway, so it's nothing to worry about," Lin Yunyan waved her hand to Xu Bai and said, "His Highness values ​​you the most now. If you are sick, there will be a shortage of manpower around His Highness. Secondly, it would be bad if you pass away your illness. Go and have tea. Since I am here, I will not be unable to attend to His Highness's conversation with the Duke."

 When it comes to this, Wang Gouzi can only accept it.

 When he exited, he took another deep look at Li Shao, with reminders in his eyes.

 These are all pitfalls!

Your Highness, please don’t step in!

Wang Gouzi was dismissed, and Lin Yunyan said to Li Shao: "Your Highness just said that he was scolded, what? Ge Yushi didn't finish the scolding last time, and made up new words this time?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the fire that had just been extinguished by Wang Gouzi suddenly started to burn again.

"Ge Yushi?" Li Shao said, "Today we have Zhen Yushi, You Yushi, and Mr. Gu Henggu! Xu Jian, you have a lot of contact with Shan Shen, I can think of it, but when did you meet Gu Heng got together? It’s hard for me to handle it, but Li Fen’s baby is easy to handle, right?”

Xu Jian's face was calm and her voice was calm: "Why did your Highness say this? This is not the first time that Mr. Gu has been looking for His Highness in the morning. Why are you and Mr. Gu getting together? Your Highness is talking nonsense today. Brain, I can’t understand.”

"It's not you who said it. Then who told you about Yumenguan?" Li Shao asked, "It's so true that it's as if I saw it with my own eyes. Today, everyone is crying out for you in the morning. They can't stop shouting. My true feelings have nothing to do with you?"

 Xu Jian frowned.

Seeing that he was silent, Li Shao became even more agitated: "Can't you speak? My father won't let you speak. You are angry. Seeing that I have been unlucky recently, you are going to settle old scores. Why don't you think about it? Just because my father is thinking about it." Yumenguan, I’ve given you so much compensation in the past few years! You can’t have your cake and eat it too, you’ve taken advantage of one, and now you want to take advantage of the other, how unkind you are!”

After Li Shao finished speaking, Lin Yunyan wanted to speak. Xu Jian patted her arm and shook her head at her.

Then, Xu Jian asked Li Shao: "Is this all your Highness came here to say? If there is anything else you want to say, you might as well say it all at once, so that both the minister and the princess can listen."

Li Shao is not one who can hold back his words, let alone hold them back very hard today, so he talks a lot when he gets the chance.

 The words are intense, the emotions are stirring, and the voice is loud.

Wang Gouzi was sitting next door and could hear every word clearly. He couldn't drink the medicinal tea in front of him. He wanted to get up and go back to persuade the prince several times, but Xu Bai stopped him again.

 This happened several times, and Wang Gouzi didn’t bother anymore.

 At this point, it doesn’t make any difference whether he can stop him or not.

 Instead of thinking about stopping the prince, it is better to think about how to remedy the situation before it is too late.

However, if the auxiliary Duke and the princess seized such an opportunity, how could they not use the topic to their advantage?


 This job is too difficult!

On the other side, Li Shao spoke very wantonly. It seemed that only by venting it out in this way could the dissatisfaction in his heart be alleviated.

 Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan let him talk, or in other words, the more Li Shao can't control his temper and mouth, the better it will be for them.

 As for whether the words are nice or not...

Who cares about that?

What goes in from the left ear and comes out from the right ear, can it be compared to when Li Shao took power before, when he issued an imperial edict to revolutionize the Chengyi Prefecture and the Fuguo Gongfu, and still see every word of it?

 When Li Shao finished speaking, Xu Jian looked at him and said, "I have never thought of calling out injustice for the Yumen Pass matter.

I have said it a long time ago, you are the prince, and it is only natural for me to save you. No matter the reason, if you are in danger, without telling me, all the soldiers fighting at that time will risk their lives to save you.

 The matter was not publicized that day, and it was because of the Holy One's consideration for you. Your life is "safe", and your reputation is also "safe". I will protect you from any injustice. "

Beside, Lin Yunyan pursed her lips tightly and even breathed a little tight.

It is true that in this life, she and Xu Jian have given Li Shao many obstacles. Their purpose is to prevent Li Shao from taking power one day. To achieve their goals, it is normal to talk nonsense to others and ghosts.

But Lin Yunyan also knew that the words Xu Jian just said were not nonsense.

 In the past, Xu Jian really thought so, and the words "junior and minister" were engraved in their bones.

