Yan Cigui

Chapter 385: How dare they? (Two updates in one)

 When the Holy One stood up from his throne, the courtiers below him were already kneeling on the ground.

 Until he walked out of the Jinluan Palace, no one said those three words clearly.

This situation is within the Holy Spirit’s expectation.

No matter how fierce the tide is, no matter how clear your intentions were when you came and went with me at the previous moment, the window paper is the window paper. The Holy One can poke it, and he did poke it, but as a courtier, in this situation, it is absolutely He won't take the initiative to tear the paper apart.

 Even though there is already a leaking hole in this paper.

Three Gongs and Uncle Chengyi, who had a tacit understanding for a long time, would not reach out.

 This is the deposed prince.

 Waves of sound come one after another, the waves behind beating the waves in front, pushing and enveloping them, in an orderly manner.

It is still snowing in the sky.

Eunuch Cao held up his umbrella and followed the Lord carefully.

The Holy Spirit did not return to the imperial study immediately, and sent away the extra ceremonial guards. He turned to the East Palace.

The palace road has been cleared, but the snow has not stopped, and another layer has fallen. People walking on it will leave a series of footprints.

The sound of rustling snow was not clear in the strong wind, and only the footsteps of consistent steps were left behind.

 “Very neat.” The Holy Master stopped and commented after looking at the footprints.

Eunuch Cao also looked at the footprints and said "yes".

It is neatly seen, but the reason for the Holy Holy Holy Say is the reason for this.

The Holy Spirit didn’t care what feedback Eunuch Cao gave him. He paused for a while and then spoke by himself.

“Everyone says that his words are like his words, but I remember my father said that his words are also like his words.”

“My eldest brother walks very steadily. Judging from his size, his steps are neither too big nor too small, and his walking posture is correct.”

“Fourth brother has an impatient temper and walks in a hurry, with his stride sometimes wide and sometimes narrow.”

“When I was young, I was also impatient. Even though I was not as good as my fourth brother, I would occasionally go round and round and do whatever I wanted. It wasn’t until I became the prince and succeeded to the throne that I calmed down my temper.”

“You have to learn from your eldest brother. He is calm and responsible. He always does things in an orderly and orderly manner.”

"So much the better."

 Eunuch Cao understood at this time.

 The Holy Spirit is talking about footprints, but is actually talking about the "deposed prince".

 It must be done in a correct and correct manner, and it must be done step by step.

Even if the house is going to collapse, it should be firmly placed on the ground to reduce all kinds of impacts.

It is about the country and the future of the Crown Prince and other highnesses. Today, Tulisuo cut the tangle with a sharp knife, which seems refreshing, but if the tangle is not sorted out smoothly, it will still become tangled in the future.

You can't just chop it off once you entangle it, right?

Thinking like this, Eunuch Cao glanced at the Holy Emperor.

It is not easy to manage hemp silk. It is laborious and very energy-consuming.

Walking into the East Palace, Eunuch Guo immediately greeted him.

The Holy Emperor asked him: "Is the prince asleep or awake?"

"I woke up a quarter of an hour ago. Wang Gouzi served me some porridge, and just fell asleep again." Guo Gongzheng said.

 The Holy Spirit goes to the main hall.

Eunuch Cao accompanied him to the corridor in front of the palace. Just as he was about to put away his umbrella, he saw the Holy Master raising the curtain to go in. He quickly gave the umbrella to Eunuch Guo.

Your Majesty walked straight to the bedroom, and Eunuch Cao chased after him to persuade him: "Your Highness is ill. Your Majesty, please take a look through the screen. You are close, in case you are sick..."

 “It doesn’t matter,” said the Holy Master.

Eunuch Cao knew that he could no longer persuade him, so he said again: "Then you wait for a while and let the coldness go away."

He really listened to these words and knew that the cold air would hit Li Shao. His Majesty sat next to the brazier until his body was warmed up, and then he went to visit Li Shao.

Wang Gouzi sent his greetings to the Holy One.

 The Holy Father did not ask anyone to move the chair, so he sat next to Li Shao's sick bed.

Li Shao was in a deep sleep, unaware of the situation around him. His face was white and rosy, but it was a sickly red color caused by burns. His lips were dry and had some skin.

The Holy Emperor rubbed his hands and probed Li Shao's forehead with the back of his hand.

 Boiling hot.

 “The imperial doctor said it doesn’t matter?” he asked.

Wang Gouzi said: "That's what the imperial doctor said. He prepared decoctions and medicines, and also wrote down dietary prescriptions."

Eunuch Cao was flexible. Seeing His Majesty frowning, he stepped forward and stretched out his hand: "Your Majesty, would you like me to explore it too?"

With the permission of the Holy Emperor, Eunuch Cao tested Li Shao's forehead.

 The body temperature is really not low.

“Should we invite the imperial doctor to come again?” he asked.

The Holy Spirit nodded slightly and asked Wang Gouzi: "How was his spirit when he woke up just now?"

“My spirit is very average, and I am not confused. I just say that my body is sore and tired from the fever,” Wang Gouzi replied. “I changed into clean clothes when I sweated a little.”

