Yan Cigui

Chapter 418: Her last name

Xu Jian kept urging her, but she also knew that it was not easy to check the background of a house.

It is really an ordinary house. It is not difficult to find out who the owner is, whether he lives there or rents it out, who lives in it now, how many owners it has changed and how many homes it has changed in the past few decades.

 It's just a little more complicated. If you are willing to spend a few days, you can get concrete results.

But if it is unusual and has been covered up from beginning to end, if you want to get rid of the cocoon, you can't simply flip through the paperwork.

Xu Jian himself checked the house in Chenmi Hutong, and he was very aware of the twists and turns, and was prepared that Master Shan would make no progress in a few days.

Unexpectedly, there is no light in the east but light in the west.

There was a stalemate everywhere in this compartment, but the other compartment Lin Yunyan was staring at actually gained something.

At this time, she moved a spoon and sat outside the small kitchen, holding a bowl of cheese in her hand.

This cheese was made by Grandma He’s own hands.

Lin Yunyan thought of something, so she asked her grandma to come to the house.

Not only did grandma come here happily, but she also brought some of her favorite food. This bowl of cheese was filled with a thick layer of honey and sprinkled with a lot of dried fruits, which smelled delicious.

Lin Yunyan took three bites in a row.

 Those who eat rejoice, and those who eat the food rejoice even more.

 “It’s Mammy’s craftsmanship that is the most unforgettable,” Lin Yunyan praised, pointing to the empty teacup next to her, “Mammy, sit down too.”

Since the princess invited her to come, she naturally had something to say, so Aunt He did not refuse and sat down as she was told.

She said: "It reminds me of the princess sitting outside the kitchen like this in the backyard of Taohe Zhai."

Lin Yunyan smiled.

All she wanted to ask about were old things that were old and rotten.

Having a cup of tea each in the flower hall is decent, but also really restrained.

The kitchen is still a third of the acre. Although it is not a kitchen that Mammy is used to, it can be regarded as a "counterpart". With the people sitting in rows, she feels more relaxed.

“While eating, I listened to my grandma talk about the old almanac,” Lin Yunyan said with a smile, “It’s also fun for me.”

Nanny of the He family said: "What do you want to ask, Princess?"

 “It’s still something related to King Jin.” Lin Yunyan said.

Mother He’s face looked troubled: “Everything I can remember, I have told the princess before.”

Lin Yunyan smiled at her.

 Since they had suspicion on Li Du, they knew something about Li Du's affairs.

 As the second son of the late emperor, Li Du's background was completely different from that of his eldest brother Li Cang.

Li Cang was the direct descendant of the middle palace, and Li Du's biological mother was a selected attendant.

The chosen attendant was not at all impressive in the palace, and it was an opportunity that fell on his head. One night, he became pregnant with a dragon fetus. Unfortunately, he was weak in health. The son was born safely, but his body and bones became worse and worse, and he needed more rest.

 The infant Li Du was given to Concubine Dong to raise.

Concubine Dong’s grandfather once served as the General Secretary of the General Affairs Department, and most of the elders in the family also served in local places. She is knowledgeable and patient, making her an excellent choice for raising children.

 In fact, Concubine Dong treated Li Du very well. It could be said that she treated Li Du "as her own child".

Lin Yunyan inquired about this in private with Grandma Wang, and all the elders in the palace viewed it this way.

 That’s what Grandma Wang said.

"The biological mother's condition was not suitable for raising a child. In order to find a good adoptive mother, the Empress Dowager also spent a lot of effort back then."

"It was so early in those days, and the late emperor was also young. As long as there were some concubines in the harem who could get some attention, there were not many concubines who would sincerely raise other people's sons."

“Some people don’t want to get into this thankless thing, and some people want to take advantage of having their son by their side and have more opportunities to meet the emperor. They are full of calculations. The empress finally picked the empress Dong Fei.”

“Concubine Dong is really kind to His Highness. She takes great care of her food and clothing. She has never detained Your Highness from going to see her biological mother. She says it is all kindness and kindness.”

"Xu Shi saw that His Highness is growing up healthily and smoothly, and the illness of the birth mother during her confinement seems to be gradually getting better."

"It's a pity that she was not very lucky. When His Highness was about four or five years old, she contracted the cold in winter and didn't get better in spring. She has been ill all the time."

“Concubine Dong didn’t allow her Highness to visit the sick at that time. The child was weak and she was afraid that she would be sick. She thought she would be cured in the summer when the heat got hot, but she died of illness in the end.”

"For this reason, Concubine Dong regretted it for a while, saying that if she had known that there was a difference between life and death, she should have allowed Her Highness to go more often."

“Since then, Concubine Dong has been more and more attentive to His Highness. She has been studying, studying, and doing civil and military exercises. She treats His Highness the same way her own mother treats her own son.”

