Yan Cigui

Chapter 390: It’s worth a try (please vote for two updates in one)

 Hearing what Lin Yunyan said, Xu Jian remembered this matter.

 He stayed in the woods at that time, while Li Shao was the first group to withdraw with An Yibo and Tao Tong.

By the time Xu Jian returned to the paddock, Eunuch Yu had already brought Li Shao back to the capital.

 Afterwards, he heard Lin Yunyan talk about the previous situation. From the time Xu Jian led people in for search and rescue to the time when the two met again, everything in between was everything.

Those are extremely necessary communications, and they are originally planned for Li Shao, so they must be aware of all the situations before they can respond accordingly.

Lin Yunyan also mentioned Li Shao’s scream at that time.

 It’s just that the two of them didn’t pay special attention to this matter.

 After all, with Li Shao's temperament, it was not strange for him to faint after being chased by a blind bear for so long. It was not strange to scream while fainting.

"If the imperial concubine hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have thought of that." Lin Yunyan thought for a moment and tried to choose the most appropriate description, "His scream was very frightening, the kind that would scare me when I heard it. That fear."

 Xu Jian nodded slightly, indicating that he understood what Lin Yunyan meant.

Lin Yunyan then continued: "I originally thought that maybe because he was frightened by the blind bear, he passed away. After returning to the palace, he had a fever and fell ill again..."

If the two of them took advantage of a lot of darkness under the lamp, then when it came to Li Shao's screams, they were indeed preemptive and had a dark time under the lamp.

 Just think it’s a bear disaster, but think about it more carefully, I’m afraid it may not be the case.

 “Is Li Shao afraid of the blind bear?” Lin Yunyan asked herself and Xu Jian.

Xu Jian replied: "Not really."

 He has dealt with Li Shao too much, and he has also caught Li Shao's many mistakes.

When Li Shao is really afraid of something, it shouldn't be that way. In other words, Li Shao has his own way of judging crises. Whether he is safe or not, his reaction will be completely different.

 Blind Xiong poses no threat to Li Shao.

Perhaps Li Shao was indeed afraid at first, but he saw Xiong Xiazi die with his own eyes.

  One arm was cut off by Xu Jian, and he was surrounded and killed by the imperial forest. The blind man fell to the ground, motionless.

It chased Li Shao for a whole day, but it was completely dead. Li Shao even went up and kicked the corpse hard to vent the breath.

 He passed out because he was exhausted from relaxing, and his fever was due to cold and fatigue, and fear was probably only a small part of it.

When he went to court again, Li Shao talked eloquently about what happened that day in the paddock, without any hesitation.

And if he was really afraid to his core, he wouldn't even talk about it.

 Speaking of which, it was also because Xu Jian had been recuperating in the mansion and did not go to court in person, and what Li Shao said when he came to the mansion was limited, so he did not discover this early.

“So, it wasn’t because of the blind bear that he screamed at that time,” Xu Jian concluded, “What did he see?”

Lin Yunyan recalled: “When he woke up, he was in the shed. Eunuch Cao fed him water and asked the imperial doctor to do a brief examination.

Eunuch Cao asked him whether he wanted to go back to the palace or spend the night in the small hall. He said he wanted to go back to the palace.

 From what I saw, his energy was very low and his reaction was a bit slow, but his thinking was clear and he was not afraid at all.

By the time Eunuch Yu had prepared the carriage, Li Shao was so sleepy that he was carried out by Yu Lin until he got on the carriage...

Yes, the biggest change occurred when we came out of the shed. We were faced with a strong wind, and everything in front of our eyes was filled with fire! "

Commander Tao was arranging people to move into the forest to carry the wounded, and everyone had burning torches in their hands.

Li Shao saw this scene in a daze...

"The more chaotic it is, the harder it is to tell what night it is," Xu Jian said. "He just can't remember it. It's not that he has no experience. The imperial concubine is right. Once he is in that situation, he will not be stabbed suddenly. Strange."

"If he can remember it," Lin Yunyan said, "we should be able to figure out what happened at Dingguo Temple."

 At this point, she couldn't help but speak faster.

Xu Jian heard it, although he also knew that Lin Yunyan might not have noticed that she was too anxious.

 He had a cup of tea with her, and Xu Jian deliberately slowed down his speaking speed when he spoke.

 The more important it is, the less we can all be anxious. When he is anxious, she will be slow, but when the little princess is anxious, it is the other way around.

 That's what it means to be thoughtful and measured.

"For him to react to the light of fire, it must be a fire. Even if it doesn't burn, it must be like that in the paddock. There were several large braziers lit around it and dozens of people holding torches," Xu Jian thought. Thinking, he added, "It was an accident that day. He happened to be confused. If he were more awake, it would probably not be enough to light the fire."

