Yan Cigui

Chapter 400: We are allies (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

Chapter 400 We are allies (two updates in one, please vote for me)

 The rain was heavy.

There was a hole in the sky, and there was a steady stream of rain.

 The rain was like fog, and even the lights in the main room not far away were blocked, making it impossible to see clearly.

 Behind them, in this side room, there was only an oil lamp on the table.

 Weak, dim, shaky by the incoming wind.

 But it is so hot and strong, lighting up this place like a long-lasting fire with its teeth and claws.

There was the dark night rain in front, and the bright firelight behind. The rain curtain hanging from the eaves was like a long knife, split into two distinct parts.

Li Shao's words were so impactful that not only did he not be able to hold back, but Lin Yunyan also panicked.

 She took small breaths, squatted down, and looked directly at Li Shao: "When was the last time you saw my mother?"

 Li Shao sat slumped with his shoulders hunched, wiping his face and grabbing his hair with both hands: "The moment she woke up, she was only wearing her middle coat. She probably discovered the fire in her sleep and had no time to clean it up.

 She said something to me. I saw her mouth moving, but my ears were buzzing and I didn't hear anything.

After saying that, she rushed into the main hall again. Not long after she entered, the main hall collapsed, the whole thing collapsed! "

Lin Yunyan choked and asked: "She wants to save the late queen, right?"

"It should be," Li Shao said, "I found out later that the queen mother did not run out, and several of the nuns did not come out..."

Lin Yunyan asked again: "I heard that His Highness fell ill later, and you can't recall the situation at all that day."

"I really didn't remember before," Li Shao's voice was vague. "It's not that I haven't thought about it. Everyone wants to know what happened that night and why there was a fire. My father asked, my grandfather asked, and the Queen Mother also asked. , my grandfather also asked...

 I want to know too! It’s not just your mother who died inside, but also my queen mother!

 The person in the whole world who longs for my mother to live well the most, apart from my father, is me!

If she were alive, if she were still here..."

Li Shao became more and more excited as he spoke, and his voice became louder involuntarily.

Lin Yunyan will not go against Li Shao at this time, and she also believes that these few words are true.

 No child would want to lose his loving mother.

No matter how messy Li Shao is now, no matter how crazy he is in the future, he was only a four or five-year-old child back then, the biological son protected by the late Queen.

"I understand," Lin Yunyan said softly, "You also want to recall it, but you were young at the time and lost your memory after being frightened. This is not surprising. My father also said that he consulted many doctors at that time, and the imperial doctors also It is said that this happens after people are frightened, especially children.”

 Li Shao nodded heavily.

 He naturally understands his own illness.

His father was saddened by the loss of his mother and hoped that he would remember it. The imperial doctors explained a lot to his father, and Li Shao also accompanied him to listen.

When he was young, he couldn't understand anything too profound, so the imperial doctor told him in the simplest words that it was not his fault that he forgot.

As I grew older, I began to understand things more clearly, and I also realized that persecution was useless and that forcing was impossible, so I naturally let it go.

 Until tonight.

The oil lamp that he accidentally dropped, the flames that sprang up, and the facial features similar to the uncle's, became a giant axe, splitting open the box shrouded in memory.

 Lin Yunyan saw that Li Shao's mood gradually calmed down, so she continued to ask: "Who is that unfamiliar eunuch?"

“I can’t remember clearly,” Li Shao held his head in his hands and tried his best to remember, “I should have seen him before. I’m not familiar with him, but I’ve seen him before.

 I was half asleep at the time and was in a hurry to go to the toilet. I didn’t notice anything else at first. It wasn’t until he asked me to hold the oil lamp that I saw his face.

 You look to be in your forties or fifties, right? By the way, he has a monkey face!

 I have to find him, call Shan Shen, and tell him! "

Li Shao was anxious to stand up, but Lin Yunyan held down his shoulders before he could exert any force.

"Your Highness," Lin Yunyan shook her head at him and whispered, "How many eunuchs from more than ten years ago can Mr. Shan recognize? Regarding Dingguo Temple, if you want to find Mr. Shan, why not go to Eunuch Cao? You have to find Mr. Shan. The Holy One said.”

 Li Shao nodded suddenly.

"That day, there were dead men in the town at the foot of the mountain pretending to be bandits in order to fight for the throne," Lin Yunyan said again, "The **** who set the fire in the temple and didn't let you call people must also be acting under orders."

Li Shao's eyes darkened: "You mean Li Mi?"

Lin Yunyan pursed her lips.

Father once said that Li Mi only admitted to taking credit for the suppression of bandits, but never acknowledged the initial attack on the town by fake mountain bandits, let alone the fire at Dingguo Temple.

 Judging from Li Mi's temperament, he was impatient and direct, and quietly setting fire to the temple did not seem like his own handiwork.

What's more, **** Wang Liuliu, who seemed to be Li Mi's confidant, actually had another master behind his back...

