Yan Cigui

Chapter 399: Is Your Highness afraid? (Two updates combined into one request)

Chapter 399: Is Your Highness scared? (Two updates combined into one, please give me a monthly ticket)

The screams were like sharp knives.

Wang Gouzi was putting out the fire. When he saw Li Shao's sudden reaction, he was frightened.

As soon as he stopped, the fire that had extinguished everything started to attack again. It was not until the flames burned his fingers that he woke up from the pain.

"Your Highness? Your Highness!" Wang Gouzi said loudly.

He wanted to chase Li Shao out to see Li Shao, but he couldn't ignore the burning curtain, so he could only shout while fighting.

Just calling Li Shao was not enough, he also called "Princess Princess".

The princess seemed to be shocked by this unexpected situation. She stood there numbly. He called her back to her senses, but her hands were trembling and she almost knocked over the oil lamp she was holding.

Seeing that the princess was in a panic, making repairs one after another, and finally stabilizing the light, Wang Gouzi breathed a sigh of relief for the time being.

On the other side, there were hurried footsteps. It must have been the Duke of Fu and others who heard the sound.

 “What happened?” Before anyone arrived, the voice came first.

 When Xu Jian entered the West Room, his eyes fell on the fire, and Wang Gouzi saw a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Without saying a word, Xu Bai took off his soaked raincoat and patted it on the curtain.

With help, the fire was quickly brought under control. Although it was not completely extinguished, it was unlikely to become a fire hazard.

Xu Jian asked Lin Yunyan with concern: "What's going on? Where is Your Highness?"

Lin Yunyan pursed her lips, looking frightened, and pointed outside.

Seeing that she was too frightened to speak a complete sentence, Wang Gouzi hurriedly said: "I was just checking the roof when I accidentally knocked over the oil lamp and set the curtain on fire. His Highness suddenly screamed and ran out."

"Don't be afraid," Xu Jian put her arm around Lin Yunyan's shoulders and led her outside. "Let's go out and have a look together. I'll accompany you. It's okay."

Lin Yunyan remained silent and was half-supported and half-led by Xu Jian to go outside.

When Wang Gouzi's back was turned and Wang Gouzi couldn't see her face, Lin Yunyan lowered her voice and said to Xu Jian: "He was frightened and reacted violently. I think he must have thought of something. "

Xu Jian tightened her fingers on Lin Yunyan's shoulders and used a little more force to show that she knew.

 They came here just to give Li Shao a try.

Even though Qianfu was uninhabited and there were living pools for water, they couldn't make a big fire after much thought.

 After all, the weather is like this. It has been rainy recently and the house is damp. It is raining so hard at this time that nothing can be burned without something to support combustion.

And once the combustion aid is used, the yamen will find it unexplainable.

 Therefore, in tonight’s plan, fire cannot be missing, but only a little.

To achieve results with such a small amount of fire, Lin Yunyan spent a lot of time thinking about the details.

This afternoon, when it was dark enough under the heavy rain, Lin Yunyan closed the doors and windows. She only took an oil lamp and changed the angles to let Mother Ma observe which angle she looked more like her mother.

Mama Ma had worked in Cining Palace and knew Shen Yun fairly well, but after all, many years had passed and she was racking her brains to recall.

Lin Yunyan held up the oil lamp to her face, moving far and near, while Mother Ma walked around and looked at different seats in front of her.

 “Still younger.”

“You and my wife were much different in age when you passed away, so I may need to put some powder on your face.”

“Wait a minute, this angle is good. It makes you look older. Your age is blurred. If you look at it at a glance, you’ll be mistaken.”

  "I can't even remember it carefully, and your Highness can't even remember it clearly."

“At that time, when he had eaten wine and the surroundings were dark, it was easy for him to make mistakes. When he became anxious, he became more and more attracted by the atmosphere. This is called ‘taking advantage of his illness to kill him!’”

“If it’s broad daylight and you haven’t had any drinks, there will be holes in your appearance.”

"You can do this when the time comes. Stand in front of him based on this half of the seat. It will definitely be effective."

 After finalizing it, Lin Yunyan kept it in mind.

Sure enough, as Mother Ma said, the fire burned the curtain, and Li Shao looked wrong again in a panic, and suddenly screamed.

As soon as the two people came out of the house, they saw a lost Li Shao in the yard.

Standing under the felled tree, he was soaked to the skin, the rain smeared his face, and his whole body seemed to have flown away and turned into a statue.

 Let Lin Yunyan stand in the corridor, Xu Jian picked up the umbrella by the door and called Li Shao.

"Your Highness," Xu Jian said, "You can't be exposed to the rain like this. The fire inside is almost out. Is it okay?"

Li Shao heard the sound and looked up at Xu Jian. His eyes were distracted, showing that he was still confused.

 He opened his mouth, but what he wanted to say did not come out.

