Yan Cigui

Chapter 414: A kind person is troubled by kindness (two updates combined into one, please vote for

 You can hear a needle drop in the imperial study room.

The Holy One is sitting behind the big case, his face is very ugly.

Xu Jian's words were like a sharp knife piercing his heart, cutting open the current peace and tearing open the old sores that had been buried since the struggle for position more than ten years ago.

 The paralysis in front of you is by no means an alarmist.

His third brother is not a good person at all. In the eyes of others, it is completely unworthy of a move, but in Li Jun's eyes, it may be a different situation.

The Holy Spirit thought for a long time and asked: "You have been talking to him for two quarters of an hour. In your opinion, would he do that?"

"I don't dare to say for sure," Xu Jian lowered his eyes. "As you said, he is too crazy. A madman's thoughts are always right and wrong. I am just trying to persuade him. Whether he can listen to it or not depends on what he thinks."

The Holy Spirit sighed and asked, "What do you think of King Jin?"

 Xu Jian thought for a moment and said: "I have not found any doubts about King Jin for the time being.

The person from Yongji Palace also has no evidence and is just talking nonsense.

I am afraid that if he really makes a fatal move, the king of Jin, the wise king, or other relatives of the emperor will suddenly attack.

 He has died a hundred times, but he has left you with endless troubles. "

Your Majesty was deeply convinced: "He was imprisoned in Yongji Palace by his father. I have not treated him badly for more than ten years. I have done my best to be benevolent and righteous. I didn't expect that to this day, I still have to prevent him from committing suicide. It is really ironic."

"Your Majesty, it is easy to kill someone," Xu Jian looked at him, "It is difficult to prevent someone from committing suicide. How can the people around you prevent someone who is seeking death?"

"I can't tie him up, can I?" The Holy Emperor laughed at himself, and then shook his head, "No, I can neither tie him up nor make people watch him. If I go to Yongji Palace to make people look at him, I will play into his hands.

 Once he dies, I will be the murderer. It is even worse than me not caring about anything and watching him die! "

 This is really a dilemma!

The saint looked tired and sighed: "I can say that I understand your second brother, but I don't understand him that well.

What would it be like if he went crazy? I'm not crazy at all, so how can I sympathize with him?

But he really understands me, and he is right. I will not kill him at all, and I will not kill the third brother and the eighth brother without any evidence.

He Li Jun doesn't care about his reputation or what the censor wants to scold. I care very much. "

Eunuch Cao looked at the Holy One worriedly.

 What he is most worried about is actually that the Holy Father will go to extremes.

 In history books, there are wise kings and dim kings, but the way to be a king itself is not so black and white. It is more about stepping on both sides and weighing the pros and cons.

 For those who are suspicious, either kill them directly or set up a trap to kill them. This is the king's power.

It’s not that the Holy One is incapable of making such plans and arrangements, it’s just that he’s not to that extent.

 At the very least, we have to wait until there is clear evidence.

 You can’t leave all the royal relatives behind, right?

Such cruel methods are no longer a matter of fainting or not, but of tyrants.

Having served the Holy Sage for so many years, how could he not know that the Holy Sage is completely incompatible with the tyrant's behavior?

"It is precisely because you care that you are the Holy One," Xu Jian said. "If you are still unhappy, you might as well ask the Queen Mother. She will definitely not agree with you being tricked by the man from Yongji Palace. Do something unjust."

Thinking of the Empress Dowager, the Holy Emperor relaxed his brows slightly.

Xu Jian added: "I just thought of someone, the princess's grandmother, Madam Chengyi."

 The sudden change of topic made the Holy Master interested: "Oh?"

"In the words of the princess, my grandmother is a dignified, self-denying, dutiful and stubborn old lady," Xu Jian laughed. "'Skin is more important than life', these are the princess's original words."

The Holy Emperor laughed and said, "Ning'an is so merciless to his elders."

"Grandma is kind to others. She is unwilling to conflict with others even if she is in trouble. She has a kind heart and cannot bear to be bullied by others for her kindness." Xu Jian thought for a while and added, "The only tough thing she has done in these years is The eldest sister-in-law of the minister insisted on breaking off her engagement with Duke Xu."

The Lin and Su families broke off their engagement and there was a lot of turmoil. From the time Su Ke was brought back to Shuntian Mansion to the time he was finally exiled from the capital, the Holy One was aware of everything. At this moment, listening to Xu Jian's mention of old events, he couldn't help but nodded.

“It is reasonable and reasonable for the Lin family to withdraw from the marriage. The Empress Dowager supports it, and so do I.” The Holy Emperor commented.

 The focus of the Holy Spirit is precisely on the four words "reasonable and reasonable".

 Because this is also his current dilemma.

