Yan Cigui

Chapter 430: He even felt that he would not die (two updates combined into one, please give me the

 Through the cell door, Sheng looked at Li Du.

Although Li Du was in a state of despair, he still seemed content and contented.

Not long ago he called him "Li Yi", but now he called him "Sixth Brother", with a mocking attitude in his words.

 Xu Jian heard it.

Li Du is saying that in terms of age and qualifications, he is far above the saints.

He had never been resigned to losing to such a Cheng Yaojin.

Thinking about it again, given Li Du's low opinion of the Holy Emperor, maybe in his mind, the real Cheng Yaojin might be the Empress Dowager.

 The death of King Ding shocked her, but did not completely defeat her.

The empress quickly cheered up and firmly grasped the initiative of overlapping the throne.

As for Li Du, who was a loser, he was frustrated and frustrated at that time. He has been able to "work hard and endure hardships" in these years, and he is also capable.

The Holy Emperor ignored Li Du's provocation: "Calm down and think about it. I understand that you have worked hard to usurp the throne. I just don't understand. Why did you kill the third brother?"

Li Du sneered: "He was imprisoned in Yongji Palace and wanted to negotiate terms with me. He threatened to expose me and bite me. I really had no choice but to kill him to silence him."

"Isn't it right?" The Holy Emperor didn't believe it at all. "You know that I am investigating you. Third brother is alive and dead, and you have been caught."

"Yes," Li Du immediately changed his words, his face turned red and his heart skipped a beat, "I'm going to be caught, so why would I leave something threatening to me? I should find someone to back me up before I die. If it were you, you wouldn't want to kill me he?"

Your Majesty really doesn’t want to.

 It was unprovoked. Why did he touch Li Jun for no reason?

As for Li Jun's death, if there is any benefit, it is that it allows him to attack Li Du more directly.

 Otherwise, no matter how much you check secretly, you will still be missing the "teacher has a good reputation".

From this point of view, Li Du was clearly throwing himself into a trap, giving them a chance to make a quick move.

Li Du is this kind of "good Samaritan"?

The Holy Spirit still couldn't figure it out, so he came to see Li Du in person.

As expected, Li Du seemed to be contradicting his words, but he kept everything he didn't want to reveal.

Compared with the dignity of the Holy Emperor, Li Du asked Eunuch Cao leisurely: "I have a dry mouth. Make me a pot of tea. Do you have some snacks? I have been working hard all morning, and I am still hungry."

Eunuch Cao asked the Holy One with his eyes. When the Holy One nodded, he hurriedly made preparations.

Li Du said to Xu Jian again: "It's cold in the prison. Is your leg okay? I finally found a doctor for you. I've worked hard to treat you for so long. If you get cold again, all my efforts will be in vain."

Xu Jian said respectfully: "The doctor is a good doctor. I still want to thank the prince for going through all the trouble to find him to come to the capital that day."

Li Du chuckled.

 Xu Jian is a man who is impeccable.

Judging from today's results, Xu Jian must have suspected him a long time ago.

Since he had doubts, Li Du didn't believe that Xu Jian had not checked the doctor's background.

The doctor was staying in the Duke Fu's mansion. Under Xu Jian's nose, I'm afraid all the old stories had been exposed.

 However, Xu Jian was stunned and pretended not to know.

 I didn’t mention it before, and today Xu Jian still doesn’t mention it inside and outside the prison.


  Naturally, Xu Jian's own behavior cannot be completely exposed.

The longer Xu Jian guarded against him, the more he would "turn a blind eye" to some of Li Shao's affairs, and even wait for Li Shao's incident to happen.

Once Li Yi understands this, no matter what Xu Jian wants to do in the future, he will be more or less constrained.

 Thinking about this, Li Du turned his attention to the Holy Master again.


Li Yi is really interesting.

Eunuch Cao came in with a tea tray, a pot of fragrant tea, a tea cup, and two plates of snacks.

Since I gave it away, I might as well be more generous and follow Li Du's usual taste.

Eunuch Cao knelt down.

The teapot is not big and can just be passed through the gap in the cell railing.

 Xu Jian stopped him: "I'll do it."

 After saying that, Xu Jian also crouched down and seemed to be sending everything in casually, but in fact he was watching Li Du from the corner of his eye to prevent him from making any moves.

 Once Li Du makes an attack, Xu Jian's skills will not suffer, but it will be different if it is Eunuch Cao. If he is restrained, he will cause trouble for no reason.

 Fortunately, Li Du did not move during the whole process.

 After Xu handed the slips in and put them away one by one, he stood up and stood firm together with Eunuch Cao, and then said "please" to Li Du.

Li Du got up, moved everything to the wall, and sat down again.

Pouring tea, sipping tea and eating snacks, he looked leisurely and comfortable, as if he was not in prison at the moment, but in his garden.

“The tea is good,” Li Du commented, “The snacks are so-so. Are the people in the imperial dining room absent-minded today?”