The sound of hurried footsteps came, and there seemed to be a lot of people scattered here and there.

Soon, the visitor showed up, it was Shan Shen and the Yamen servant of Shuntian Mansion.

As soon as the two sides met, Master Shan looked at the embarrassed Li Shao and the serious Xu Jian, and instinctively bowed first.

Li Shao didn’t have much reaction.

Xu Jian said politely: "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Dan."

Shan Shen pursed his lips, twitched the corners of his mouth, and tried his best to hang himself up. He didn't want to be perfunctory, but he just pretended to be embarrassed to the point of being polite, "It's not hard, it's not hard..."

 It’s really not hard.

This is not hard work at all!

He was really dumbfounded when he heard that the Qian Mansion was in smoke due to a lightning strike. He rushed outside and found out that His Highness, Duke Fu and the Princess had all entered the house. He felt like a drum beating in his heart. It was the fear of the unknown crisis; When he heard a scream, his feet slipped and he almost jumped out, all he could think about was "something really bad".

When he really stood here and saw the absent-minded Highness, the scared princess, and the relatively calm Duke Fu, Shan Shen's mind was in a state of confusion.

This downpour has poured into his head!

If it weren't for the wrong place or wrong time, Shan Shen would have wanted to ask Xu Jian to take a step to speak.

 He could distinguish it with great effort, but he was not sure yet, so he still wanted to ask the Bodhisattva for some clarification.

Believers need an accurate word!

Xu Jian looked at Mr. Shan’s troubled expression and probably knew what he was thinking.

Since the truth cannot be revealed to Shan Shen, Xu Jian only said what he could: "His Royal Highness was having a drink at my house in the evening. He heard that there was something wrong with Qian's house, so he came over together. After a brief inspection before, there was something poured in the yard. There was a hole in a tree on the west side of the main house.

When I was checking just now, Eunuch Wang accidentally knocked over the oil lamp and set the curtain on fire. Fortunately, it was put out quickly.

Even if His Highness was frightened and ran away, the princess was also a little frightened. "

After hearing this, Shan Shen wiped his face vigorously.

 The process has basically been explained clearly, and the rest has to wait until he investigates.

“Your Highness,” Shan Shen called, “I’m going to lead someone to check. It may take some time. The rain is still heavy. Can you find another room to rest for a while?”

 Li Shao was noncommittal.

Xu Jian made up his mind for him: "Master Shan, just watch, Your Highness, I am here. When the fire started in the west, only Your Highness, Princess and Eunuch Wang were there. If Master Shan wants to know what happened, you might as well ask Eunuch Wang. If you want to ask Princess Please wait a moment and let her take her time." Shan Shen agreed, quickly dispatched his men, and went to Xishao Room himself.

 The dog has put out the fire.

He should have gone out to look for Li Shao immediately, but he always felt that something was not right about his previous mistake, so he opened the window so that he could see the movements of Li Shao and others in the yard, and he could stay inside and reminisce.

Just now, His Highness wanted to take the oil lamp from his hand. Although he was surprised, he did so smoothly.

Unexpectedly, he let go, but Your Highness did not catch it. The oil lamp fell to the ground and burned to the curtain.

 No, that’s not right!

He didn't want to let go at that time. It was as if his hand was suddenly pricked by something, causing pain.

Thinking of this, Wang Gouzi quickly looked down at his hands.

 Hands were very dirty, greasy, gray, and very sticky. My fingers were burned a few times and felt a little burning, but they were not serious.

He thought carefully about the stinging pain in his hand at that moment, and moved closer to the oil lamp, looking back and forth at the light. It seemed that there was a red mark that had not gone away.

 It's like being pricked by something...

Wang Gouzi took a breath of cold air. At that time, there were only His Highness and the Princess.

There is no reason for Your Highness to do this. Even if the princess has bad intentions, she is standing half a mile away!

No way?

The princess looks delicate and delicate, how could she have such ability?

 Besides, the princess was so frightened by the fire that she had to rely on the help of the auxiliary Duke to help her walk.

Speaking of which, Wang Gouzi also heard about the princess’s childhood nightmare. The princess dreamed of a fire. She was afraid of fire and was petrified. This is understandable and reasonable.

While Wang Gouzi was thinking about it, he turned back to the place where the oil lamp fell, squatted down and took a closer look.

The wet floor tiles were in a mess, with a lot of broken tiles falling down. If something like a pebble had actually hit him, it would be impossible to tell among them at this moment.

 “Eunuch Wang.”

Wang Gouzi was still thinking when he saw Shan Shen striding in. He quickly stood up and said hello.

Shan Shen didn't hesitate and asked directly what happened.

Wang Gouzi first pointed out the hole in the roof to Mr. Shan, and then told Mr. Shan about the mistake in handing over the oil lamp. After all, he couldn't bear it anymore and said one more sentence: "The little one only felt a tingling sensation in his fingers, as if he had been pricked by something. Otherwise, His Highness won’t let go before he is sure.”

