Yan Cigui

Chapter 403: Do you really want Li Shao's life? (Two updates combined into one request)

Chapter 403 Do you really want Li Shao’s life? (Two updates combined into one, please give me a monthly ticket)

 The rain has not stopped.

 From the Imperial Study Room to Cining Palace, if you want to take a shortcut, you have to go through the Imperial Garden.

It would have been fine on weekdays, but now it was raining and dark. Even with a lantern in their hands, they couldn't see their feet clearly. The two simply walked around and walked around the garden along the promenade.

There is a servant in front to guide the way, and the light of the faint lantern is bright or dark in the wind.

Xu Jian also raised a lamp and shone it on the floor tiles in front of the two of them.

 The corridor is not all flat, there are several steps.

Xu Jian reminded Lin Yunyan to "be careful where you step", and received only a slight response.

 His heart sank.

There was a lot of news tonight. Even though the two of them were analyzing and thinking about it with the Holy Master in the imperial study room, they were all doing it in an upright manner, wanting both an answer and progress. In fact, there was no real progress. It's time to calm down and sort out things from that year.

 Especially Lin Yunyan, she is not just a "bystander", she is the daughter of the victim.

 Her pressure and burden are far heavier than Xu Jian's.

 It was so heavy that after leaving the royal study room, my head was completely empty.

 It’s not that I don’t want to comb it, it’s just like a wheel stuck by a foreign object and can’t turn.

Xu Jian was willing to let her relax and think about nothing. She could sit still all day long, but she couldn't just "walk".

 It's not worth it if you sprain your foot.

After being reminded again, Xu Jian simply changed the side of the lantern held between the two of them, and took Lin Yunyan's hand.

A warm body temperature suddenly came from the empty palms. Lin Yunyan was slightly startled and turned to look at Xu Jian.

The lantern only illuminated a little of the road ahead. Most of the facial features of the people around him were hidden in the night, and only their outlines could be seen.

 Fortunately, Lin Yunyan was adapted to the light and was very familiar with Xu Jian. She could distinguish his facial features, but it was naturally impossible to see the emotions in the other person's eyes clearly.

 She just looked at Xu Jian twice, remembered something, bent her eyes and smiled.

 Xu Jian heard her low laughter and asked her, "What are you laughing at?"

 “Some things from the past.” Lin Yunyan said.

Xu Jian understood what she meant by "the past" and wanted to know the specific content, but now was really not a good time to talk about that.

 Raising his eyes and looking at the **** who was leading the way not far away, Xu Jian leaned slightly and whispered: "It's hard to tell on the way. Can you tell me when we get to the side hall?"

Lin Yunyan responded "Okay".

With such an interruption, the emotions accumulated in my heart dispersed a lot.

 The night wind blew on my body, bringing some water vapor, which gave me a cool feeling on my face.

 Not long after, they arrived outside Cining Palace.

I saw that the two of them had entered the palace too late, and they were definitely going to stay in the palace. Eunuch Cao had already sent someone to deliver the message, so the door of Cining Palace was left open for them.

 Shu Gong came out after hearing the news.

It was far away and dark, so I couldn't see any clues at first. When I got closer, the light fell on their faces, and I could see clearly the appearance of the two people.

 It has been exposed to rain and cannot be considered clean and tidy.

"What's going on?" he asked hurriedly, "There is hot water in the small kitchen. I will send the young one to the side hall. The princess and the prince quickly washed themselves and changed into fresh clothes. The younger one will be sent to prepare some fresh clothes." A bowl of **** soup will relieve the cold.”

“Eunuch Cao was prepared and had a bowl before coming out of the imperial study,” Lin Yunyan said, looking at the side of the bedroom where the lights were still on, “The Queen Mother hasn’t rested yet?”

"I know that the Princess and the Duke are coming, and the Empress is waiting for you," Eunuch Yu finished, and then added, "You'd better freshen up first, and don't waste this time. If you go to see the Empress Dowager like this, she will feel distressed. "

Lin Yunyan naturally responded.

Everything in the side hall is the same as usual, but Wan Yue did not follow him into the palace, so he lacked someone to serve him closely.

Although there was no shortage of people in Cining Palace, and there were also people who had taken care of her in the past few years, Lin Yunyan still didn't call anyone, and only asked her mother-in-law to prepare hot water in the ear room.

 She took off her coat, sat in front of the dressing table, took off her earrings and hairpins.

His long hair was spread down. He had been caught in the rain in Qianfu earlier. He simply pressed it with a handkerchief on the carriage. The outer layer was dry, but the inner layer was damp, making it very uncomfortable.

As soon as Lin Yunyan picked up the comb, the tall figure moved behind her.

 Xu Jian took the comb from her hand and gently combed it open for her: "Is it inconvenient if Wan Yue is not here?"

"It's not like I have never been self-reliant," Lin Yunyan laughed at herself and said with a smile, "When I was down and out, I didn't even have a bucket of bath water. I was so dirty that I even despised it. In the past two years, I have been living a precious life. You are worried that I will leave. It won’t work without manpower.”

