Yan Cigui

Chapter 423: Li Jun died like this?

Chapter 423 Li Jun died like this?

 At night.

 The main hall of Yongji Palace is brightly lit.

Li Jun was sitting by the window with his long, wet hair, holding a book in his hand, but he had not turned a page.

 His mind was not on the book.

 He was still thinking about Li Du.

In the past ten years, what has Li Du been thinking about, what to do, and how is the progress...

It is easy to speak harshly, but it is not easy to figure out the joints. Only by understanding it can he know what kind of predicament Li Du is in.

 The night is getting darker.

Li Jun put down the book, walked to the window, and looked at the stars in the sky. He twitched the corner of his mouth and showed a mocking smile.

The **** is indeed a bastard, Li Du can really endure it.


No matter how meek and incompetent Li Yi was, he still sat in that chair as his father had justly passed him to the throne.

It is precisely because of Wen Tun that it is not feasible to accuse Li Yi of committing anything that would make the government and the public angry and give the powerful officials of the clan who are interested in the throne a chance to stand up and stand against the emperor.

As time passed, Li Yi firmly took the throne. If Li Du wanted to make a fuss, he could only go after Li Yi's sons.

Li Jun has never seen those particularly young ones, but the eldest, the former crown prince Li Shao, really makes Li Jun laugh his teeth off.

He is indeed a young prince who can make Li Du laugh out loud.

Grasp it, make good use of it, and eliminate some important ministers who are loyal to Li Yi. The road ahead will be smooth sailing, and Li Jun can understand it for Li Du with his eyes closed.

 What a pity, what a pity!

The horse sprained its foot before it could start running.

That fool Li Shao was deposed as the crown prince. The most terrible thing is that before the important ministers could be eradicated, Li Du was already targeted by Li Yi and others.

Originally hiding in the dark to stir up trouble and trouble, now people are shining oil lamps on their faces from all directions. All their plans cannot be carried out and they can only change their ways.

Li Jun is not afraid that Li Du will choose to "force the palace".

If we say that Li Shao is currently half-dead and in power, and Li Du relies on killing him and Li Jun to attack the palace, there is still a chance of winning, but the fact is that Li Yi did a good job as emperor, and Li Yi's obedient ministers There are also many cases where forcing a woman to have a baby will only be counterproductive.

But if he doesn't force the palace, where is Li Du's chance to break the situation given that he is already being targeted by Li Yi?

 Li Jun could laugh at Eunuch Sun about being "embarrassed" and "working hard", but he couldn't really act blind and not guess Li Du's thoughts.

Of course, changing places, with Li Du in Yongji Palace and Li Jun outside, the choice he made was actually simple.

 He will kill Li Du without hesitation.

 The throne can't be earned, no matter how you say it.

 After killing him, he will try to force the palace. Whether it succeeds or not is not the key. At least, Li Yi and the empress dowager must not be too free, which will cause them trouble and make them feel bad.

Even if we lose, both sides will suffer losses.

 Obviously, this is Li Jun's attitude, but not Li Du's.

 It is really difficult for a person like him to guess how a **** shrinks his neck.

  It has been nearly three updates.

An oil lamp was also lit in the house where Eunuch Sun lived.

 He looked anxious, pacing back and forth, glancing at the door from time to time.

When someone finally came outside the door, Eunuch Sun asked hurriedly: "How is it?"

 “The main hall is still lit.”

Eunuch Sun clicked his tongue and waved his hand: "Keep an eye on me and report back when I blow the lamp."

 The people outside responded and left, leaving Eunuch Sun to sigh twice, then timidly turned to look at the people in the inner room.

This person is standing in a dark corner. If you don't pay attention, you won't even notice that there is another person.

"I haven't fallen asleep yet," Eunuch Sun stepped forward and whispered, "What should I do?"

The man said: "Wait a minute. If you don't finish what the master has assigned you, you won't be able to pay the job, and I won't be able to pay the job."

Eunuch Sun turned his back, not letting the man see his reluctance.

 He doesn’t actually know the other person.

 After nightfall, the man appeared in his house inexplicably, holding a Chengxi sign in his hand and claiming to be Wang Jie.

“Master knows that that person will not die honestly, so let me finish it off.”

 “Use medicine, just pour it out.”

"Why didn't I give you the medicine in the morning? Grandpa Sun, are you the one who can handle this? I'm afraid that before the medicine was given, you would give it up with shaking hands."

 “Just help me.”

Eunuch Sun felt depressed.

It is true that he is not a person who does big things. The main reason is that His Highness is very scary when he comes up with something and goes crazy. But what does "assistance" mean?

If the person committed suicide and the palace inspected him later, although they were not in a good position to guard him, they could still manage to explain it to him.

But if that person is killed, the prince will just slap his **** and leave, but none of them in Yongji Palace will be able to escape.

This is not assistance, this is guilt!

Eunuch Sun was worried all night and was extremely hesitant.

After thinking about it, he asked again: "You were not discovered when you came, right?"

“You think I am you?” Wang Jie sneered, “Who can’t see your Eunuch Sun when you enter and exit the gate?”

Eunuch Sun felt depressed again.

At this moment, he sincerely hoped that someone would notice Wang Jie entering Yongji Palace.

His Highness categorically said that the palace was watching them, and he didn't know whether the men sent by Eunuch Cao were powerful. If Wang Jie could be discovered and captured, then he wouldn't have to get involved in the trouble of killing Li Jun. Inside. As for the master, hey, everyone on the left and right can’t do anything, and it’s too difficult for his father-in-law Sun!

