Yan Cigui

Chapter 408: There is an **** named Tong (two updates combined into one, please give me a monthly t

Seeing Lin Yunyan looking like she wanted to listen carefully, Xu Jian was speechless.

 He only had a serious confrontation with Li Jun once.

 At that time, I had received the holy order to go to Yongji Palace to inquire about an old matter in the palace.

Li Jun was not uncooperative, but he also asked questions and answered questions from time to time. After that incident, Xu Jian's views on this person were the same as those of his father-in-law.

 Very conceited.

 His words did not hide his hostility and contempt for the Holy One.

On the other hand, when he mentioned the late emperor, he showed some respect. Of course, only Li Jun himself knew how much of this respect was true or false.

 As for the other times, they were all Xu Jian's bets.

At a deadlock and unable to find a breakthrough, he simply went to Yongji Palace.

 It collapsed, it collapsed, anyway, there is no need to worry about yesterday and tomorrow, after all, who knows when and where he will be when he opens his eyes tomorrow. There is no need to start over from the beginning. No matter how small it is, he has no next chance, so he might as well get it over with.

  It is a pity that Xu Jian had a risk-taking attitude at the time, but Li Jun obviously did not.

 Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan talked about the Eight Classics in detail, and the rest was simply skipped. To be honest, there was not much "detailed" information to talk about.

Lin Yunyan is very keen and knows Xu Jian very well, and she can hear the difference between his thick and thin.

Standing up, Lin Yunyan walked to Xu Jian, held his hand, and looked up at him.

Being able to make Xu Jian choose to risk everything and gamble was enough to guess what kind of dead end it was at that time. At the same time, she also understood better what Xu Jian had mentioned to her before, "because you are here."

It is precisely because Lin Yunyan is reborn in this life and every day in this life is so stable that Xu Jian becomes more and more cautious.

 He didn’t want to mess up.

Even if there was a time to gamble, he would not rush to Yongji Palace like he did when he was alone, and compete with Li Jun without any chips in his hand. He only thought that this time's gamble would provide him with one more choice in the future. Assure.

Such a bet, wouldn't it make people feel distressed?

Lin Yunyan raised her hand and gently stroked Xu Jian's cheek: "Since the one from Yongji Palace has such a temper, isn't it easy to deal with him?"

Xu Jian lowered her eyes, looked at Lin Yunyan's bright eyes, and saw her own figure in them.

That deep and deep gaze was full of concern, making it easier for him to say all the words he originally didn't want to say.

“That’s not true,” Xu Jian thought about his words, “It’s not easy to deal with him seriously.

His person talks about him from time to time. It's not that he can't answer questions and avoids the easy ones, but that he likes to control the rhythm and situation.

He likes the feeling of strategizing. Even though he talks on an equal footing, he still feels superior in his heart.

 It's not aimed at me. I estimate that except in front of the late emperor, he probably has the same attitude towards other people. "

After hearing this, Lin Yunyan commented: "You are really conceited."

"I haven't suffered any losses in Yongji Palace," Xu Jian said, comforting Lin Yunyan, "I was serious about handling the matters assigned by the Holy Father. I didn't have enough clues and had to be cautious. Naturally, he had the upper hand.

 But other times, as long as I'm crazier than him, he can't figure out what I'm thinking.

 Although he didn’t get much benefit, he also figured out his style.

Today is different from the past, there are more clues. We don't just ask him blindly, we also provide him with some old news, starting with the events in Baoping Town to stimulate him. If he wants to control the situation, he will not be so easy. "

Xu Jian’s voice was calm and unhurried, which made Lin Yunyan feel relieved.

 She thought, this is Xu Jian’s strength.

 You don’t need to shout loudly, every word is heavy, which can inspire and calm people’s hearts.

Rubbed Xu Jian's chin twice with her fingertips, Lin Yunyan retracted her hand and muttered: "It's a bit prickly."

Xu Jian was stunned for a moment when the topic changed so quickly. After realizing it, he rubbed his hand with it and said with a smile: "I didn't clean it up carefully this morning."

The side hall of Cining Palace is the "territory" of the little princess.

She has lived in the house since she was a child, and as a daughter, the family has no shortage of anything.

Xu Jian rarely stayed for one night, but the place nearby was convenient, except for the razor.

He wouldn't ask Eunuch Yu to ask for help for such a small thing. He just took a pair of scissors and scratched with a single blade. It was better than not picking it up, but it was certainly not as good as having a usual knife.

 Xu Jian turned around and went to the clean room.

He himself doesn't care, but the little princess has very delicate skin and tender flesh, and she will scream in pain and itchiness if she is pricked.

Lin Yunyan sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Xu Jian's back with a smile. When she disappeared behind the curtain, the smile on her face became lighter.

You have to be patient...

 She said to herself.

Yongji Palace is not something you can just go to. You have to seize the right and just right time.

