Yan Cigui

Chapter 401: Just do as Xu Jian said (two updates combined into one, asking for the moon)

Chapter 401: Just do as Xu Jian said (please vote for two updates in one)

Almost as soon as Li Shao finished speaking, the Holy Spirit stood up suddenly.

In a hurry, he knocked down the pile of memorials in his hand and scattered them on the ground.

The Holy Spirit didn't pay attention to this, and just looked at Li Shao for a moment. There seemed to be a buzzing in his ears, making him unable to believe what he heard.

Outside, Eunuch Cao, who was watching carefully, was also confused.

Having served the Holy Emperor for many years, he knew very well what Dingguo Temple meant to the Holy Emperor.

The Holy Spirit has never given up on pursuing the truth, but it is a pity that he has not gained anything for more than ten years. But now, things have turned around.

 Normally, he should go and clean up the broken things on the floor, but now is not a good time to go in and disturb.

While Eunuch Cao was hesitating, he saw Duke Fu Guo moving.

Xu Jian walked to the big case, bent down to pick up the memorials, sorted them one by one, and finally placed them on the case.

 After doing this, he stepped back and walked to Lin Yunyan without saying much.

The Holy Spirit's eagerness also gradually calmed down during this process, or in other words, he was trying his best to calm down his state of mind.

"Shao'er, wait a minute, let me steady myself." He said, holding the big case with both hands, leaning forward and standing, with his eyes lowered, looking at the case with many things but not messy, and took a few deep breaths.

 The sound of breathing is very heavy, which is enough to show the emotion.

It’s not that we are not in a hurry, but the Holy Spirit clearly knows that this is the time when we should not be in a hurry.

 He will make mistakes if he is anxious, and he will get into chaos if he is anxious. He should control his temper.

After he thought it was OK, the Holy Emperor looked at Li Shao again and rolled his throat: "Shao'er, let's talk about Qianfu first. I'll listen to what happened in Qianfu first."

 Li Shao was very surprised.

Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian exchanged a look, and they both understood the Holy Master's thoughts.

It is precisely because of the importance that I will be more cautious and self-restrained, and I will solve other problems in advance and then go all out for Dingguo Temple.

 Li Shao couldn't think of this, it was due to his character.

Li Shao mostly acted out of his own thoughts, and what he valued most was the most urgent. Naturally, he couldn't understand the Shengsheng's overwhelming way of doing things.

"Don't you want to hear about Dingguo Temple?" Li Shao asked in surprise, "I finally remembered it."

The Holy Spirit reiterated: "Of course I want to hear it, but you should talk about Qianfu first."

Li Shao couldn't resist his father, so he told him what happened tonight.

 The Holy Emperor's face was very gloomy.

The Qianfu was struck by lightning, and it fell in the main courtyard. It was not just a simple matter of damage to the house. If this matter really spread, not only the capital city, but also the whole world would be bustling.

The only thing that can make the Holy Spirit "comfortable" is that Shaoer recalled the truth after this encounter.

 Li Shao finally talked about Dingguo Temple from the overturned oil lamp.

Perhaps he had just talked to Lin Yunyan not long ago. Li Shao spoke this time, his thoughts were much clearer, and there was less panic and fear in his tone. He focused on the monkey-faced eunuch.

“I’m sure I’ve seen him before, but he’s definitely not someone who works with my mother and I, otherwise I’d be familiar with him instead of looking at him as a stranger.”

“Ke Erchen was in a daze and didn’t think much about it at all. By the time he showed his fierce look, it was already too late.”

“Father, I don’t want to do that either. The lamp he asked me to hold is so hot that I can’t hold it at all!”

“I can’t break away, run away, or shout…”

 Even though Xu Jian was prepared, he could not help but feel his breath tightening when Li Shao told him what happened that night.

 He looked at the Holy One. His palms that were supporting the case had been clenched into fists, his jaw was broken into a line, and his whole body was shaking.

 He turned his head to look at Lin Yunyan again.

The little princess has admittedly heard it once, but her eyes are still red and her lips are pursed.

 Xu Jian took a step closer to her.

 The same thing happens when I listen to it again. When I listened to it for the first time, I felt so turbulent in my heart.

 She couldn't let her emotions lead her. She had to control herself and use words to guide Li Shao to tell more of the inside story.

 No wonder she dug her palms like that...

Hushly raised her hand, Xu Jian gently stroked Lin Yunyan's back, one after another.

Lin Yunyan felt it and raised her eyes to look at him. Her usually beautiful and clear eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of fog, full of moisture.

Xu Jian sighed secretly.

He should have comforted her, but unfortunately he was either on Li Shao's carriage or in front of the emperor, feeling powerless.

We can only endure it for now and talk about it in detail later when they are alone.

Li Shao's narration has come to an end, and his voice, which had grown involuntarily in the middle, gradually became quieter, revealing a deep sadness and guilt.

