Yan Cigui

Chapter 410: I haven't even seen him

 Li Shao indeed knew.

When Liu Xun mentioned Xu Jian, he could not hide the malice in his tone.

And he allowed Liu Xun to be a follower because Liu Xun and Xu Jian were brothers and two people from different walks of life.

 I just didn’t expect that Liu Xun was a scammer!

 Liu Xun didn't have the guts to harm him, but he couldn't resist someone who was bold enough to set a trap for him through Liu Xun!

Xu Jian smiled and said: "I personally handled the paperwork for Mrs. Xu's reconciliation with Liu Jing. A'Ping has not changed her surname yet. Your Highness reminded me that she is now also a girl from the Fuguo Duke's mansion. I should give it to you." She changed her surname to Xu.

The kindness I showed to Liu Jing and Liu Xun was to ask the Holy One to spare their lives. It was not that I was unwilling to kill, but I just didn’t want Mrs. Xu and A-Ping to have trouble getting through that hurdle.

 Besides, after all, he is the biological father and brother. Even if the minister is recorded in the Xu family, mourning is unavoidable.

 Give Liu Jing three years to guard, which will delay the marriage between the minister and the princess.

I can't let the two of them delay the important events of my life, right? "

 Li Shao:…

 It is well-founded and cannot be refuted.

Especially since he had seen Xu Jian and Ning An getting along with each other with his own eyes. Naturally, there would not be much intimacy in front of others, but whether there was any friendship could still be seen at a glance.

 Besides, when Xu Jian tricked him, Ning An also contributed a lot, a person who fell asleep under the quilt.

Haunted by such a series of words from Xu Jian, Li Shao could no longer remember what he was originally pursuing.

Xu Jian still took the initiative: "You are the prince, and some people will plot against you and put people around you. If you are not the prince, those people will not be completely relieved. They will still have people lurking around you."

Li Shao could hear this: "Indeed."

"What about Eunuch Wang?" Xu Jian asked in a tentative tone, "I remember that he is from Yongji Palace."

"He doesn't dare!" Li Shao sneered, "I just hit him yesterday about Feng Chang. You didn't see that he was so frightened that his face turned pale."

“Did you tell him about Feng Chang?” Xu Jian asked again.

"He asked," Li Shao hummed, "I just hit him a few times."

"It's time to beat him. I see that he is usually smart and can be used as long as he doesn't have any evil intentions." Xu Jian changed the topic, "Have you talked to him about 'Eunuch Tong'?"

The conversation went smoothly. Li Shao was not defensive at all, let alone thought about it: "I just mentioned it."

 Xu Jian's eyes darkened.

 He had guessed it would be like this.

 It is somewhat expected that Li Shao would be teased by Wang Gouzi.

 When Wang Gouzi got the news, he would definitely pass it on to the higher authorities. He suddenly disappeared, so he must have been walking his own way.

Xu Jian looked outside the window again and didn't mention Wang Gouzi again.

Li Shao, on the other hand, gradually became impatient and said, "Did he fall into the toilet? He hasn't been seen for so long!"

Xu Jian held a pen in her hand, and while writing, she replied casually: "Is there something that delayed you?"

 “What can happen to him?” Li Shao sneered.

 Another two quarters of an hour passed before Wang Gouzi showed up.

Li Shao looked at him dissatisfied: "Where have you gone? No one has replenished the tea."

Wang Gouzi smiled apologetically and said: "I just heard some adults talking about the weather, saying that the clouds are thick and it may be windy and rainy in the evening. You are wearing thin clothes today, so I hurried back to Yuqing Palace to give you some advice." "Bring me a cloak."

Li Shao's unhappiness faded a lot after seeing the cloak on Wang Gouzi's wrist.

No wonder after being away for so long, it makes sense to go back to the palace.

 The good intentions are good, and the things done are good, but this charter is not right.

Li Shao scolded: "There are no rules. Remember to tell me before going next time. Okay, let's make a new pot of tea." Wang Gouzi apologized again and again, hung up his cloak, took the teapot and hurriedly went.

Xu Jian glanced at Wang Gouzi's busy back, then looked away, and only talked about business with Li Shao.

 At lunch break, some officials went to nearby noodle restaurants, and some officials took out the meals they had brought from home.

Wang Gouzi has already prepared for Li Shao and is serving His Highness's meal.

 Xu Jian got up and went out to wash his hands.

Shen Chen came to deliver lunch, carrying a food box, and followed Xu Jian. He lowered his voice and said, "I didn't follow him. He entered the palace and I can't follow him anymore."

 Xu Jian nodded slightly.

Shenchen was just outside the Yamen, waiting for orders and acting accordingly.

Seeing Wang Gouzi leaving the Yamen, he followed him quietly, but the man slipped into the palace gate.

From this point of view, the person who contacted him should be someone from the palace.

In this case, Xu Jian should not act too slowly. He should ask the father-in-law whom he recognized earlier.

Li Shao had already alerted the enemy, so Xu Jian no longer had to think about how cautious he had to be and just went to look for the person.

 As for what will happen after Wang Gouzi spreads the news...

The people behind the scenes are used to cutting off their tails. This time, I don’t know if they will cut them off or continue...

 The sun is to the west.

 The capital city was shrouded in the red light of sunset.

 In the yard, the boy's father-in-law was sitting on a stool, with a medicine mill in front of him, and he was grinding medicine powder on the grinding plate under his feet.

He heard the sound of footsteps outside, and he couldn't help but pause for a moment. He raised his eyes and looked at the door. Soon, he saw clearly the appearance of the person coming.

 It is Chengxi.

"Why are you free..." As soon as he started talking, Eunuch Tong noticed that Cheng Xi's expression was not right, and he couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart, "What happened?"

Cheng Xi closed the door, turned around and whispered: "I took the time to come here, and I just want to ask you one thing."

 Eunuch Tong put down his feet, moved the medicine aside, and rubbed his hands: "You ask."

 Cheng Xi went over and said, "Well, Chamberlain Feng mentioned 'Eunuch Tong'. Do you have any clues or clues that fell into his hands?"

Eunuch Tong suddenly widened his eyes and said in shock: "Who? Feng Chang? I've never seen him!"

Cheng Xi hesitated and said, "Think about it more carefully?"

“I have no clue at all,” Eunuch Tong paced back and forth in the room, “Does the master know?”

Cheng Xi shook his head: "I haven't reported the news that Wang Gouzi just sent to my master. Have you really had no contact with Feng Chang?"

"I was purified when I was five years old. I am probably older than Feng Chang when I was on duty," Tong Gong said. "I was not responsible for his entry into the palace. I was no longer in the palace at that time. Where can I contact him?

If you hadn't said that the master placed him in the East Palace and that he fell into the hands of Eunuch Cao, I wouldn't have known there was such a person! "

Cheng Xi could not help but nod after hearing this, then thought about it and asked, "Who looked after Feng Chang before he came to Beijing? Is it Old Huang Li? You don't recognize him, but he recognizes you?"

Eunuch Tong looked sad: "What else did Feng Chang say?"

“I don’t know, just this one sentence in the report,” Cheng Xi said. “There are so many trivial things, I can’t remember them all. Let me look through the book and see where Feng Chang came from.”

Cheng Xi said and was about to leave: "You should think about it again and tell me what comes to mind."

As soon as he turned his back, his arm was held by Eunuch Tong.

 I am not in a good state today, so I will just update one chapter, please forgive me.

  Thanks to book friend 20230105204235102, Ears Like Lies AX, and Little Yard for the reward, and thanks to book friend 273351 for the reward.

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