 At the moment, Lin Yunyan does not intend to analyze this matter in detail with Li Shao.

She is a woman, even if she is the daughter of Shen Yun who was in trouble, she should not be so clear-headed.

Those should be told to Li Shao by a more suitable person, Lin Yunyan does not want to cause unnecessary trouble.

"I'm not sure who it is, whether it's Li Mi, the guy from Yongji Palace, or someone else. I don't know him and can't tell," Lin Yunyan said. "I'm just thinking that Li Mi is dead. But Wang Liuliu and Dao Heng continued to make waves in Beijing after that.

 What if it’s not just them? What if there are others watching in the dark?

  At first, you didn’t remember anything, so they could rest easy. But once they knew that you remembered that there was a monkey-faced **** that night, wouldn’t that alert the enemy?

 We must find him, and the Holy Spirit will never let him go. We finally got such a clue, so we must be cautious and cautious! "

These words touched Li Shao's heart.

He has had a lot of bad luck these past two days, so why wasn't someone else involved in it?

Xu Jian was out of luck, but it was Liu Xun who took him to Chenmi Hutong, and it was Dao Heng who attracted the government's attention!

 Monk Daoheng harmed him!

There are gold bricks from Li Mi and gold paper from Guyue Ren in that house. It is not surprising at all that he is actually related to the murderer behind Dingguo Temple.

 He has been harmed by that villain for so long, maybe it has been harming him since more than ten years ago. Now is the time for him to fight back!

 Absolutely not to act rashly or let any news leak out.

"Then don't tell Shan Shen. He should know. He will tell him after reporting back to his father." Li Shao made up his mind, "Ning'an, you will definitely help me, right?"

"I'm not helping Your Highness." Lin Yunyan was rare in choosing words with Li Shao at this critical moment, because she had to win Li Shao's trust. "That monkey-faced **** is the murderer, your enemy, and my mother-in-law." Enemy! I also want to take revenge, so how can I help you? "

Li Shao's face froze when he heard the previous sentence. After hearing the whole sentence, he relaxed quickly.

  Ning An is right.

That man is their common enemy, and Ning An can definitely trust him when it comes to revenge.

 In other words, besides his father, when investigating Dingguo Temple, the one he trusts most is Ning'an and Uncle Chengyi.

As for Xu Jian, he has no other interests with Dingguo Temple and will not create any other rifts. He will only advance and retreat with Ning'an.

 In recent days, Li Shaoyuan and Xu Jian have reached a certain degree of consensus, and now an additional lock is added to that.

 “Just get the truth out…” he murmured.

Even if the real murderer is dead, Dingguo Temple was destroyed due to murder rather than an accident, which will make the father miss his mother even more.

And the father could never forget his mother. The deeper he missed his mother, the smoother his road to recovery would be.

Thinking of the rain and the thunder, Li Shao thought firmly: He must not let go of this God-given opportunity.

Although I can’t clearly see the situation in the main house, as time goes by, if Master Shan doesn’t come, the dog will come too.

Lin Yunyan hurriedly spoke to Li Shao: "Only I and His Highness know about this matter. I will not tell the Duke yet, and His Highness will not mention it to Eunuch Wang. We will wait until we see the Holy Emperor and listen to his command."

Li Shao was not wary of Wang Gouzi, and subconsciously wanted to question him. But since Ning An offered not to tell Xu Jian in exchange, he didn't feel it was a loss, so he agreed easily.

 The light behind him suddenly dimmed. Lin Yunyan stood up and took a look. It turned out that there was not much oil left in the lamp.

Li Shao also regained his composure and got up from the ground: "It's getting late. I'm afraid if I don't set off, the palace gate will be closed."

“Then let me go and talk to Mr. Shan.” Lin Yunyan said and walked out.

As soon as I stepped out the door, I saw a person coming along the corridor.

The person who came was holding a lamp in his hand, and his face was none other than Xu Jian.

When the two sides met, Lin Yunyan called him.

Li Shao also looked over.

“Is Your Highness feeling better?” Xu Jian walked up to him and asked.

Li Shao nodded with a wooden face: "I want to go back to the palace immediately, and Ning An will go with me."

Hearing this, Xu Jian’s eyes fell on Lin Yunyan with gentle eyes.

"Yes, I also want to go to the palace." Lin Yunyan said.

 She lied to Li Shao that he would not break his promise in person if he did not tell Xu Jian.

 But she and Xu Jian had an extraordinary tacit understanding. Even if they didn't say much, with just a look and a simple sentence, Xu Jian knew that she had asked a lot of things from Li Shao.

“I’ll call Eunuch Wang here first, and then talk to Master Shan. What do you think, Your Highness?” Xu Jian asked.

 Li Shao responded.

Soon, the dog came trotting.

 He was extremely concerned about Li Shao's situation.

Originally His Highness was in the courtyard, Wang Gouzi could see the situation from the window, but when His Highness moved to the wing, he could no longer see it. However, His Majesty asked him many questions, and he was unable to do anything.

