Yan Cigui

Chapter 386: I have made up my mind (two updates combined into one)

 The words "Deposed Prince" were obviously beyond Li Shao's expectation.

 He has been the crown prince as long as he can remember.

 When his father made him the crown prince, he was the only one with no other princes under his knees.

The people who came after him, whether Li Mian or Li Lin, were far different in age from him, and they were never from the same group.

 From beginning to end, Li Shao was the one with a transcendent status.

Li Shao never thought that one day, this position would no longer belong to him, or that he would be deposed from the position of prince.

Of course, this does not mean that no one in the court is interested in the position of prince.

Look at Li Fen, he has not even weaned off his breasts, yet Gu Heng, a foreigner, is trying his best to clear the way for him, not afraid that the infant baby cannot even walk safely.

 In addition to Gu Heng, there will naturally be others.

"Li Mian's maternal ancestral family probably played a role," Li Shao muttered, thinking of the people who would make trouble for him, "Li Lin's ancestral family is all dead, and only his mother and concubine are left, who want to stir up trouble but can't." lack of ability.

 The most positive one is Gu Jia!

 Xu Jian and Xu Jian should not be affected.

He just wants to manipulate me. If I can't become the prince, it won't be of much benefit to him. I can't really think that the younger ones are easier to control, right?

From this point of view, he might as well choose Li Lin. Li Lin is weak and has no helpers, so he can let Xu Jian dictate what he wants.

Li Fen and the others would have to compete with their maternal uncles first!

 But what's the use of that brat Li Lin? Weak and weak, without me sitting on the throne of the prince, Xu Jian really thinks he can push Li Lin out alone? Do you think the others are dead?

Xu Jian is not 100% sure that he will not do such a thing at the expense of the near and far away, so this is the best way for me..."

The dog was nearby and listened attentively.

He generally agreed with His Highness's inferences, except for the part about assisting the Duke. Wang Gouzi was not sure.

To put it another way, judging from the information Wang Gouzi has obtained, even the master dare not say that he has completely figured out the thoughts of Duke Fuguo.

 Looking back, I can't say that to His Highness.

 The top priority is still to stabilize His Highness.

 The master asked someone to pass the message, and a moment of forbearance does not mean a lifetime of failure.

The situation of deposing the prince has been decided, so let’s land smoothly, get through this crisis, and then try to make a comeback.

 It is precisely because of his master's instructions that Wang Gouzi's mentality has been much calmer these past two days.

Even if things went wrong before, the master still trusts him and continues to give him opportunities, and he will naturally cherish them.

“Your Highness,” Wang Gouzi rolled his eyes, “You have had a lot of dealings with Duke Fu, do you think he is a stupid person?”

 “Is he stupid?” Li Shao was stunned for a moment and snorted, “He’s smart!”

 Xu Jian looked one way to him, and another to his father. Maybe what Ning An told the Empress Dowager in Cining Palace would be different.

Li Shao is so preoccupied that he can't even figure out how Xu Jian knew about the issue of tribute wine.

 No matter how lucky you are, you will dig holes one after another.

“According to what you said, Your Highness, Duke Fu Guo is a shrewd man,” Wang Gouzi stepped forward and softly comforted Li Shao, “there is no way he would do anything that would be far away from him.

You said that whether it was the paddock or Geng Baoyuan's matter, Duke Fu Guo might have had a hand in it, but if he wanted to take advantage of you, why would he want you to be deposed?

 What good will it do him if you lose your position as Crown Prince? "

Li Shao finally listened, nodded slightly, pondered for a while, and sneered: "There is also a saying called 'Smartness is misled by cleverness'. He planned to take advantage of me, but he ended up recovering from his injuries in the Duke's Mansion and couldn't get out. , I couldn’t even come to the morning meeting.

 When others want to use the topic to their advantage and pull me down, he can't stop him at all.

How happy you are when you light a fire. When the wind blows, do you still care about where you can burn and where you can't?