The Holy Father made no reply.

 He just wanted to see if Li Du had come up with any new tricks.

Li Du slowly drank three cups of tea, then licked the foam on his fingertips and said, "Why is Sixth Brother looking so bitter and resentful?

Oh I see.

 I burned my sixth brother and sister to death, you wish you could just chop me with a knife.

But you won’t kill me out of righteous indignation. You have to put up a high profile and do things step by step. "

Hearing Li Du mention Dingguo Temple, the Holy Master's expression turned even more grim: "Where is the monkey-faced eunuch?"

"I don't know," Li Du said calmly, "I want to find him more than you do. He's really a man who can only succeed but fail! Let him light a fire to attract the attention of the people. It would be great for him to burn so many lives with one fire. It ruined my business!"

Sheng Shang's breath was so intense that he almost took two steps forward to hold the railing, but then suppressed the fire.

 Don’t take the bait!

Li Du is a man with a very deep city.

  If you are irritated by him rashly, you will only fall into a trap.

The Holy Spirit took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly, and went over in his mind Queen Xia's previous words to advise him not to be impatient.

Li Du saw that the Holy Master was about to get angry and suppress his anger again, and shook his head twice: "Sixth Brother, I'm not telling you, you were not of such a temper when you were young.

It is a good thing not to be impulsive, but sometimes, if you think too much and always look for a suitable and reasonable one, you will make many mistakes.

 I wonder what this should be called?

 ‘Overcorrection’, yes, it is overcorrection.

You listen to your sixth brother and sister and don’t dare to get angry. Think about everything and stop making decisions when you are angry.

As long as you are more eager, you will not be able to find so many excuses for others to justify yourself.

 Look, you’ve been thinking until now, how could I do something that ‘makes no sense’?

There are not many rare things in the world.

What you can’t figure out, what you think is impossible, may actually be true. "

The Holy Emperor's throat rolled: "What exactly do you want to say? Are you asking me not to think too much and just decree death?"

Li Du laughed and his eyes passed over Xu Jian and Eunuch Cao. He is actually referring to Xu Jian and the conflict between Xu Jian and Li Shao.

 Xu Jian, who seemed the least likely to go against Li Shao, was actually the one who dug pits for Li Shao one after another.

 It was this "impossibility" that covered the eyes of Li Yi and so many people in Manchuria.

Li Du was sure that Xu Jian must have understood what he meant. As for how much Li Yi could think of, it was hard to say.

 After all, in Li Du’s opinion, Li Yi was too stupid.

 Speak of kindness.

 What kind of kindness does it take to be an emperor?

Father had been wise for many years, but before his death, he was deceived by Shen's "kind" and "prudent" womanly kindness, and passed the throne to Li Yi.

Xu Jian glanced at the Holy Emperor, and then said to Li Du: "It's not difficult to die. It's much easier than wanting to be the emperor, my lord. You have worked hard for so many years, but in the end you have lost everything. You just didn't touch the dragon throne." You are quite open to seeking death."

The tone of his voice didn't fluctuate much when he said this, but there was no lack of mockery at all.

Li Du hummed: "So what if I can't think about it? Can I survive if I don't think about it? It's better to die quickly and give birth to a good child in the next life."

"Where is His Highness Li Rong?" Xu Jian asked, "His Highness is still missing. If you want His Highness to guard the mausoleum, you must also find his people."

Li Du asked back: "What? Are you still worried that you can't find him?"

"I can find it," Xu Jian paused, then continued, "I'm just a little curious. When investigating the Zhu family's case before, Zhu Chi couldn't say he hated his old father Zhu Chang deeply, at least he was filled with hatred. Complain.

The prince had worked hard to win the throne, but even if it came to pass, it would only be ten years later.

Although you were not young at that time, you had once had the pleasure of being an emperor, and I thought you would be able to live for more than ten or twenty years, and then pass it on to His Highness Li Rong.

 Are you sure that His Highness wants to be emperor?

 You have made it impossible for him to be his little prince or future prince. "

Li Du was happy when he heard this, sipped his tea and thought for a while, then said: "Xu Jian, what you said is not quite right.

Why does Zhu Chang look down on Li Yi and support me instead? Because I am more ruthless than Li Yi.

The British government has come to an end. It has enough glory but not enough stamina. However, Zhu Chang is very ambitious. He hopes that the court will one day expand its territory and not be bullied by the foreign tribes of Xiliang Tatars.

  When a Xiliang man stepped through Yumen a few years ago, his blood was about to spurt out.

But Li Yi was too stable. To put it nicely, he was the king of defense, but to put it more bluntly, he had no intention of attacking. After retaking Yumen, he stopped attacking.

 This point, Xu Jian, as a former pioneer in seizing Yumen, should be deeply understood.

 So Zhu Chang follows me. If I ascend the throne, I will fight him out. "

Xu Jian listened carefully, only listening to what was important, and everything else went in through one ear and out the other, especially those who took the opportunity to provoke, so they couldn't believe it.

