Yan Cigui

Chapter 411: I don’t want to die (two updates in one, please vote for me)

 Cheng Xi stopped and turned to look at Eunuch Tong.

Eunuch Tong’s jaw was very tense, and his mood was very uneasy and tangled.

  Looking at his arm being pulled, Cheng Xi took the initiative and said, "What's wrong? Did you remember something?"

“No,” Eunuch Tong shook his head, “I just don’t feel at ease.

 It's still what we agreed on last time. If, if, the master really has any ideas, you must let me know in advance.

I can’t run away, so I just want to pack up and leave with dignity. "

The trembling tone of his voice showed the fear in his heart.

Cheng Xi was also infected, and her heart pounded.

But now is really not the time to be afraid. Cheng Xi comforted him and said: "You have never dealt with Feng Chang, and the investigation can't find you. Feng Chang said he was 'Eunuch Tong', but your family name is not Tong at all." . The only ones who know your original surname are the master and me. Feng Chang doesn’t know anything about you. What can the palace find out about you?”

 Eunuch Tong comforted himself and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, that's the truth! Even I almost forgot my surname. The man named Cao couldn't find me even if he searched the palace."

Cheng Xi asked again: "I've seen you outside...Su Chang has seen you, right?"

Eunuch Tong frowned and said in a deep voice: "Su Chang worked for Su Yi, where did he go to betray me? No matter how hard the Duke of Fuguo bit, he couldn't bite Su Chang."

These words were spoken with great force, not because he was absolutely sure, but because the weaker his heart was, the louder his voice would inevitably be. He relied on this method to embolden himself.

Even though he was brave, he couldn't really get strong. Eunuch Tong asked tentatively: "Isn't it possible?"

Cheng Xi thought about it seriously and said: "Wang Qi borrowed Su Chang's shop to attack Dao Heng. That was almost a year ago. If there is really news about Fu Guogong, Su Chang can still do a good job. Annual business? I heard that he made a lot of money in the past two months!"

 Eunuch Tong breathed a sigh of relief, and half of his worries were relieved: "If you say that, I feel relieved."

"Don't scare yourself first," Cheng Xi patted Eunuch Tong's arm, "You haven't even mentioned your horoscope yet! Anyway, I promised you that once the master has any instructions, I will definitely inform you quietly, no. It will make you walk in a mess.”

 Eunuch Tong wiped his face and let Cheng Xi go.

As soon as the others left, he sat down on the **** again and stepped on the grinding plate.

Having lived to this age, he has seen quite a few dead people. Some died tragically and were buried decently. Most of them were not dignified at all. They could just get a mat and they would be fine. There are very few people who look decent in front of you and look decent after you leave.

However, Wang Qi left pretty well.

It is better to change yourself into better clothes and take the initiative to hang up, than to die if you make a fuss.

 He also wanted to learn from Wang Qi.

Years ago, he made new clothes, but he purposely never wore them once. He kept them in a box, hoping to wear them only when needed.

 Eunuch Tong looked at Yaonan again.

 He knew many prescriptions, including one that was fatal, and he had secretly prepared some.

Based on his friendship with Cheng Xi, if he didn’t struggle or resist, he would walk honestly, and if he left some money for Cheng Xi, Cheng Xi would probably buy a coffin for him.

His lifeblood has also been taken back. When the time comes, they will be buried together, and he will not have to be a disabled person in the next life...

On this side, Eunuch Tong is thinking about arrangements for his death. On the other side, Cheng Xi is back at the front, and the master just happens to return home.

Without bothering to look through old books, Cheng Xi followed his master and waited on him to change his clothes and cleanse his face.

Jin Guiren wiped his hands with a handkerchief, glanced at Chengxi and said, "If you have something to say, just tell me, don't hide it."

"Yes," Cheng Xi was extremely worried and said bravely, "Feng Chang opened his mouth about the news sent by Wang Gouzi and mentioned the 'child eunuch'. How much he said specifically is unclear at the moment."

Jin Guiren stopped wiping his hands, remained silent for a moment, and said, "He mentioned the child eunuch?"

Cheng Xi nodded and quietly looked at his master’s expression.

 The master seemed expressionless, but he couldn't tell what he was thinking about.

 Compared to Dao Heng and Wang Qi, Cheng Xi was naturally closer to Eunuch Tong, who was also an eunuch, and he also had a strong fear of lip death and tooth coldness.

Therefore, he boldly said to Jin Guiren: "I don't understand, where did Feng Chang hear about Eunuch Tong? They must have had no contact with him at all. Master, if you tell me if it is him, you will know that there is someone beside you." Eunuch Tong, you don’t understand anything else, and you deliberately make up stories just to take a breather from Eunuch Cao?”

Jin Guiren threw the veil back into the basin: "When he said one sentence, there would be a second and third sentence."

Cheng Xi lamented silently: "Then what do you mean..."

Jin Guiren said nothing and turned to look at the yard.

