Yan Cigui

Chapter 391: He wants us to bow our heads even more (two updates combined into one, please vote for

 The Holy Sage's Qianfu is located in the west of the city.

"I remember," Xu Jian thought for a while, "that mansion doesn't occupy a large area."

"Yes," Lin Yu said, "but I have everything I need."

  When the mansion was first opened, the sixth prince Li Yi was just an idle prince, his mind was not on the throne, so the hidden mansion was well built.

It has the grandeur that a prince's residence should have, but it doesn't look as different as the residence of the direct eldest prince Li Cang.

Zhenlun occupies an area that is not even as large as Chengcheng's Mansion and several noble mansions in this alley, but the regulations are different, and the population is also different.

 Speaking of it, relatively speaking, I can also praise it for being small and precise.

 After Li Yi was appointed as the crown prince, the Qian Mansion was not expanded, nor did it have any features that a prince could have.

 Because the time is too short.

Li Yi could only serve as the crown prince for less than three months. With the death of Emperor Taixing, he moved from Qianfu to the palace and became the Holy Emperor.

 And Qianfu has been vacant since then.

"A few years ago, His Majesty took time to visit Qian Mansion," Lin Yu recalled. "On the anniversaries of the late Queen's life and death, Qingming Festival, and wedding days, whenever His Majesty was not busy, he would go there in the afternoon. Occasionally, he would rest for half the night and catch up. Return to the palace before the morning court.

 with a busy schedule these past few years, it’s inconvenient to go out of the palace, mostly in the middle palace.

 The valuable items in the palace, or those used in daily life, were gradually moved back to the palace, either kept in the royal study room, the bedroom, or given to His Highness, and many were placed in the middle palace. "

 Xu Jian listened carefully.

 No matter how much time he has passed and how many things he has experienced, there is still something he cannot reach.

  It is the past that has passed a long time.

 For what happened when he and Lin Yunyan were young, he really had more than enough ambition but not enough strength.

 Fortunately, I still have my father-in-law as a witness.

And because Lin Yu had been in the court for many years, even if he did not interfere and only held a post in the Hanlin Academy, he also lost his wife in the Dingguo Temple fire. In this regard, the Holy Emperor and him are "allies" , he knows a lot of inside information that outsiders don’t know.

 About Dingguo Temple and the memory of the late empress.

“Although the middle palace is convenient,” Xu Jian said thoughtfully, “but the late queen has never lived there for a day.”

"Indeed," Lin Yue nodded, "For the Holy Sage, firstly, it is a thought, and secondly, it is an attitude. If he had not been firm and never relaxed, just the news after the establishment of the new year would have been lost in January. Collect several copies.”

Having said this, Lin Yu paused, took a sip of tea, and then said: "Why did you go to the step of deposing the crown prince? It is also because the Holy Emperor has not been as firm and unswerving on this matter recently. There are many smart people in the Jinluan Palace. , how can you not understand?”

Xu Jian took the teapot and refilled the tea with him: "They are all smart people. After waiting for a while, they can gradually taste it. Your Majesty has not given up on His Highness."

Lin Yu couldn’t agree more.

"Back to Qian Mansion," he said, "Since everything has been moved into the palace, all that is left there is some old furniture. The manpower is getting smaller and smaller every year. Now it seems that there are only one manager and two people who are still responsible for things. A sweeper and a gardener.

There is a garden and a pond in the back house, which are still living water. Even if the Holy Spirit no longer lives there, I don’t want to see them abandoned.

   They are all old and young, and they don't usually live there. They only have people who keep watch at night.

 There is nothing valuable at all. I just keep it for peace of mind, and I don’t have any idea where to go. "

 Xu Jian understood.

 That’s why my father-in-law said that if he wanted to cause trouble, it would be appropriate to hide in his mansion.

Since it is an old place that Li Shao is familiar with, he is not afraid of harming others, and there is a living pool, so it is much more convenient to rescue him.

After Lin Yu finished speaking, he stood up and walked to the desk, stroking his sleeves, adding water and grinding the ink.

 The fragrance of ink dissipated in an instant, and during the breath, the originally impetuous mood was calmed down, leaving only peace.

 Lin Yu dipped his pen in ink, spread out a piece of paper, and drew according to memory.

Xu Jian stepped forward and stood on the side away from the window so as not to block the light and watch Lin Yu paint.

 Soon, a plan of the house appeared on the paper.

"I've been there several times before," Lin Yuan put down his pen and pointed at the painting to introduce it to Xu Jian. "The first few places are more accurate. I've only been to the garden once in the backyard. I had a drink with the Holy Father. It was night. The rest of the place is dark, so I can’t say for sure, I can only give a rough idea.”

“It’s good to have a rough idea. It’s much better than being in the dark.” Xu Jian thanked him.

There was only one watchman in the mansion at night, so Xuan Su could come and go as he pleased.

Having a copy of the drawings will help him get twice the result with half the effort, allowing him to figure out the layout as quickly as possible.

