Yan Cigui

Chapter 407: You might as well meet the person from Yongji Palace (two updates combined into one to

Chapter 407 Might as well meet the man from Yongji Palace (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

Lin Yuan is also waiting for the two of them.

There was some tea prepared in the study. When Lin Yunyan closed the door and walked to the table, Lin Yu was pushing two new cups of tea over.

 “Moisten your throat,” he said, “Don’t drink too much, we have to eat later.”

Lin Yunyan sat down and responded.

On the surface, her father’s eyebrows were relaxed and his mood was stable, but Lin Yunyan still noticed that under the calm water, his father was actually anxious.

It is about the beloved wife who was in distress, it is about Li Shao who is the most favored by the emperor, it can also be said that it is about the future of one's own family and the long-term peace of the court, no matter who it is, there will be no disturbance.

 Xu Jian held a cup of tea in his right hand and gently sipped tea. Under the table, his left hand held Lin Yunyan's hand and rubbed it slowly with his fingertips.

Lin Yunyan felt it, but she didn't take her hand out.

 Xu Jian's move was not inappropriate.

Lin Yunyan knew clearly that Xu Jian was indicating that she should open the door, and was also using this warmth to give her support and strength.

 These things are originally the most suitable between father and daughter.

If it weren't for the fact that it involved a lot of news in the court, Xu Jian would have wanted to avoid it.

"After the test last night, His Highness almost remembered everything that happened that night." Lin Yunyan said, and sure enough, her father's eyes darkened, and she continued, "At that time..."

 Starting from the Qian Mansion, to the thinking and analysis of several people in the royal study, to her and the Empress Dowager, Lin Yunyan explained everything to Lin Yu in every detail.

 She did not choose to summarize.

Although the summary is concise and focuses on the key points, Lin Yunyan is worried that her detailed summary is only based on her own judgment and may cause confusion among the authorities.

Some of the trivial things she thought might be enlightening and top priority in her father’s ears.

Lin Yue did not interrupt her story.

 After Lin Yunyan finished speaking about her final judgment when she and Xu Jian reviewed at night, Lin Yu took another sip of tea.

There was no more tea in the cup, so Lin Yu reached out and picked up the teapot again, tilting her wrist and letting a few drops drip from the spout.

He was stunned for a moment, then shook the teapot gently, and then realized that the pot of tea had been empty without even realizing it.

 “Heh…” Lin Yun laughed out of helplessness.

It was he who told me not to drink more, and it was he who finished the pot absentmindedly.

Lin Yunyan saw this and said, "Should I add another pot?"

"No need," Lin Yuan stopped her, "it's not about the tea."

 My heart is heavy and I can’t bear it no matter how much tea I have.

Leaning on the back of his chair, Lin Yu thought carefully about what Lin Yunyan said, and sighed for a long time: "I recently checked the affairs of Baoping Town. Speaking of which, the Duke of Guo knows more about it, but Yunyan doesn't know much about it, right?"

Baoping Town is at the foot of Dingguo Temple, the town that was attacked by fake bandits that night.

Lin Yunyan said: "I only heard a rough idea."

 Lin Yu nodded.

The matter has been going on for too long. No matter how much it was discussed at the time, after Li Jun was imprisoned in Yongji Palace and Li Mi was demoted to a commoner, no one gradually mentioned it again.

  Not to mention the young children at that time, even the adults had forgotten what they had heard.

That is, Lin Yunyan, she is related to Dingguo Temple, and Xu Jian is in the court, and the Dingguo Temple case is deeply related to his own interests, so they have paid more attention to it, but they don't know as much detail as Lin Yue.

"After the case happened, the late emperor was furious. He was already ill, and became even worse with anger," Lin Yu said. "The fire at Dingguo Temple was added to the mix, and there were all kinds of speculations in the court.

The yamen was busy checking fires, and the court was clamoring to suppress bandits. King Ding, who was acting in charge of the government at that time, once pointed out that it was unusual for bandits to attack the town, especially in the Gyeonggi area, where there was almost no banditry, but such a band suddenly appeared. , but he failed to convince others.

It's not like they didn't send people to Baoping Town to investigate, but there were very few clues. In the end, it developed into a bandit suppression. With Li Mi and others putting pressure on the place, they took advantage of hungry people in order to gain credit.

 Almost half a year after the settlement, at the end of the first month of the 28th year of Taixing, an informant letter revealed that the dead men acted as bandits and attacked Baoping Town.

You also know what happened later. The Holy Emperor supported King Ding, but the aggressive one in Yongji Palace. King Ding was exhausted physically and mentally and eventually died of illness. The first emperor was extremely grieved. He was banned and demoted, and then he was appointed Holy Emperor.

Now that I think about it, there is some inside information to be seen.

King Ding did not die of illness. He died of poisoning. Thanks to the favorable time and place, he was poisoned without being noticed.