I don’t know what His Highness said to the princess?

He looked intently at the expressions of the two of them. His Highness looked impatient and uneasy, while the Princess was worried.

 Speaking of disharmony and disputes, Wang Gouzi didn't notice it.

“Your Highness wants to go back to the palace? The carriage is still waiting outside the house and can leave immediately,” he said.

Xu Jian was a few steps behind Wang Gouzi and came over with Shan Shen.

Shan Shen had basically finished checking the situation: "Your Highness, it is indeed unfortunate that Qianfu was struck by lightning twice, tonight.

  It fell on the tree once and knocked the tree down to the ground. I checked it and found that it was indeed in the state of a lightning strike.

Another one fell on the roof in the west corner, making a hole. Fortunately, the rain was heavy and it didn't burn.

Other damage was to the curtain, which the oil lamp accidentally ignited and which was extinguished.

 The more detailed judgment on the other side will have to wait until tomorrow. After daybreak, we can see more clearly and check if there are any missing parts. "

"I'll leave this to Master Shan," Li Shao said. "If there's nothing else, I'll go back to the palace first. If something happens in the Qian Mansion, since I've been here, I have to report it to my father as soon as possible."

Shan Shen did not stop Li Shao, but even sent him out along the way.

 The carriage stopped next to the house. Li Shao got up first and turned to look at Lin Yunyan.

 Lin Yunyan guessed that he didn't want her and Xu Jianjian to ride alone in the car to avoid betraying his trust, but why wasn't she worried that Wang Gouzi would get something out of Li Shao's mouth?

 In this case, she followed Shan Ruliu and walked towards Li Shao's carriage.

Xu Jian helped her step up, and then came up herself: "Your Highness, the princess was frightened earlier and was absent-minded. I will accompany her."

Right under his nose, Li Shao did not refuse and ignored them when he was firmly seated.

Wang Gouzi looked at the car, but did not squeeze in. He sat on the driver's seat with the handlebars.

 The carriage went all the way back to the palace in the rain.

Lin Yunyan sat down and was distracted, leaning against Xu Jian, closing her eyes and saying nothing.

Xu Jian held her in one hand and held Lin Yunyan's hand in the other, rubbing her palm.

He could guess the result, and he didn't know what Li Shao specifically said, let alone how Lin Yunyan guided Li Shao to say it. But what Xu Jian couldn't mistake was that the little princess worked hard to get the answer.

 In order to control her true thoughts and emotions, Lin Yunyan’s palms were covered with nail marks.

 Deep and shallow, staggered and messy.

 It is a little lighter and has some bruises.

The little princess had tender skin and tender flesh. She must have forgotten even the pain at that time.

 But Xu Jian felt pain, and he was very distressed.

It happened that this was Li Shao's carriage, and Li Shao was right next to it. Xu Jian couldn't comfort Lin Yunyan properly, so she could only rub her gently.

They hurried back to the palace before the palace gate closed. Because it was Li Shao's carriage, they had a smooth journey to the outside of the imperial study.

 The Holy Father had not rested yet, when Eunuch Cao heard the news and came out to welcome him.

Seeing three people getting off the carriage, he observed hesitantly for a moment.

After leaving the Yamen, the main hall went to the Fuguogong Mansion to have a drink. The Holy Emperor was quite happy when he heard about it.

The better the relationship between Your Highness and the Duke of Fu is, the more satisfied the Holy Emperor will be. As long as you don't drink too much, there is no problem with daily drinking. What's more, it's in the Duke's mansion, so there is nothing to worry about.

 “It’s just that the weather is a little bad.”

The Holy Spirit only commented on this.

Who would have thought that after drinking wine, these three people came into the palace together, and each of them was caught in the rain and went straight to the imperial study.

There are still times when His Highness is not well-groomed, but the Princess has never had a record of being disheveled in front of the emperor!

"Your Majesty is inside," Eunuch Cao led them in and asked cautiously, "Is nothing wrong?"

 Li Shao replied: "There are some things."

Lin Yunyan added: "It's important. I'll ask my father-in-law to avoid it later."

Eunuch Cao’s heart skipped a beat.

Several people came to salute in front of the emperor. Seeing their appearance, the Holy Emperor frowned and said, "What's going on? It's so, so miserable."

Eunuch Cao has already sent everyone away and is standing outside the curtain.

Li Shao opened his mouth to answer, but choked up.

The saint saw this in his eyes and signaled Xu Jian to speak.

“The thunder and lightning hit Qianfu earlier,” Xu Jian said.

The Holy Spirit was stunned: "What did you say?"

Li Shao came over slowly and blurted out: "Father, what happened that night at Dingguo Temple, I have remembered it."

When dealing with enemies, the little princess deceives them when they need to, win over them when they need to, make use of them when they need to, and strike when they need to attack, highlighting a comprehensive coverage.



 (End of this chapter)

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