Yan Cigui

Chapter 419: Passing geese leave traces (two updates in one, please vote for me)

Grandma Wang was the one in charge and didn't know much about the affairs of the chamberlains, so she simply asked Eunuch Yu to come in and answer questions.

“The younger one can’t answer, but the younger one can ask his godfather.”

 If you are less than your father-in-law, you will naturally be better than your father-in-law.

Lin Yunyan told Xu Jian that people in the palace like to recognize relatives, which is really not a lie.

The father-in-law used to be the chief steward of the middle palace and was highly trusted by the empress.

Until the bad news about Dingguo Temple came, the empress lost her footing in a daze and almost fell down the steps. Eunuch Yu pushed in a hurry, preventing the empress from falling. Instead, she rolled. Her life was not worried, but her legs and feet were not in good condition.

 After that, he left the matter to his father-in-law Yu, and his father-in-law Yu left the palace to take care of his old age.

The empress gave me a large amount of money, and she would let my father-in-law visit me during the holidays over the years.

"When Mother Ma comes back from the Royal Pharmacy, you can follow Yun Yan out of the palace to inquire about this matter," the Queen Mother said, "Before that, you go to Eunuch Cao in person and tell you about that little mouse. Tell him to check it out."

 Smaller than the father-in-law should come down.

The matter is settled like this.

While waiting for the news, Lin Yunyan talked with the Queen Mother.

The Empress Dowager leaned against the pillow. Although there was a tired look on her brows, her eyes were still firm: "It's not that the Ai family believes in King Jin, but it's just that King Jin behaves more appropriately than the one in Yongji Palace.

Back then, the late emperor punished them and demoted Li Mi to a common people. He mainly punished them and killed the chickens to scare the monkeys.

Li Jun can be imprisoned. Of course, there are reasons for Li Jun's aggressiveness, but more importantly, Li Jun doesn't care when he goes crazy.

The Holy Emperor was a kind-hearted man and a younger brother. The late emperor was worried that he would not be able to suppress Li Jun, so he sent him to Yongji Palace.

He did not touch the other sons, but he was reluctant to part with them and his heart softened. No matter how much there is no family affection in the Tian family, it is the son against me and the brother against his brother. There are still fewer fathers who kill their sons. The late emperor was especially soft-hearted before his death. .

 Secondly, the overall situation has been decided. Except for Li Jun's unpredictable temper, everyone else has also taken care of themselves.

Taking too fast a step may seem decisive, but in fact it can make people panic. "

Lin Yunyan understood what the Queen Mother meant.

 Princes fight for power. The prince is both the flag and the target. But it is not only the flag that is involved, but also those who wave the flag, beat the drum and shout, and come from a family of noble officials with hairpins.

 If you move the flag, can you move other people?

 After being pulled out one after another, are there enough suitable candidates to replace them?

It is said that there are three fires when a new official takes office, and a new emperor ascends the throne. If the three fires are not burned well, it is easy to burn yourself.

What's more, in addition to the intrigues in the Jinluan Palace, the world was also facing banditry and famine at that time. The people suffered from natural disasters in the previous few years and could not withstand more turmoil.

 This is also the reason why the late emperor sought stability before his death, and the empress dowager recommended him as the emperor and supported him in maintaining stability.

“This moment, that moment,” Lin Yunyan said, “At first, we chose a smooth transition based on the pros and cons, and only dealt with Li Mi, who was the most vicious in grabbing credit, and Li Jun, who was unpredictable.

 Judging from the results of the past ten years since the Holy Emperor ascended the throne, the choice made back then was the right one.

If those people with impure minds put aside their old grievances, be idle if they want, and contribute to the court if they want, then there will be no problem in continuing on this path.

It happens that some people have been hiding it for more than ten years and are still unwilling to give up.

You think, the six years of the king, Dao Heng, and the a few internal servants who were caught by Cao Gong, who were around His Royal Highness, what did they want to do?

Isn't it because His Majesty only has an older son like His Highness, and he is very partial to it? As long as He is taught badly and raised to waste, the remaining Highnesses can be rounded and flattened by him?

 If I were him, I would continue to lurk.

 When you are in poor health in the future and can no longer defend the Holy One, or even the Holy One is in poor health, you can use some means to kill some loyal courtiers.

That's right, if the king had not been captured for six years, the British dukedom would still be making noise in the Jinluan Palace. How many loyal ministers can they cooperate with each other to smear dirty water?

 When the powerful ministers could no longer resist, they kicked the useless Highness away and replaced him with a younger one who served as regent for a few years.

 Fortunately, his wish did not come true. The British Duke died, and the Holy Father at least chopped off one of his arms.

This man's fox tail is exposed. If he can find it completely, he still has to pursue the victory.

After all, it is not the past. The people live and work in peace and contentment. Even if the courtiers have some small thoughts, they are only followed by a few young highnesses. They are also anxious when Cheng Yaojin is killed out of nowhere. "

That presupposition was not an alarmist statement by Lin Yunyan.

 That was a fate she had experienced once.

With Li Mi's two boxes of gold bricks, An Yibo's Mansion, Dingbeihou Mansion, and Chengyi Bo's Mansion were successively confiscated, and then the Fuguogong Mansion was confiscated.

After Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian were forced to leave the capital, several other dignitaries fell in the capital.

Li Shao looked at the smooth flow and killed wherever he pointed, but he could foresee the final result.

The Queen Mother felt sad after hearing this.

The struggle for power and profit will lead to bloodshed. She is not an innocent old lady. She has seen a lot of things.

 Just because she has seen and experienced it does not mean that she likes it, but that she is willing to do it.

 What she likes is peace in the world, peace in the country and peace in the people.

“What Yun Yan said is true,” the Empress Dowager sighed, “It’s one moment and another. If you still think about that chair and can’t think about it for more than ten years, then there’s no need to think about it.”

 There is only one way to die.

Of course you have to keep an eye on Li Jun, as long as you don't go crazy and come outside Yongji Palace.

 And the other “real murderer”…

"Since you have checked, check carefully. If it is not King Jin, you cannot slander him. If it is really him..." The Queen Mother pursed her lips.

 In front of Lin Yunyan, the Queen Mother did not say harsh words, but she made a decision in her heart.

 She will not let the real culprit go.

In the other room, in the imperial pharmacy, the supervising **** Fang Gonggong asked Mother Ma to lend her a step to speak.

“We have been friends for a long time,” he whispered. “Let’s be honest with me. This time we won’t get involved with His Highness again, right?”

Mother Ma laughed and said, "If you are somewhere, I will come and get some medicinal materials, and then go through the old archives of the medicines that the princess used. It has nothing to do with other people."

Eunuch Fang didn’t say he believed it or didn’t believe it. He thought about it and took the people to the warehouse himself.

Sent the young **** who was guarding the door, he opened the door, moved a handful of tuna and sat outside to guard it, without following him in or asking any questions.

 Mama Ma thanked her.

 Those who have a place in the palace are all human beings.

The shelf was high and there were many files. Mother Ma first found the one belonging to Concubine Dong, and carefully read her three-month records from the time she fell ill to the time she died. Then she went to find the one belonging to Zhang Xuanshi. share.

 Just, several shelves turned back and forth, but nothing was found.

 There was no other way, so Mother Ma had no choice but to call Eunuch Fang in.

“Why can’t I find the old records of medicine used by the late emperor’s concubines in his early years?”

 Eunuch Fang looked at her with a sad face.

Mama Ma sneered: "Since we are old friends, this is convenient..."

 Eunuch Fang was helpless. After thinking about it, the Queen Mother probably wanted to see the late emperor's early years. After all, the princess was only this age, and she didn't recognize anyone except a few who are still alive today.

Since the Empress Dowager wanted it, how could he refuse?

“Just tell me, who are you looking for?” asked Eunuch Fang.

 “Zhang Xuanshi.” Mother Ma said.

"Who?" Eunuch Fang didn't think of it for a moment, "A chosen servant, especially one who has never even seen the imperial doctor a few times."

"How could Prince Jin's biological mother give birth to a prince safely without keeping a record?" said Mother Ma.

Eunuch Fang checked the number. He glanced at the shelf and said, "She left very early, right? It's been many years. She has been packed up and moved elsewhere. She will definitely not be found on the shelf."

Mama Ma asked: "Where did it move? This matter is important and cannot be made public..."

"You also know that in the 26th year of Taixing, our imperial pharmacy moved once," Fang Gong said. "Those ancient old stalls were packed together at that time. They seemed to be placed in the warehouse opposite, right? There are so many things in there. It’s not like these shelves are all piled up together. If you ask me to look for them, it won’t alarm people. That’s really not okay.”

Mama Ma also knew this and had no choice but to give up.

"Have you finished what you just read? Do you want me to give you a pen and paper?" After asking, Eunuch Fang added, "Don't worry, I'm tight-lipped. I can't mess with the affairs of Cining Palace."

 Mama Ma thanked her.

 For Eunuch Fang's convenience, she copied down all the pages about Concubine Dong.

 Back to Cining Palace, Eunuch Yu has returned.

 The situation is the same at Eunuch Cao’s place.

Chen Sesame Rotten Valley, for decades ago, he had to go through the old stall to know who the eunuchs in the Bihua Palace, who was the little mouse.

Mammy Ma reported: "It's probably impossible to dig out Zhang Xuanshi's old files. The servants copied Concubine Dong's and brought them back.

Judging from the progression of the disease, it does seem that he was poisoned, but the medicine used is very different from that of His Highness King Ding.

 This makes sense, after all, men and women are different and their ages are also different.

Concubine Dong was no longer young at that time. She also had many old ailments in her daily life. She was also sad because of the death of the late emperor, so the imperial doctor had to take care of those things as well. "

The Empress Dowager asked: "In other words, there is no way to draw a conclusion from this old file to prove that Concubine Dong died of poisoning, right?"

“Yes,” Mama Ma regretted, “it’s really easy to confuse just looking at the symptoms.”

After hearing this, the Queen Mother suddenly patted Lin Yunyan's hand: "Don't be anxious."

Lin Yunyan turned to look at her.

 She was actually not in a hurry. After checking for so long, her mentality had long been tempered.