Xu Jian lowered his eyes with a smile: "It is difficult to go from luxury to frugality."

 This is quite true.

Lin Yunyan experienced great wealth and wealth, and once fell into the clouds. After she died, she opened her eyes and became her princess again. She experienced all the ups and downs. When she really recalled it, she was forced to adapt to the hard life as soon as possible when she was in trouble, and When she woke up in Cining Palace, she felt wealthy almost immediately.

 Sure enough, the difficulty is different.

Looking at the bronze mirror in front of her, Lin Yunyan saw Xu Jian in the mirror again.

Xu Jian is different from her. He has passed through more years, and there are many chaos and fragments. The clouds and mud have turned countless times, and the ups and downs are intertwined...

   Not crazy, I am determined.

 Perseverance is heartbreaking.

"You should change your wet clothes first." Lin Yunyan said softly.

"I'll change it after you go wash up," Xu Jian said, "Don't keep the Queen Mother waiting."

After combing her long hair, Lin Yunyan got up and went to the ear room. Not wanting to keep the empress waiting for a long time, she only wiped her body without washing her hair. After tidying up, she left her hair loose and went to the Empress Dowager's palace.

 Xu Jian did not go there and stayed alone in the side hall.

This matter concerns the deceased mother-in-law. The young princess and the empress dowager will have a lot to say to each other. He is sitting on the side and is in the way.

In the other room, the Queen Mother saw Lin Yunyan and could not hide her worried look.

"Why did you rush into the palace so late, something important happened?" She asked Lin Yunyan to sit down next to her, "I had a message from the imperial study room earlier, saying that you were following Li Shao back to the palace, and I don't know what happened next. The Ai family is not at ease, you whispered, but Li Shao is acting stupid again? "

Lin Yunyan shook her head: "It's not that Your Highness is being stupid. The matter is indeed sudden, but it is also very important. Please relax and I will tell you slowly."

Hearing this, the Empress Dowager's tense heart relaxed a little.

 What she was most worried about was Li Shao's misdeeds.

 In recent days, it seems that things are still calm, there is no problem in the administration, and the relationship with Xu Jian seems to be peaceful.

But after all, he has a criminal record. In the Queen Mother's place, there is a fear that the two parties will get into trouble again, and it will be Yun Yan and his wife who will suffer in the end.

Unexpectedly, the relaxation only relaxed for a short while. When she heard that the roof of Qianfu was struck by lightning, the Empress Dowager's expression became serious.

"How could something like this happen?" said the Empress Dowager. "This matter cannot be hidden. I don't know how many rumors will come out tomorrow."

"When we enter the palace, we will tell the Qianfu to the outside world." Lin Yunyan paused, "There is also an inside story. The Holy Father told us to be careful. Except for him, His Highness, Eunuch Cao, and myself and the Duke. , he only asked me to tell you and my father, and not to spread a word outside." The Queen Mother breathed heavily.

Is there anything more discreet and discreet than having your house struck by lightning tonight?

"Because of the overturned oil lamp, His Highness remembered what happened that night at Dingguo Temple," Lin Yunyan bit her lower lip, "He said that a monkey-faced **** asked him to hold a hot oil lamp, but he couldn't. He failed to stop him, and the **** hugged him and covered his mouth to prevent him from calling out..."

The Empress Dowager's face turned pale.

She didn't speak, just listened to Lin Yunyan's story. Her hands were clenching the cushions under her body, and her fingernails were turning white.

In her life, her only biological grandson died early and her son died young. Although she had doubts, she had to accept the reality. It was not until more than a year ago that she learned the truth.

And Ayun, who she raised as her own daughter, is also a beauty but has a poor life. The Holy Sage said that he would continue to investigate, and the Queen Mother also believed that he would not give up, but she actually didn't have much hope. In this kind of thing, the greater the expectation, the more disappointed she will be. Also bigger.

Unexpectedly, she still waited for the answer.

Thinking of the pain of a white-haired person sending a black-haired person away, the Empress Dowager was in a state of emotional confusion.

But looking at the young Yun Yan in front of her, she felt that she should cheer up and not worry Yun Yan. At this moment, Yun Yan also needed her.

“I hate the Ai family,” the Empress Dowager said word by word. “The Ai family is the Queen, the Empress Dowager, the most precious woman in the world, but the Ai family has also lost too much.

 It's just that this hatred must be justified. The Ai family cannot blame the Holy Master, nor can they blame Li Shao.

Aijia has to find out the real murderer and hate the person. "

  She will not get into trouble herself, she is only worried that Yun Yan will be irrational for a while.

“Don’t worry,” Lin Yunyan said, “I can tell the difference clearly and will not be confused. In the imperial study room, we and the Holy Father also analyzed a lot..."

While stroking the Queen Mother's back, she spoke about her conjectures and judgments.