This time I burned Xu Jian’s butt, let’s see if he regrets it! "

Wang Gouzi followed Li Shao's words and asked: "So, His Highness should be more calm at this moment. Seeing that the situation is not good, he will definitely find a way to help you tide over the difficulties..."

"He has to deal with the troubles he caused, so how can he help me?" Li Shao clicked his tongue, "He has more ambition but less strength now, but I can't just sit back and wait for death.

 It’s time to go to court now, right? Go outside and ask around again. What did you say to the emperor this morning?

 Ask more details! "

Wang Gouzi responded respectfully and retreated.

He still had to ask. Although he knew that he was not optimistic, he could choose to talk to His Highness.

As long as His Highness's mood is stabilized and he understands that even after being deposed, he can rise again. Along the way, he can remove many thorns in his side and truly stand in an undefeated position...

  You can't really ignore it when your temper gets angry, which completely chills the Holy Emperor.

Wang Gouzi thought for a while and planned to go find Eunuch Guo.

 Eunuch Guo is a member of Eunuch Cao, but now they have the same interests.

In the side hall, Wang Gouzi didn't find anyone in Eunuch Guo's residence, so he asked a waiter.

“Eunuch Guo seems to have gone out.”

Wang Gouzi followed the search and looked left and right on the palace road outside the East Palace.

It was a coincidence that he met Eunuch Guo who came back in a hurry.

"Where have you been?" Wang Gouzi came up to meet him, "I thought you went back to the house to rest."

Eunuch Guo said: "I can't sleep, I'm confused, so I might as well go out for a walk."

 In fact, he was called out by Eunuch Cao’s envoy.

The man handed over the message and asked him to find an opportunity to inform His Royal Highness the meaning of "the Holy Emperor will consider it" in the morning.

This made him embarrassed and frightened, and he didn't know how to mention it to His Highness.

 Just listen to Wang Gouzi say: "Your Highness wants to ask about the matter in the morning."

Eunuch Guo paused and let out a long sigh with his head: "When I just left, I heard that the Holy Emperor was really considering 'deposing the crown prince'. He said it himself, what should I do..."

Wang Gouzi was not surprised by this, but he pretended to be panicked: "Ouch! You can't tell His Highness directly."

Eunuch Guo touched his nose and thought that it was not up to the two of them to decide. This was what Eunuch Cao, or the Holy One, meant.

One made up his mind, and the other racked his brains to think about how to conceal and whitewash it, and each returned to the dormitory with his or her own thoughts.

Li Shao was half lying on the bed, his eyes empty.

"Your Highness," Wang Gouzi said, "I just went to court, and now..."

 Halfway through the words, Eunuch Guo’s voice drowned out Wang Gouzi.

He knelt down directly, looking extremely helpless: "Your Highness, I heard that there were many adults admonishing me this morning. Your Majesty seemed to have listened and said that he would consider their ideas. Your Highness, this is terrible. What should I do?"

Wang Gouzi tried to stop him, but Eunuch Guo hit him hard.

Li Shao sat up in shock, stared and asked, "What did you say? Father, he said he wanted to consider it?"

Eunuch Guo’s head was nodding.

 A breath caught in his chest, and Li Shao felt dizzy.

He didn't care at all about those people who were trying to add insult to injury. What he couldn't accept was that his father was going to listen to them!

 This won’t work!

 This is absolutely not possible!

 How could his father abolish him if he liked him so much?

Li Shao shouted to Eunuch Guo: "I want to see my father. Go and tell your father that I want to see him!"

Before Eunuch Guo could react, Li Shao changed his mind again: "No, I'm going to the imperial study room. Hurry up and change my clothes!"

Wang Gouzi stepped forward and supported Li Shao, who was swaying from side to side: "Your Highness, please take care of yourself, your illness is not cured yet."

“Yes,” Eunuch Guo also came to his senses, “You will make the Holy One worried.”

Li Shao waved his hands to fend off the two men.

