Yan Cigui

Chapter 404: What he wants is not anyone’s life (two updates combined into one request)

Chapter 404: It’s not whose life he wants (two updates in one, please vote for me)

Lin Yunyan took a breath.

 That is indeed the case.

There are many dangers in the fire scene. If the man wants to kill Li Shao, he just needs to put him next to the fire.

A tragedy occurred in a main hall, and Li Shao died in the second room. Even if the position was strange, it would be judged as a child who panicked and fell.

 But Li Shao had nothing wrong with him.

"If you don't want Li Shao's life, do you just want to attack the late empress?" Lin Yunyan questioned. As soon as the words came out, she shook her head, "If I were him and had the drug that knocked out Eunuch Cai, I would kill Li Shao as well. I fainted, then went into the east room to light a fire to make sure everything was safe... Huh?"

 At this point, she felt something was wrong even more.

"If he wants to kill the late queen, he must ensure that the people in the east room will not be awakened by the fire." Lin Yunyan frowned and said what she thought of. This way she could organize her thoughts and give Xu Jian some inspiration, " Could it be that he knew there was sleeping incense inside? He first stunned the people in Dongshaojian, and then came out to attack the people in Dongcijian?

 You don’t want Li Shao to scream because you don’t want my mother to hear?

Then he should have gone east to light a fire instead of causing Li Shao to knock over the oil lamp..."

This is very strange.

 The more I think about it, the more I feel there is something that doesn’t make sense.

 Is it because they haven't grasped the true nature of the matter, or is it because the monkey-faced **** is not particular about his behavior and sets fire as he pleases? On the contrary, they are deeply disturbed by it and want to find a reasonable way of thinking for the other party here?

Thinking of this, Lin Yunyan couldn't help but shook her head in confusion.

If they think too much in the end, that’s really...

“Can it be considered a kind of ‘a scholar meets a soldier’?” Lin Yunyan laughed at herself, “We treat him as a scholar, but in fact the monkey-faced **** is a soldier?”

 After saying that, she heard Xu Jian next to her also laugh.

  A little helpless and a little helpless, but after laughing, the two of them started to sort things out again.

 Looking for answers to old things, I am not afraid of thinking too much, but I am afraid of not thinking thoroughly enough.

Xu Jian picked up the teapot and gave Lin Yunyan more tea, gesturing for her to moisten her throat.

He himself took a sip, the warm tea went down his throat, his eyebrows were lowered, looking calm and peaceful under the oil lamp.

Lin Yunyan held the tea cup with both hands and looked at Xu Jian steadily.

She couldn't move her eyes away. She knew very well that it was Xu Jian's stability that kept her gaze fixed for a moment.

Having known each other for a long time, Lin Yunyan also knew Xu Jian’s temperament.

This man is really cold when he is cold, and when he is so angry, he can make the whole Jinluan Palace want to laugh but dare not laugh, and hold it in for life. But aside from those external appearances, Xu Jian's mind is calm and upright.

Comes from the old Duke Guo's many years of teaching, and also from the hardships he has endured day after day while practicing martial arts since he was a child.

The perseverance deep in his heart enables Xu Jian to quickly put away his panic and get on the right track when encountering changes.

This kind of perseverance not only created Xu Jian, but also deeply influenced Lin Yunyan, making her involuntarily believe that no matter how many hardships and fogs there were, as long as they were together with Xu Jian, the two of them could overcome obstacles.

With Xu Jian by his side, so much unexpected and puzzling news tonight seemed less confusing.

"What we are thinking about now is not only what we will think about, but also my father-in-law and His Majesty will think about it in the future." Xu Jian put down the tea cup slowly, with a calm tone, "I was in the imperial study room, time was still too tight, and I had some ideas, but not much. comprehensive.

Your Majesty, when you have free time, you will naturally think of these things. If you listen more and discuss more, even the three stooges can gain a lot.

The Holy Father and his father-in-law didn't think of this before. They didn't know that the fire started in Dongci Room, so they thought it started in Dongshi Room. People were fainted by the smoke in their sleep, until mother-in-law came over and could only hold Nian in his arms. Young Li Shao..."

 Lin Yunyan nodded.

How else to say that the clues are important?

 Even the smallest clue may change the final answer, let alone such critical information as the origin of the fire.

Originally, it would not be so difficult to determine the location of the fire in a fire. Unfortunately, there were two barrels of lamp oil stored in the ear room. Although it did not explode, the fire burned more and more fiercely, and the scene was a mess.

It is also because these two barrels of oil, whether accepted by the father as an accident or believed by the Holy Spirit as a murder, determined that the fire started in Donghaojian.

 Until tonight, this point has been overturned by Li Shao’s testimony.

 Many previous judgments will also be changed accordingly.

