Yan Cigui

Chapter 413: He doesn’t even dare to kill me (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

Xu Jian kept the truth hidden in the lies and the truth in the lies, and told the story of what happened on the mountain and down the mountain.

 His previous dealings with Li Jun have given him a lot of experience. He now knows very well that if he wants to gain the upper hand in a conversation with Li Jun, he must not be "honest".

 Only what is true and what is false, what is true and what is false, can satisfy Li Jun's appetite and take the initiative.

As expected, Li Jun looked at Feng Danyun Qing, but in fact he listened attentively to Xu Jian's rhetoric that confused the truth and falsehood.

 Then, he raised the corners of his lips and chuckled.

 Li Jun, don’t you believe it?

 If it was their first time fighting each other, Xu Jian would probably have such doubts in his heart.

 But now he could see clearly that Li Jun was actually thinking, but he didn't want to show his thinking. Instead, he "delayed" time with an unclear smile.

  Xu Jian smiled back with the same smile, looking more confident than Li Jun.

In this case, Li Jun became more and more uncertain.

Of course he had heard about such a big thing as the lightning strike in Qianfu.

Li Jun also heard about the "wonderful" scene of Li Shao distinguishing himself in the Jinluan Palace, making all the courtiers unable to get up and down.

 In the excitement of the morning court, Li Jun could be heard stroking his hands and laughing.

What he was talking about at that time, that idiot Li Shao was actually smart sometimes, and I don’t know who made the move.

 Now, Xu Jian has taken that rhetoric a step further.

The late Queen not only reminded Li Shao, but also reminded Li Shao of what happened that night.

 This is really...

    Even if you don’t believe it, there are still so many things that are believable.

If you want to believe it, if you believe that the empress sent thunder under the ground, he might as well believe that your father will come back from the dead tomorrow.

"You..." Li Jun took a shallow breath and said, "I just lived in Yongji Palace for a long time, it's not something wrong with my head."

 Xu Jian looked at him with a smile: "I thought you would be more interested in what happened that night than the minutiae of the old friend's dream or the late queen's mention."

Li Jun sneered.

Xu Jian asked again: "Do you think the context I just analyzed with you makes sense?"

"It makes sense, of course it makes sense," Li Jun put down the tea cup and leaned against the pillow, "But what does it have to do with me? I've said it before, I didn't arrange the bandit, and I didn't start the fire. He If Li Yi is looking for a monkey-faced eunuch, come to Yongji Palace. I don’t have any monkey-faced eunuchs here.”

"How come it has nothing to do with you?" Xu Jian was not anxious at all, "His plan caused a lot of noise and ended with the Holy Emperor ascending the throne.

Judging from the results, he himself did not get a good deal, but you and Li Mi were deceived by him.

 He planned the bandits' attack on the town and carried out a mighty whole-Korean suppression of the bandits.

Li Mi is a straight-tempered person, and the idea of ​​taking credit for the death row victims was his own idea, or was Wang Liu's instigation. It's hard to say at the moment.

 Li Mi took the bait, and the other highnesses also joined in in order not to fall behind.

After the situation was laid out, the man anonymously reported to the Holy Emperor, revealing the truth about Baoping Town and targeting His Highness the King.

Your Majesty is not gullible, but you actively attacked King Ding. "

Having said this, Xu Jian paused, glanced at Li Jun's indifferent expression, and then continued: "With your ability, you may not really believe it, but you will not miss a good opportunity to drag down King Ding. .

 King Ding was so anxious that his already tired body fell ill under the heavy pressure and finally died.

 The late emperor was furious and dealt with Li Mi and you.

 But think about it again, no one was responsible for the death of King Ding back then. Now you know that the person who poisoned King Ding was Wang Liu6.

The person behind the scenes used Baoping Town as an entry point to suppress the bandits and then exposed them. He poisoned King Ding, deposed Li Mi, and banned you.

 You are his result and also his **** to poison the king.

 What is this called?

If you are sold by him, you have to count the money for him. "

As soon as he finished speaking, even though Li Jun had always maintained a calm posture, his face was barely tense at this moment.

Given his arrogance and pride, this comment is simply a shame and a big insult.

 But he couldn't refute it yet.

Xu Jian seemed to not care whether Li Jun was angry or annoyed at all, and said: "Of course, he is also Bai Mi Yi Shu.

Originally, the battle for the throne was about more monks and fewer monks. If there was one less opponent, there would be one less opponent. Unexpectedly, the fire at Dingguo Temple burned people's lives and burned the emperor who had no intention of competing for the throne. He was at the end of the fight and came from behind.

Think about it, if the incident in Baoping Town had not happened, the Holy Emperor would still be an idle sixth prince who quarreled with the princess.

Li Mi was later tricked by King Ding into other ways in the sixth year, but without a clear opportunity to attack King Ding, you probably won't be the vanguard.