But I can find a place for him to watch the fire in the capital. Oh, I dare to let it go. Even if it hurts Mr. Shan, he will still be shivering in the Jinluan Palace with his black gauze hat. "

A teasing remark made Lin Yunyan laugh.

  Laughing out loud, the eagerness and anxiety in her heart dissipated in an instant, and she let out a slow breath.

 “Hui Hui is in trouble for Master Shan,” Lin Yunyan said with a smile, “He is also unlucky.”

 Xu Jian curled his lips.

 With a fire that can be made in fact inconvenient.

Of course, it would be best for Li Shao to revisit his old place.

Although Dingguo Temple was destroyed, it was still the place that most reminded Li Shao of the past.

However, based on Xu Jian’s understanding of the Sage, it was almost impossible for him to convince the Sage to let Li Shao go to Dingguo Temple.

"It's a gamble," Xu Jian said. "No one is sure that Li Shao can really remember it. Some people have constant nightmares and forget it all when they wake up."

Lin Yunyan understands.

The dream is so mysterious.

“But you see,” she raised her eyes and looked at Xu Jian, “Today’s step is also a blank space that has never been taken before, isn’t it?

 You said that the more you know, the better your luck will be. You have walked a lot of paths for me, and my luck has always been very good.

Even if it is a gamble this time, it is still worth a try. "

 Xu Jian was slightly startled.

Lin Yunyan's eyes were bright, and her dark pupils reflected him. Under her slight smile, there was deep trust and tenderness.

He couldn't move his eyes away and looked at her for a moment. He only stretched out his hand, took Lin Yunyan's hand, and rubbed the soft back of her hand again and again.

To be fair, Xu Jian wanted to be cautious.

He screwed it up if he did it, and he would do it all over again if he could. It's not like he had never experienced it again; if he didn't do it again, it would just be a complete loss, and he could be considered as having walked out of this endless world.

 But he was reluctant to smash Lin Yunyan inside.

Such a good start is really messed up. The little princess has such a temper that no one can make her cry.

 It’s just that they have already started gambling.

Like Lin Yunyan said, this area is all blank, and everything from now on will be in the fog. Every step you take is actually a "gamble."

 What their past experiences have left to them is experience.

"It's time to give it a try," Xu Jian gathered her thoughts and continued to rub her hands. The two did not conflict with each other, but she was very used to it. "It's just that I can't rush it, so I should try to be more thoughtful." Lin Yunyan nodded: "The deposed prince is the Holy Emperor. Only if he is completely disappointed with Li Shao..."

The imperial concubine also said that the Holy Emperor had extremely deep feelings for Li Shao.

Li Shao's current incident was the reason given by the Holy Emperor to the courtiers for deposing the prince, rather than the reason for giving up the prince in his mind.

The decisive reason still needs them to continue to find and arrange it.

 The next day.

Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian returned to Uncle Chengyi’s Mansion to pay New Year’s greetings.

Little Mrs. Duan really has a lot to say to her granddaughter.

Lin Yunjing's wedding preparations went very smoothly, and the wedding date was set. It was chosen in May, which is a good time for warmth.

He also said that the Duan clan had previously sent a letter to let Duan Zhihuai go to Beijing. He thought that the distance between the two places was long and that the clan would have to discuss it more. Unexpectedly, the reply to the letter arrived on New Year's Eve.

Duan Zhihuai himself was very interested in studying abroad, and another brother of the same age in the clan also wanted to travel together as a companion. As soon as they came together, they decided to set off after the Lantern Festival.

 Just have to watch as you walk and slowly head north. During the period, you will write letters to Beijing to let the government know about their situation.

Xiao Duan said and took the reply letter to Lin Yunyan to read.

“Here, this is what Zhihuai wrote. The handwriting is so good, and he must have a good temperament.”

Lin Yunyan laughed when she heard it: "Don't worry about the Yuanyang score I ordered. When the time comes, Third Sister will definitely appreciate it."

Little Duan smiled and spat: "How can any girl look at it randomly? I have to look at it first!"

"How can you look down on your grandnephew?" Lin Yunyan teased her.

Grandparents and grandson are enjoying themselves happily.

Lin Yunyan accompanied me and talked a lot, laughing and thinking at the same time.

 The eldest sister and the third sister can get married as they wish. When the two younger brothers also become close to each other in the future, everything in the family will go smoothly. But if they want to live a good life, they must not go to the step of expropriating the title and confiscating the house.

 Li Shao cannot be allowed to resurrect, and the people behind the scenes cannot be allowed to act recklessly.

 After talking about home affairs, it is natural to talk about the court.