"Judging from previous judgments," Lin Yunyan dipped her finger in some water and drew a few strokes on the table, only distinguishing the middle room, the east room, and the east room. "Mother went all the way east, passing through the second room. A little later.

The fire started a little while ago, which is the most dangerous place.

She picked up the unconscious Li Shao, took advantage of the fire not blocking the way, and returned the same way, from the east room to the middle room, and then out of the palace door. After putting him down, she returned to the fire scene.

 But this time, the fire inside was even greater, and Grandma Liao chose to open the window, but she failed, and her mother and the late Queen also missed the opportunity to escape. "

Xu Jian looked at the table and said, "My father-in-law mentioned something to me, but he didn't go into detail. I won't know the details until I read the case file tomorrow, but it sounds like your idea makes sense."

Lin Yunyan responded softly and put aside the speculation based on the fire in Dongjijian: "Now, it's time to think about what my mother did when the fire broke out in Dongjijian."

 In other words, Li Shao’s exact location when his mother rescued him.

She thought so, so she asked Xu Jian this way.

 Xu Jian thought for a moment and said, "The middle room may be the east room."

Lin Yunyan listened to his explanation carefully.

"The Holy One mentioned that the novice guarding Li Shao said that the windows were closed, and the mother-in-law rushed out of the palace door with Li Shao in her arms, and then went back." Xu Jian pointed her finger on the table and said, "In the middle room If you find someone, just take them out. There is no question about doing so.

 When the fire broke out in the Dongci room, it burned first and the fire was the strongest. It makes sense that the mother-in-law picked up Li Shao and turned around and ran out through the still safe middle room.

 When in danger, it is human nature to choose the nearest exit.

If she had made the opposite choice and rushed into the East Room and saw the dizzy Queen and the nuns inside, would she have turned around and walked through the East Room again? "

“No,” Lin Yunyan said immediately, immersing herself in the situation, and the answer was not difficult to come up with. “If I were her, I would just open the window and throw Li Shao out, and then drag the others.

At that time, running out from Dongci Room, where the fire was the strongest, was simply to seek the distance instead of the near.

 Similarly, the place where the mother discovered Li Shao would not be Dongshaojian.

Only when Li Shao was in the East Room or the Middle Room, would his mother choose to carry him out through the door for the first time. "

Xu Jian strongly agreed: "For the first time, my mother-in-law had never entered Dongshao Room. She discovered Li Shao first and rescued him in a hurry.

When she returned, she passed through the Dongci Room in the fire. She may have called Eunuch Cai, or she may not have cared about it and entered the later room, which was filled with smoke.

Perhaps it was sleeping incense, perhaps inhaling thick smoke, or the two overlapped. The late empress and the others were either in a coma or in a state of confusion. The mother-in-law tried her best to wake them up. Mother-in-law Liao went to open the window, and the mother-in-law held the late empress..."

 The picture of that night became clearer in my mind little by little.

The thick smoke seemed to have traveled through time and swept in, making Lin Yunyan subconsciously cover her mouth and nose with her hands. Seeing this, Xu Jian moved his chair, leaned closer, and put his arms around Lin Yunyan's shoulders.

 This is the pain.

How many jokes and distractions can only ease that moment. When the thoughts focus on this again, the wound will still be in unbearable pain.

If you have a weak temperament, you will probably not want to think about it. Try to let it go and leave it to someone who is competent and trustworthy to find the answer, lest you fall down before the truth is revealed.

This kind of "giving up" is also a good choice.

But Xu Jian would not persuade Lin Yunyan like this, nor would he do everything for her, because she could bear it and was more willing to bear it.

 The little princess looks delicate, but is actually tough.

And if the wound wants to heal completely, the carrion must be cut off and new life will come.

"I wanted to tell you just now in the imperial study room," Xu Jian's voice was still calm, like a whisper, not intense, but able to calm people's hearts, "The sleeping incense was an 'accident'. We didn't expect that Saint Uehara didn't think about it either.

Thinking about this today, his guilt for the late empress will be even deeper, and this emotion will continue to spread to Li Shao.

 It doesn’t seem to be beneficial to us, but we can still gamble and survive.

To figure out all the truths, good or bad or bad, and the victims can really go forward.

 You are like this, and so is the Holy One. "

As he spoke, Xu Jian held Lin Yunyan's hand and stroked the back of her hand without letting her block her breathing.

"I'm okay," Lin Yunyan smiled at Xu Jian, "Now that I've thought about the situation that night, I can continue to make judgments. The actions of the monkey-faced **** didn't seem to kill Li Shao, nor did they Like wanting to kill the queen first.”

 The former Li Shao will not have to do everything, but the latter should set fire in the east.

The question was swirling in their minds, and the two of them didn't speak for a long time, racking their brains to find some clues or a glimmer of light among the known clues.

