Yan Cigui

Chapter 412: He hasn’t given up yet (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

 It was quiet in the royal study.

 After Xu Jian said the previous sentence, he did not continue and only left time for the Holy Father and Eunuch Cao to think.

After a long time, the Holy Master, who had been thinking deeply, said in a deep voice: "According to your statement, Zhu Chang doesn't even like Li Jun. Who can he like?"

Eunuch Cao’s hand holding the teapot trembled slightly.

Just now, Duke Fu didn’t point it out, and now the Holy Emperor asked him a question, but Eunuch Cao understood the underlying meaning anyway.

Who else could be more powerful than the one from Yongji Palace who could be "favored" by Zhu Chang, who cared about profit and power?

 Aren’t they just the former princes and grandsons who have no restrictions?

 The king of Jin and the wise king who went to court every day?

 Prince Ping who goes to court for about half a month?

 Other princes and old princes who don’t go to court at all and are so idle that they don’t see people unless they are at palace banquets?

Eunuch Cao couldn’t help but have a toothache.

Xu Jian glanced at Eunuch Cao, then at the Holy Emperor, and finally looked away, as if he was considering his words.

 As a courtier who is trusted by the Holy Emperor, he has his advantages.

 He has even accomplished a lot of things in the dark under the lamp in the past two years.

 But he also has things he must pay careful attention to.

The first one is that without clear clues, he cannot boast in front of the emperor and point the sword clearly at a certain royal relative.

It was so sharp, even if the sharp blade was pointed outward, the shining silver sword body illuminated the eyes of the Holy Lord. No matter how dark it was under the lamp, it would never be dark again.

What's more, the person Xu Jian suspected the most was King Jin, the elder brother of the Holy Emperor.

"I don't know," he said very frankly, "I don't have the exact target of suspicion. I just think that the person in Yongji Palace is not enough. Zhu Chang is heartbroken and the whole family feels sorry for him without saying a word."

The Holy Spirit signaled Eunuch Cao to add more tea, took a sip, and said, "Yes, you and Shan Shen handled the Zhu family case together. You know better, and you can tell me more carefully."

 Xu Jian said: "Zhu Chang acted arbitrarily and independently, and he was an old friend of Wang for six years.

He handed over this line to Zhu Cheng, and Zhu Cheng obeyed his orders. Other children and grandchildren, even Zhu Chi, the prince he invited to ennoble, kept it in the dark.

At that time, I tried to provoke Zhu Chi's relationship with Zhu Chang and Zhu Cheng. It was obvious that Zhu Chi was extremely angry at being excluded and being implicated by his father and younger brother.

I heard that before beheading, Zhu Chi was asking Zhu Chang who he was working for, trying to be an "understanding ghost".

With him being betrayed like that, from being the prince of the country to being a soul under the sword in half a month, if he really knew the inside story, he would not die honestly.

In exchange for that man's name, it is better to keep his young son alive. Even if he is exiled with his female relatives, it is better than beheading him.

Even if he really doesn’t know the name, as long as he still has a little clue that can be used for exchange, he will shout to negotiate terms with you. "

The Holy Spirit laughed.

   Not that I was happy, but I listened to it.

He was not familiar with Zhu Cheng, but he was familiar with Zhu Chang and had summoned the crown prince Zhu Chi several times, so he had some idea of ​​the temperaments of these two people.

Zhu Chi seems to be honest and listens to Zhu Chang's words, but in fact he has his boldness and consistent self-esteem.

 Xu Jian is right.

Zhu Chi would use it to save his young son's life whenever he had any clues.

 Zhu Cheng only knew about Wang Liu6 years and nothing else. The only insider who really kept silent was Zhu Chang.

Li Jun, who has been imprisoned in the Yongji Palace by the late emperor for more than ten years, now still has the "dedication" of Zhu Chang and his whole family. It is indeed unusual.

 Can we talk about other possible candidates...

 The Holy Emperor’s brows wrinkled again.

"There are still people who are determined to give up, right?" he asked in a low voice.

 It’s not like asking Xu Jian or Eunuch Cao, but more like asking myself.

“Your Majesty,” Xu Jian said, “I want to go to Yongji Palace.”

The Holy Spirit was slightly stunned when he heard this and looked at him in surprise.

Xu Jian originally planned to meet Li Jun, so naturally he would not miss such a good opportunity.

“Everything relies on evidence. Although I believe that the black hand is not Li Jun, Wang Gouzi’s line all points to Yongji Palace,” Xu Jian said seriously, “So I think it is necessary to ask Li Jun face to face.”

"My third brother..." The Holy Emperor hesitated for a moment, "You have never dealt with him. He has such a mouth. It will not be easy for you to get information from him."

“I know that I have little experience and have no experience in fighting with him,” Xu Jian stood up and held up his hands to invite him. “But he is in Yongji Palace. Even if he has the intention to stir up trouble, he probably doesn’t have the power to stir up trouble.