When the drawing was finished, Lin Yuan handed it to Xu Jian.

“Again, don’t be anxious,” he said seriously, “The Holy Emperor is not easy to fool, he doesn’t see it now, it’s just that your move landed exactly where he needs it.

 But what you want is ultimately contrary to what the Holy Emperor expects. Once your chess pieces are deployed for the killing move, he will definitely be alert.

 At that moment, if there is nothing ‘falling into place’, then…”

The risk of the embankment bursting.

 Xu Jian understands this truth.

After thinking for a while, he said: "I originally thought that my father-in-law would advise me to think twice before I act. Your Majesty will learn from his mistakes, and we must give him a chance."

Lin Yu laughed heartily.

"When you mentioned this to me when we came back, I really thought it was too radical," Lin Yu said bluntly, "His Highness is not mature enough, but it doesn't seem that bad.

You have no relationship with him as a monarch or a minister, but the other highnesses are too young to be related to each other at this moment.

 But I have been reading it for the past two months, and the more I read it, the more I feel that your concerns are justified.

Since we have reached this point, instead of arguing about whether to give His Highness a chance, we should think more and take every step more pragmatically. "

 Let His Highness not be allowed to resurrect, so that His Majesty can truly get out of the haze of Dingguo Temple and treat His Highness's son correctly.

 Xu Jian bowed to Lin Yu.

It is a relief enough to have the support of my father-in-law and avoid the meaningless tug-of-war among my own family.

If the two parties disagree, he will completely pull Li Shao down. His father-in-law wants to make Li Shao change his ways. This is not a matter of having more help or missing a help. It is a matter of political differences between the father-in-law and the princess. Trapped in the middle.

It is no surprise that Lin Yunyan would be on his side, because they have experienced life and death together and know that the ending will be cruel.

 But my father-in-law is not.

He has not yet witnessed the confiscation of his uncle's house. His grandmother wanted to die in order not to harm the younger generation. She did not realize what a ridiculous person Li Shao was...

It is really rare for my father-in-law to accept his persuasion at this time and choose a path with them.

This move benefited from Li Shao's extraordinary behavior in recent times, and also relied on his father-in-law's own acumen in court affairs and his love for his daughter and family.

Lin Yue reached out to support Xu Jian and sighed: "My biggest regret in this life is that the relationship between husband and wife was too short, and my expectation for Yun Yan is that she can completely make up for my regret. Treat her well, you and He Have a wonderful life."

Xu Jian solemnly said: "Don't worry, I will definitely not let you down."

Lin Yue laughed when he heard this, with smile lines at the corners of his eyes. He glanced down at Xu Jian's right leg: "Then take good care of your injury. Yun Yan's thin arms and legs can't help anyone."

After saying that, he put away his smile and gave another warning: "His Highness, there are still a lot of things to do. You have to take care of yourself. You have to go to the imperial study to say a lot of things yourself."

 Xu Jian responded. The matter was settled here, and someone came from outside to say that the table was ready in the flower hall, so they walked over together.

Before entering the hall, I heard constant laughter inside. It turned out that Lin Yunyan and her grandmother had already arrived.

Hearing the sound, Lin Yunyan turned around and met Xu Jian's gaze, bending her eyes and smiling.

Little Duan said cheerfully: "On New Year's Day, your husband-in-law will talk about important things, and one or two of them will say it with serious faces."

Lin Yuan calmed down: "What you said is that we won't talk about that during the New Year, and we will have wine with you later."

Little Mrs. Duan pointed to the table next door: "How can I use this little fruit wine with you? You can drink it by yourself."

Xu Jian said simply: "Since you like fruit wine, there are still some jars of plum wine sent from Jiangnan in the house. I will send it to you later."

 Sit down at separate tables, and the whole family is enjoying themselves.

Lin Yunfang glanced at Xu Jian, then at Lin Yunyan, and turned to Lin Yunjing: "At this time next year, the eldest sister will also have to bring her brother-in-law to have a drink."

Just one sentence made Lin Yunjing's face turn red.

Lin Yunyan leaned over and whispered to her: "Sister, you know that there is a cousin from the Duan family who is coming to Beijing, right? I'll tell you secretly, that's the mandarin duck recipe I ordered for my third sister. See how long she can laugh at you!"

Lin Yunjing’s eyes lit up, and the two of them started laughing non-stop.

Lin Yunfang didn't know what they said, so she asked curiously.

Lin Yunyan said: "I won't tell you!"

Lin Yunjing was extremely happy: “I won’t tell you!”

 The banquet was full of fun and joy. Xiao Duan smiled happily and drank two more glasses of wine. After the banquet was over, he returned to Zaishouyuan to rest.

Xu Jian had a good drinker, so she didn't really drink him. It was just that it was too cold to walk much, so Lin Yunyan sat with him in the flower hall.

 “What did you talk about with your father?” Lin Yunyan asked softly.