 Besides, if Li Jun dies, let alone Yongji Palace, won’t the master be in trouble?

 The master was "in a panic" and "worked his heart out", and he even took the initiative to kill Li Jun. How could he escape unscathed tomorrow?

Eunuch Sun couldn’t figure it out.

Once the master is defeated, what is the use of my loyalty and dedication?

 It’s better to just lie down and forget it!

Eunuch Sun spent the time in a state of confusion. When the watchman came back and said that the lights in the main hall were turned on, he became excited.

 It’s been four updates.

After waiting for another quarter of an hour, Wang Jie asked Eunuch Sun to lead the way and passed in the dark.

 The main hall showed a little shape in the darkness, like a giant beast, which made Eunuch Sun breathless.

The window was half open for ventilation, and Li Jun rested on the couch, breathing deeply.

Wang Jie curled his lips, a flash of sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

From this point of view, it really saves effort if you don’t even need to light the incense.

Wang Jie quietly climbed in through the window, took out the handkerchief, poured on the sweat medicine, and covered Li Jun directly.

Unexpectedly, Li Jun did not fall asleep at all. He turned around and kicked Wang Jie.

Wang Jie dodged and faced Li Jun. He used force to restrain Li Jun.

Li Jun was so angry that he cursed: "Kill me? Are Li Du tired of living?"

He spent the whole night calculating and guessing, taking all aspects into consideration, but he didn't expect that Li Du would really use such a "breaking trick".

Li Du doesn’t want the throne anymore?

 Killing him is simply the next best option for Li Du!

Li Du doesn't even want to and can't force him into the palace, so killing him is meaningless!

 There are only two possibilities for Li Du to do this.

Either he holds a trump card that Li Jun doesn't know about, or he is forced into a situation where he has to force his way out of a dead end.

Li Jun struggled fiercely, and Wang Jie barely suppressed him.

  The little chamberlain who was keeping watch at night rushed in and was stunned by Wang Jieyi's glare.

"Eunuch Sun!" Wang Jie shouted through gritted teeth, "Are you still watching the show?"

Eunuch Sun finally came to his senses and ran in staggeringly from outside, signaling the servants not to mind their own business.

At this point, there is only one way to go.

Gratting his teeth, Eunuch Sun picked up the handkerchief that was full of sweat medicine, muttered "I'm sorry" and pressed it on Li Jun's face.

Li Jun's body gradually softened.

Eunuch Sun trembled and asked Wang Jie: "Is it almost done?"

Wang Jie didn’t dare to relax his grip at all, fearing that Li Jun would hold his breath and trick him: “Be still for a while longer.”

“Don’t be too strong,” Eunuch Sun said anxiously. “If you leave a bunch of bruises on your body, people will see it at a glance.”

How is that different from stabbing someone with a knife?

 What other medicine should I use?

Wang Jie complained a few words, and after confirming that Li Jun had passed out, he relaxed and put him back on the couch.

 Then, Eunuch Sun saw him taking out another medicine bottle, opening the lid, opening Li Jun's mouth and pouring it inside.

“I heard that this medicine is not painful at all,” Wang Jie said. “It takes effect in half an hour and is gone in my sleep.”

Eunuch Sun went over to take a look: "The powder is still in your mouth, won't it be found out?"

“Don’t worry, we can’t find out.” Wang Jie said.

Eunuch Sun is not at ease at all. He is afraid that Li Jun's death will be unclean and clues will be found out tomorrow. He is also afraid that Li Jun is not completely dead and will give him two fists when he opens his eyes.

 Fortunately, Wang Jie did not leave in a hurry and sat there until Li Jun died.

"He's dead," Wang Jie felt the pulse of Li Jun's neck and confirmed it was correct. "You can report it to Li Jun at dawn. You don't need me to teach you what to say?"

Eunuch Sun nodded: "Your Highness didn't go to bed until after midnight. He didn't get up in the morning, and the waiters didn't dare to wake him up. But he didn't wake up until almost noon, so he hurriedly came to take a look. Only then did he realize that, Your Highness is already cold..."

Wang Jie chuckled: "It's pretty decent. Okay, I'll leave while it's still dark."

 Unable to let Eunuch Sun think about it, Wang Jie threw himself into the night.

Eunuch Sun stood in the hall and looked at Li Jun. A chill surged up his back, and he couldn't help but rub his arms several times.

In the daytime, Li Jun, who was so arrogant and called him "foolish" and told him to get out, died like this?

He didn’t understand the foolishness at all. His Highness Li Jun, who seemed to have seen through everything, died...

Eunuch Sun licked his lips and muttered in a low voice: "Your Highness, the person who killed you was your own brother. Every wrong has its own debtor. If you want revenge, you have to find a place to take revenge. The younger one is just a messenger, and it's not worth it." You care."

He kept the rest of his words in his stomach and did not dare to say them to his face.

His Eunuch Sun is stupid, but what if Li Jun is smart?

 No matter how clearly Li Jun saw it, no matter how worthless he made his master, the result was that the master still came out ahead.

The entire Yongji Palace, no matter who is loyal, exists to guard Li Jun.

 The master can take action, but Li Jun is difficult to defeat alone. This is the difference.

 The tiger falls in Pingyang.

His father-in-law Sun is just a dog, which is enough.

 (End of this chapter)

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