Yan Cigui

Chapter 424: Whoever gives up first will be famous

 The next day.

 During lunch break, the officials at Qianbulang stopped their official duties and prepared for meals.

An internal servant hurriedly ran into the Xingbu Yamen and almost bumped into several clerks who were walking out.

 He ​​kept saying "I'm sorry" and kept walking until he found the outside of Li Shao and Xu Jian's house.

 “Your Majesty,” he called out, “take a step to speak!”

 Xu Jian looked up.

 The person who came here looks familiar. He must be someone working in the Imperial Study Room.

Xu Jian followed him to the side. The news of the visitor made him frown: "What else did the Lord know?"

"Cining Palace and Prince Ping's Palace," the chamberlain said, "It was those two places before I came here. I don't know if there will be more after that."

 Xu Jian nodded: "I'll go into the palace right now."

 The chamberlain nodded, greeted Li Shao again, and ran back.

Li Shao looked at Xu Jian curiously: "What are the people in front of you looking for you for?"

Xu Jian thought for a while, then went over and said to Li Shao in a low voice: "Something happened in Yongji Palace. I have to go to the palace to find out the specific situation."

"What happened?" Li Shao asked subconsciously, "Why did my father only call you and not tell me?"

Xu Jian said: "It seems that we have not yet discussed how to deal with the matter on the other side. There is someone from Yongji Palace next to you. The Lord feels it is not convenient."

 Li Shao quite agrees with this statement.

 Looking at the dog walking from a distance carrying a food box, Li Shao touched his chin.

 Since my father is so cautious, something might happen to Yongji Palace.

Recalling Li Jun’s strange words before, Li Shao chuckled in his heart: I walked a lot at night, it seems I bumped into a ghost! Nice hit!

 When Xu Jian arrived at the imperial study, Eunuch Cao came out to greet him.

“Are you sure you’re out of breath?” Xu Jian asked, “Has Prince Ping arrived?”

"The chamberlain who came to report the news said he was out of breath," Cao Gonggong said. "Prince Ping couldn't come. His blood surged after hearing the news. He would have fallen to the ground if the people next to him hadn't helped him. The imperial doctor had already rushed to the scene. It’s over.”

 Xu Jian nodded and went in to salute the Holy Master.

 His face is really not very good-looking.

When Eunuch Cao saw this, he took the initiative to talk to Xu Jian about the situation: "I said I slept there, but I knew it was impossible. Eunuch Sun went to the house yesterday, and there was a man in black who climbed up the palace wall with a hook in the middle of the night. In and out.”

"That means the two parties have broken down their talks, and the other party directly killed the person from Yongji Palace," Xu Jian said, "They have already made a killing move. There will definitely be an explanation tomorrow morning, and that person's death will not be hidden for long. "

The Holy One pressed his eyebrows and said, "Since Uncle Ping Huang can't come, you should bring a reliable person over first to check."

Xu Jian said: "Then let's ask Shuntian Prefecture to provide two experienced co-workers."

 The matter is finalized very quickly.

Shan Shen got the news and rushed there with his people. He looked at the gate of Yongji Palace and rubbed his face.

"Is the little chamberlain from before already past his seventh year?" Shan Shen asked Xu Jian, "Why do you still ask me for a divorce? Just check the house's background. I really don't want to get involved in the affairs of Yongji Palace."

 After saying this, he saw Eunuch Cao standing not far away. His expression changed and he smiled awkwardly.

 “The person who is going to be tested today is not the chamberlain.”

These words made Shan Shen breathe a sigh of relief. When the group entered the hall and saw Li Jun lying there, who was obviously very cold, his chest felt tight and his eyesight went dark.

 It turned out to be this person!

How come this person is so angry?

  Even though I was holding back all the curses, Master Shan was still very reliable in doing things.

After asking Eunuch Cao what he meant, he asked the men to check, and he called several chamberlains to inquire about the situation one by one.

Eunuch Sun was the first to bear the brunt and answered with a blank face.