 While previously there were no clues to the abnormality of the attack on the town, after the whistleblower letter, some emerged, such as testimonials from surviving residents.

Generally speaking, when people live in poverty and become bandits, the purpose of attacking a town is to seize food and money. Several families hide in their houses, making it clear that the only way to survive is to let the bandits take it. However, those thieves refused to let them go and killed people. All the news fell to the ears of the neighbors who were lucky enough to survive.

They not only killed people, but also set fires. They robbed many things, and Baoping town was completely destroyed.

The Holy Spirit led people to rescue. From the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, the torches were getting closer and closer. Supposedly, the thieves could see them but they did not evacuate in advance. Instead, they fought each other and ran away when they were really outnumbered. "

Speaking of this, Lin Yuan slowed down slightly and said: "These confessions were all submitted one after another during that period, and none were available during the initial investigation. It is precisely because of this that it highlights that the so-called bandit attack on the town was deliberately planned by someone." of.

 There was no confession originally, and some traces could be found at the scene to prove it. In fact, there was almost nothing gained.

Combining what the two of you just said, there was a fire in Dingguo Temple, and the Holy One brought a large number of people back to the mountain, giving the real culprit a chance to deal with the situation in the town. The layout was completed, and the suppression of the bandits could start smoothly. "

Otherwise, the Holy Father discovered something unusual in Baoping Town, and handed over the clues to King Ding who insisted on investigating. Once he saw through these tricks, there would be no need to suppress the bandits.

After Lin Yu finished speaking, his thoughts were very clear and he had no doubts.

  However, as I moved my eyes from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, I looked at the collapsed hall in my mind, and only I knew how bitter and sour my heart was.

It was not an accident, but there were also some coincidences superimposed on it, resulting in such a tragedy.

 If you don’t light some sleeping incense…

 There are so many ifs in this life.

Unable to control himself, Lin Yu recalled Shen Yun's voice and smile. Those old scenes were still vividly engraved in his memory without fading.

 It's just that those are the emotions that he needs to digest and are not suitable to be displayed in front of juniors.

It's just Yun Yan alone. The father and daughter had some thoughtful words to say, but their son-in-law was also there. Lin Yu couldn't bear to look at that face.

He cleared his throat and got down to business: "Have you heard about the situation this morning?"

“Your Highness told me after he arrived at the Ministry of Rites,” Xu Jian replied. “I also told the princess on the way here.”

"His response was very good," Lin Yu said matter-of-factly, "much better than the previous response when the courtiers asked about Geng Baoyuan."

 Xu Jian laughed loudly: "Wang Gouzi taught me."

"The one from Yongji Palace?" Lin Yu raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled, "He's quite a talent."

  It is both praise and sarcasm.

Xu Jian added: "I copied the list of blessings and accompanying people from the Ministry of Rites and gave it to Eunuch Cao. Now we have to see when he will get new clues."

“It’s not necessarily easy to find,” Lin Yue agreed after listening to Xu Jian’s explanation of the difficulties and thoughts. “Having a characteristic like a monkey face… is better than having no characteristics at all.”

Lin Yunyan was listening and couldn't help laughing.

The laughter was soft and short, but it broke the dull atmosphere in the study and made the father-in-law and son-in-law next to him relax a little. Lin Yu laughed for a while, and then said: "Sooner or later, you will have to tell the Holy Emperor your inference. In fact, he can understand how he will feel when he finds out."

 Guilt is inevitable.

 And this guilt fell on Li Shao...

"Blessings and misfortunes are based on blessings," Lin Yunyan explained. "I talked to His Highness last night, and I could see that he was very nervous. I think deposing the prince still had some influence on him. He was not as fearless as before. Flaunted."

Li Shao is not necessarily very smart when it comes to being smart, but when it comes to being stupid, he is certainly not stupid.

 At least when it comes to detecting crises, his intuition is very keen.

 He has calmed down his temper in the past few months. Has he changed his ways?


As long as Li Shao can really change his ways, become a qualified prince, and become a conservative emperor in the future, Xu Jian will not give up on him.

 Xu Jian used the bitter consequences of the past to prove that Li Shao could not change, so he chose to embark on a path that completely made Li Shao unable to turn over.

 Li Shao's recent stability is actually due to his awareness of this moment and that moment.

With the loss of his status as the crown prince, the courtiers with their own agendas were waiting for the opportunity, and the attitude of the Holy Emperor was not the same as before. Li Shao did not dare to do anything wrong again.

 He will not mess around until he is "sure of safety".

 But Li Shao didn't act recklessly, which ultimately ran counter to Lin Yunyan's and the others' goals.

“The more guilty and partial the Holy One is, the bolder His Highness becomes,” Lin Yunyan said. “He lacks such a bold opportunity now.”

These words touched Xu Jian's heart.

 He has dealt with Li Shao a lot and understands his temperament very well.