 It’s just that the empress would be afraid that she would be impatient and that she would not be stable. The empress has always cared about her.

"I know," Lin Yunyan said, "if this disease was so easy to diagnose, King Ding would not have been misdiagnosed back then."

That poisonous and domineering nature is like a disease that comes like a mountain.

 With subsequent medication, he became increasingly frail and seriously ill, without being noticed.

Had they not gotten clues from Zhu Xuan's mother, they would not even have discovered the truth about King Ding's death.

 The reason Zhu Cheng's mother was able to hang her life for so many years was not, to put it bluntly, not because of the good use of subsequent medicines, but because Zhu Cheng felt guilty and his hands were shaking when he administered the poison, so he changed the dosage of the medicine.

If Concubine Dong was also poisoned, as long as the dosage of the medicine was sufficient, she would "died of grief and followed the late emperor after three months", which seems reasonable and reasonable, and the treatment prescription during the period was just a means of hanging her life.

“It was Imperial Physician Mao who gave the king the prescription to kill him in the first place,” Mammy Ma said. “According to what Wang said in the sixth year, Imperial Physician Mao probably saw the poison but didn’t dare to say anything about it, so he prescribed the prescription to suspend his life.”

Yu Gonggong said: "I was ordered to go to the hometown of Imperial Physician Mao in Lingnan to find out that his old man had died of illness. The poisonous prescription deduced from the death-defying prescription given by An Yuan was also brought there, and it is almost inseparable. ”

Lin Yunyan asked: "It was previously thought that King Ding, who came from Lingnan in the sixth year, brought this poisonous recipe to his master and harmed His Royal Highness King Ding.

Putting aside Concubine Dong, if Zhang Xuanshi also died from this poisonous recipe, then it would not be the culprit in the sixth year of Wang Dynasty.

Who else in the palace was from Lingnan at that time? "

 Grandma Wang took a breath of cold air when she heard this.

The Queen Mother glanced at her unexpectedly: "Who are you thinking of?"

Aunt Wang said: "If I remember correctly, there was a nanny next to Concubine Dong who was from Lingnan. Concubine Dong's grandfather was the Chief Envoy of the Chief Secretary of the Two Lakes before he retired, but before that, he also served as a political officer in Lingnan. That grandma and her family are the servants I bought during my tenure.”

Lin Yunyan thought quickly and answered: "I just guessed.

Concubine Dong raised King Jin, but King Jin also missed his biological mother very much when he was young. Concubine Dong did not object or even approved on the surface, but in fact she was afraid that her adopted son would not be well-raised, so she poisoned Zhang Xuan.

 Because she was unaware of the situation, no one had ever doubted her, and she had a very harmonious relationship with her mother and son, Queen Jin.

 Until the battle for the throne, in order to kill King Ding, King Xu contributed the recipe in the sixth year, and Concubine Xu contributed the recipe. In short, they succeeded.

 But King Jin found clues in it and secretly suspected Concubine Dong.

 When the throne fell and he no longer needed the support of Concubine Dong and the Dong family, he took advantage of the death of the late emperor to attack Concubine Dong.

Concubine Dong’s method of hanging herself was very different from that of Prince Ding. In addition to her different physical condition, Concubine Dong also wanted to avoid being noticed by an insider like Concubine Dong that she had been poisoned.

The imperial doctor who treated Concubine Dong did not know the inside story of the poisonous prescription and treated her as an ordinary illness. The bad thing about the poisonous prescription was that even the prescription for life-threatening illness used some conventional medicinal materials, which are common to nourish the body.

 The King of Jin did not need to hang Concubine Dong's life, he almost let her die. "

Mama Ma nodded repeatedly when she heard this.

Based on the whole story, the princess’s guess makes sense.

“There is a lack of evidence,” the Empress Dowager said. “No matter how logical the theory is, there is still a lack of evidence.

Although the case is not handled in the yamen, every item must be clear and well-founded, but after all, it is a matter of seeking power and profit and murdering human lives, and it is not a trivial matter.

Whether it was Concubine Dong who harmed Zhang Xuan's servant, or the King of Jin harmed Concubine Dong, or he is still trying to seize the throne to this day, at least it must be proven, otherwise it cannot be covered casually on people's heads.

Yun Yan, Ai Jia still says the same thing, we have to check it out.

 Before, I had no place to start, and I was running around in circles with no progress. Now at least I have an idea, so I can continue to check it out.

 The passage of wild geese leaves traces. As long as something has happened, there will always be traces. "

"I understand," Lin Yunyan nodded, "I and Eunuch Yu will go visit Eunuch Yu later to hear what clues he has."

The Empress Dowager held Lin Yunyan's face with both hands, pursed her lips and smiled: "Yunyan has grown up, such a big thing should be done in an orderly manner."

Lin Yunyan blinked her eyelashes and smiled back.

She had to take advantage of the fact that the empress could still be her reinforcements and eliminate all her worries.

 Otherwise, in a few years, the empress dowager would leave her, and I would not be able to close my eyes watching her struggle.

 Shout for the monthly ticket~~

 Thanks to the book friend’s small yard for the reward.

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