One side of this house was originally covered with floor-to-ceiling window panels. With the advent of spring, the window panels were closed and hanging curtains were hung up as usual.

At this time, the curtains were rolled up, connecting the verandah outside, and the greenery of the yard came into view.

Cheng Xi followed Jin Guiren's line of sight and saw shoot tips sprouting from the small patch of bamboo.

After a while, Jin Gui slowly said, "Please ask Eunuch Tong to come over."

 “Master?” Cheng Xi called out in a low voice. Seeing that Jin Guiren had no extra reaction, he could only agree.

 As the sunset was about to disappear, Eunuch Tong saw Cheng Xi who had left and returned.

Cheng Xi said: "Master lets you pass."

Eunuch Tong tremblingly held the back of his chair: "Is it time?"

"I'm not sure," Cheng Xi said in a low voice, "Since you don't recognize Feng Chang, you can have a good talk with the master."

 Eunuch Tong had no idea at all: "Wang Qi and the others are all dead..."

"It's different," Cheng Xi said hurriedly, "The relationship between you and the master is always different. You have served Master Zhang before."

 Both of them were silent.

 It has been so long, so long that for many, many years, no one has mentioned Master Zhang again, and even Master Zhang will not talk about it.

After a long while, Eunuch Tong said with a sad face, "When I followed Master Zhang, I was less than ten years old. How could I be considered a servant?"

“But the master is concerned,” Cheng Xi added, “otherwise, why would there be a piece of bamboo in front of the window?

Flowers change from season to season, but that piece of green bamboo has not moved for many years. Isn’t it more than half a year before Master Zhang left, when all that could be seen was a few green bamboos?

Just before I came over, the master was watching again. I think he was also thinking about your past achievements. "

As the conversation begins, old memories slowly come back to me.

 Thinking of Master Zhang’s frail body, how she would occasionally recognize the wrong person when she was seriously ill, and how he would pretend to be the master’s voice to “cheat” her in order to comfort the confused Master Zhang…

 Eunuch Tong wiped his eyes: "Master Zhang passed away early, which is pitiful. He didn't even live a good day."

 Cheng Xi has actually never met Master Zhang.

 When he followed his master, Master Zhang had already passed away, and it was only later when he was working for his master that he figured out all the old grudges.

"You wait outside," Tong Gongzheng said, "I'm going to change my clothes. Master really wants to leave me alone..."

Cheng Xi didn’t dare to agree with him, so he went out as he was told.

 The sunset has faded and the sky is getting dark.

Cheng Xi's heart sank a little bit. He hoped that Mr. Tong would be well.

If Dao Heng, who has made a lot of achievements in recent years, cannot survive, nor can Eunuch Tong, who has an old relationship with his master, and Cheng Xi is the one who makes mistakes one day, can he still survive?

 When Mr. Tong comes out decently, the two of them will go there together.

 Along the way, Mr. Tong explained the affairs behind his death to Cheng Xi in detail.

Cheng Xi wrote down where his personal money was hidden and where his lifeblood was kept. He didn't stop talking until he reached the master's house.

Cheng Xi stayed outside while Eunuch Tong went in alone.

Going around the floor covering, he saw his master. Just as Cheng Xi said, he was standing under the connected verandah. The stone lanterns in the yard were lit, reflecting the shadows of green bamboos.

Eunuch Tong stepped forward, knelt down and saluted: "Master." Jin Guiren turned to look at him and saw that he was wearing new clothes and his hair was combed shiny. He couldn't help but be stunned: "What? Are you in a hurry to go out?"

Hearing this, Eunuch Tong's face turned pale and his forehead rested on the ground: "I don't want to go out. I won't try to escape with Dao Heng and cause you trouble."

Jin Guiren finally reacted, and his tense face became even more ugly.

"You want to die?" he said coldly, "I told you you can die?"

 Eunuch Tong trembled all over. It was neither a reply nor a reply.

 But the master didn't say a word after that, only the cold gaze fell on his back, making the young father-in-law feel like a ray of light on his back.

Thinking of Cheng Xi’s words, Eunuch Tong became bolder.

It's amazing that everyone is dead!

“Master, I don’t want to die,” Eunuch Tong choked, “Feng Chang told me, although I can’t figure out why this mistake happened, but I know the rules...”

 The master will not spare anyone who has been caught.

Whether he or Chengxi has been following his master for so many years, how could he not know?

“The younger one is thinking that if he goes out on the road today, he should dress up in a more respectable manner,” Eunuch Tong said again, “so as not to dirty your eyes.”

Jin Guiren lowered his eyes and looked at Eunuch Tong for a moment.

Many images ran through his mind, images that were buried deep in his memory and that he thought he would never recall again.

For a long time, he said word by word: "You don't have to be so active. Feng Chang doesn't know you, so why are you worried about him? I'm not worried at all."

 Eunuch Tong was overjoyed and suddenly raised his head: "Master?!"