Thinking about it, even if Chen was at a disadvantage and could not find any clues from him but was tricked by him, there would be no use for him.

On the contrary, if he really does this and is convicted of instigating Wang Liuliu and others, and even if he participates in and plans the conspiracy in Dingguo Temple and Baoping Town, you can justifiably deal with him. "

After the Holy Spirit listened, there was another long silence.

After a long while, he said: "What you said is that everything depends on evidence. It doesn't hurt to give it a try."

Xu Jian crossed Ming Road and took orders to exit the imperial study.

Eunuch Cao sent him off.

Today, after walking a few more steps until there was no one left or right, Eunuch Cao said in a low voice: "Since that person was so careful, he didn't let us follow Wang Gouzi to dig into him and took so many precautions in advance. Where is Feng Chang? Mr. Guo, the Za family thought, maybe there is something that can be found on Feng Chang..."

“Not necessarily,” Xu Jian said seriously, “Feng Chang is different from people like Wang Gouzi who are obviously ‘dangerous’. He is a hidden chess player.

If he hadn't been eager for quick success and Eunuch Guo had figured it out, his identity would not have been exposed.

 Besides, his experience in the palace before being transferred to His Highness was also very clean, and no clear fault could be found in it.

 Being able to see through him and pick out his thorns is all due to Eunuch Cao. "

Eunuch Cao blushed.

He should have some merit, but he doesn't like and is not good at taking credit. He was a little embarrassed to be praised by the Duke of Fu.

“The Zajia family,” Eunuch Cao exclaimed, “The Zajia family has stayed in the palace for a long time and knows more people...”

"So I think that person wants to put people around His Highness, maybe himself or someone around him. He can't see anything wrong with Feng Chang's whitewashed experience at a glance," Xu Jian added, " It happened that I bumped into my father-in-law’s hand."

“Hearing what Mr. Guo said, the Za family feels much more at ease,” Mr. Cao said with a smile on his face. “It’s really a headache caused by the number of people connected to that dog, and it’s like a snake.”

 After calming themselves down, the two continued to communicate in silence and sort out the clues.

After finishing speaking, Xu Jian breathed a sigh of relief. To ease the dull atmosphere, she joked: "Father-in-law, aren't you afraid that walls have ears?"

Eunuch Cao subconsciously turned around and looked around, but there was no one in his field of vision.

He came to his senses and said with a smile: "Master, don't tease me anymore. With your ears, if someone is really eavesdropping nearby, you would have discovered it long ago."

Eunuch Cao sent Xu Jian away and returned to the imperial court.

The Holy One leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes to meditate. There were a few deep wrinkles in the middle of his brows, which clearly showed his state of mind at this moment.

“I have no confidence in my heart,” he said. “It’s not that I don’t believe there are still people who don’t give up, but that I want to be worthy of the late emperor.”

Eunuch Cao bowed his head and listened respectfully.

The Holy One no longer had the desire to talk, and could only let out a long sigh.

He has personally experienced and seen the ferocity and cruelty of the struggle for imperial power. Many years ago, there must have been countless undercurrents under the water. At that time, he did not participate in it, leaving the prince alone, and his experience was not so profound.

But from the night when he was dragged into the water at Dingguo Temple to the day when he finally put on the dragon robe, it was only one year. His brother died, was imprisoned, and was demoted.

 There are also more tragic events in history, but after all, words do not affect the heart as much as personal experience.

That year was really stressful.

And his father's ban and demotion also put an end to the fight for the throne.

At that time, Li Mi and Li Jun were not the only ones who used death row prisoners and disaster victims as thieves and bandits to compensate for their merits.

They were not the only ones who were aggressive towards Prince Ding Li Cang and refused to let go, but in the end they were the only ones punished severely by their father.

 For other people, there are admonitions, suspensions, and fines, varying in degree and duration.

The late emperor's intention was very clear. Once the punishment was over, the matter was over, and he would not be allowed to let the new king settle old scores in the coming years.

 The reason was gradually understood by the Holy Spirit in the following years.

 First of all, to the late emperor, they were all his biological sons, and because he was seriously ill, his love became even stronger.

 Second, it is also for the sake of his successor.

 He ​​came from behind because of his "kindness", so he can't cut off his own arms and lose this reputation of kindness.

 Persecuting brothers too much, not to mention whether the censors are satisfied or dissatisfied, these brothers are very likely to cause trouble again in order to protect themselves.

 In his later years, due to constant natural disasters and poverty of the people, there were indeed many situations where the emperor fell into danger and fell into banditry. Rather than fighting with the new emperor and his brothers for their own authority and safety, the emperor hoped to rest and recuperate.

 Not to mention creating a prosperous age, at least it must allow the common people to live in peace.