 Unfortunately, spiritual light is not that easy.

Xu Jian patted Lin Yunyan on the shoulder and said, "It's getting late. If we don't blow out the lamp and take a nap, the Empress Dowager will be worried tomorrow if she finds out."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep." Having said that, Lin Yunyan went to bed and lay down.

 Xu Jian blew out the lamp.

 The hall became dark, and Lin Yunyan suddenly lost her vision, and she didn't feel comfortable with it.

 At such a moment, a flash of inspiration occurred.

She quickly stood up, held the arm of Xu Jian who was sitting on the edge of the bed, and said, "We have been thinking about what happened that night in Dingguo Temple and why. Maybe we should change our thinking."

 Xu Jian whispered "huh?"

"You said in the imperial study that although it cannot be said that the murderer of Dingguo Temple and the gangster who planned the attack on the town are the same person, you are inclined to believe that they were both committed by the same person," Lin Yunyan said, "If you are the one behind Man, that night you had people attack the town at the foot of the mountain, would you want to set fire to kill Li Shao and the late Queen?"

 Xu Jian was stunned for a moment.

 He understood what Lin Yunyan meant by "changing his thinking".

 No longer focusing on Dingguo Temple, but looking at the situation of the town being attacked.

This question was not difficult for Xu Jian, and he quickly said directly: "It would be better to have a few more assassin masters and kill the Holy Emperor directly in the town!"

 All the planning is for that chair.

 Facing the battle, the only ones who could sit on the throne were the sons of the late emperor.

 Since the Holy Spirit has been involved in the crisis in that town, just take his life.

 How is there any reason not to kill the Holy Emperor, but to disturb the late Queen and Li Shao?

"Perhaps, I didn't expect the Holy Lord to come down from the mountain at first. There are insufficient manpower in the town and we can't directly take the target." Xu Jian paused and his thoughts suddenly broadened. "It is true that the people at the foot of the mountain cannot prepare in advance, but the monkey face on the mountain takes action. The **** can know whether the Holy Spirit is in the temple or not.

If his original target was the Holy One, and he knew clearly that the Holy One had gone down the mountain to suppress the bandits when he took action, he could have given up setting the fire.

Once he started this fire, he lost the opportunity to remove the Holy One on the mountain and down the mountain. "

  = means nothing.

No matter which angle you think about it, what this monkey-faced **** did is too strange.


Xu Jian took out a breath and said in a deep voice: "Unless his target is not the Holy Emperor, the late Queen, or Li Shao."

Lin Yunyan was shocked, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that it was not impossible.

"Yes, the Holy One has never wanted the throne. Even if that person doesn't believe it, he won't go after the Holy One as soon as he takes action." Lin Yunyan considered it and said, "No, he believes it. He believes that the Holy One will not fight for it, so he doesn't want to The Killing Saint..."

“As for the late empress and Li Shao who were involved in the fire,” Xu Jian sighed, “it seems that our previous thinking was not wrong.”

"The **** didn't want Li Shao's life, nor did he want to kill the queen first," Lin Yunyan's voice trembled slightly, "He didn't even think about killing anyone exactly.

In the final analysis, the fire was just part of the coordination with the operation at the foot of the mountain. It was most likely that Tiao Sheng went back to the mountain for rescue.


The bandit attack on the town was fake. Those were not bandits, but dead soldiers.

Once the Holy Master stayed at the foot of the mountain and carefully investigated the bandits, he might have seen through their methods at that time, and then there would be no follow-up work for the princes to suppress the bandits and fight for credit, let alone reveal the inside story and let the credit-grabber Li Mi be deposed...

 So the Holy Spirit must summon a large number of people back to Dingguo Temple. The black hands need time to deal with the situation in the town and ensure that the secret is not exposed.

 It's just that the fire on the mountain was bigger than expected, and neither the queen nor my mother escaped..."

With this sorting out, many things have become clear.

Lin Yunyan felt sad, her throat was choked, and her eyes were sore.

"If we really want to kill people, if the drug is used on Eunuch Cai, will he still be able to get up and struggle to crawl out of the room? Then can grandma almost escape to the bright room?" She slowly shook her head. , “It’s impossible, they won’t be able to wake up at all after taking the more powerful Menghan medicine.

They were able to move in the end, but the dose of medicine was insufficient, and they only fell asleep for a short time. When the fire started, they woke up.

Even if they don't wake up, according to the eunuch's expectation, those who have not smelled the drug in the East Room will wake up, and the Queen and others will run out, take Li Shao away, and also take out Eunuch Cai and the nanny.

 What he wants is the fire that can be seen from the bottom of the mountain, not anyone's life..."

   Thanks to the book friend Xiaoyuan for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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