The words were just as he told Wang Jie, and he knew them by heart.

He spoke smoothly, but his heart was agitated, and his eyes kept drifting to Eunuch Cao and Xu Jian.

Why didn’t these two people say anything?

There were obviously people following him to and from the house, and there were obviously a lot of questions to ask him, so why didn't anyone say anything, and only the adults asked him the usual questions?

Wu Zuo called Shan Shen over.

 Xu Jian and Eunuch Cao followed him over to take a look.

"There are bruises here, they look new, and there is a cut at the corner of the mouth. In the mouth, you guys looked here, there is some very fine powder, a little bit scraped off."

Eunuch Sun pricked up his ears and was stunned when he heard a few words.

what happened?

 Why is it completely different from what Wang Jie said?

 Wang Jie clearly said that no bruises will be left and the powder cannot be detected!

 Did Wang Jie make a mistake, or was he actually lying to him?

 But if Li Jun died like this, what good would it do to the master?

Eunuch Sun couldn't think clearly about this at all, and he stood motionless in a daze.

Not long after, the scene was inspected and Eunuch Cao led his men to seal off the Yongji Palace. All the palace residents were locked up to wait for further questioning. Then he, Shan Shen and Xu Jian returned to the imperial study.

Shan Shen has sorted out his thoughts along the way: "Judging from the current situation, he died of being drugged. His Highness struggled before his death."

As for who that person was, Shan Shen did not dare to talk nonsense in front of the emperor. After hearing this, the Holy Spirit said: "Let people quickly check the medicinal powder. Thank you for your hard work."

Shan Shen understands people well, so he said "it's not hard" and retreated.

 Only Eunuch Cao and Xu Jian were left in front of the emperor.

The Holy Master sighed: "I was originally worried that my third brother would threaten me with his life and put me in a dilemma, but I didn't expect that he would eventually die in the hands of others. It seems that the murderer was the person who climbed over the palace wall and entered Yongji Palace last night? "

"It should be," Eunuch Cao guessed the Holy Master's thoughts, and said, "If we had been decisive and captured the person, maybe His Highness would not have been poisoned."

Hearing this, Xu Jian glanced at Eunuch Cao.

 The imperial chamberlain is the chamberlain. He knows the Holy Lord well enough and it is most effective to retreat in order to advance.

As expected, the Holy Spirit shook his head: "The third brother and that man broke down, how could I save him?

If I put my hand into Yongji Palace, the third brother would be the first one not to say anything.

If something really happened, I can’t explain it even more clearly. "

 This point was clearly agreed upon when Xu Jian came back from Yongji Palace.

Li Jun can't rely on common sense to infer that he doesn't care when he goes crazy.

If he reaches in here, Li Jun may cause another trouble out of his heart, causing them to get into a lot of trouble in vain.

“I just didn’t understand,” said the Holy Sage, “Why did he poison the third brother like this?

This matter did more harm than good to him. He had always sought stability and peace in his work before. After being caught, he cut off his tail to survive. Why was he so radical this time?

 This is not his style!

I think that the third brother must have thought the same way. He thought that the other party did not dare to make such a move, so he dared to negotiate terms.

 I just didn’t expect that the opponent suddenly took a different approach. "

“Perhaps the tail he was caught this time couldn’t be cut off cleanly,” Xu Jian reported. “I think we can basically conclude that it was Prince Jin who was hiding behind the scenes.”

The Holy Master narrowed his eyes and motioned for Xu Jian to continue.

 Xu Jian organized his thoughts.

 Previously, only Li Jun's rhetoric pointed at King Jin, and the rest were not enough.

 But now, there is more evidence.

“There was a chamberlain named Lao, nicknamed Little Mouse, who had served the King of Jin’s birth mother, Zhang Xuan, and he recognized the late Emperor’s father-in-law, Ruan Guiren, as his cousin.