Shan Shen smiled and said with some comfort: "Eunuch Wang, it is common for horses to stumble and people to miss. Fortunately, no one was injured and the fire was quickly put out."

Wang Gouzi understood as soon as he heard this tone.

Shan Shen didn’t believe him.

When people encounter problems, especially when they do something wrong, they often choose to distance themselves and avoid punishment.

As a member of the palace, Wang Gouzi has seen and heard a lot.

What he said just now is indeed like shirk. No wonder he can't convince Shan Shen.

If you are angry, there is no one. After all, even Wang Gouzi cannot determine the specific situation of that moment. The so -called red marks are not evidence at all. Because of the fire saving, he had several messy mouths on his hands.

To avoid making things more troublesome, Wang Gouzi simply followed Shan Shen's wishes: "His Highness and the princess were not hurt. I'm really lucky."

Shan Shen saw that he didn't bother with it, so he naturally took the topic over.

He first squatted down and looked at the burned curtain: "Fortunately, the rain that fell in made it wet. If the weather was dry, it would be really troublesome. Is the lamp oil spilled here? Otherwise, these would be indispensable."

 Wang Gouzi followed and commented a few words.

When the yamen servants found the ladder, Shan Shen climbed up to see the loophole. After a while, he came down and asked, "Was there smoke coming from the top earlier? I just saw that it had dissipated. There shouldn't be any further damage. It was just so broken." A hole."

 In the yard outside, Li Shao was invited by Xu Jian to take shelter in the wing to take shelter from the rain.

There were no chairs left in the wing. Li Shao stood by the door, still in a daze.

Lin Yunyan stood next to him and asked carefully: "Is Your Highness scared?"

 Li Shao remained silent.

"I'm really scared," Lin Yunyan said to herself, "I could still calm down at first, but when I took a look at the flames, I was completely stunned and couldn't move my hands and feet. All I could think of was that the fire was getting bigger and bigger. The bigger the burn...

 The smell of smoke filled my breath, which was very choking. I couldn't even cough, it felt like my throat was being strangled.

 The sound of burning wood filled my ears, and I felt that soon the beams would collapse and the house would collapse.

I should have run out, but it felt like there were nails under my feet and I couldn’t move at all.

Where is Your Highness? "

Lin Yunyan's voice was trembling, and her speaking speed was getting faster and faster.

It is not difficult for her to describe a fire scene at all. Not to mention her childhood dreams, she actually died in a fire in her previous life, and saw with her own eyes the falling roof beams that crushed Xu Jian.

It is precisely because of her experience that she can speak vividly and "drag" Li Shao into the fire again.

 Li Shao shuddered.

 Recalling that the fire should have brought him scorching heat, he felt cold instead.

“I,” he trembled much more violently than Lin Yunyan. It was from the fear and uneasiness in his heart, “I...”

Lin Yunyan bit her lower lip and asked, "Was Your Highness afraid at that time? Were you afraid when my mother took you out of the fire?"

Hitting his face with his hands, Li Shao's legs softened and he squatted down.

The scenes that flashed through his mind like a fleeting glance once again swept through him, and every scene was so clear.

 He had forgotten all about it, but he remembered it all again tonight.

 Because of the oil lamp, because of the firelight, and because of Ning'an who looks very similar to Mrs. Chengyi.

“At that time,” Li Shao’s throat rolled up and his voice was as hoarse as sandpaper, “I got up in the middle of the night to pee, and a **** came to serve me.

He was very angry, and I didn’t think I had seen him much. He brought an oil lamp to me to hold, but it was too hot and I couldn’t hold it..."

Lin Yunyan's breathing was tight, and her heartbeat was beating like a drum in her ears.

 This was their purpose. The truth of that night was getting closer and closer to her. She couldn't wait to know, but she didn't dare to irritate Li Shao loudly.

Clenched her fists, she tried her best to keep her voice steady, and led Li Shao to say: "Did you knock over the oil lamp?"

"I didn't mean it, I really didn't mean it!" Li Shao became anxious, "I wanted to call someone, I wanted to run, but I couldn't move. Just like you said, my throat was blocked and there were nails under my feet. , when I came back to my senses, the fire had already burned out.

Then there was the eunuch. He picked me up and said he was going to wake my mother and the others, but he was spinning around inside and said he couldn't see where he was going.

I couldn't get away from him, and he covered my mouth and nose, saying that he wouldn't let me inhale the cigarette.

The fire got bigger and bigger, and I fainted. When I woke up, I was already outside. There was such a big fire in front of me, and the whole hall collapsed. I..."

 In a daze, he could no longer hold on and sat down on the ground.

 Please give me a monthly ticket~~~

Thanks to the book friend, the long journey of learning piano, for the reward.

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