Yan Cigui

Chapter 387: Then I’ll split it up (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

 Because Li Shao struggled, the sedan chair was very unstable.

 Fortunately, during his illness, his physical strength could not withstand the torment, and he found that it was useless to work hard, so Li Shao simply gave up his strength and stopped working.

 The sedan became quiet.

 Eunuch Guo and Wang Gouzi both breathed a sigh of relief.

The two guards were afraid that the prince might come again unexpectedly, so they did not dare to let go. They still carefully held the sedan door. In this way, they were "lucky enough to live up to their fate" by sending the prince back to the East Palace.

Now it’s Eunuch Guo’s and Wang Gouzi’s turn to fight with all their might

Although His Majesty did not say a grounding, according to Eunuch Guo's opinion, the matter has come to this, and it would be better for His Highness to recuperate in the East Palace.

He summoned his subordinates and gave them instructions.

Wang Gouzi helped Li Shao lie down on the bed.

Li Shao lay motionless, his eyes blank, and his whole person was confused.

 After a long time, his lips moved: "Dog."

 Wang Gouzi hurriedly stepped forward to wait for instructions.

"Why do you treat me like this?" Li Shao's voice was hoarse and confused, "I am the prince, I have always been the prince, how could I not be the prince..."

Wang Gouzi poured him a cup of tea.

 Ask him to say, there is nothing in the world that remains unchanged.

 He also heard a saying called "The emperor takes turns and comes to my house next year."

Even the emperor can be replaced, so what can’t the prince be replaced?

What's more, regardless of the master's thoughts and requirements, just based on the standards of the crown prince, His Highness is really unqualified.

Having been the crown prince for more than ten years, he is already favored by all the saints.

Muttering in his heart, Wang Gouzi still said nicely: "No wonder the Holy One is responsible for this. His Highness also saw it when he went to court a few days ago. Some people are so anxious and furious, it's really aggressive.

Now it seems to be one-sided, and the Holy Emperor cannot just go against the courtiers.

 Deposing the prince should be a conciliatory measure.

 But think about it again, the Holy Spirit can destroy you now, and he can also raise you up again in the future..."

Li Shao snorted coldly: "What you said is quite simple."

"What I said is simple. In fact, I don't know much. You told me what you told me before," Wang Gouzi said, "You said that the other highnesses are too young, even the second highness. They are so much younger than you, and they want to surpass you in ten or twenty years. How is it possible?

There is also the Duke of Fu, he is smart but his cleverness has led him to the stage of deposing the crown prince, but his best choice is you. After he has healed his legs, can he think of more ways for you?

 Not only him, but also the princess. For the sake of the princess, the Empress Dowager will also consider the wishes of the couple.

 You have helpers and time, all you need to do is stabilize yourself. "

 Li Shao was speechless after hearing this.

His face was still dull, and Wang Gouzi didn't know whether the prince had listened. But as long as Li Shao was at peace and didn't add fuel to the fire at this moment, Wang Gouzi would be like Amitabha.

 In the imperial study room, the Holy Master waited for a while, and then the three princes came together.

Before entering, Eunuch Cao quietly talked to the three of them.

 Hearing that the prince and the emperor had a bad quarrel and were put into a sedan chair and sent back to the East Palace, the three princes looked at each other.

“I have called my three beloved ministers here to draw up an edict to depose the crown prince,” said the Holy Master.

Taifu Qian said: "The imperial edict has its own format and rules. It is not difficult to write. It is just a matter of time. Have you made up your mind?"

 “Determined before the year.” The Holy Master said tiredly.

 Master Fei frowned.

All three of them knew the inside story, and he was also the main force behind the "promotion" of the deposed prince. However, he still had objections to the timing of doing so.

“The old minister thinks that it should be postponed until after the new year,” he suggested. “From the filing of the case to the announcement, the agenda is too fast, and...”

 The Holy Spirit signaled to him but said it was okay.

Master Fei said: "You are being 'forced' to depose the crown prince. You have to grit your teeth and persist."

The Holy Spirit laughed heartily, and his smile was rather self-deprecating: "Then start the case before the seal is sealed, and prepare everything big and small. When the seal is opened after the year, it will be announced to the world."

  The emperor asked for paper and pen, Qin Taibao drafted it, and the three princes gathered together to discuss it in a low voice.

 It is not difficult, but it is not easy either, especially on some details. If they cannot agree upon the details, they must listen to the Holy Spirit again.

After discussing it for more than half an hour, deleting, deleting, and correcting it, Qin Taibao took a new piece of paper to make a copy and handed it to Eunuch Cao.

Eunuch Cao forwarded it to His Majesty.

The Holy Father spread it out on the table, held it down with a paperweight, and read it carefully, word by word, from beginning to end.

 Holding a red pen in his hand, he looked at it even more carefully than he usually did when reviewing folding papers. He was about to write and revise several times but then stopped to think about it.

