Yan Cigui

Chapter 392: What does Ning An want to do again? ! (Two updates combined into one, asking for the m

 The fifth day of the lunar month.

  The sky was gloomy when I woke up in the morning, but fortunately it stopped snowing all night long.

In Yuqing Palace, Mr. Guo directed people to clear the passage.

Seeing Wang Gouzi coming out of the main hall, he turned around and asked again: "Is Your Highness awake?"

"I haven't woken up yet," Wang Gouzi said softly, "I guess I should wake up in half an hour. Let the little one prepare it in the kitchen first, so that he can drink medicine after breakfast."

Eunuch Guo nodded in agreement.

Although His Highness has been dethroned from the position of crown prince, aside from those arrogant things, the general cost of food and clothing is not much different from before.

Although there are a lot of people in the palace who are trying to uphold someone's superiority and disdain others, there are not really any idiots who would come to His Highness.

Even those who work on the ground have never been humiliated when they go out for a walk.

 After all, when His Highness is ill, the Imperial Hospital still comes to ask for pulse every morning and every night, and one can get a glimpse of His Majesty's attitude from this.

 As for what happens next...

Eunuch Guo turned his head and looked in the direction of the main hall. That would depend on His Highness.

Let’s not talk about the person who is not in his position. Don’t suddenly draw your sword and start chopping like before. It’s Amitabha.

Wang Gouzi was busy hurriedly, and when he returned to the inner hall, Li Shao had already woken up.

 Change clothes, wash up, eat and take medicine.

I have to say that Li Shao has been particularly easy to serve these days.

  It was as if after a hard day's work that day, the whole person's energy had been drained away. He didn't pick on people or complain about things. He just spent his free time in a daze.

 Before noon, Judge An came to see me.

While taking his pulse, he asked Li Shao how he was sleeping, how his appetite was, and where he felt uncomfortable.

Li Shao answered one by one.

Judge An touched his beard, and finally made a simple adjustment, and said to Li Shao: "Your Highness's body has recovered a lot, and he has not had recurring fever in the past two days. It's just that the illness has gone away, and he needs to take care of himself more." ”

Li Shao glanced at him and responded in a low voice.

Eunuch Guo sent him to An Yuan for sentencing, and only the dog was left inside.

Wang Gouzi was clearing the table when he suddenly heard Li Shao ask him: "Is my illness really cured?"

"You..." Wang Gouzi didn't understand for a moment and just said, "The imperial doctor said that you have recovered and just need to recuperate. Don't worry, but you feel weak? This happens even after the fever subsides."

"No," Li Shao interrupted Wang Gouzi, "I just didn't understand what I was doing to chop things that day. How could I suddenly draw my sword?"

 Wang Gouzi was stunned for a moment.

Even though he followed Li Shao every day, he was used to seeing Li Shao's thoughts come and go, so he was confused by this question.

 Why can that be?

 Isn't it normal for His Highness to be quick to attack when he gets angry?

It’s been several days, and you’re still thinking about the reason?

The internal slander was the internal slander. Wang Gouzi rolled his eyes and followed Li Shao: "Your forehead was burning hot at that time. How could there be so many reasons for your actions when you were sick? Look, your fever has gone away now. Why don't you start to think about it?" Did you ask ‘why’?”

Li Shao nodded thoughtfully: "That's right. If I hadn't been sick and confused, I wouldn't have done that."

Wang Gouzi understood Li Shao's tendency and immediately said: "That's right. It's too scary to draw the sword suddenly. It just hits something. If it hurts someone, His Highness will definitely not want to do it."

"That's the truth," Li Shao said again, "It's unprovoked, why should I do anything? I'm not crazy!"

 He kicked Qian Hu and Liu Xun, but it was those two who acted haphazardly behind his back.

He has also made trouble for Xu Jian, just talking about it, and he has no intention of taking action against Xu Jian.

 He eats wine, watches cockfights and sleeps with women, but he will not use weapons for no reason.

 In Li Shao's own mind, he is not such a vicious person.

 It must be because of the fever and confusion!

Thinking about this, Li Shao felt a little better.

"How are you doing these days, father?" he asked Wang Gouzi, "I want to see my father, and I also want to explain to him."

Wang Gouzi said: "I have never heard about the situation of the Holy One, but every day Eunuch Guo goes to the emperor to report your physical condition. The Holy One is still very concerned about you.

 You want to see the Holy One, so please send a message to Eunuch Guo when he goes back.

Your Highness, I would like to say something presumptuous. Although you are no longer the Crown Prince, your identity remains the same. You are still the eldest son of His Majesty and the only son of the late Empress whom His Majesty loved dearly.

 When you get healthy, talk to the Holy One. With the relationship between father and son for many years, are you still afraid that you won’t be able to win back the Holy One’s feelings? "

 Li Shao's face didn't look good when he mentioned the deposed crown prince.

But the most intense moment of emotion passed for him. When he woke up, he was already in trouble. He spent several days recovering from illness, but he didn't have any major ups and downs.

Li Shao snorted: "I know the importance."

 Wang Gouzi bowed his head respectfully.