“His Royal Highness and Concubine Dong also have a harmonious relationship. The late emperor praised Concubine Dong for her ability to raise children.”

“After the death of the late emperor, Concubine Dong was so sad that she followed her after being ill for three months. Your Highness, who watched and supported the spirit, followed all the filial piety rules, and the Ministry of Rites did not dare to stop her.”

 Everyone in the palace was sorry that King Jin’s biological mother passed away early, and they all complained that Concubine Dong’s son was not raised in vain.

Grandma Wang said this. When Lin Yunyan asked Grandma He last time, she got a similar statement.

Mammy Wang is in the middle palace. She sees all the troubles in the harem and can connect everything she knows.

The He family is doing things in the royal dining room. Don't look at the relationship with the harem, but people are mixed, and the eunuchs of the palace girls can't control their mouths.

 That is a completely different perspective from that of Grandma Wang.

Even from the perspective of rumors, no one said that the relationship between Li Du and Concubine Dong's adoptive mother and son was not harmonious.

  As for the part related to Li Du that Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian were more concerned about, Aunt He couldn't tell.

At first she confessed that she told Lin Yunyan when she was born in the Imperial Kitchen Room that she left the palace too early. Even Li Cang was still a child at that time, let alone others.

At that age, those who are enlightened are enlightened, those who are sucking are sucking, and some are not born at all. They are far away from the subsequent battle for the right to the throne.

Lin Yunyan took another bite of cheese and said with a smile: "I won't ask about the King of Jin himself today, but about the ministers around him. Have you seen them?"

"My father-in-law knows some of the things that are done in the palace." Regardless of the prince or grandson, she just said that they were all servants. Aunt He became more relaxed and recalled, "There were many people coming in and out of the imperial dining room. The one in front People who buy things and people who work there will encounter them every day.

As for the father-in-law who is with the nobles, they are usually the little chambermaids who run errands and the maids of honor come more often to collect meals or tell the masters what they want to eat.

Occasionally, stewards come over. The masters have a small kitchen and want to make a recipe and order some fresh vegetables and meat.

At that time, the King of Jin was still young, and the people around him would not come over, but the people from Concubine Dong would come and order a few dishes..."       Because the princess once told him that no matter how small or small, it doesn't matter, the He family Grandma also stopped trying to distinguish what was useful and what was useless. She just chatted and said whatever came to her mind.

Lin Yunyan did not interrupt her and listened carefully.

When the He family's grandma stopped and racked her brains to recall, Lin Yunyan asked again: "What mama is talking about is about Concubine Dong's place. Where is the waiter? Mama knows the people around her. ?"

"Not everyone can order the dishes in the imperial dining room. The low-ranking concubines who are not favored..." Aunt He family paused at this point and frowned, "It seems like that happened once."

"Yes, I have an impression of the chambermaid who served her at that time."

“About a few days before her death, the little chamberlain came to the royal kitchen.”

"He looked thin, as if he was seven or eight years old. He wanted to talk to our manager, but the manager ignored him, and he happened to meet me."

“He told me that the waiter suddenly had some appetite at noon and was eager to eat a few dishes. Judging from the situation, it didn’t look like he was getting better, but that he was getting better.”

 “I said I didn’t have anything to say, so I can’t add anything else.”

"He said that he didn't dare to go to Concubine Dong. If His Highness saw him and made a fuss about meeting his biological mother, Concubine Dong would be in trouble. If Her Highness got over the illness, she would die. But I thought I used to meet the empress, who is now the empress dowager, but she was ill for a few days, so she didn't dare to kowtow for a few dishes. "

"I heard what he said was pitiful, so I agreed and picked out a simpler one. I made it in the evening before the fire stopped. He came and took it away, and I was very grateful."

"It was only three or five days later that the bad news came, and he was really sure that he would be able to make a comeback."

Lin Yunyan asked: "What's that father-in-law's last name?"

"What's his last name..." Nanny He muttered, "They all call him Mouse or Little Mouse? I don't know if it's Hao or a nickname."

Lin Yunyan asked casually: "I forgot to ask, what surname should I choose?"

"If I remember correctly, her surname is Zhang," Mammy He's family sighed. "It's also pitiful. Throughout her life, even if she gave birth to a prince, she would still choose to serve as an attendant, and she would not be granted a title after her death. After all, after death, the light goes out. It doesn’t matter whether it’s sealed or not.”

 Speaking of death, Lin Yunyan thought of the young father-in-law who had died long ago.

He died in the fifty-third year of his life and was dead in the eleventh year of Taixing.

 It was also around the time when the He family's grandmother left the palace. In other words, the He family's grandmother might have heard something about the young father-in-law.