Hearing that Eunuch Cai and his mother-in-law were probably drugged in the east room, and that the late empress had probably lit sleeping incense in the east room, the empress dowager sighed.

 The viciousness of the criminals and some coincidences resulted in such an unexpected result.

"Tomorrow, the Duke will first go through the old files in the Ministry of Rites," Lin Yunyan comforted the Queen Mother, "We will start with the **** with the monkey face, hoping to follow the clues and find the real culprit. Is there such a **** in your memory? "

The Queen Mother thought for a while: "I really can't remember it for a moment. It has been more than ten years, and even if I have seen it, it is blurry. The Ai family needs to think more about it."

 “There is no rush,” Lin Yunyan said, “You can rest first later. Once you sleep comfortably, your thoughts may be broadened.”

 Where can the Queen Mother sleep?

I just thought that Lin Yunyan would be exhausted after working hard all night, so I didn't talk about myself, and just wanted Yunyan to rest quickly.

Seeing her getting up and walking out, the Empress Dowager suddenly remembered that she often had nightmares when she was young. What happened tonight was stored in her mind, just in case she had a dream at night...

"Yun Yan." She couldn't help but call out.

Lin Yunyan just walked to the curtain and stopped when she heard the sound.

The Queen Mother wanted to say, "Do you want to sleep with the Ai family?", but the words reached her lips and she swallowed them.


Yun Yan is getting married, and her husband is also in the side hall tonight, and even Jingmeng is being coaxed and protected.

The Empress Dowager sighed with emotion, smiled and shook her head: "Have a good sleep. The Ai family is not in a hurry, and you should not be in a hurry either."

Lin Yunyan smiled back.

 Back to the side hall, Xu Jian had already cleaned up.

Seeing her coming back, he said, "The water is a little cold. I'll ask someone to change it so you can wash your hair."

"It's so late..." Lin Yunyan subconsciously refused.

“You can’t sleep anyway, it’s the same in the morning or in the evening. You’ll have a headache if you don’t wash off the rain.” Xu Jian said, got up and went outside to call someone.

The nuns worked quickly and soon changed the water and adjusted the water temperature.

Lin Yunyan saw this and did not refuse again.

It is difficult to dry long hair at night. There is no sun, and it is not easy to dry it in front of the window like during the day. I can only wipe it slowly with a handkerchief.

Lin Yunyan came out of the ear room after wiping herself half dry. Xu Jian took another dry handkerchief and wiped it for her patiently.

“Your eyes were slightly red when you came back,” Xu Jian asked, “Did the Queen Mother cry?”

"No," Lin Yunyan said softly, "The empress endured it. I was afraid of making her cry, and she was even more afraid of making me cry. In the end, no one cried."

Xu Jian smiled softly.

 If I didn’t cry, it would be better to cry.

The little princess's face was obviously full of energy.

"Earlier in the garden," Xu Jian simply asked her to talk, "What made you laugh in the past?"

Lin Yunyan blinked and remembered after hearing his question.

"It just reminds me of the time when we were walking at night," Lin Yunyan said slowly. "At that time, you were holding the lantern to light the way. I was pushing the wheelchair. I looked down and could see your head and shoulders. Now you are still holding the lantern. I I have to turn around to see you.”

As he spoke, Lin Yunyan couldn't help but laugh again.

She did not move, tilted her head back, and raised her eyes to look at Xu Jian: "You have to raise your head to see half of her face."

 The four eyes are facing each other and their eyes are intertwined.

Lin Yunyan looked into Xu Jian's eyes, which were heavy and bottomless.

 The next moment, she felt her vision darken.

Xu Jian bent down and blocked the oil lamp beside him.

 "Ayan." He whispered, his voice drowned in the intertwining kisses.

This posture is really tiring.

Xu Jian didn't feel tired, but was afraid that Lin Yunyan wouldn't be able to bear it anymore, so he kept holding his hand on the back of her neck. After a while, he first moved away, then straightened her neck while protecting her, and then used his fingertips to press a few times to relieve her pain. .

 After such a fuss, the mood naturally relaxed a lot.

By the time her hair was almost dry, Lin Yunyan no longer looked so bored.

It’s better if it’s not boring.

 Being bored will make you depressed, and being bored is not conducive to thinking.

Xu Jian put down the veil, sat down next to her, and straightened her expression: "I was thinking about a question just now. Did the monkey-faced **** really want Li Shao's life when he set the fire?"

Lin Yunyan pursed her lips and was stunned for a moment.

"He grabbed Li Shao and prevented him from shouting. He even caused Li Shao to faint. However, Li Shao was carried out of the hall by his mother-in-law with his head and tail intact." Xu Jian paused and spoke in a low voice. "If the **** left on his own initiative, why didn't he let Li Shao get into the fire? If he heard the news that his mother-in-law was coming, he would have suddenly thrown Li Shao into the fire. Even if Li Shao cried loudly, he would Dead."

   Shout for the monthly ticket~~~

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 (End of this chapter)

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