The Holy Emperor did not ask any more questions and just looked at Li Shao quietly.

The man who had the fever breathed heavily, and soon there was some sweat on his face. The Holy See saw this and took out a veil and gently wiped it off for him.

Not long after, Judge An came in a hurry.

He checked Li Shao's condition again and said: "Your Majesty, please don't worry too much. His Highness can eat well and sleep more to recuperate. Later, someone will wipe His Highness's body with warm water until his body temperature goes down. It will get better gradually.”

After hearing this, the Holy Spirit didn’t bother the doctor too much. He just asked someone to fetch water.

Wang Gouzi hurriedly went to prepare water, and soon came over with a basin in hand. He first asked Magistrate An: "Do you think this is appropriate?"

 An Yuan judge tested the water and nodded.

Wang Gouzi put the water basin on the shelf next to the bed, soaked it with a handkerchief and wring it out. He wanted to come forward and wipe it with Li Shao. When he saw that the Holy Master was still sitting by the bed, he said, "I'll wipe it with His Highness first, little one."

The Holy Spirit said: "Come here, you can help me."

Wang Gouzi was stunned and subconsciously looked at Eunuch Cao. When he saw Eunuch Cao nodding, he sighed.

The saint wiped it very carefully, from the neck to the arms, along the waist and abdomen, and then to the two legs. He wiped the front and then turned the person over to wipe the back. He had to always be careful not to catch cold again.

Judge An looked on with his head lowered and said nothing, but he was filled with emotion in his heart.

 He has heard about all the disputes in the court.

To be fair, he also felt that what the censors said was very reasonable. There were indeed many things that were outrageous about the prince.

 Looking at His Majesty’s careful look...

 It’s difficult for the Holy Spirit too!

 It is a king and a father.

 Whether you really love your children depends on whether you are willing to take care of them when you are sick, regardless of how they are on weekdays.

Your Majesty takes care of you much more carefully than some old men who can only point fingers but don't know how to do things.

 Thinking about it again, it’s not surprising.

His Royal Highness the Prince had a fever and cough when he was a child, and His Majesty took the time to take care of it himself.

After wiping himself, the Holy Master gave the veil to Wang Gouzi and folded the quilt corners for Li Shao.

“Everyone, go out, I’ll sit with you for a while,” he said.

Eunuch Cao thought for a while, called Wang Gouzi, and sent the judge An Yuan out.

 There were only two people left in the dormitory, father and son.

Li Shao hasn't woken up yet, and he was still in a blur just now. The Holy Master held Li Shao's hand and looked at the outline of his facial features.

Li Shao's mother has a facial profile similar to his, and facial features like Queen Xia's. Especially before the age of ten, her gender characteristics are not prominent, and she is 70% or 80% similar to Queen Xia when she was young.

 As I get older and grow taller, I start to look a little like him.

"I'm afraid of being ashamed of your mother," the Holy Sage sighed, "but I'm also afraid of not doing anything and just watching you go into chaos, which will make me even more sorry for her."

“When you were little, I always hoped that you would grow up quickly, but when you grow up, I think it would be better if you were a child.”

“I hope this time of hard work can teach you some lessons. You can’t just grow tall without caring. Your mother is so worried underground..."

Li Shao fell asleep. The Holy Master knew that he couldn't hear, but he just wanted to say what he wanted to say and kept talking for a while.

 Since he was not in a hurry to leave, he sat for a while longer.

Perhaps he had not rested well in recent days. It was warm in the dormitory, and drowsiness came over him, making him nod his head a few times.

Just when I was confused, I suddenly heard some movement.

 The Holy Spirit woke up and saw that it was Li Shao Mengyu.

"Shao'er?" The Holy Master called him softly.

Li Shao frowned, as if he was in a nightmare. He was very uneasy and muttered.

He couldn't hear clearly, so the Holy One could only get closer to listen. After careful identification, he vaguely heard words such as "fear", "don't", and "help me", which made him tremble with fear.

"Shao'er? Shao'er!" The Holy Master quickly called him again.

The next moment, he heard a sound of "fire" and "fire".

The Holy Spirit's breath suddenly became tight.

 He was not sure what Shaoer dreamed about, but he knew exactly what he remembered.

 The fire at Dingguo Temple.

When he was fighting those fake gangsters in the town at the foot of the mountain, the temple on the mountain was on fire. It was so far away that even the firelight was only a small orange dot reflected in his pupils. It was so fake. .

That was true again. When he returned to the temple with his guards and monk soldiers, all he was left with was bad news.

He held the unconscious Shao'er and looked at the mess.

Shaoer was seriously ill and had forgotten everything that happened that night. As far as he knew, he had never dreamed about it.

On the other hand, Ning'an, who had never been to Dingguo Temple, often cried at night when she was young, and her dreams were full of fires, which made the Empress Dowager extremely distressed. Every time she fell asleep, someone would bring her over and coax her to sleep herself.