Worry? It’s better to worry!

He is already in such a miserable state, how can his father destroy him?

He didn't even bother to put on his shoes and socks and walked out barefoot.

When Wang Gouzi saw this situation, he couldn't stop him at all, and his voice trembled with urgency: "Change, I will change your clothes for you! There is also Eunuch Guo, the two of us will not delay anything together."

 “Yes, yes, yes!” Eunuch Guo chanted while offering clothes and socks.

Li Shao was patient and dressed neatly. Eunuch Guo didn't dare not take the prince's health seriously, so he asked Wang Gouzi to wrap him up more tightly. He went out and prepared a sedan to prevent the prince from getting windy and cold all the way.

Li Shao left the hall and faced the cold wind, which made his already sick body more and more uncomfortable. Even after sitting in the sedan chair, he coughed all the way.

 The dog follows the sedan chair.

Eunuch Guo ran to the imperial study room first and was out of breath.

Eunuch Cao came out after hearing the news.

  "Tell, tell your highness, he, he will come no matter what, he is on the way."

Eunuch Cao nodded and went in to report to the Holy Emperor.

“Let him come in when he arrives.” The Holy Sage said without putting down the ink pen in his hand.

 But until Eunuch Cao went out to welcome Li Shao in, there was no red letter added to the paper.

 Li Shao saluted: "My son, I would like to pay my respects to my father."

The Holy Spirit observed Li Shao's expression carefully and saw that he was still ill. He sighed: "The illness is not cured, why don't you take a good rest?"

“I can’t rest,” Li Shao said. “I heard that many courtiers asked you to depose the crown prince.”

The Holy Spirit said: "What do you think of this?"

"They have bad intentions," Li Shao said hurriedly, "They have ideas about the position of the prince, and this time they are using the topic to use it. They are forcing you.

Once they succeed once, they feel they can influence you, and this kind of thing will happen endlessly in the future.

Tomorrow the Gu family wants you to appoint a mistress, and the day after tomorrow the Liu family wants you to abolish the mistress and establish a mistress. It’s all about pushing the envelope! "

There was no emotion on the saint's face, and he only followed Li Shao's words and asked: "How old is Fen'er, and what kind of things can he cause that the courtiers are chasing after him? Even Mian'er, who is older, can It’s hard to cause trouble.”

 “I’m just using an analogy,” Li Shao didn’t refute that he was causing trouble. He got wise in his haste and said, “You are the one who doesn’t listen to their nonsense.

You took it upon yourself back then, and only granted the title of queen to your mother, but insisted not to establish a new queen. They had been arguing for a year, and knowing that you would not compromise, they gave up.

If I see you giving in now, I'm afraid the old matter will have to be brought up again.

At that time, your son is no longer the prince, and your mother is not your only queen? "

 When mentioning Queen Xia, His Majesty's eyes darkened.

What Shaoer mentioned is not impossible, but the most critical part is his own decision.

 He does not want to establish a successor, and it is useless for anyone to say so.

 This is two different things from deposing the prince.

 It was his decision to depose the prince.

 It's a pity that Shao'er never discovered this from beginning to end.

The Holy Spirit shook his head helplessly, yes, how could Shaoer have thought that the person who really pushed this behind was not Shan Shen, not Ning An, and not Xu Jian, but his father.

"Shao'er," the Holy Master said in a deep voice, "I'm not asking how the courtiers or Mian'er are doing, but how you are."

Li Shao didn’t understand for a moment: “My son?”

"Do you know how many mistakes you have made in the eyes of the courtiers in recent years?" The Holy Emperor continued to ask, "Do you know how to admit your mistakes? Do you know how to bear the burden?"

Li Shao couldn't help but grit his teeth.

Although his father's tone was calm and not as thunderous and angry as the previous times, it fell on his ears and the bad feeling in his heart became stronger.

 After realizing it later, Li Shao really felt scared.

"You, you ask," his throat rolled, "do you think my son's crime is unforgivable?"