 Only he knows the great ups and downs of his mood.

"That's it..." When he spoke, the Holy Master's voice became hoarse. He asked Eunuch Cao to take the paper to Qin Taibao and said, "Just prepare it like this."

 The next day.

There are still two days left until the seal is sealed.

 In the early morning, the Jinluan Palace was extremely depressed.

 Sangong spent a long time in the Imperial Study Room yesterday, which is something everyone around Qianbu Corridor knows.

If someone like Gu Heng still has a way to the harem, then he also knows that Sheng went to Cining Palace in the morning and afternoon and had a long talk with the Empress Dowager behind closed doors.

These are almost all signs.

 In this case, no one came out to be aggressive for a while.

 After the Holy Spirit’s signal, Eunuch Cao opened the book in his hand.

 Let’s make books first.

The making of a book is not a formal edict to depose the prince, but a proposal, in which the emperor informs the government and the public that he wants to "depose the prince."

 Different from the edict drafted by Sangong yesterday, this document was written by the Holy Emperor himself.

No one else knew it, but Eunuch Cao knew very well that the Holy Spirit wrote the whole night, and every word was true.

Even though Gu Heng was so determined to destroy the prince, he couldn't help but feel sore in his eyes after hearing this document.

 The profound fatherly love that His Majesty has for His Highness is all reflected in this.

 Your Highness cannot afford this deep love!

Moreover, Gu Heng thought, why doesn’t he feel the same way?

Why did he rush to the front regardless of it? He did it for the infant Fourth Highness, and even more for his daughter.

 Even if some dishonorable means are used...

It's just a matter of fighting for the throne, why should we pay so much attention to it?

 After finishing the writing and reading, it was the civil and military officials who made suggestions. It was done step by step, so no one suddenly stood up and said, "It cannot be abolished."

It can be said that actively agreeing and even shouting "Holy Saint, Holy Ming", there is no such short-mindedness in the Jinluan Palace.

 As long as the goal is achieved, charge when you need to charge and retreat when you need to retreat.

Only by knowing the current affairs can you go far.

 On the contrary, after the court, the news spread outside the palace, and there were more discussions in the streets.

 In the past few days, many people felt that His Highness the Crown Prince was not good enough, but the fact that the Crown Prince was about to be deposed made some people somewhat panic.

Seeing that all the yamen will be sealed tomorrow afternoon, I am thinking that there will be another edict after the new year. Keeping this in mind, this year will not be easy.

The common people are doing better, and the officials, nobles, families and governments are all considering how to spend this year.

 It’s full of lanterns and colorful decorations? It seems not very good.

 At the Duke Fu's Mansion, Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian also got the news. Behind closed doors, they didn't feel any uneasiness.

Deposing the crown prince is an important step, but it does not mean that you can sit back and relax. Of course, it is worth taking out the jar of wine and drinking a few glasses.

Unexpectedly, the next day, two hours before the sealing, the Holy Emperor suddenly issued an edict.

The edict arrived at the East Palace first, and Eunuch Cao went to announce it in person.

Li Shao was already very ill. After struggling in the heavy snow the day before yesterday, his spirit became even more depressed.

He knelt down in confusion, listened to Eunuch Cao finish reading, and asked: "Father is so anxious? Didn't he say to wait until next year..."

"The announcement outside the palace will be announced next year," Eunuch Cao walked over to help Li Shao, "The Holy Father said that good and bad will end in this year. The new year will bring a new atmosphere. I hope your highness can take advantage of this new year to adjust. Good body and spirit.”

“Should I thank my father for his concern?” Li Shao asked again.

If it had been when he was in good health, Eunuch Cao might have felt that these words were neither yin nor yang, but when he looked carefully at Li Shao's appearance, he knew that His Highness actually did not mean that.

Your Highness is so confused that his whole train of thought is confused.

"The Holy One has always been very concerned about you," Eunuch Cao did not dare to remind Li Shao to "make a comeback" openly. He only said, "You have been with the Holy One for many years. Don't you still know what the relationship between father and son is like?"

Li Shao tugged at his lips, smiling more ugly than crying.

Eunuch Cao then said, "Since you are no longer the crown prince, the East Palace has to be moved out. Your Majesty has chosen Yuqing Palace for you."

 “What?” Li Shao raised his head suddenly.

“People have been cleaning the inside and outside since yesterday. You can go there later,” Cao Gonggong said. “Things here must also be tidied up, and trespassing items cannot be brought with you...”

 Li Shao's head buzzed.


 He has been the prince for so many years, and one day this word will appear in his case!

He turned his head and glanced at the things in the palace. He couldn't tell what was usable and what was no longer usable...

"Is this what the father said?" Li Shao became anxious and his voice became louder. "Could it be that the rewards given to me before and the things prepared according to the regulations of the crown prince must also be taken back?"

Eunuch Cao nodded.