“My father-in-law gave me a lot of advice,” Xu Jian held Lin Yunyan’s hand and stroked her slender fingers, “I’ll talk to you slowly when I get back.”

Lin Yunyan responded "Okay".

After all, it is such a big event. People are walking around outside the flower hall from time to time. If someone hears a few words...

 It’s not that I’m worried about being unreliable, but that I’m afraid of scaring people.

 When it comes to imperial power and the dragon throne, one should still be extremely cautious.

Since he couldn't talk about big things, Lin Yunyan chatted with Xu Jian about trivial matters. They were all about the family's gossip that she heard from Mrs. Duan when she was little.

 The ordinary life is filled with the joys, sorrows and joys of the elderly people. The trivial daily life constitutes "the vast majority" of their lives.

  It is the peace and stability they are looking for when moving forward in the storm.

 Speaking of Enrongbo Mansion, Xu Jian whispered: "They are also in a dilemma."

 As the queen's mother clan, they have always been restrained in their behavior.

  First, because the queen has passed away long ago, there is only one person who occupies that title, but there is no one left. Second, Li Shao has been in the position of the prince for a long time, and there is no need for them to fight for his future.

  You will get all the benefits you deserve. If you continue to worry about things all the time, you will fall behind.

Moreover, when a girl married into the prince's palace, she really didn't expect that the throne would eventually fall to her, which made the Xia family, who were already aware of etiquette and self-restraint, become even more cautious.

What is even more unexpected is that Li Shao grew up healthy and healthy, but his position as prince was lost. Because of his behavior, even Enrong Bo could not say a few words of defense when he entered the imperial study.

   The uncle does not have the ability to tell lies with his eyes open, and the old father-in-law does not even have it.

"I heard that he said some truthful words. It is indeed not safe to say that Li Shao is not safe. Let the Holy One deal with him as he pleases," Xu Jian said, paused for a moment, and then said, "Xia Qinglue has always had a hard time talking about Li Shao. ”

In the East Sanshi, when it comes to Yu Xia, the two resigned with the people of Bofu and returned to the Gongfu government.

 Xu Jian then showed the drawing to Lin Yunyan.

Lin Yunyan asked curiously: "Whose mansion is it?"

“The Holy Emperor’s Qianfu,” Xu Jian explained, “was painted by my father-in-law. If I wanted to try Li Shao, he suggested that I choose Qianfu.”

 Speaking, Xu Jian analyzed several pros and cons with Lin Yunyan.

“Then wait until Xuan Su finds out what’s going on,” Lin Yunyan said, and then asked, “As for Li Shao, what do you think of the Lantern Festival?”

 This is what Lin Yunyan thought of on the way back.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, the street was extremely lively and the carriages were not moving fast, so she raised the curtain and looked outside for a while.

There was a constant flow of people on the street, and there were many vendors, all selling things to eat and play during the New Year. Some of them had already hung up lanterns of all kinds. During the day, they could only see one shape, but Lin Yunyan thought of them. The way it lights up.

 Xu Jian imagined it.

It is completely different from a real fire, but it is somewhat similar to the torch light in the paddock that night.

 It's not like we have to ask Li Shao to recall anything on the spot. We just did a test, which is feasible.

"This matter depends on you," Xu Jian said. "In the Yuan Dynasty, it was not convenient for me to accompany you to watch the lanterns."

According to the information given to him a year ago, he will be able to recover from his injuries until spring comes.

The Lantern Festival was held at night, and it was cold and windy. Even if Xu Jian was willing to go, the Holy Father would let him rest.

 Fortunately, Lin Yunyan was favored by the Empress Dowager, and she had enough status to participate and observe Li Shao's reaction.


“It’s not difficult to let Li Shao look at the lanterns together,” Lin Yunyan thought for a while and said, “If I want Li Shao to tell the truth to me, or if he is willing to tell the truth to us in the future, I have to think about it again.”

 Xu Jian couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

  Li Shao was very dissatisfied when he came to the Duke's Mansion last time.

Now that the crown prince's position has been deposed, this debt will be settled on both of them with gnashing of teeth.

Although, this account is actually correct.

 It was indeed the two of them who arranged one after another behind the scenes.

"You can rest assured," Xu Jian pondered for a while and said, "Li Shao is a self-centered person and also very arrogant. He bothers me to point fingers, but he knows very well who will help him if he wants to make a comeback. ”

"You mean..." Lin Yunyan's eyes lit up, "Misleading him?"

“A dispute is a dispute,” Xu Jian said directly. “Rather than completely breaking up, he wants us to bow our heads.”

Lin Yunyan laughed when she heard this.

 A man can bend and stretch, and so can a woman.

 The purpose is clear, lowering your head is better than beheading.

 “It’s easy to make a fool of yourself,” Lin Yunyan commented, “who grew up in the palace can’t do that?”

I still owe Zhang a reward and an update. I have a lot of things to do in the past two days. I will make up for it after I have been busy for a few days.

Thanks to the book friends AX and Small Yard for the reward.

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