“Of course, that was Zhu Chang’s ambition,” Li Du added. “Zhu Chang worked hard and worked hard until the day when Zhu Chi was still a duke in the end. Of course Zhu Chi couldn’t understand him.

Rong'er is different. If I ascend the throne, he will also be the emperor in the future.

 From prince to emperor, everything is completely different.

Even if he cannot understand it when he is young, he will naturally understand it when he gets older. "

"But now he has become a wanted criminal who is absconding," Xu Jian said. "Li Mi left Beijing back then and has been outside for so many years. I'm afraid he is more comfortable than His Highness Li Rong. But Your Majesty, you have been dead for a hundred years and are busy reincarnating. Your Highness Li Rong is really pitiful." sad."

Li Du's eyes flashed with a hint of annoyance.

 After the annoyance, there was sneer and ridicule. Soon, all emotions subsided, and he still looked complacent.

 Xu Jian saw all his reactions.

 Speaking of Li Rong, Li Du's mood was not intense. Instead, he was momentarily annoyed when he mentioned his own death.

 Judging from this situation, even if Li Du has a father-son relationship with Li Rong, this love is not as good as his insistence on the throne.

 After walking out of prison, Xu Jian expressed his thoughts to the emperor: "In my opinion, it doesn't seem like he would make a sacrifice to save his son's life."

 His Majesty nodded.

He also listened to Xu Jian's seemingly casual but actually hidden question.

"He doesn't want to die," the Holy Father hesitated for a moment, then added, "He even thinks he won't die."

The man was already in prison, but Li Du acted like he was the one taking the initiative, which made people confused.

 “Li Rong was not found?” the Holy Master asked again.

"There is no trace of his whereabouts yet," Xu Jian said. "In front of the siege of the palace, orders were sent to all the city gates to ensure that he would not be allowed to leave the city, but since the King of Jin had already made preparations..."

 Knowing that the Holy One understands, Xu Jian stopped.

Then he thought about what he had said when he entered the dungeon before, and then said again: "It must not be easy to catch His Highness Li Rong with the prince's life. The prince will not only let His Highness escape, but also arrange some people around him. His Highness is young. , I’m afraid I can’t do whatever I want.”

The Holy Spirit said: "If you should search, you should search, not only Li Rong, but also the capable servants around Li Du. It may be difficult to find other people, but people like Eunuch Ye who know his facial features will post notices where necessary."

Xu Jian responded, and then said: "Your Majesty, when I listened to King Jin's speech today, I felt a little bit like I talked with the man from Yongji Palace that day."

 “Oh?” The Holy Father was puzzled.

 “There is something wrong in the words, and the intention is bad.” Xu Jian commented.

 The Holy Father motioned for him to continue.

"It's all lies to fight out and expand the territory," Xu Jian pursed his lips and said, "When you succeeded to the throne, it was a difficult time for the national treasury. With years of disasters and people's lives suffering, it is natural to raise troops instead of just raising troops. civil.

You see, after more than ten years, people are now living a prosperous life, which is the result of keeping a low profile and biding time.

In recent years, Xiliang has also disturbed the territory. Guarding the Yumen line and forming an alliance with Gu Yue is also a countermeasure.

The national treasury is not full enough, and if you dare to rush out casually, once you are restrained by other places and allow the Tatars to take advantage of the situation, it will be a big trouble. "

After hearing this, the Holy Spirit let out a long sigh.


It was easier for Li Du to say it than anything else, but when he was really sitting on the throne, he would not move troops randomly at all.

 He just wants to stir up trouble.

 But the Holy Spirit is pleased at this moment.

 Xu Jian, who is young and vigorous and comes from a martial arts family, can understand these truths, which can make people worry a lot.

Xu Jian expressed his loyalty, but it was not a lie.

 He could understand the situation inside and outside the court, but he would not believe Li Du's words at all.

 A general is hard to find!

 The most difficult thing for the imperial court in recent years is the generals!

If Li Du was really determined to open up frontiers, how could generals like An Yibo and Dingbeihou in his previous life have died in the BRIC case?

In order to eliminate dissidents, Li Du created unjust cases through Li Shao's hands, which made the court's generals worse and worse.

It is nearly noon.

Li Shao stood outside the Imperial Study Room with a serious look on his face.

He was left here today, and he didn't think anything of it at first, but when he saw people coming in and out everywhere, and when he saw his father leaving in a hurry with Xu Jian and Eunuch Cao, he couldn't help but become confused.

Especially, he couldn’t find Wang Gouzi.

  After asking someone, the whereabouts of Gouzi were still unclear, but Li Shao heard another news.

The man behind the burning of Dingguo Temple and the poisoning of Li Jun now was King Li Du of Jin Dynasty.

Li Shao was completely stunned.

 Thanks to the book friend’s small yard for the reward.

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