 It’s hard to say who will win in the end. "

Li Jun raised his head and took a sip of tea.

Scenes from the old days flashed through his mind. He remembered the Jinluan Palace that year, where people from all walks of life were at odds with each other and had their own thoughts.

The thrill of biting the other person's throat was still rolling through his body.

 Compared with the calm Yongji Palace today, it is a world of difference.

"What?" Li Jun put down the tea cup and asked Xu Jian, "Do you want me to bite someone out for you?"

"How can you say it's a bite?" Xu Jian smiled and refilled Li Jun's tea, "I just want to hear your opinion. Who do you suspect is behind your brother's back?"

Li Jun laughed, looked at Xu Jian playfully after laughing, and said word by word: "I can doubt anyone."

“Really?” Xu Jian asked.

Li Jun wanted to regain the initiative, but Xu Jian couldn't let him get his way.

He said calmly: "Then you speak slowly and doubt the past one by one. I am all ears."

Li Jun’s smile narrowed slightly.

It is really rare to find someone who is so insufferable.

 Speaking of which, his status is not as good as before. When he was still the third prince walking in the court, which courtier would dare to come like this to him?

 Those with a good temper and those who are timid will be honest and obedient.

 There are a few who are hot-blooded and courageous, and some throw up their sleeves and curse.

 But being so neither yin nor yang, seemingly submissive, is actually completely rebellious, which is extremely rare!

Li Jun was angry in his heart, and he would not follow Xu Jian's wishes. His tone was scornful and mocking: "It doesn't matter who I doubt, but I ask you, does Li Yi dare to take action?

The government needs evidence when deciding a case, but the emperor doesn't need to be so particular about killing people!

If the king wants his minister to die, he will have to die, as long as the king dares to let his minister die.

I said Li Du, will he kill Li Du?

If I say Li Xuan, will he kill Li Xuan?

He can’t, he doesn’t dare, he doesn’t even dare to kill me! "

 Xu Jian did not accept Li Jun's words, but he still agreed with them in his heart.

Your Majesty is not such an unreasonable person.

Li Jun seemed to be interested and began to talk: "Father just imprisoned me and kept me alive.

 He, Li Yi, wanted to be a decent person, and he did not dare to disobey his father's orders.

I eat and drink well in Yongji Palace. I burn silver charcoal in the winter and eat ice bowls and soups in the summer. I am free and easy in terms of food and clothing.

 Even I am still alive, how can he attack Li Du without proof?

 At this point, Li Yi and I are two different people, so I don’t care so much.

I can kill Li Du if I want to, but what if the censor scolds me? "

When Xu Jian heard this, he pretended to have some understanding and said, "So you are even more suspicious of His Highness the King of Jin." "You...hey!" Li Jun laughed, "You are a bit interesting. Yes, I am suspicious. Him, but it’s useless, and I can’t possibly confront him.”

 Xu Jian also laughed.

Even though Li Jun seemed to start talking all of a sudden, he was far calmer inside than he showed.

His mention of Li Du was not a faux pas, but as a former chess piece, no matter whether it was right or wrong, he would always reward the winner.

The Holy Spirit is undoubtedly the winner. The King of Jin who escaped unharmed in the hands of the late emperor is also a winner to Li Jun who was imprisoned.

 Li Jun still wants to control this conversation.

 Xu Jian saw through it, so he stopped talking about "Prince Jin" and turned around and talked about Wang Gouzi.

“You are from Yongji Palace, but that dog is attracted by His Highness,” Xu Jian said, “You didn’t tell the dog to do anything strange, right?”

Li Jun asked back: "For example?"

“Contact people to deliver news and give various ideas to His Highness,” Xu Jian concluded, “just like what he did in the sixth year of his reign.”

"What? Did you catch that little bitch?" Li Jun sneered, "My eldest nephew is so naive that it makes people laugh and cry. What did he get fooled by?"

Xu Jian didn’t answer, and only said his own: “I followed Wang Gouzi’s line and pointed to Yongji Palace.

Don’t you think this hand looks familiar?

Just like back then, when the fight came to the end to apportion the blame, it was either you or Li Mi who took the lead.

That person has not changed his original intention and still relies on you to count the money for him. "

"You're all counting on me?" Li Jun seemed to be completely entertained. He tapped the armrest of the Grand Master's chair with one hand, as if making time. "Ha! Then I will definitely bite Li Du to death. I will not count the money for him." Second-rate.

But can Li Du let me bite him? It’s impossible to stop!

 Let me analyze with you what Li Du is thinking at this moment.

 He will want to kill me, eradicate the roots, and blame Li Yi. Hey, this is what Li Du likes to do.

Died of illness is fine, just like Li Cang, but who allowed you to find out the cause of Li Cang's death? His hand isn't that easy to use now.

But when it comes to killing people, there are plenty of ways to do it.

 And I was in Yongji Palace, which was apparently a forbidden area. If Li Du killed me, Li Yi would be held responsible.