"Father," he murmured, "before I came back, I only told Ning An. I didn't alert anyone, and I definitely didn't leak the news. Father, can you find that monkey-faced eunuch? Can you avenge your mother and the others?" ?"

 The Holy Father let out a long sigh.

His heart was filled with panic and bulging. If not, his chest seemed to explode in the next moment.

 And this long sigh only provided some relief, and it was blocked again before I could take a few breaths of comfort.

"Look for it. I will dig three feet into the ground to find that eunuch!" the Holy Emperor said through gritted teeth.

 There was no clue before.

Even the Empress Dowager and Uncle Chengyi accepted the unexpected conclusion, whether it was because they had no choice, or because they were forced to look forward. Being stuck in an old case without a single clue, what else can it do except pain?

  But this does not mean that we have really looked away or let it go.

If the gloom really comes out, even if Cheng Yibo still doesn't renew his relationship, he will not change his attitude of actively discussing politics and only take up a post in the Hanlin Academy.

 The Holy Spirit understands Uncle Chengyi very well.

 Lin Yuan is the head of the family, with seniors and juniors at the top, so he can only do this.

 Let yourself accept "accidents" and be down-to-earth so that everyone in your family can live a good life.

 But now, clues emerge.

Once he has a direction to pursue, Lin Wei will never sit idly by.

The same is true for the Holy Spirit.

"Monkey-faced, monkey-faced, among the eunuchs who went to Dingguo Temple that year, was there any monkey-faced..." He walked out from behind the big case and recalled with his hands behind his back.

 He couldn't recall it, so he called Eunuch Cao in: "Do you remember?"

Eunuch Cao frowned and thought for a while: "The younger one didn't follow you at that time, and he wasn't that familiar with the people in Qianfu. However, there were records of blessings prayed at Dingguo Temple back then. After looking at the roster, the younger one came out one by one. We should be able to gain something by asking about the correspondence." The Holy Master was convinced when he heard this: "The archives for the prayer trip should be in the Ministry of Rites, and the archives of life and death investigations after the accident are both in Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishments. The doors are locked at this time, and tomorrow morning Go and get it yourself.”

Eunuch Cao nodded in agreement.

“Your Majesty,” Xu Jian saluted, “I think it’s too grandiose, and I’m afraid it might scare off the enemy.”

The Holy Father frowned and stared at Xu Jian for a while. He did not insist on his opinion and only asked him to express his thoughts in detail.

"The real culprit behind the monkey-faced eunuch, the mastermind behind the attack on the town at the foot of the mountain, the real son of Wang Liuliu, Dao Heng and the others," Xu Jian considered and said seriously, "It is still impossible to determine their true identities, or even their true identities. Not everyone dares to say so.

 In my opinion, I tend to think that one person did it, or I think it is one person who should be on guard against them.

More than ten years have passed since the incident at Dingguo Temple, but Dao Heng did not die until last year, and their true master is still making trouble behind the scenes.

The man was scheming, cautious, and cruel.

Wang was arrested in the sixth year, so it was fine if he didn't save him. Dao Heng was just targeted by Shuntian Prefecture and died in Sidao Hutong. The person who did it was one of their own.

The Yamen found out that the man's name was Wang Qi. Although there was no body found, he was probably dead.

From the deaths of Dao Heng and Wang Qi, we can see that once he is targeted, he will choose to have his tail cut off.

Such a person, when he realizes that you have suddenly obtained clues to Dingguo Temple, he will definitely not let go.

If the monkey-faced **** is still alive and he kills people and hides the body, we will have nowhere to find him. Even if he is so reckless as to throw the eunuch's body on the street and give it to you, you really only want the one who did it. person?

Your Majesty, it has been more than ten years since I finally got a clue. If I lose this opportunity, I am afraid that the real murderer will never be found again. "

 While Xu Jian was explaining, Li Shao sometimes looked at him and sometimes at his father.

After Xu Jian finished speaking, Li Shao hurriedly said: "Father, we can't miss this opportunity!"

The Holy Spirit naturally understood Xu Jian's thoughts and nodded: "Then how do you want to check?"

"I and Your Highness are still in the Ministry of Rites. I used to go through some old files in the warehouse and show them to Your Highness. Tomorrow I will still do the same. I will write down the list of people traveling together with Your Highness and hand it over to Eunuch Cao," Xu Jian said respectfully, " I'd like to trouble Eunuch Cao to check this first. In another ten days and a half, His Highness will move to the Ministry of Punishment to observe the government. You can still read the old files of the Ministry of Punishment.

 Comparing the two lists, if the monkey-faced **** is still not found, find another case and let Dali Temple open a warehouse to investigate the case on the surface, but in fact secretly look through the case files you are looking for. "

Li Shao listened and was quite anxious: "Ten days and a half month? Isn't it too slow?"