Eunuch Cao also needs time to investigate the monkey-faced eunuch. If he is lucky, it will take three to five days, but if he is not lucky, it will take one or two months.

Before that, we still have to figure out how to "handle" Li Shao.

 Xu Jian has gone through so many ups and downs, and he finally won the stability and smoothness in this life. He doesn't want to mess it up, and Lin Yunyan doesn't want to mess it up.

Grandmother and the Empress Dowager are both in good health, her eldest sister is about to get married, and her "third brother-in-law" will arrive in Beijing soon.

 Mrs. Xu got rid of Liu Jing, and after a few years she became close to A Ping. With a peaceful life, Mrs. Xu would not go crazy.

 More importantly, Li Shao has been deposed...

 It would be a great pity if such a good situation was ruined.

 Midnight, the sky is filled with stars.

Cheng Xi was napping on the couch when he heard the sound of footsteps. He woke up from his sleep and rubbed his face vigorously.

I picked up the lantern and looked out to the corridor. I saw that the person was wearing a long cloak, and his long hair was simply tied up. The light from the lantern on the corridor was reflected, and half of his facial features were bright and half dark.

Cheng Xi hurriedly took a few steps forward and said, "Master."

Jin Guiren walked back to the house, took off his cloak and handed it to Cheng Xi, then went into the inner room and sat down at the table.

Cheng Xi hung up her cloak, lit the oil lamps in the corner of the inner room one by one, and gave Jin Guiren a bowl of tea.

 Tea is a hangover cure and is still warm.

Jin Guiren took a sip, pressed his swollen temples, and said, "What's the latest news from Wang Gouzi?"

"After returning to the palace last night, His Highness and the others entered the royal study. Wang Gouzi didn't know exactly what was said in it," Cheng Xi said, "I think it was a lightning strike in Qianfu. It can be big or small, just Discussed behind closed doors.”

Jin Guiren said: "So, His Highness's response to the court this morning was taught to him by His Majesty or Xu Jian?"

Cheng Xi said: "It should be."

After all, with His Highness’s temper, it is impossible to make up such a story. Who else can except for the guidance of the Holy Emperor and the Duke of Fuguo?

This person did not expect Wang Gouzi to blame him at all. It was not that Wang Gouzi would not take credit, but that the **** who delivered the news did not want to make Wang Gouzi look bad and passed by.

“Master,” Cheng Xi asked, “how could it be such a coincidence that the thunder happened to fall on the roof of Qian Mansion or the house where His Highness lived when he was a child?”

“Shuntian Mansion has checked, and it is indeed smoke caused by lightning strikes,” Jin Guiren said, “If there is really something that caused thunder, huh, no matter who it is, I will praise him for his ‘good skills’!”

 The art of Fangwai has existed since ancient times, but the more you hear it, the less you see it. He didn't think anyone could really have such good means.

Furthermore, the effect of using the topic was very average, and even asked His Highness to seek a trick in the Jinluan Palace. Such effects really failed to live up to such an immortal method.

“Let Wang Gouzi be smart and report the slightest disturbance.” Jin Guiren explained.

 Happiness should come down.

 In the other room, Eunuch Cao was sitting on the imperial chair, leaning against the back of the chair to relax.

Feng’s wife was locked in the corner, looking at the steamed bun elbows placed on the floor tiles, swallowing saliva from time to time.

 Before this, he had been hungry for less than half a month. His guards gave him a little water and food every day.

I thought that Venus was already miserable. I didn't think about it. In the middle of the night, the aroma in the room was fragrant, but he could only see it, but he couldn't help it.

I don’t dare to reach it.

Even though Eunuch Cao had his eyes closed, and the servants guarding him were silent, Mr. Feng knew clearly and everyone was staring at him.

After waiting for two quarters of an hour, Eunuch Feng opened his eyes and motioned to the waiter next to him to break off a steamed bun.

The waiter understood the idea, cut the steamed bun in two, then used chopsticks to tear off the elbow, put the meat with the skin in the middle of the steamed bun, dipped it in the sauce, and took a big bite.

 “Smells good!” he said.

Feng’s head suddenly turned around, but he couldn’t hold it back, and his eyes drifted over to take a closer look.

Two villains were fighting fiercely in my heart. One said, "It's so cold!" and the other said, "How long has it been since you saw meat and you still dislike the cold?"

When the waiter finished eating the steamed buns, Eunuch Cao asked the waiter Feng: "How does it taste?"

Feng’s wife certainly doesn’t know.

The waiter who had eaten the steamed buns dipped his chopsticks in some sauce, stuffed it into Waiter Feng's mouth, and dabbed it on his tongue.

Feng's wife tasted it, and it was so fragrant that he wanted to pounce on the elbow.

“The Zajia family has finally figured it out,” Eunuch Cao said slowly and leisurely, “You are just a lackey, and no matter how many things are asked of you, you may not be able to explain them clearly.