“Yes, it must be reasonable,” Xu Jian said, following the Holy Master’s words, “It was obviously the Su family’s unrighteousness first, and the Lin family’s withdrawal from the marriage, and many crooked heretics were born in the Duke of Xu’s house in an attempt to confuse things.

If grandma wants to break off the engagement, she must break off the engagement cleanly and clearly, until both you and the Queen Mother think she has done it thoughtfully and appropriately.

This way he can maintain the dignity of Uncle Chengyi and not hurt his own face.

 You can understand this dilemma as soon as you hear it, because "the kindhearted are troubled by kindness." ’

 Grandma is, and so is you, Your Majesty. "

The Holy Spirit looked deeply at Xu Jian.

How could he not know these truths?

  But it was said from the mouth of the ministers, and every word was agreed upon, which still made the Holy Spirit's heart become gentler.

Xu Jian did not avoid His Majesty's gaze, and said sincerely: "I can't say for certain whether the man from Yongji Palace will do anything crazy, but I never hope that you will do anything for the sake of 'revenge' or 'avoiding future troubles'." , and rashly attacked the princes such as King Jin and King Xian.

The one from Yongji Palace undoubtedly hates you. The two people he hates the most are you who are on the throne, and the other who planned the incident in Baoping Town.

 And his revenge on you, apart from pulling you down from the throne or making you miserable, there is another way.

 Has destroyed the foundation of your life and your way of being a king.

 Whatever you used to impress the late emperor and the empress dowager, they will let you destroy.

If you did that, wouldn't you have fallen into Li Jun's trap? ! "

The Holy Spirit has been unable to speak for a long time.

 There was a lump of air in my chest, not from suffocation, but from a trembling heart.

He heard determination in Xu Jian's advice, and he also read admiration in the tearful eyes of Eunuch Cao beside him.

At the same time, he also heard his own voice.

He is unwilling to do something that is so indifferent that he would rather kill by mistake than let go.

It wasn’t just that he didn’t want to offend the late emperor, but that he himself was not that kind of person.

 The principles for conducting oneself in the world overlapped with the current situation, and the fog made him feel irritable, but these irritations gradually dissipated at this moment.

 It is the way of the king.

If he really wants to write an article, he can write it on several sheets of paper eloquently.

 No matter how high-sounding the writing is, and the literary talent is outstanding, it will be praised by the courtiers and supported by the people, but in the end, what will remain is the actual results.

  meaning to have a clear conscience.

  It means the unity of mind and action.

Eunuch Cao said in a hoarse voice: "I think so too, but I am too clumsy to say it. But I also have a saying, Your Majesty, you always say that the Queen is smart and that she has taught you a lot. If the Queen knows anything, she Are you willing to force the princes who are not the real murderers to death in order to avenge her?

Does she want you to commit violence because of her after being a benevolent and wise king for more than ten years, and be scolded in the history books in the future? "

 The Holy Spirit's eyes showed more determination.

 Xu Jian didn't show it on his face, but he praised Eunuch Cao several times in his heart.

He is worthy of being the great chamberlain who has been with you for many years. He is not very slow-tongued, but when he speaks, he goes right to the heart: Whatever the Holy Emperor cares about most, he will exert his strength there.

“I understand,” the Holy Sage sighed, “I won’t do stupid things. It’s just that Li Jun is acting biasedly in Yongji Palace. If something changes, he must deal with it carefully.

I will not sit back and watch him seek death, but I will not blindly be checked by him either.

If he really uses his life to plot against me, I do have a lot to explain to the officials, but I have a clear conscience.

Furthermore, it was a blessing in disguise, and I was indeed very anxious, but I could also see who was setting the scene behind the scenes and playing with so many brothers. "

It was getting late, so Eunuch Cao sent Xu Jian out.

 “Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Guo.” He said as he walked.

Xu Jian said: "Without Eunuch Cao's hard work, it would not be easy to do things before the emperor."

"You're welcome," Cao Gonggong said, "it's an honor for the Zajia family to serve an emperor like His Majesty. You see, whatever people say is reasonable or not, His Majesty will listen to it, and he will judge it after hearing it."

“Yes.” Xu Jian nodded.

Eunuch Cao glanced at him and said in a low voice: "It's a blessing that I have the courage to say and do something like this."

“It is precisely because the Holy One is willing to listen and understand right from wrong that the ministers dare to speak out,” Xu Jian said. “My father-in-law looks at Uncle An Yi and looks at several censors. Which of them dare not speak out?”

Eunuch Cao laughed and nodded again: "That's what you said."

 Back to Fu Guogong's Mansion, the corridors were all lit.

Walking all the way to the main courtyard, I looked up and saw that the south window was open. Lin Yunyan was sitting in the window. She turned around when she heard footsteps.

 Looking at each other, she smiled.