"Your Highness," Xu Jian advised, "I have been waiting for more than ten years. Slowness is for the sake of stability."

"Just do as Xu Jian said." The Holy Emperor made the final decision, his eyes fell on Li Shao, and he felt a little headache for a moment.

 Shao'er is the key to the clue, but Shao'er has never been thorough enough in his work and is prone to mistakes.

Thinking of this, the Holy One couldn't help but give a few more words: "Shao'er, remember not to be impatient. When things happen, discuss with Xu Jian more often, or come to see me.

Keep this matter in your heart and don’t talk too much about it to others. Be careful that walls have ears.

That's right, the people around you should also avoid these things and don't get involved, so as not to create complications. "

"The one who follows you is just a dog," Li Shao said. Seeing the emperor's eyes darkening, he agreed, "I won't tell him. Tomorrow I will transfer him when he and Xu Jian look at the roster. ”

 This is what the Holy Spirit wants.

 He patted Li Shao's shoulder and nodded again.

This matter requires patience, thoughtfulness and caution. I hope Shaoer can make more progress through this matter.

The Holy Father looked at Lin Yunyan again and said, "I won't call your father here alone tomorrow. You go back and talk to him. As for the Empress Dowager..."

 At this point, he was very hesitant. He was worried about the Queen Mother's health and also knew the other person's temperament.

 Thinking about the time when she was told the truth about Li Cang's death, the Queen Mother was sad but also calm.

“I promised her that I would try my best to find the answer,” the Holy Spirit sighed, “Ning’an, find a suitable time and talk to her then.”

Lin Yunyan thought for a while and said: "The palace gate is closed. I and the Duke will stay in Cining Palace tonight. I want to mention this matter to the Queen Mother as soon as possible. Maybe she will have an impression of the monkey-faced eunuch."

Your Majesty listened and had no objection.

With the general direction decided, the Holy Spirit calmed down, sat back behind the big case again, and asked them all to sit down.

Eunuch Cao came to change the tea.

 Now there is no need to worry about whether you can fall asleep after drinking too much. I think you will be unable to sleep all night long.

"Shao'er," the Holy Master took a sip and asked, "What else can you remember? It doesn't matter how small it is. Just tell me when you think of it."

Li Shao closed his eyes and tried to recall it again.

“I have thought of everything I can think of,” he said.

After Xu Jian asked for instructions from the Holy Emperor, he took the initiative to ask Li Shao: "Your Highness, why did the **** ask you to knock over the oil lamp? Since he set fire to kill people, he didn't need to go through your hands."

"How do I know him," Li Shao said, "Maybe he thinks I can't die? I knocked over the oil lamp. He hugged me because he thought I was young and couldn't tell the way? He covered my mouth because he was afraid of smoke. Choking me? He obviously did it on purpose!

 But even if I knocked it over, I didn’t mean to set it on fire!

 He is the real murderer! "

The more Xu Jian listened, the more he felt that something was wrong.

Li Shao's reaction didn't seem like he was lying, but why was there something wrong...

  Not only Xu Jian, but also Lin Yunyan also felt vaguely strange.

She had learned a lot about the flooding in Dingguo Temple from her father and Xu Jian. At this time, she lowered her eyes and based on Li Shao's words, pictures flashed through her mind one after another.


 She remembered the bedroom...

She thought of it, but she had to pretend that she didn't know much about Dingguo Temple. Lin Yunyan asked: "Where was the late queen sleeping in the hall at that time? Where were you sleeping? Where was my mother?"

Without letting Li Shao answer, the Holy Emperor simply took out a piece of paper and drew two simple strokes.

The main hall also has five bays on the left and right, but the bays are wider and no one lives in the middle.

“The queen and I live in the easternmost room, Shaoer, and my uncle lives in the west room.”

 Li Shao shook his head: "I didn't rest with my mother that night. When I woke up, I seemed to be in the East Room..."

 As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed.

 The Holy Spirit was also shocked when he said this.

This was also a situation that he didn't know before. Everyone in the hall was killed. Li Shao was alive, but he didn't remember anything.

"Why did you sleep in the second room? Why did your mother let you sleep outside? The second room is for the eunuchs who watch the night," the Holy Master asked. "You said you got up to pee in the second room too? Did you knock over the oil lamp?"

Li Shao moved his fingers slightly: "There is a toilet in the second room. It seems to be in this seat. It was also here when I knocked over the oil lamp."

 After saying that, everyone except the ignorant Li Shao looked unhappy.

"Even if there is something to support the fire, it will take time to start the fire," Lin Yunyan said. "My mother was resting in the farthest west room. She was awakened by the fire. She came to the east room to save you. Why did she sleep there? None of the late empress and the nuns around her are awake? "

 Please give me a monthly ticket~~~

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