You are not six years younger than the king. He went out from the palace, but you came in from outside the palace.

 A foreigner is not as well-informed as Wang Liuxiu.

 But if you say you don’t know anything, Zajia won’t believe it.

 Zajia is here tonight, but it is easy to communicate with others because of their shortcomings. If you allow Zajia to do business, Zajia will give you a hard time. "

Feng Neiye stared at his elbow, not sure whether he heard it or not.

"Besides the sixth year of Wang's reign, which other eunuchs have you dealt with?" Eunuch Cao asked, "Don't talk nonsense with the Zajia. You know who the Zajia want to ask."

 Hairy Feng's breath tightened.

He was not too afraid of death, but Eunuch Cao would not let him die.

Having tasted the feeling of not being able to die, he was really timid.

You can't talk about the master's affairs, so you can talk about insignificant things and exchange a few elbows, right?

"Xiao, Xiao..." Feng Neishi licked his lips, "Xiao and Wang Gonggong don't know each other very well. We met him two or three times when we were young.

The younger one was sold by his family and lived in a house with other people, learning some rules.

 The prince came over, said a few words to the person in charge and left.

Later the young one was sent to the palace to purify himself, and you all know what happened after that. "

“Who is in charge?” Eunuch Cao asked, “Where have the others gone?”

“They call him Guanshi Bao. He must be a father-in-law. I don’t know where the others have gone. I haven’t seen them since I entered Beijing.”

Eunuch Cao asked again: "Which city and street is the house you live in?"

Feng Neishi shook his head.

Eunuch Cao was amused: "What? Do you want to exchange elbows for just this little thing? Are you so naive in playing elementary school?"

Seeing that Feng's wife was speechless, Eunuch Cao asked again: "Who else have you seen besides Wang Liu in the sixth year?"

"There were three or four people," Feng Neishi recalled, "two must also be eunuchs, and the others I can't remember, maybe they were eunuchs."

“What are the names of those two eunuchs?” Eunuch Cao asked again, “What do they look like?”

Feng Neishi said with a sad face: "It happened so many years ago, I really can't remember it..."

Eunuch Cao sneered and told people: "You divide the rest of the steamed buns and elbows. This Feng Chang has a dishonest mouth, so don't pay attention to him."

 After saying that, he stood up to leave.

Feng's wife talked a lot, and when she heard that the food was about to run out, she became anxious: "Tong, Eunuch Tong! There is a **** named Tong!"

Eunuch Cao glanced at him lightly: "Age, appearance, accent, body shape."

“You can’t tell your age, maybe thirty, maybe less than that. He speaks with a Beijing accent and looks nothing special,” Feng’s wife became more and more anxious as she spoke, “Eunuch Cao, I really only remember these!”

Eunuch Cao chuckled: "Feed him a few bites later."

Upon hearing this, Feng's wife was anxious and greedy: "How many bites can I only eat?"

"How long has it been since you've been exposed to oily food? I'll give you all-you-can-eat. Can you eat it?" Cao Gonggong said, "I want you to have a taste, turn your head around, explain what comes to mind, and change some food."

Don't expect to make it up and get away with it, and let the Zajia find out. How many bites you eat, and how many pieces of meat the Zajia chop off you, you have to weigh it clearly! "

Feng’s wife couldn’t help but shrink her neck, and then stretched it out.

 Took a bite of the steamed bun dipped in sauce that was handed to him. While chewing, he slurred: "Meat! I want to eat meat!"

In this case, Feng's wife spoke a little, but in the other case, Eunuch Cao's investigation of the monkey-faced **** was not going well.

Comparing the roster copied to him by Xu Jian, he carefully investigated the lives of those eunuchs.

When Eunuch Cai was in trouble, the eunuchs who followed the saint up and down the mountain could also answer the call. The remaining eunuchs were either guarding the lamp in the treasure hall, or resting in a wing near the treasure hall, waiting to be replaced.

These living eunuchs are the easiest to deal with when they are still in the capital. You can tell at a glance whether they have a monkey face.

Those who have left Beijing, or those who have died of illness or old age in the past few years, can also inquire with those who know them. However, since it is difficult to alert others, they must be cautious when making inquiries.

In the imperial study room, Eunuch Cao respectfully reported: "I have checked right now, but there is no **** with a monkey face."

 At noon, the Holy Master summoned Li Shao and Xu Jian to the royal study room to finalize the matter of changing to the Ministry of Punishment to observe politics in five days.

In the eyes of all the civil and military officials, His Highness has spent a lot of time observing politics in the Ministry of Rites.

  Although there were delays and delays due to illness and grounding, it still lasted more than a year, and it was normal to change places.

 Hence, this summons from the Holy Spirit did not arouse anyone’s suspicion.

 In fact, behind closed doors, the main discussion before the emperor was the matter of Dingguo Temple.

 It’s a new month, please vote for me~~~

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