 “Slow down for now, wait until the man behind the scenes is arrested, and at least his identity must be known.” Lin Yu did not object, and then said to Xu Jian, “If the opportunity is right, you might as well meet the man from Yongji Palace.”

Surprise flashed through his heart. Xu Jian didn't ask any more questions and just listened quietly.

According to Lin Yu's original temperament, he would try to avoid Lin Yunyan in these important matters.

 It’s not a matter of trust or distrust, but as a father, he is used to blocking all the disturbances for his daughter.

This time he let her listen together. Anyway, even if he kept it secret here, his son-in-law would tell her later.

 Besides, the matter has come to this, there are areas where he can do his best in the previous dynasty, but Yun Yan is indispensable in the harem.

Lin Yu thought carefully and said: "He was the main force in attacking King Ding back then, and he was very ambitious and wanted to seize the throne.

 In the sixth year of Wang's reign, especially the Zhu family, they were still doing things in the past two years.

Let’s not talk about the sixth year of Wang’s reign. Zhu Chang had a serious mind. In his early years, he preferred to seize ready-made benefits, and the extravagances around him might not win his heart. To say that he was loyal to Li Jun who was trapped in Yongji Palace, I don't quite believe it.

 This is something we have guessed before.

Although Li Jun was angry with the Holy Sage, he worked so hard and the Holy Sage picked the peaches in the end, but when it came to Dingguo Temple and Baoping Town, the Holy Sage hated him very much, and so did Li Jun.

 He is a very conceited person, and he cannot bear to be used as a **** by the people behind the scenes.

If he knew what the situation was like that night, he might have some other answers. "

Lin Yunyan understood.

 She didn’t understand Li Jun, but she knew that was the case.

 Looking at it from another angle, you will have a different way of thinking.

Li Jun is a person in authority, but his confusion may not be as clear as those of bystanders.

  After all, Li Jun was the one who fought in the battle for the throne. Compared to the Holy Master who entered the game from behind and was almost destined to be assisted in the overall situation, Li Jun was on the field from the beginning, and he really competed with his brothers.

  is their opponent.

 The opponents know each other best.

The arrangement for Baoping Town only counts one, but who will be responsible for the fire at Yidingguo Temple outside Baoping Town to divert the tiger away from the mountain? Li Jun may have his own judgment.

 After thinking for a while, Xu Jian nodded: "It is indeed necessary to go to Yongji Palace, but we have to find a suitable reason."

 First of all, we have passed the holy test; secondly, it is inevitable to alert others, but it is definitely better if there is less noise.

That is Yongji Palace after all.

 He just went there on orders, and everyone in the court looked at him with suspicion.

 After finishing the matter, the three of them came out of the study.

Lin Ju was waiting not far away and came up and said, "The third lady sent someone here and said that a table can be set up at Zai Shou Yuan."

 Lin Yu responded.

 A few people walked to the backyard together.

The table has not yet been set up in the Zai Shou Courtyard. The person who came to deliver the message knew the rules and knew that it was important for the study to be closed, so he would not disturb him. After leaving the message, he passed a message to Xiao Duan.

Therefore, after they entered the far gate, the table began to be set in the room, and when people sat down, the dishes were still hot.

They were the only ones on the table, and the dishes were home-cooked, except for two extra dishes. Lin Yunyan said, "Just do what my family does on weekdays."

During the dinner, Xu Shi saw that Lin Yu had something on his mind, so Xiao Duan asked someone to serve a pot of wine.

"Let me eat two cups with you," said Xiao Duan.

Xu Jian smiled and took over to pour wine for his father-in-law.

Weng and son-in-law didn't talk much. They only listened to the grandfather and grandson talking about home affairs in detail. From time to time, they touched a wine cup and took a sip. It was not warm, but it was comfortable.

 A pot of wine, Lin Yu drank one-third, and the rest went to Xu Jian.

It was getting late, so Xiao Duan left them alone and told them to "be careful on the road."

Lin Yuan sent them to the concierge and said in a deep voice: "This is a serious matter, so don't be impatient. If the whole family works together, there will always be a way to break the situation."

Lin Yunyan nodded solemnly.

The carriage walked through the streets and alleys back to the Duke Fuguo's Mansion.

The two of them entered the main courtyard, and Lin Yunyan asked someone to go to Mrs. Xu in the backyard to report that they were safe.

Late at night, Lin Yunyan sat in front of the dressing table, looked at Xu Jian's figure through the mirror, and asked, "Have you ever dealt with that person from Yongji Palace?"

There is no such opportunity in this life, nor in the previous life in Lin Yunyan's memory. What she doesn't know is the years Xu Jianjian spent alone.

“I’ve seen him a few times,” Xu Jian looked over after hearing the sound, thought for a moment, and then said, “He is not an easy person to talk to.”

  The last chapter of January has been written for another month.

Shout out for the monthly ticket again~~

   Thanks to the book friend Lonely Cello for the tip.



 (End of this chapter)

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