“Humph!” Li Shao stood up, “It’s all mine! Why should I take it back?! Where’s the little throne? Over there in the Golden Palace…”

Eunuch Cao lowered his eyes and said, "The throne will also be withdrawn."

Li Shao's vision went dark and his body was shaky. Wang Gouzi was so frightened that he helped him sit down with a pale face.

Eunuch Cao saw his reaction in his eyes and sighed secretly: "Your Highness, you will be the Grand Highness from now on, and you will no longer be the Crown Prince. Everything you take back will be stored in the warehouse for safekeeping..."

 Whenever he is established as the prince again, everything will come back to its original state.

These were Eunuch Cao's unfinished words, but Li Shao was too emotional to listen and couldn't understand.

Li Shao reached for the tea cup with trembling hands.

Wang Gouzi was busy filling it for him, but he didn't expect that Li Shao couldn't hold it firmly in his hand. The teacup fell on the table, rolled away along the table, and landed on the ground with a thud.

 The porcelain was shattered and splashed all over the floor.

 The tea stained Li Shao's shoes. He lowered his head and looked at the stains on the shoes.

 “Take care of the little one now.” Wang Gouzi crouched down quickly.

Li Shao's mind, which was as groggy as fog, was torn apart by this crisp sound.

 What is the end?

He couldn't see clearly and didn't care to look. He just wanted to get out of this fog.

Li Shao stood up suddenly again, rushed to the wall, took down the hanging sword, and pulled it out with a swish.

The silver light is shining, and the sword's edge is dazzling.

"Take it back?" he said hoarsely, "Don't take it away, no one can use it, and neither can I, so I'll chop it up."

As he spoke, he wielded his long sword and cut whatever he saw.

 The sudden change made everyone else dumbfounded.

Wang Gouzi took a step slower. When he stood up and tried to stop him, the sword was already in front of him. He panicked and took two steps back. He bumped into a stool and grimaced in pain.

Eunuch Cao did not expect this. He waved his hand to signal all the eunuchs in the palace to leave, and asked them to find the guards.

Li Shao's hand was choppy and he didn't rush to hurt anyone, but Eunuch Cao had to be careful with the sword.

The palace was in a mess, but fortunately the guards came in quickly and took their weapons to take away the sword in Li Shao's hand. They went back and forth to restrain the man.

Li Shao dropped his sword and his eyes were as red as blood.

“Your Highness,” Eunuch Cao said in a deep voice, “Calm down!”

Li Shao gasped for air and looked at the mess. After a while, he slowly calmed down.

 “Your Highness’s move is really unwise!” Mr. Cao said impartially.

"I..." Li Shao seemed to realize what he had done just now, "Eunuch Cao, I didn't mean to vent my anger. I didn't even know what happened just now."

Eunuch Cao looked at Li Shao carefully, and he believed it half to one half not.

It is common for people to suddenly lose their minds when faced with something that hurts their heart and lungs.

 Having worked in the palace for so many years, what kind of things has he not seen?

Li Mi was deposed, Li Jun was imprisoned in Yongji Palace, and the concubine was relegated to the cold palace. The moment things happened, there were all kinds of horrible things.

 His Highness is not considered a "leader" among them.

"This place is a mess. Now that Your Highness has calmed down, you might as well move to Yuqing Palace first, and let Eunuch Guo and the others clean up the rest." Eunuch Cao said.

Wang Gouzi was still frightened, and he was busy trying to persuade: "Your Highness, I will wait for you to pass. Please be careful where you step."

Li Shao was held on the left and right by Wang Gouzi and the guards, and he walked out of the main hall and out of the east palace with empty steps.

“Wait.” He stopped and turned to look at the familiar red wall and glazed tiles.

From now on, I will no longer live here.

 From now on, he will no longer be the crown prince.

 Until this moment, Li Shao finally realized what he was doing.

 “The deposed prince” means not only changing from the crown prince to the eldest prince, but also everything around him will change accordingly.

 He felt awkward, uneasy, and more importantly, confused and hesitant.

 Involuntarily, he felt his breath tightening and tried to gasp for air.

 The cold air rushed into his mouth and nose and went straight into his throat, causing him to cough heavily.

I couldn't hold back this cough at all, so I struggled to cover my neck with both hands. My eyesight turned black and white, and finally went blank for a moment, and my body sank softly.

"Your Highness!" Wang Gouzi shouted, "Your Highness! Someone come quickly! Your Highness has passed away!"

 Hearing the noise in the east palace, they ran out one after another.

Eunuch Guo rushed to the front and saw that Wang Gouzi and the guards were so flustered that they failed to support His Highness, and all three of them fell to the ground.

He hurriedly tried to help him, but he didn't use any strength and fell to the ground.

 It’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone.

Li Shao is dead, and I am going to be dead soon.

I want to make up for it with a monthly pass.

 The Book Friends Circle has launched a title event for January. Book friends in need should take a look~~

  Thanks to book friend 20200422080747982 for the reward.

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