Geng Baoyuan really has nothing to do with Erchen. He went to Jiangjunfang just to relax, and Erchen didn't do anything else. How could he know that a chicken would die, but it was just a chicken...

You have already imposed a ban on Chenmi Hutong, and you also imposed a penalty on Yumen Pass, but you just did not let Xu Jian speak out.

 I did make some mistakes, but..."

"But you don't think it's enough to depose the prince, right?" The Holy Emperor interrupted Li Shao's words and said hoarsely.

 Li Shao was silent.

"I know what you mean. You can go back first," the Holy Master said. "I have my own plan."

Li Shao insisted on coming over, not wanting such an ambiguous statement.

  After thinking about it, he did not stay in the palace, but went straight out and knelt down in the courtyard.

Eunuch Cao wanted to send him off, but when he saw this move, he was dumbfounded for a moment.

The cold weather, the strong wind and the snow are too much for even the healthy person, let alone His Highness who is already sick.

"What are you doing?" Eunuch Cao rushed to help him.

"Father asked me to admit my mistake. I don't know how to admit my mistake. I can only kneel down and wait for my father to calm down." Li Shao said in a loud voice.

Even though Li Shao is very sick, Eunuch Cao really can't hold him back.

The guards came up to help, but they didn't dare to drag him away, and the two sides were deadlocked.

Eunuch Cao had no choice but to report back to His Majesty.

The Holy Spirit sighed.

 Shao'er was asked to come over and wanted to hear his thoughts on the deposed prince. Shao'er's answer was not what the emperor wanted to hear.

Even if he asked more detailed questions later, Shaoer's answer still did not satisfy him.

And the "answer sheet" that was handed over now made the Holy Emperor even more heartbroken and heartbroken.

 It hurts Shao'er's body and hurts Shao'er's ignorance.

 Li Shao only knelt down for a short while.

 He was sure that his father would not let him kneel any longer.

As expected, he saw his father walking out.

A trace of joy flashed in his eyes, but he didn't expect that his father's words were even colder than the cold weather and snow, and his head was stunned by the cold.

"The decision to make concessions or not to make concessions is in my hands. No one can force me." The Holy Sage walked to Li Shao, squatted down, and looked directly into his eyes. His voice was low, but it was enough for Li Shao to hear. He must be clear, "The courtiers can't do it, and neither can you, Shao'er. It's me who wants to depose the prince. I've made up my mind. You can go back to the East Palace."

Li Shao looked at His Majesty in astonishment.

The Holy Spirit had already stood up and said to the two guards: "Help the prince back."

Having received the correct message, the guards no longer held back their strength and took Li Shao's arms to help him up from the ground.

Li Shao was stunned. He was half-supported and half-dragged to the sedan before he suddenly came to his senses and struggled violently: "Father, father, you can't do this to me! Father, listen to me, you can't abolish me." Kill me! Father!”

The guards forced Li Shao into the sedan, fearing that Wang Gouzi and Eunuch Guo wouldn't be able to watch him and would roll out of the sedan. They held the sedan door left and right and escorted him away.

The Holy Spirit choked up several times while listening to Li Shao's heart-rending shouts.

After a long time, he said to Duke Cao: "Go and invite the third Duke to come and prepare an edict."

 After saying this, he turned around and walked towards the imperial study room with heavy steps.

Eunuch Cao struck the eunuchs and guards who were working in front of the emperor with his eyes, and then summoned his confidants: "Go and invite the three gentlemen."

Not long after, news came from Qianbulang.

Seeing the three elders entering the palace, many people secretly guessed at the Holy Spirit's thoughts. Maybe they have made up their minds, maybe they won't make up their minds so quickly.

 Perhaps the Holy Spirit said "it will be considered" when leaving the pilgrimage. Most people felt that the cold wind was blowing unusually this time.

 Probably, it’s time to see the deposed prince.

 To be honest, I am more anxious than you are...

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