Yan Cigui

Chapter 431: You didn't give in, right? (Two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

 Having had enough sunshine in recent days.

 Under the verandah, even though he was standing in the shadows, Li Shao still broke out in a sweat.

 It’s not all about feeling hot, it’s more about disbelief and fear.

That was Prince Jin, his favorite and most trusted second uncle in the past. A few years ago, he went out of the palace and couldn't make it back to the palace at night, so he often just stayed in Prince Jin's palace.

 The second uncle preached less and listened more, and Li Shao was also willing to interact with him.

That is, after the incident in Chenmi Hutong, he came to ask for help early in the morning, but was persuaded to go back by his second uncle with a cold face, which made Li Shao gradually alienate him.

 At that time, what did the second uncle say?

"You are afraid of your father, and so am I."

 “Whoever is not afraid of you will go to him.”

Such righteous words, so resounding.

But now, he heard that the uncle who kept saying he was afraid of his father was making trouble behind his back. How could Li Shao believe this?

 Is there something wrong?

How could the second uncle be a cunning and cunning person who could do evil things secretly?

Li Shao wanted to find someone to ask, but Eunuch Cao was not there, and the other servants were busy with their own affairs, with solemn expressions. When asked, they acted cautiously and did not tell Li Shao the inside details at all.

 There was nowhere to ask, Li Shao could only think for himself.

The more he thought about it, the less he understood it. When he raised his eyes and saw the imperial chariot coming back, he hurried forward to greet him.

“Father,” Li Shao called, “I heard that my second uncle has been imprisoned. Is he really the murderer? Are you not mistaken?”

 The Holy Emperor’s eyes darkened.

Li Du's actions are inherently confusing, but in general, they definitely did not arrest the wrong person.

However, he didn't expect that Shao'er would open his mouth to defend Li Du.

There were many things going on this day and it was messy. The interview with Li Du was not an easy task. The Lord felt tired and a little disappointed with what Li Shao blurted out.

There were many servants and guards in front of the royal study. The Holy Emperor did not want to analyze anything with Li Shao here, so he walked in.

Li Shao didn't get a reply, so he had to turn his head and look at Xu Jian, who was two steps behind.

Xu Jian walked over and said in a lowered voice: "The prince admitted it himself."

Li Shao frowned, his face full of doubts.

 The two of them followed together.

Li Shao suddenly thought of something and asked: "You didn't give in to the attack, did you?"

Xu Jian glanced at His Majesty who was already seated, then looked away again and said in a lower voice: "Why would Your Highness think so?"

Li Shao wanted to ask more questions, but when he saw that the saint's face was not worried, he had no choice but to give up.

The Holy Emperor pressed his eyebrows. It was not clear whether he heard the words "submit a beating to make a move". He only asked: "Shao'er, why do you think I have arrested the wrong person?"

Li Shao said: "My son had a lot of contact with my uncle in the past, and I felt that he didn't look like that kind of person."

"Yes," the Holy Father murmured, "you were close to him before."

At that time, he never questioned Li Du, nor did he hear any strange words from Shao'er. The relationship between the two of them was just that of an ordinary uncle and nephew, so the Holy Father did not stop him.

 But looking back now, what on earth was Li Du thinking about when he faced Shao'er?

 It is definitely impossible to teach people well, and it is not that far if they are completely crooked.

Li Du is like a chess player. If Shaoer goes too far to one side, he will move it back a little, always keeping it at a speed that he can better control.

 And that easy control is the control that will allow Li Du to replace him in the future.

 Thinking about this, the Holy Spirit became even more depressed.

His most valued son, he was turning over and over in Li Du's hands. At the end of the page, Shaoer was still counting the money after being sold.

 The Holy Spirit is angry.

However, thinking that he himself had been deceived by Li Du for so many years and had no face to blame Shaoer, he calmed down and asked again: "What else?"

Does Li Shao have any conclusive evidence? It's just a feeling.

 He simply told what happened before dawn that day.

It has been some time, so I don’t remember every line of the dialogue clearly, but I can generally recall it.

"He asked me to admit my mistake to you, saying that I was terribly wrong, and that he was also afraid of you..."

 The Holy Spirit's breath caught in his chest.

After a while, he said: "You said at that time that you went to Yongji Palace to know what the prince who made a mistake would be like, and I believed you. It turns out that it was Li Du who instigated you to go."

Li Shao looked puzzled: "Ah? Uncle didn't mention Yongji Palace."

"He told you that it was useless to find the Empress Dowager, the Emperor Ping, or Derong, the wise king. What were his unfinished words? What did he want you to think of?" asked the Holy Sage.

 Li Shao lowered his head.

 He thought it was a crime that was intended to be committed.

Uncle didn't mention a word. It was him who wanted to go to Yongji Palace. How could he be blamed on his uncle?

 But his father was so angry that Li Shao really didn't have the courage to argue.