I died of illness, hanging, drinking or poisoning, it all depends on which one the censors prefer.

 I'm not afraid of the censor, Li Yi cares about him. "

Even though he knew that Li Jun did not play his cards according to the rules, Xu Jian still had to be on guard against this sudden "inspiration".

"I thought," he looked at Li Jun and said, "you prefer to see the effectiveness of the layout with your own eyes, rather than using yourself as bait. The Holy Emperor and King Jin started fighting, but you couldn't see anything when you closed your eyes. I feel sorry for you."

Li Jun glanced at Xu Jian meaningfully: "Then who can say for sure, what if I really let Li Du succeed?"

“You must be careful,” Xu Jian replied, “Maybe one day you can get back the money you sold, and you can still collect interest.”

Li Jun burst into laughter upon hearing this.

This conversation ends with this.

 Xu Jian stood up and said goodbye.

Li Jun had someone send him off, and he sat motionless on the imperial chair.

When Xu Jian's footsteps could no longer be heard outside, Li Jun drank a cup of tea, then raised his hand and smashed the cup.

   哐塡 sound.

 After a crisp sound, the porcelain pieces flew apart.

Li Jun’s face was extremely gloomy.

Even though he has always been relaxed and did not let Xu Jian dominate the conversation, he also knows that he has not really controlled Xu Jian from the beginning to the end.

 On the other hand, Xu Jian, even if he did not have the upper hand, still put everything he wanted to say and ask on the table.

 From the beginning to the end, Li Jun was the one who gave himself credit for saying they were evenly matched.

 In fact, he was the loser.

Of course, what made Li Jun most angry was not Xu Jian's sophistication and calmness, but that he "helped count the money after being sold".

When he thought about the development of that year and the roles he and Li Mi played in the fight for the throne, he became angry.

 In fact, for a moment, Li Jun even felt that Li Mi's life was better.

Although Li Mi was demoted to a commoner and would never enter the capital, Li Mi was a fool. He didn't know this from beginning to end, nor did he know the knife stabbed by Wang in the sixth year.

 Foolish people are blessed with stupidity. If a person is stupid enough, he will have fewer worries.

And he, Li Jun, thought he was smart and outstanding, but in the end he was tricked into a mess.

Trapped in Yongji Palace, I can only watch the old events unfold and the truth be revealed, but I can't get involved.

 How not to be angry!

 Outside, Xu Jian kept walking.

His ears were amazing, and even though he had walked a little far away, he still heard the crisp sound.

 Looking at the waiter who was leading the way, he didn't react at all.

Xu Jian pursed her lips, a smile flashed in her eyes.

No matter how calm Li Jun pretended to be, he was still not shaken at all.

 Given Li Jun’s character, having suffered such a big loss of muteness, not only would he not forget it as time goes by, but he would think about it day and night and become more profound.

 He only bit King Jin today but did not give any evidence or clues, but it may not be possible tomorrow.

As long as he can't swallow this breath, he will speak sooner or later.

 After leaving Yongji Palace, Xu Jian entered the imperial study room again.

Eunuch Cao was still guarding the place, and the Holy Master listened to Xu Jian's report.

The Holy Emperor did not comment on Li Jun's remarks about "dare you kill or not", but simply asked: "You mean, he thinks King Jin is behind those things?"

  Xu Jian said: "That's what he said."

"You can't believe everything he says," the Holy Emperor paused, and then said, "His temperament is like this. He doesn't care when he goes crazy. He used to fight for power, but now he wants to gain profit. Such a good opportunity to provoke him is given to him. In front of me, he can tell any nonsense."

 Xu Jian was not surprised by Shengshang's reaction.

 First of all, the Holy Spirit has such a character, and secondly, Li Jun has a lot of criminal records, and it is difficult to win the Holy Spirit's trust with his unsubstantiated words.

 Just looking at Li Jun's character, Xu Jian had to weigh his words.

 However, he and the little princess were already suspicious of King Jin, so Li Jun bit and bit at this spot...

Xu Jian thought for a moment and said to the emperor: "Because he went crazy and ignored him, I was worried that he would commit suicide."

Eunuch Cao almost took a breath of air and bit his lip quickly.

 The Holy Emperor's face was also dark.

Xu Jian said: "He didn't know who the real murderer was, he just randomly guessed the king of Jin.

  Today is different from the past. Before you ascended the throne, everyone had a chance. However, you have been sitting on the throne for more than ten years. The person behind you wants to pull you down, and there is no opportunity.

But if the person in Yongji Palace dies in an unknown manner, Your Majesty, you will undoubtedly be criticized by the censors, and the person behind you can use this situation to put pressure on you.

At that time, the victor and the flag-bearer who had retreated faced each other again, and there were constant troubles in the court, which was in line with the wishes of the man from Yongji Palace. "

 The Chinese New Year is coming soon, I feel so busy, so busy, so busy...

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