 It is precisely because of the late emperor's idea of ​​putting stability first that for more than ten years, the Holy Emperor and his brothers have reached a good balance.

 At least, on the surface, it looks good.

 If you want to be idle, you can be idle; if you want to listen to politics, you can listen to politics.

Now, I am being held up here, and it is almost useless to go up or down.

 In the other room, Xu Jian entered Yongji Palace.

The guard guarding the door was sharp-eyed: "Why are you here? Lord, do you have a decree from the Holy One? If not, I can't let you in."

"Can't we enter without the Holy Emperor's handwriting?" Xu Jian asked knowingly.

"This is the rule," the chamberlain smiled apologetically, "Don't embarrass the young ones."

“As far as I know, he went in twice after coming down to the main hall, and he didn’t have any instructions from the emperor,” Xu Jian said.

“Those two times were not minor errands,” the chamberlain said hurriedly. “Those who were errands were punished by the steward afterwards…”

 Xu Jian laughed briefly.

He didn’t believe this. Didn’t he come to Yongji Palace to cause trouble and go crazy “before”?

However, Xu Jian didn't catch any **** and just took out the Holy Oracle from his sleeve: "There is a red seal on it, look carefully."

The chamberlain took it over and looked at it. After confirming that it was correct, he led the way with Xu Jian.

 After the communication, Xu Jian was invited into the inner hall by Li Jun's people.

Li Jun was wearing a robe, with the collar half open, and the belt around his waist was not loose or tight, and he didn't look dignified at all.

He didn't care about his manners at all, and just looked Xu Jian up and down: "Xu Mang's grandson? How old were you when I saw you last time? Are you as tall as this table?"

Xu Jian saluted and replied: "When you met last time, I should be taller than this table."

Li Jun laughed loudly and asked, "Tell me, what did my sixth brother ask you to do?"

Xu Jian glanced at the chamberlain standing aside.

Li Jun saw this and tutted: "I'm not even afraid of them listening, are you?"

 “Afraid.” Xu Jian said.

Such a simple and clear word, but it seemed like a sign of weakness, which made Li Jun feel confused.

Especially, Xu Jian used words to show weakness, but his tone was not weak at all. It could be said that he refused to give in even half a step, which was so contradictory that Li Jun was both muttering and angry.

 Then, he raised his chin towards the chamberlain.

 People in the palace filed out.

Li Jun took a sip of tea and said, "Everyone has retreated. If you want to have tea later, you can do it yourself."

Xu Jian stepped forward, took the teapot and put it on Li Jun first, and then said: "Once bitten by a snake, I will be afraid of well ropes for ten years.

The Wang who was next to Li Mi had been **** him for more than ten years in the past six years. Even when Li Mi died, he didn't even know that Wang Liu was not one of his own.

Who knows if there is such a person around you in Yongji Palace? "

Li Jun raised his head and looked deeply at Xu Jian through the mist.

“Your Majesty asked me to come to Yongji Palace to talk to you about Baoping Town and Dingguo Temple.” Xu Jian got straight to the point.

Li Jun's slender eyes narrowed and he was happy: "He hasn't given up yet? This sixth brother is really persistent. He has never forgotten the sixth brother and sister after their death for so many years.

 Speaking of which, have you seen my sixth brother and sister before? She looks good, but it's not like there are no other beauties in Beijing.

Your biological mother-in-law was not married yet.

 But it turns out that the sixth brother has a soft spot for the sixth younger brother and sister. "

 Xu Jianxinming.

Li Jun is used to rambling and taking the initiative in his own hands.

Xu Jian has no shortage of topics to "attract" each other today, and she will not let Li Jun lead her.

"Yes, you have seen many people in and outside the palace," Xu Jian answered, and then changed the topic, "I wonder if you have ever seen a **** with a monkey face?"

Li Jun raised his eyebrows: "Monkey-faced eunuch? Such a clear statement, but what important matter is that person involved in?"

“This is the person who set fire to Dingguo Temple.” Xu Jian said in a deep voice.

Li Jun's eyes flashed sharply, and he stared at Xu Jian for a moment.

Is this the truth, or did Xu Jianbian come to trick him?

 If it is true, where did this clue come from more than ten years ago?

Li Jun was not sure for a moment, so he simply asked directly.

 “Mother-in-law and my wife-in-law are dreaming about each other.” Xu Jian said.

Li Jun sneered and said, "You might as well say that that loser Li Shao has remembered it. I might believe it more."

"You don't believe it?" Xu Jian nodded thoughtfully, "That's it. Not long ago, the Qian Mansion was struck by lightning. The late Queen couldn't bear to see His Highness Chaos, so she reminded him to be a good man and do things well. She also gave His Highness the power to remind him of the chaos. It happened that night.

 That night, Your Highness got up at night..."

 Shout for the monthly ticket~~~~

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