Yan Cigui

Chapter 417: Why don't you tell me everything?

Chapter 417 Why don’t you tell me everything so that I can hear it?

The sun shines dappledly through the window lattice.

Shan Shen was standing under the window, with the mottled and scattered light and shadow reflected on his face, making his expression become increasingly entangled and repulsive.

Xu Jian couldn't help but laugh again and asked in a low voice: "Sir Shan, you don't care about the dead people?"

"No matter what, there are people beating drums and complaining, I don't care, I have to take care of it," Shan Shen said, his tone was long and drawn out in the first few sentences, and then he suddenly changed his tone, his speaking speed became faster and faster, and his voice became softer and softer, "But Who will beat the drum in this matter? How will we, Shuntian Mansion, take care of it?

 With the Holy Spirit not attacking the person who personally killed him in Yongji Palace, I went ahead and took the lead. This isn’t called bravery, it’s called brainless.

  If you want to say that the Holy One also has difficulties with the Holy One, that person is his brother after all.

The late emperor sent people to Yongji Palace and locked up all the stalls left behind by the Holy Spirit.

The one who is honest is naturally good, and the situation is calm; the one who is very dishonest is also good, because he has a good reputation.

 It’s annoying to make a little noise like this now, just pay attention to it, make a fuss about it, ignore it, mosquitoes and flies are buzzing!

Who knows whether the mosquito is poisonous today or poisonous tomorrow? When the time comes, it will bite a poisonous packet and it will hurt like hell!

  It’s really neither up nor down. I sigh for the Holy Spirit just thinking about it. "

 Xu Jian looked at Shan Shen and said, "I've known for a long time that Mr. Shan is very good at cursing, but I didn't expect that he is also very good at using metaphors."

 “Hey, Lord,” Shan Shen waved his hands repeatedly, “Don’t tease me anymore. All the curses and metaphors are just a face that has been cultivated through hard work.

 You know how annoying the big and small things that Shuntian Mansion handles all day long are.

If I really live a smooth life every day, and I am a Maitreya Buddha, who wants to curse people openly and secretly all day long? "

 This is indeed a true statement.

Xu Jian tilted her body and said: "Sir Shan said that he didn't listen, but in fact he was clear in his heart. Look, I didn't say whose hands the little **** died, but didn't Master Shan know it very well! "

Shan Shen:…

If I were to believe that he was sincere, the Duke of Guo would find the loophole in his words.

 Fortunately, he knew Xu Jian's behavior very well after having had many contacts with him.

"It's not like there are no other solutions," Shan Shen spread his hands, "I'm sitting here in Shuntian Mansion. I can pretend to be confused, but I can't really be confused."

 Can you still wear this black gauze hat?

Shan Shen continued: "The Shuntian Mansion had nothing to do with the little eunuch's death, and I don't want to know about its relationship with Changshan Hutong.

 Unless the Holy Spirit wants to go there, I will definitely go all out.

 When the Holy One needed me, I never stepped back. "

 This is not just a big statement on his part.

 When the Holy One supports him, he can line up in the Jinluan Palace under the Highness.

If the Holy One is unable to move the Yongji Palace, or in other words, has not made up his mind, and Shen is blindly active here, and he is too stupid, he will also put the Holy One on the grill.

Shan Shen glanced at the book in Xu Jian's hand and said, "Is that little **** pitiful? He is really pitiful!

At such a young age, I already lacked the two ounces of meat, and died before becoming a general manager or a chamberlain.

 But what can I do? I, Shuntian Mansion, cannot take care of the internal affairs of the palace.

The mass graves outside the city are being tidied up so that these poor people will not be bitten by wild dogs. That's all I have in mind. "

Xu Jian listened to Shan Shen's long talk and understood both the inner and outer meanings of his words.

 Sir Shan is not chatting about family matters, but expressing his position.

Xu Jian was ordered to go to Yongji Palace yesterday and came to Shuntian Mansion today to continue the investigation. Naturally, he was also ordered by the Holy Emperor.

However, Shan Shen's views on Li Jun were very direct and rude: either don't mess with him at all, or just slap him to death, and you will only be troubled by him if you keep buzzing.

 As for the problems that would arise after the death of the emperor, especially those related to the late emperor's last decree, he single-handedly supported the emperor.

"I will inform your Majesty what Mr. Shan wants," Xu Jian turned another page. "But Mr. Shan, you can't take care of the internal affairs, but you can always take care of the affairs of the capital. This Changshan Hutong, here, this house, Shan Sir, please check the master's house carefully for me?

 Don't refuse in a hurry, I didn't tell you what this has to do with the little eunuch, I'm just checking.

I can't say how hard your Majesty will use to go to Yongji Palace at the moment, but he will definitely use 12% of his strength to go to this house. Sir Shan, just go all out. "

 “Hey!” Shan Shen couldn’t even laugh or cry.

 Listen to this!

This is just asking the donkey to grind, but not letting the donkey eat grass!

If he really acted like such a stupid donkey, he would be kicked in the head by a donkey.

“Young Master, you might as well tell me everything!” Shan Shen complained.

Just as Shan Shen understood him, Xu Jian also understood Shan Shen. Hearing this, he clicked his tongue and said, "I was going to say it, but Master Shan didn't want to hear it."

Shan Shen:…

That’s all! That’s it!

This pirate ship has long been unable to reach the shore.

 Drifting with the current, coming and going in the wind and waves, he is used to being swayed. If he is given a flat ground to stand on, he will not be able to stand firmly.

"The Qian Mansion was struck by lightning, and there were so many people in Jinluan Palace who were in trouble, but His Highness couldn't say anything after a few words," Xu Jian said, "Sir Shan understands that if Your Highness fails to turn the tide, will he or the Holy One be in trouble in the end? "

Shan Shen couldn't help but take a breath when he heard this.

Seeing that he understood, Xu Jian said again: "I missed the God-given opportunity. Someone will be unhappy and want to find another job. The target is Yongji Palace. As for who that person is, it depends on Mr. Shan to investigate this house. Finally, Can you find out who is here?"

Shan Shen raised his hands to cover his face.

He thought that things were not simple, but he didn't expect that things were so not simple!

I thought that involving His Highness was already a big deal, but who knew that there was something else that I couldn't think of, and even the Holy One wanted to plot it together.

His small Shuntian Prefecture is in charge of the capital city and also oversees the Jinluan Palace.

This is really...

“With a red flower on your chest, a toad can become the groom!” Shan Shen scolded.

Xu Jian laughed: "Master Shan, there is no need to scold yourself like this."

The two of them got together and looked at the house and the adjacent deeds. There was no problem that was obvious at a glance.

"I will check carefully," Shan Shen said. "I dare not say what results can be obtained and when they will be obtained."

“Check as much as possible,” Xu Jian closed the document and put it back on the shelf, “We don’t want to be anxious, but some people are anxious, especially the one from Yongji Palace. The young **** died last night, who will die tomorrow night?”

Shan Shen rolled his eyes toward the sky.

He was a scholar, and he took the imperial examination seriously. Although he pursued fame and fortune, he also had a heart to serve the court and the people.

There are still many scholars who have studied hard for many years but have no use.

And like the one in Yongji Palace, he was born to be aloof. If he is passionate, his actions will be easier than ordinary people.

If you don’t want to be a standout, you can also be an idler who doesn’t have to worry about making a living.

 But he was good, and he did some things that were harmful to the country and the people.

 At this point…

Shan Shen glanced at Xu Jian.

His Royal Highness did not make too many concessions. The Duke of Fu followed him every day, which was also a thankless task.

   Thanks to book friends Wanshehuan 166 and Little Yard for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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