I have to say that the Holy One still understands His Highness.

  Choose the last moment before the seal to go to the East Palace to issue the imperial edict, so that the most intense reaction of His Highness can be suppressed during the New Year's Day, and it will also avoid having so many people watching and irritating His Highness every day in court.

Of course, this is also a good thing for the dog.

He took advantage of these days to comfort and enlighten Li Shao and let Li Shao understand that a comeback was entirely feasible.


After hearing Eunuch Guo say that His Highness has recovered physically and is much calmer, and even regrets that he was not so calm that day, His Majesty asked Eunuch Cao to come to Yuqing Palace.

Eunuch Cao smiled and saluted Li Shao, said some good things about the New Year, and at the same time observed Li Shao.

Although the Holy One did not say much, Eunuch Cao could tell that the Holy One was still pleased with His Highness's reflections. As for how much gratification it would be, it would depend on His Highness's attitude.

 His Highness’s performance today was better than Eunuch Cao expected.

Not only did he not show any hysteria about drawing his sword, but he also showed no dissatisfaction or uneasiness about being deposed. The whole person looked "peaceful".

 This made Eunuch Cao feel incredible.

 So, after talking about the body and mood of the Holy Emperor, the Empress Dowager, the Imperial Concubine and others, the scene changed and Eunuch Cao mentioned Xu Jian.

"The Duke of Fu did not come to the palace to pay New Year's greetings, but the princess came. He congratulated the Empress Dowager and the Imperial Concubine on the first day of the Lunar New Year, and yesterday he went to Cining Palace to accompany him to perform a horse-drawing ceremony." Eunuch Cao spoke unhurriedly. Paying attention to Li Shao, "I heard that Duke Fu's legs are still not feeling well, so he only went to Uncle Chengyi's Mansion to pay New Year greetings, and didn't go anywhere else."

Li Shao listened and suddenly said: "If he doesn't enter the palace, there is nowhere else he can go except the Yue family."

Eunuch Cao pursed his lips.

Your Highness is right to say so, and his tone is normal. Anyway, there is no trace of the resentment he had when he sued the Duke of Fuguo for his bad intentions before the emperor and the emperor.

 Perhaps you are really thinking about it?

“Let’s talk about the Shangyuan Lantern Festival again,” Eunuch Cao continued, “The Empress Dowager hasn’t looked at the lanterns for several years. She became interested after hearing what the princess said and wanted to go up to the city tower to have a look that day. She also asked someone to ask the Holy Master.”

 “Watch the lantern?” Li Shao was confused, “Father, did you agree?”

“I agreed to accompany the Queen Mother to look at the lanterns,” said Mr. Cao.

Li Shao's brows frowned suddenly.

Over the years, my impression is that my father has rarely participated in such fun.

 It’s not that I like it or not, but it’s very troublesome.

Although he has never heard his father tell the contents personally, Li Shao can still see the reason. The purpose of the lantern festival is to have fun with the people. Even if it is only on the wall of the palace and far away from the common people, the idea is fulfilled and the officials, both civil and military, are invited to accompany them.

His father had done this kind of thing a few years ago, and he followed along and looked at the lights from a distance.

Can’t see the shape of the lamp, blowing a gust of cold wind, it doesn’t mean much, it’s just a ritual.

 The other kind has not been done for many years.

 There were no civil or military officials, only relatives of the emperor and concubines in the harem watching the lanterns together.

That was a good opportunity to show his face in front of his father. Anyone who had a little thought would show off their beauty, not only to be pretty, but also to outshine others, making the north wind blowing in the face smell sour.

As for his younger brothers and sisters, it was up to their mother and concubine to decide whether they should laugh when they should laugh, cry when they should cry, and whether their eyes would be bent or drooped.

Li Shao looked annoyed, so he concluded that his father didn't like that kind of trouble.

If the Empress Dowager looks at lanterns, she will naturally be of this kind.

Li Shao thought about this and became a little anxious: "Is the imperial concubine the same? Are the other empresses the same?"

Eunuch Cao said: "Yes."

 Li Shao's face darkened.

 Father actually agreed.

 Is the father just trying to be filial to the empress dowager?

At this time of deposing the crown prince, what does the father want to do?

 What does Ning An want to do again? !

 “Will I go there then?” Li Shao asked again.

"Your Highness," Eunuch Cao still smiled, "As long as your body recovers, we should come together. The Holy Master also said that he has not watched the lanterns with Your Highness for many years. What he misses most is when you were a child. You Holding a deer lantern, I couldn’t bear to put it down late at night, so I had to hang it above your bed.”

Li Shao calmed down a bit when he mentioned the old memories: "I remember them too."

Having said that, Eunuch Cao was about to resign. Li Shao suddenly asked him, "When can I go to see my father?"

Eunuch Cao is ambiguous.

"I'm already well, and I won't let my father get over my illness." Li Shao frowned, "Do I have to go to the lantern festival to see my father?"

"What the hell," Eunuch Cao comforted, "it's really cold and I'm worried about your health, so the Holy One is reluctant to have you come there. After all, Yuqing Palace is not as far from the Imperial Study as the East Palace."