Little Duan said in a low voice: "Deposing the crown prince is a big deal, and our subordinates don't know what kind of attitude we should take.

I asked your father about it, and he said it won’t bother us for the time being, but we need to be more cautious.

 Look at us, we didn’t set off many firecrackers this year. We live next to each other and had a very good relationship with Enrongbo Mansion in the past, so we have to worry about their feelings no matter what. "

Lin Yunyan nodded.

 Every injustice has its owner, and every debt has its owner.

 She was looking for trouble with Li Shao and had no complaints about the Enrong residence.

  Since childhood, the relationship between the neighbors has been harmonious, and the old lady and the uncle are also kind to her.

As Xiao Duan talked, he returned to Xu Jian.

“I actually thought about it, it would be a good idea to reveal everything,” she sighed, “I have kept it secret for several years, and there is no accurate explanation of how the Duke of Guo was injured, and there are even some bad rumors.

The credit did not catch it, and I also gossip, but now it is right.

 He was injured while trying to save His Highness. This is clearly meritorious service.

From now on, no one can say that he only has a title but no merit.

 What should be his, he must take it. "

Lin Yunyan felt warm in her heart after hearing this.

 She felt sorry for her own family. Why didn't she feel aggrieved for Xu Jian when she knew the inside story before?

"How is his injured leg doing?" Xiao Duan asked again, "I just saw him coming over to talk and he was walking fairly steadily."

"We only let him walk a few steps," Lin Yunyan said. "In the mansion, there are chariots and soft sedans. After all, it's cold and it's always good to take more rest. Everything is getting better, but we may have to wait until the weather gets warmer. Go to court later.”

Xiao Duan nodded: "You have to listen to the doctor."

 In the other room, in the study, Xu Jian and Lin Yu were talking.

“You mean, Dingguo Temple might not have been an accident at that time?” Lin Yu frowned, thought for a while, and then said, “Dingguo Temple burned so badly, apart from the lack of manpower to put out the fire, there were other reasons.

 It happened to be autumn, the weather was dry, and the oil stocks in the temple were relatively large.

This point was actually raised back then. The temple was very meticulous in purchasing and purchasing. It was originally a royal temple and had always had a lot of materials. Just in time to pray for the late emperor, another batch was added and lights were lit day and night. Theoretically speaking, It makes sense. "

If that doesn't make sense, the Holy Spirit was so serious about Dingguo Temple that he would not let go of this issue back then.

 I can’t hold it back just because it’s reasonable.

Lin Yuan added: "But if we look at it as 'not an accident', it seems that those things can be closer to the doubts, but whether the doubts can be turned into evidence depends on the subsequent harvest."

Xu Jian thought for a while: "If His Highness can recall something..."

“His Highness acted out of line, but he was not really stupid and ignorant,” Lin Yuan analyzed. “If it really had nothing to do with him, he would tell it and there would be a direction for investigation.

 But if it really concerns him, he won't say it easily.

 Besides, he was only four years old at the time. "

"I understand what my father-in-law thinks. Even if something happens to a four-year-old child,..." Xu Jian thought for a while and then said, "It's just that we are not trying to decide right or wrong. The only presiding judge of this case is the Holy Lord. ”

 The key lies in how the Holy Spirit sees it.

 The Holy Spirit thinks that Li Shao is wrong, which is a good thing for Xu Jian and others.

The Holy One thinks that Li Shao is not wrong. Li Shao is afraid of other things, so his experience that night may help them catch the person behind the scenes.

 No matter which result, it is a big step forward.

Lin Yuan thought for a while and then said: "I didn't ask you before, who do you think can inherit the throne after His Highness is unable to succeed? Who can sit on that chair and make the Xu and Lin families live smoothly?"

Xu Jian held the tea cup and did not answer immediately.

"It's hard to answer," Lin Yue said first, "I can't find an answer, but this is something we must understand."

 “You’re right.” Xu Jian nodded.

"As for your highness," Lin Yu sighed, "it's not feasible to go to Dingguo Temple. There are other places in Beijing that you can consider."

 Xu Jian humbly asked for advice.

 “The holy palace.” Lin Yu whispered.

"It's not too difficult to persuade His Majesty to let His Highness go back to Qian Mansion. You can do it, or I can do it." Lin Yu rubbed his fingertips, "The only problem is that burning down Qian Mansion will easily burn us all. Inside.”

 Xu Jian frowned and began to think deeply.

Seeing this, Lin Yu patted him on the shoulder and said: "I'm not in a hurry. I want to set fire to the Qian Mansion. I must hit it with one hit, otherwise I have to find a way to escape. If there is a chance, I will finally Let’s try again, Your Highness.” (End of chapter)

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