 Xu Jian saw what the two of them were doing.

This is not the time for the conflict between father and son, so he said: "Your Highness, you used to be close to the prince. He knows your character very well and knows what to say and how to say it to make you listen."

Li Shao glanced at Xu Jian.

Xu Jian asked the Holy Emperor for instructions and summarized the process of investigating Li Du to Li Shao: "The King of Jin is the murderer."

 Li Shao understood, and his previous disbelief turned into anger and unwillingness.

 Having been fooled by his trusted second uncle for so long, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became.

“It’s really not a thing!” Li Shao gritted his teeth and said, “Treat me like a monkey!”

 Xu Jian lowered his eyes.

  He naturally did not mention what Li Du thought of Li Shao.

Those stupid and stupid words may make Li Shao go crazy.

Seeing that Li Shao wanted to turn around, the Holy Master said earnestly: "Shao'er, I am sitting here, it seems that I am superior, but in fact I am not relaxed.

 After being the emperor for more than ten years, he still has brothers who are eyeing him.

You should also understand these in the future, take stock of yourself every day, and don’t think that you can rest easy. "

Li Shao pursed his lips.

He is now a deposed prince and is far from being aloof.

However, he likes the word "in the future" very much. As Xu Jian told him before, he has the time and opportunity to make a comeback.

 As for getting up...

 Father, raising tigers was a problem, but he, Li Shao, couldn't do it.

Li Mian and Li Lin, the little ones, don't expect to get any favors from him.

 Sit back and relax?

 As long as there are no further troubles!

The Holy Emperor was not aware of Li Shao's extreme and terrifying thoughts, so he gave Li Shao a few words: "Li Du has been working hard for many years, but I haven't figured out how many comrades he has.

Xu Jian wants to investigate Li Du's case in detail these days, so he can't go with you to the Ministry of Punishment to observe the government.

You'd better stay in the palace and listen to Sangu's lectures. If you want to go to the Yamen, bring more guards.

I'm worried that Li Du and his remnants will be detrimental to you. "

 When Li Shao heard this, his thoughts moved.

Although it is not that interesting to watch the government in the Ministry of Punishment, it is better than facing Sangu in the palace.

Besides, when serious cases are being investigated, Qianbu Corridor has a lot of information, and you can always inquire about it, unlike everyone in the palace, who either makes mistakes or doesn’t know anything about it. "I don't want to delay my visit to the government," Li Shao said. "I will take care of the guards, and Wang Gouzi will follow... By the way, where is Wang Gouzi? I can't find him."

When Eunuch Cao heard this, he hurriedly explained to Li Shao: "Your Highness, that dog belongs to the King of Jin. The younger one has already detained him."

"What?" Li Shao was stunned, "Isn't he from Yongji Palace? Even if he has evil intentions, he should be Li Jun's man. How could he be related to his second uncle?"

Eunuch Cao sighed secretly.

I knew His Highness was insensitive to these things, but I didn’t expect him to be so insensitive at this moment.

Afraid that the Holy Emperor would be offended by this, Eunuch Cao hurriedly said: "Many of the people in Yongji Palace are from the King of Jin."

 Li Shao:…

Fortunately, he still thinks Wang Gouzi is smart and loyal!

Have you dared to get it to the end, or was it someone else's spy agent?

 Feng Chang and Wang Gouzi are both from the second uncle's family.

 Eunuch Guo was arranged by Eunuch Cao.

 The chamberlains around him are all "outsiders"!

It's not just the chamberlain, it's also Xu Jian.

Xu Jian has no doubt that his father, Huang Ma, will follow his lead.

It is only a temporary alliance at the moment, but this relationship is not solid. At least Li Shao himself will never dare to completely trust Xu Jian.

Who knows when Xu Jian and Ning An will suddenly trick him again.

The more Li Shao thought about it, the more depressed he became, that he was so alone and helpless.

Thinking about it this way, Liu Xun is better.

Liu Xun is just stupid and easily offends others. Well, now it should be said that it is his second uncle's fault, but he is still loyal to him.

Besides, Xu Jian put down his tea cup, stood up and said to the Lord: "I want to go to a few yamen first to see if there is any new progress."

 The Holy One responds accordingly.

Eunuch Cao sent him out and whispered: "Without the whereabouts of His Highness Li Rong, the Za family will never be able to rest assured."

"I think that compared to His Highness Li Rong, the prince in prison may cause trouble again." Xu Jian said.

Eunuch Cao smiled bitterly.

Shuntian Mansion is located in a lively part of the city, and it is more convenient to send messages from all parties than to go to each yamen in Qianbu Corridor.

In order to make things easier, all the officials involved in the case from the Third Division also came to Shuntian Mansion, which was in the Houya room.

The clerk ran in and out holding several stacks of papers.

Those were wanted portraits, of Li Rong and Eunuch Ye. Everyone who had appeared around Li Du but was now missing were all painted and posted all over the city.