Xu Jian looked at Lin Yunyan's smile, paused slightly, then accelerated a few steps and entered the house.

Lin Yunyan smiled and asked him: "What were you thinking about just now?"

“I remember before we got married,” Xu Jian sighed, “Every time something progressed and I wanted to analyze and discuss it with you, I had to ask Dong Chen’s family to send a message.

 I thought at that time that I really had to get married, otherwise it would be really inconvenient.

It’s okay now. If there’s any new news today, I’ll tell you right away. "

Lin Yunyan couldn’t help laughing.

No matter how relaxed the mood was, after hearing about the situation in the Imperial Palace and Yongji Palace this afternoon, one could not help but become serious.

“Li Jun is also more suspicious of Li Du,” Lin Yunyan said with a deep look, “This is actually the same view as ours.”

"There is also a lack of evidence," Xu Jian said. "Since there are no clues, we can't insist on Li Du not letting go, and we have to persuade the Holy One not to do anything. Fortunately, the Holy One was angry with Li Jun for a while, so he calmed down. Just come down."

 Lin Yunyan nodded.

 She and Xu Jian were of the same mind when it came to the decision on this matter.

 Don’t take a seemingly “shortcut” for the sake of the truth.

If she was really willing to do anything for a shortcut, how could she try so hard to save Jin Shu in the first place?

It is important to catch Li Shao's mistakes, but we should not deliberately sacrifice Jin Shu who can be saved.

It is also important to deal with the people behind the incident and prevent future troubles forever, but unrelated relatives of the emperor and the country should not be allowed to die at the same time.

 Moreover, taking history as a guide, shortcuts can also be the path of no return.

The emperor is red-eyed, and the courtiers are panicking. If things continue like this, instability will not only affect the court, but will also spread to the whole world.

 The world is in chaos, which is definitely not the future that Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan want.

To take a step back, even if the person behind the scenes died in this chaos, there would still be Li Shao.

The Holy Spirit has freed himself from the constraints and no longer insists on benevolence, justice and morality. So when he looks at his most beloved son in the future, what mistakes will arouse his dissatisfaction?

 In the face of indulgence and partiality, burning, killing, looting and looting are nothing.

The only way to make the Holy Father give up on Li Shao is to "kill his father".

 But when the Holy One did not stand on the side of justice, even Li Shao's resistance seemed to be on the side of the Qing Dynasty.

That is really ridiculous and sad, completely putting the cart before the horse.

 The other side.

In Yongji Palace, Li Jun was sitting on a soft cushion playing the piano, with his long hair hanging loosely, very casually.

On the contrary, there was a pale-faced chamberlain kneeling under the floor covering beside him.

The waiter’s head hit the floor tiles and his shoulders were shaking.

 A "clang" sound.

Li Jun glanced at the split fingernails and clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"My life is so sweet now," he said with a smile while touching his nails, "I can die any way I want, and I can bite anyone I want."

The waiter trembled and said, "What do you mean by these? I, I, don't understand."

 “You don’t understand?” Li Jun raised his eyebrows, “You will always have to carry your back, right? Otherwise, what would Li Du do to support you?”

"What Li Du? You, you mean Prince Jin?" The chamberlain's voice trembled violently, "How can a slave like this come into the eyes of Prince Jin? I am from Yongji Palace, I don't dare..."

“Okay,” Li Jun interrupted the chamberlain, “It doesn’t matter if it’s Li Du, Li Min, or anyone else named Li.

 After all, there is that one person who will make you eat everything you want in Yongji Palace.

 Well, you can’t say that either.

Yongji Palace is a forbidden palace. All the food I eat belongs to Li Yi. You haven’t eaten anything from me. You can eat anyone. "

With that said, Li Jun stood up, walked barefoot in front of the chamberlain, stepped on the other person's shoulder, and made a cold sound.

"I'm tired of Li Yi. A man with no ambition and no ability has taken away the throne. He doesn't deserve it! So even though I knew you were the one plotting against me, I want to give you a chance to pull Li Yi down."

"Of course, in exchange of equal value, you have to exchange me for something worthy of the life I gave you."

"If you can't do it, then I can only do the next best thing and find Li Yi to join forces to get rid of you. I will definitely die anyway. If I can't fulfill my wish, I might as well avenge an old revenge."

After saying this in one breath, Li Jun took off his feet and asked the waiter: "Have you remembered all the above sentences?"

 It is not the case if the servant answers, nor is it the case if he does not answer.

Li Jun didn't care whether he should respond or not, and said: "Don't miss a word, tell your master every word!"

 After saying that, he kicked the chamberlain: "Now, get out of here!"

The chamberlain stumbled and fell on his butt. Seeing Li Jun's sinister expression, he didn't dare to say anything. He crawled out on his hands and feet and disappeared without looking back.

 Please give me a monthly ticket~~~

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