Since no clues could be found about the fire in Dingguo Temple, it was only classified as an accident. The Queen Mother knew that this was a problem on his mind, so she almost never mentioned it to him to avoid both parties being sad and painful.

 There were a few times when I really couldn't hold it in anymore, and all I could talk about was Ning'an's nightmare.

 Dreams have no rules and reasons.

Ning An was trapped for several years. As he grew up, he was no longer haunted by nightmares.

Shao'er, who had never been entangled in that dream, didn't know why, more than ten years later, he seemed to suddenly dream of something again.

The Holy Spirit felt sour in his heart, patted Li Shao's shoulder with red eyes, and coaxed him softly.

After coaxing him for almost half a quarter of an hour, Li Shao calmed down a bit, stopped talking in his sleep, and fell into a deep sleep.

The Holy Spirit wiped his sweat again, then called Wang Gouzi in, got up and walked out.

Out of the main hall, the cold wind blew in the snow foam, making people shiver involuntarily.

The Holy Spirit looked at the gloomy sky and said to Mr. Cao, "Go back to the imperial study."

 At the imperial study room, many important ministers were already waiting.

 Knowing that Sheng Shang had gone to the East Palace, they were all placed in the side hall to rest.

The Holy One changed his clothes first, and without bothering to calm down, he summoned his ministers one after another.

 Of course I am talking about Li Shao.

I asked about the prince's condition and then asked about the emperor's thoughts. It was difficult to tear the window paper directly in the Jinluan Palace. When the emperor and his ministers were talking alone in the imperial study room, they still had the courage to explore it with their fingers.

Except for the well-informed Sangong, Uncle Chengyi, and the three orphans, the Holy Master still said nothing to the others, only showing helplessness and hesitation.

 It is not easy to catch a tiger's eye.

Eunuch Cao was tired when he was waiting for him, and the Holy Master became even more tired when he saw it.

After finally having some time to rest, Eunuch Cao looked at His Majesty's complexion and asked, "Would you like to ask the imperial physician to come and take a look?"

 “It doesn’t matter,” the Holy Spirit refused, “No need to bother.”

That’s what he said, but at night, the Holy Spirit was obviously sick.

 At this time, Eunuch Cao immediately asked for an imperial doctor.

The imperial doctor came to check for pulse and said that the emperor was tired and had spent too much energy. He needed more rest and relaxed his mind.

 After hearing this, Eunuch Cao felt secretly bitter in his heart.



 The prescription has been written and the medicine has been prepared, but in the final analysis, it is a heart disease that cannot be solved, so the medicine is just for comfort.

"I will go to court as usual tomorrow," the Holy Sage told Eunuch Cao before going to bed. "It will be sealed in two days. It will not be too late to rest after the sealing."

 The next day.

 In the Jinluan Palace, the courtiers continued to discuss the punishment of the prince, and the emperor coughed twice from time to time.

Before leaving the court, he waved his hand to signal everyone below to quiet down.

“I have thought about it a lot,” he said. “I will also consider what you think, so let’s do this for now.”

As soon as these words came out, most people who were not stupid would have heard it.

It seems that he has not made a decision and is even procrastinating, but the emperor is leaning towards the "deposed prince".

Since the matter is so big that it can be put on the table for consideration, it will not be taken down easily.

 In the voice of "Holy Lord, Holy Ming" and "Holy Lord, please take care of the dragon body", Eunuch Cao announced his withdrawal from the court.

 The other side.

 In the east palace, Li Shao woke up.

 Last afternoon, his body temperature dropped a lot and his appetite was acceptable. Unexpectedly, the fever broke out again in the middle of the night. It was fierce and even hotter than during the day. Wang Gouzi and Eunuch Guo stayed up all night to take care of him.

 It didn’t ease until halfway through the fifth watch.

Wang Gouzi took the opportunity to go to sleep for a while. When Li Shao woke up, he hurriedly got up and replaced Eunuch Guo to rest.

Li Shao drank some porridge and asked hoarsely: "What's the situation outside?"

“I’ve been waiting for you in the East Palace, I don’t know much about it,” Wang Gouzi didn’t dare to tell the truth, “You have to recuperate. As for other things, I’ll ask you later...”

 Li Shao looked at him.

Wang Gouzi gritted his teeth and said: "Yesterday morning, the Holy One came to visit the patient. He wiped His Highness's body with his own hands and sat there for a while before leaving. Your Highness, the Holy One loves you so much. Please relax and don't think too much."

 “What am I thinking about?” Li Shao asked, “Did you hear something?”

 The dog's throat rolled.

 The prince is very confused when he is confused, but he is so sharp when he is sharp...

He blamed himself for saying the wrong thing due to lack of sleep and confusion.

"There are some rumors," Wang Gouzi knew he couldn't hide it, so he had to say, "some courtiers want to force the Holy Emperor to 'depose the prince', but even if they ask for it, the Holy Emperor will not..."

  "Destroy me?" Li Shao's eyes suddenly widened in disbelief.

   Father clearly said such harsh words the day before yesterday, yet there are still people trying to get into trouble?

How dare they?

 How could they? !

Father will never listen to them! (End of chapter)

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