Even if he died in the sea of ​​​​fire, Xu Jian had given Li Shao countless opportunities in those chaotic times that she had no idea about. His first choice was to bring Li Shao back, shouldering the responsibility of "guiding the prince" given to him by the Holy One. Responsibility, trying to make Li Shao take the right path.

 It’s just that Xu Jian failed.

 Li Shao is hopeless.

If she hadn't been disappointed until she saw through it, why would she and Xu Jian be taking a path that was contrary to the Holy Spirit's ideas at this moment?

They were able to hide this from the Holy One only because they were in the dark under the lamp.

The Holy One trusts them. Their interests are too consistent with Li Shao's to betray Li Shao, and Li Shao's ability to cause trouble is really great...

However, the darkness under the lamp might be illuminated at some point, and they must not miss this good opportunity.

Lin Yunyan asked with a sullen face: "So, His Highness came here today not to care about the injuries, but to call for punishment? Does His Majesty know that His Highness is so aggressive? Fish and bear's paw? Your Highness is looking for excitement, danger, and making people sacrifice their lives again. I want to save you, but I don’t want to be known by the whole world and my reputation will be ruined. Are you kind, Your Highness?”

 “Ning’an!” Li Shao shouted angrily.

"If your Highness feels that you are right," Lin Yunyan stood up and walked to the door, saying "please", "let's go into the palace, go to Cining Palace, go to the Imperial Study Room, and talk about this reason in detail!"


 The tea cup fell to the ground and shattered, porcelain shards flying.

Wang Gouzi didn't care to apologize for his mistake. He rushed out from the next door and stopped in front of Lin Yunyan: "Hey, Princess, what's going on? Why did you say that you want to go to the palace to judge?"

As he spoke, Wang Gouzi looked at Li Shao, his eyes turning red.

What a pit!

It was dug in the middle of the road without covering it with hay or leaves. It was just exposed. He even pointed out the hole to His Highness!

Even if this is the case, Your Highness is still jumping in!

Instead of falling along the side, it would really jump three feet high and fall in the air. It would be a hard fall.

Even His Royal Highness the Crown Prince cannot help falling like this!

"Princess..." Wang Gouzi saw that Lin Yunyan turned away and ignored him, so he had to look for Xu Jian again, "My lord, Your Highness encountered some situations during the morning court today. As you know, the censors talked one thing after another. , it really doesn’t sound good, Your Highness just...

You can help persuade the princess that these things are not worth disturbing the palace. The New Year is about to happen, right? "

Xu Jian did not express his position. Wang Gouzi persuaded Li Shao again: "Your Highness, you are here to visit the Duke of Guo's injury, and you also want to talk to him about the situation of Yumen Pass. You..."

Wang Gouzi really tried his best and tried his best to make peace among the three nobles. However, Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian did it on purpose, and Li Shao refused to listen. Even though he tried his best, it was still useless.

After a stalemate for a while, Lin Yunyan spoke first. She asked Li Shao: "Why did your highness come here today?"

 The dog turned his head with a slumped face.

Yes, the princess gave him the steps, but with His Highness's temper, can it be said that he was forced by the Holy One to make amends?

 So this step only goes up, not down.

"I'm just curious," Li Shao said, "How could so many things happen while you two are staying in the house?"

“Then do you understand?” Lin Yunyan asked, “If you understand, please go ahead.”

Li Shao's eyes crossed the two people's faces, he snorted coldly, and strode out of the flower hall.

 Wang Gouzi hurriedly followed.

It’s better to leave. If you stay here any longer, another layer of the pit may collapse.

 Xu Bai trotted to see off the guests, and Lin Yunyan followed leisurely behind him. When Li Shao walked out of the Duke's Mansion and stepped onto the carriage, the red lacquered door closed with a bang.

The movement was so loud that the white snow beside them started to foam.

Li Shao frowned and looked at Wang Gouzi.

Wang Gouzi said, he was facing the door and saw with his own eyes that the princess came and slammed the door, but he could not tell the prince this.

 It’s already messy enough, it’s not necessary.

 Inside the door, Lin Yunyan clapped her hands twice, feeling refreshed.

 It’s New Year’s Eve~~~

 Come and update soon.

 Thank you book friends for your companionship this year, and please support me next year.

 If I call for monthly votes again, I will be just a little short of the 2,000 votes this month.

 Thanks to the book friend’s small yard for the reward.

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