 Zhang Xuanshi wanted to order some dishes before he died. Little Mouse asked to go to the imperial dining room, and it was obvious that he was devoted to Zhang Xuanshi.

 Eunuch Tong took great care of the little mouse. The little mouse left the palace a few years after he was transferred to Prince Jin because Concubine Dong had too much control over Prince Jin.

The cause of Concubine Dong's death is doubtful. She most likely died of the same poison as His Royal Highness Prince Ding. It is speculated that the reason was that the King of Jin avenged Zhang Xuanshi. Concubine Dong was surrounded by Lingnan people and she poisoned Zhang Xuanshi.

Through Master Shan's investigation, the real owner of the house where Eunuch Sun went was named Lao, and he should be the little mouse.

Given his feelings for Eunuch Tong, it makes sense for him to call himself Tong when he is out and about.

Yesterday, Wang Gouzi went to Yongji Palace on the pretext of offering incense on the seventh day of the lunar calendar. I think His Highness must have let the news slip unintentionally.

If Prince Jin knew that His Highness had recalled what happened that night at Dingguo Temple, and knew that Your Majesty had already conducted an in-depth investigation, then he would have had a reason to suddenly attack the man from Yongji Palace. "

Eunuch Cao nodded.

 He and Fu Guogong had the same idea on this matter.

 Catching a few eunuchs is simply getting twice the result with half the effort.

Either it is as difficult to pry open the mouth as in the sixth year of Wang, or it is like Feng Chang, who spits out scraps, which cannot be said to be useless, but just takes a lot of effort.

There is another kind of person who doesn’t know anything about a question, which makes you feel bad just looking at it.

 It’s better to keep it for fishing.

 While fishing, isn't this a big tortoise gradually emerging from the water?

 The Holy Emperor's face became a little darker.

If we were originally three points suspicious of King Jin, now we have eight points of suspicion.

"I believe what you said," he said, "but these are all old things. Whether Zhang Xuanshi or Dong Fei, they are all people who have passed away many years ago. How can we come to a conclusion?

  I can give a clear explanation for the death of the king, that is, the king's six years were involved.

Nowadays, who can identify the cause of Concubine Dong’s death? "

Xu Jian looked at His Majesty and said: "That day when I went to Yongji Palace, His Highness mentioned to me that he had moved to another place. If he went crazy, I would kill him. But Your Majesty, you are different from him. You want to learn from a famous teacher." . This is undoubtedly your advantage, but I think there may not be enough time for you to investigate Prince Jin carefully. "

"He has already attacked the third brother directly. It is indeed urgent," the Holy Master said, "but there is still something I don't know, and he is willing to risk everything, so why not just come and kill me? He has this ability, why didn't he attack me before?"

Xu Jian’s answer was straightforward: “It’s useless for him to kill you, there are too many people he wants to kill.

 You appointed a crown prince as soon as you ascended the throne. If something happens to you, your highness will succeed you. Your highness was young at the time, but there was no shortage of auxiliary ministers.

Not to mention Prince Ping, there are also the old Taifu Zhou who passed away a few years ago, Wu Youchen's grandfather, and the old Zhen Nan Gong. There is also the Empress Dowager presiding over the palace. It is probably impossible for Prince Jin to bypass everyone and become a regent. .

 In the final analysis, he is actually the same as you, the Holy Father. Even if he wants to seize the throne, he will try his best to follow the path of "resulting from others' reputation".

 Originally, he wanted to take over the imperial edict from the late emperor, but later he lurked and took stock of it.

Hunting someone for an unreasonable reputation was not the result he wanted.

 But now, I feel that his thoughts may have changed.

It's not that he will suddenly raise his flag to force the palace, but he is no longer restrained in his actions. What if he gets addicted to killing after killing His Highness Li Jun, and wants your life even if he fails miserably? "

 The Holy One was noncommittal, his eyes dark.

Xu Jian added: "Now it seems that whoever gives up the division first, you or him, will be famous."

 Thanks to the book friend’s small yard for the reward.

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