Lin Yunyan thought this way, so she asked: "The late Emperor Ruan Guiren had a father-in-law named Tong who was more than fifty at the time. Have you heard of it?"

“I don’t have much impression,” said Aunt He, “but I have met Ruan Guiren and his father-in-law named He a few times.”

Lin Yunyan asked again: "Do you think that little mouse, or other father-in-laws who have served Zhang Xuanshi and the King of Jin, can be recognized by the young father-in-law?"

 I thought this was another question that required Aunt He’s brains to rack her brains, but I didn’t expect that Auntie’s response was direct and bright.

"You recognize it, you must recognize it!" She said, "Zhang Xuan's attendant lives in Bihua Palace, and the person in charge is Wei Jieyu, the late emperor. Ruan Guiren used to live elsewhere. It seems that he offended the person in charge there and made a fuss. After hurting the harmony, Wei Jieyu intervened and let Ruan Guiren also move to Bihua Palace.

After that, Zhang Xuanshi and Ruan Guiren were both in the same palace. As long as the boy's father-in-law was working at Ruan Guiren's place, he would come in and out of the palace without looking up and down. The little mouse was not a fool, how could he not be there? Seen it? "

Lin Yunyan's eyes brightened when she heard this: "After Zhang Xuan died of illness, where did the little mouse go?"

"I don't know about that," said Aunt He.

Lin Yunyan felt confident.

Previously, the various father-in-laws they found had nothing to do with the father-in-law from Chenmi Hutong, or to Jin Wang Li Du, but now, a vague line has emerged.

 What was the name of the little mouse and where did he go after that? The palace must have answers to these things that Aunt He does not know.

 Before, I was looking for a needle in a haystack, but now I have a clear target.

After Lin Yunyan thanked Aunt He, she quickly prepared to enter the palace.

Back in the house, Wan Yue helped Lin Yunyan change her clothes and make up again, while Grandma Ma went to arrange the carriage and horses.

Before setting off, Lin Yunyan had a flash of inspiration and called out to Aunt Ma: "Auntie, come with me."

 The carriage traveled smoothly.

In the car, Lin Yunyan whispered softly: "I will ask the empress for an oral instruction. I will go to the imperial pharmacy and ask for some medicinal materials in the open or covertly. I want to know whether the late emperor's attendant Zhang Xuan and empress Dong are infected with the disease." During those days, what were the symptoms and what medicines were used?”

Mama Ma's thinking was quick and she quickly understood what Lin Yunyan meant: "Do you suspect that their condition is not simple?"

"I was bitten by a snake once, and have been afraid of well ropes for ten years," Lin Yunyan sighed. "If I hadn't found out the inside story about King Ding's poisoning, I wouldn't have been upset when I heard that so-and-so had been sick for a while and then died. Up and down.”

Mama Ma said: "It's not a bad thing to be cautious."

Lin Yunyan nodded.

Not long after, Lin Yunyan arrived at Cining Palace.

   Less than father-in-law led her in.

Hand in greeting with the Queen Mother, Lin Yunyan told her why she came.

"The man from Yongji Palace bit his Highness the King of Jin. I heard that both Zhang Xuanshi and Concubine Dong died of illness, so I wondered if it might be the same poison." Lin Yunyan said.

"With a biological mother who gave birth to him, and an adoptive mother who treated him with nothing to say, what would he do? What's more, he was only four or five years old when his biological mother left." The Empress Dowager said, frowning slowly He frowned slowly, as if he had thought of something, and turned to look at Grandma Wang.

After thinking for a moment, she said: "It was too early for Zhang Xuanshi at that time, so I can't remember it for the moment, but the three months when Concubine Dong was ill, hey, seems to be somewhat similar to His Highness Prince Ding's condition."

The Empress Dowager's expression was gloomy. Lin Yunyan mentioned it again, so she naturally agreed to let Mother Ma go to the Imperial Pharmacy to look for clues.

Lin Yunyan asked again: "Where did the chamberlain named Little Mouse next to Zhang Xuan go? The deceased Tong Gonggong whom Eunuch Cao found out, and Little Mouse both worked in the Bihua Palace. Is there any connection? ?”

This matter is too trivial, and the Queen Mother must not know about it.

 Even as I get older, some things are not so clear anymore.

“Ruan Guiren has lived in Bihua Palace?” She asked Grandma Wang, “Didn’t she always live with Concubine Zhong?”

"It seems that I have lived there for a few months, and I need to look through the old files for details." Grandma Wang couldn't tell for a while, and said, "The little mouse the princess asked about, where did he go after that, I have to look through it." Booklet, as for contact and so on..."

The new year is almost over, book friends, I’m back to work.

 It should be updated normally starting today.

Let’s compare ourselves~~

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