"Go back and stay there," Jin Guiren said. "Don't do unnecessary things, and you can live for a long time. Let Cheng Xi come in."

 The boy's father-in-law kowtowed repeatedly and withdrew with great gratitude.

Cheng Xi was outside, but he didn't hear the content of what was said inside. Seeing Eunuch Tong's joyful expression at this moment, his eyes couldn't help but light up: "Is everything okay?"

"It's okay!" Eunuch Tong was very excited, but he still remembered to suppress his voice, "Master asked me to stay here. I will go back soon. Also, Master asked you to come in."

 The steps are heavy when you come, and the steps are light when you go.

 Cheng Xi was very excited when he saw it in his eyes.

Taking a deep breath and calming down, he pushed the door open and went in.

Jin Guiren asked: "Let someone ask Wang Gouzi carefully what else Feng Chang said."

Cheng Xi murmured in his heart when he heard this.

Wang Gouzi must have reported everything he knows, and he will take the initiative to report if there are any gains in the future. There is actually no need to go out and ask.

Just as he was thinking about it, Cheng Xi shrank his neck when he saw his master looking down at him.

"You just have to do whatever I tell you." Jin Guiren said.

 Cheng Xi: “I understand, little one.”

 After exiting the room, Cheng Xi scratched his forehead.


 The master has his own considerations.

 He cannot figure it out because he is stupid. There is no need for the master to explain everything to him.

 A few more days.

 Li Shao's tenure in the Ministry of Rites officially ended.

 In the afternoon of this day, Feng Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites followed Li Shao and Xu Jian to the Imperial Study Room to make a summary of His Highness's views on politics during these days.

 Feng Shangshu is an old man. Six points are good, three points are even, and one point needs to be improved. He said it appropriately and steadily.

Even if Li Shao thought he was eight-point good in his heart, he would not boast about it in the imperial study room. He humbly accepted Feng Shangshu's "fair" evaluation.

The Holy Spirit asked Li Shao a few more questions and asked Li Shao to return to Yuqing Palace first.

 After that, he asked Feng Shangshu again: "I and Duke Fu are the only ones left here. Feng Aiqing can just say whatever he wants."

 Shang Shu Feng almost had a drop of sweat fall from his forehead.

 Fortunately, he has been an official for many years and has rich experience. He considered the Holy Spirit's attitude and added some content before passing the test.

 Feng Shangshu stood up and resigned, and Xu Jian was kept by the emperor.

Knowing that there must be something important, he was not in a hurry. He drank tea slowly and waited for Eunuch Cao to send Feng Shangshu back.

The day before yesterday, he went to find Eunuch Tong, who was taking care of the palace banquet, and asked the people in the palace who had the same surname as Tong. He also asked if he knew who "Monkey Face" was. Eunuch Tong thought hard for a while and then shook his head.

There was no clue about that, but fortunately, Eunuch Tong knew the seriousness very well and even took the initiative to tell him that he would not say a word to anyone else.

 Not long after, Eunuch Cao came back.

The Holy Master nodded slightly and motioned for him to speak to Xu Jian.

“Master Guo,” Cao Gonggong said, “Everyone who has anything to do with Wang Gouzi points to Yongji Palace in the end.”

Xu Jian frowned.

There are many considerations in letting Wang Gouzi stay with Li Shao. The two most important points are naturally "not to scare the snake" and "to follow the clues".

 Just this result…

 Unexpected, but not that unexpected.

"Eunuch Cao has been investigating for so long, so there should be no mistakes." Xu Jian said.

Eunuch Cao smiled softly.

Stalking is not an easy task. You have to be unnoticed, either too close or too far away.

Having been watching for several months, Eunuch Cao gave simple orders, but the people working underneath were really hardworking. Who knew when that **** would come to do this?

 Besides, just saying a few words to someone in private is not just conveying a message. You have to eliminate the wrong ones and focus on the right ones.

 Find a joint, and then comb along the next one.

Four hands were turned around to confirm the identities of these four people, find out their names, places of origin and what jobs they had held, and finally, they found Yongji Palace.

Seeing Xu Jian’s solemn expression, Eunuch Cao asked, “Do you have any doubts, Mr. Guo?”

“It’s not a doubt,” Xu Jian said. “If Eunuch Cao checks it out so completely, he won’t misunderstand the origin of the other party. However, it may be a cover-up.”

"A blind trick?" The Holy Master raised his brows slightly, "How do you say it?"

Xu Jian considered it carefully and said, "I still have my original idea. You have been the emperor for more than ten years, and it seems that Zhu Chang would be so stupid that he would go against you for the sake of the person in Yongji Palace.

If Wang Gouzi is the person from Yongji Palace, it would be reasonable to find out like this.

But if he is the subordinate of the person behind the scenes, and that person dares to directly ask His Highness to mobilize the dog from Yongji Palace, then the series of arranged contacts will definitely point to Yongji Palace.

 He won’t draw fire and leaves an obvious tail for you to catch. "

 See you tomorrow, book friends~

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