Li Shao became sullen and stopped talking.

 After Eunuch Cao withdrew, he hurriedly returned to the imperial court.

 The Holy Spirit is very concerned about Li Shao's condition.

"His Royal Highness seems to be in good health," Eunuch Cao thought carefully about his words and was very cautious at this moment. "It seems that he is not as impetuous as the day he received the order, and he is much calmer. I raised the issue with him about the relationship between Duke Fu and the county." Lord, His Highness is not as unhappy as before. He really wants to see you."

After hearing this, the Holy Spirit sighed for a long time.

 He ​​was naturally dissatisfied with Shao Er's action of drawing the sword that day, but Shao Er could calm down, which was what he wanted to see.

"He has to understand that even a prince will have ups and downs in life," the Holy Emperor paused, then continued, "He has to learn to control his temper..."

Eunuch Cao lowered his head and said nothing.

 The Holy Spirit is not only talking about His Highness, but also about himself.

 It is precisely because of this that the relationship between father and son is particularly deep.

Having said that, from his position as Eunuch Cao, why shouldn’t he hope that His Highness will not let down His Majesty?

It will be fifteen in a blink of an eye.

 In the afternoon, Lin Yunyan arrived at Cining Palace.

 “Playing horse crane, having dinner, and watching the lantern show,” Princess Wen smiled while stroking her hands, “the arrangements are clear.”

Lin Yunyan laughed: "I invite you to watch the lantern, and you will be less likely to beat me later."

"You, you, you!" Wen Taifei joked, "They all say, 'When the moon rises above the willow branches, people make appointments after dusk.' But you kid actually came to make an appointment with our old woman."

"I would like to go to the streets with the Duke to watch the lanterns," Lin Yunyan said directly, "but he has to recover from his injuries. It's not interesting for me to go out alone. It was only that day that I remembered to talk to the Queen Mother."

 Wen Taifei smiled kindly.

 The more direct you speak, the less likely you are to cause trouble.

When the lanterns first came on, Lin Yunyan accompanied the Empress Dowager and Concubine Wen to the gate of Nangong.

The lights were brightly lit here, and many concubines had arrived and paid tribute one after another. They waited for the Holy Lord to arrive before they stepped onto the palace wall one by one.

Lin Yunyan raised her eyes and looked up.

Lanterns were also arranged in the square, which complemented the lights on the long street in the distance, and the Empress Dowager praised them repeatedly.

Lin Yunyan was thinking that such flashing lights were not like the fire at Dingguo Temple. They were somewhat similar to the torches in the paddock that night, but they were less interesting.

 If you distinguish it carefully, you will understand it.

 First of all, the distance is much farther, and secondly, it is condescending, and it is not as good as the feeling of the torch hitting your face when you leave the shed.

 Besides, Li Shao was groggy at the time, and his vision was inevitably blurred and confused. Today...

Lin Yunyan turned her head and looked for Li Shao.

 Li Shao did not stand beside Sheng Shang.

He was originally following him, but after just a few words with the Holy Master, Li Lin came over and shook his head and recited some poems about lanterns, which made him laugh.

What’s even more funny is that in order not to be outdone by Li Lin, Li Mian did not memorize his speeches, but only wrote new poems.

Li Shao glanced at Li Mian's mother-in-law Liu Guiren. Li Mian had a chicken-like temperament, and it was "not easy" to be forced to rack his brains to think of words in front of so many concubines.

Li Shao admired the second princess’s mother-in-law even more. When the princess was just three years old, she dared to carry her up the city wall in the cold winter.

Compared with this, Gu Jieyu couldn't be a monster even if she wanted to. Li Fen was too young. Looking at this year's lanterns, it's easy for him to not be able to do next year's.

 After reviewing almost all his younger brothers and sisters, Li Shao couldn't help but feel depressed.

Just because of such a few things that I don't know if they can grow up, like Gu Heng, he worked hard and argued in the court, as anxious as if his father was already in his 70s and 80s!

 As for Xu Jian, Xu Jian is even more inexplicable.

  As a result of him being deposed as the crown prince, what good did Xu Jian gain?

 Could it be that Xu Jian could still like the three younger ones?

Li Shao was impatient and simply walked along the palace wall to a quiet place.

Lin Yunyan looked around for a while and found the person. She whispered to the Empress Dowager: "Your Highness is there. I'll go over and say hello."

 The Empress Dowager lowered her eyes and looked at her.

"Don't worry, there won't be any conflicts," Lin Yunyan smiled, "It's just a New Year greeting. Your Majesty is here, and you are here too. Can His Highness still get angry at me?"

The Empress Dowager couldn't laugh or cry, and warned: "Don't provoke him."

 Quietly, without attracting anyone's attention, Lin Yunyan came to Li Shao's side and bowed respectfully.

Li Shao glanced at her and then looked away.

They are more pleasing to the eye than those of Li Mian.

 He cleared his throat and asked, "Do you have something to say, or does Xu Jian have something to say?"

 See you tomorrow, book friends~~

Thanks to Bookstore book friend HY_RC for the tip.

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