Others were sent to various city gates, firstly to compare the people entering and leaving the city, and secondly, to let the guards recall whether any similar people had left the city before.

As soon as Xu Jian entered Shuntian Mansion, he met Wantang.

Commander Wan wiped his sweat and said: "According to the wishes of the Duke, I searched all over the big house, and my hard work finally paid off. I found a secret passage, and when I finally got out of it, I found a secret passage. The study room of the royal palace.”

 Xu Jian said "Thank you".

Shan Shen was extremely busy and was working with the people from the Third Division to interrogate the people brought back from the palace.

 The servants, servants, mothers-in-law, and maids all asked questions one by one.

"Not much progress has been made," Shan Shen told the truth, and after thinking for a while, he added, "A few of us discussed that there are more than ten or twenty people living in that house, and it is essential to eat, drink, and defecate every day. I just sorted it out. I’m going to inquire about the store purchased by Prince Jin’s Mansion immediately. It would be easier if it’s from the same store.”

After hearing this, Xu Jian said: "If the King of Jin is careful, I'm afraid he won't let people buy it from one place."

"Yes," Shan Shen also said, "Wait a minute and ask someone in the neighborhood to see if anyone has seen this house buying things, and which shop came to deliver the goods. There are also people who collect night incense. They can probably Estimate the number of permanent residents.”

 In addition to estimating the number of people, the most important thing is the portrait.

Those who deliver goods and collect evening incense have more or less met with the people in the house, and they can draw as many portraits as they can.

 After Xu Jian heard about the situation here, he left first.

On this day, the capital became tense because of the imperial forest surrounding the palace, wanted notices, and strict censorship at the city gates.

The common people only heard some rumors here and there, and they didn’t know whether they were accurate or not. After piecing together here and there, they each had their own stories.

On West Street, a spice shop is closing the door.

 It is far from the time when the shop usually closes, but it is ready to be closed.

 In the backyard of the shop, Suchang looked tense and very uneasy.

“Let’s start again tomorrow,” he shouted to the guy in front of him. “I’m going back first. I won’t be able to come here for the next few days. You can take care of some business.”

When the waiter responded, Su Chang picked up the small baggage he had packed, opened the back door and left.

Before he reached the entrance of the alley, someone put his arm around his shoulder from behind.

Su Chang was shocked and frightened, and subconsciously wanted to call someone, but before he could make a sound, the man suddenly exerted force on his hand and chopped him down with a knife.

At this moment, there were no passers-by in or around the alley.

Su Chang, who had fainted, was put on a carriage.

When he woke up again, his eyes were covered with cloth again, and his limbs were tied to a chair, unable to move.

Su Chang wailed in his heart.

 Then, he heard someone asking questions.

  It is still the same sound that I heard before.

“I just picked up the money from the shop, Su Chang, where do you want to run?”

 The one who asked the question was naturally Xu Jian.

Since there was not much progress, he turned to Su Chang.

Su Chang, a native of Guyue, has a good relationship with Su Yi.

Li Du has reached this point. On the surface, it seems that he has no more usable cards at hand, but there is still Su Yi in the dark.

 Xu Jian naturally wanted to find out more from Su Chang.

"Su Yi asked you to run away?" Xu Jian paused and changed the topic, "Didn't you say you didn't know who was doing business with Su Yi? Then why are you running away today?"

Su Chang was filled with bitterness. Before answering, he asked: "Are you interested in killing me today?"

Xu Jian chuckled: "Still not interested."

"That's good, that's good." Su Chang breathed a sigh of relief.

The last time he was kidnapped for questioning, he still didn’t know the identity of the other person, and he was terrified when he returned.

 Fortunately, the kidnapper was very trustworthy. If he said he was not interested, he was not interested. As time went by, Su Chang gradually felt relieved.

"I really didn't know at first," Su Chang knew that he had to be sincere when begging this person, so he simply confessed everything. "Just two days ago, there was an urgent letter over there asking me to rush it all the way to Su Yi.

I was just a liaison in the middle, so I sent it out without thinking too much.

As a result, something suddenly happened in the city today, and the Jin Prince's Mansion was surrounded. In the afternoon, the Yamen posted notices all over the streets, and I got a taste of it.

 Those who were doing business with Su Yi seemed to be in trouble.

To be honest, I am just a businessman. I am neither clear nor interested in Su Yi's affairs. I just want to run my business well.

I have been running my own shop for more than a year. Not only have I made a fortune, but I have also made some money. I want to work harder and bring my family here to live together by the end of the year. I really don’t want to get involved.

 So I ran away as soon as I felt something was wrong. Unexpectedly, I was a step too late and was blocked by you! "

 Shout for the monthly ticket~~

 Thanks to book friend Tongtong 1609 for the reward of 10,000 coins I left in the autumn.

  I will hurry up and get it done as soon as possible.

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