Yan Cigui

Chapter 433: A good step to "escape the golden cicada" (five thousand big

 In the dark night, the heartbeat is deafening.

Perhaps a direction that she had never thought of before suddenly occurred to her, and it was difficult for Lin Yunyan to calm down for a while.

 A thread was drawn from the mixed thoughts, and gradually became complete after being sorted out.

 “A Yan.”

Lin Yunyan turned her head when she heard Xu Jian calling her.

 “Are you suffering from a nightmare?” Xu Jian asked.

“No,” Lin Yunyan’s voice was muffled, “Why are you awake too?”

“I thought of something in my sleep and woke up feeling flustered.” Xu Jian said in a deep voice.

 Subconsciously, Lin Yunyan felt that what they couldn't let go of must be the same thing.

Thinking of those faces that flashed by, Lin Yunyan simply turned over and asked Xu Jian: "Su Yi secretly left Gu Yue without being discovered. Could it be that he left someone behind? They have similar faces and refuse to show up despite being ill. Even if there is someone Visiting, because I am depressed and talk little so that the secret will not be revealed."

She finished speaking in one breath, and then her arm was clasped next to Xu Jian.

Xu Jian just woke up and his voice was hoarse: "Maybe what we should think about is whether there will be another Li Du."

Lin Yunyan took a breath and felt goosebumps all over her body.

"You mean, a substitute?" she said, "The person confronting us in Prince Jin's Mansion today must be him. No matter how similar he is, he can't be fake in that situation, and his flaws will be exposed in front of so many people."

"It's me who is in prison," Xu Jian recalled the situation at that time. "The appearance can be modified, and the behavior can be imitated, but the royal demeanor is not that studious."

 As long as there is the slightest bit of unnaturalness, it will be seen by the Holy Sage, Eunuch Cao and him.

"If, if there really is another Li Du, it can indeed explain Li Du's complacent attitude," Lin Yunyan said, "He feels that he will not die, and he is very sure of it."

With a status like Li Du's, it's not surprising that he became a death warrior.

 He is bent on seizing the throne, but if he fails once, he lurks and tries again. It is reasonable to think carefully and raise a substitute.

 The most difficult thing is not “raising” but “finding”.

 Finding a substitute that can look real is the most difficult thing.

 But what if Li Du found it?

“Death escape,” Lin Yunyan snorted, “His losses in this step are really huge.”

 The evil deeds that were originally hidden in the shadows were exposed, leaving a pile of accusations after death.

Without the identity of Li Du, what he wants to do in the future will be much more difficult than it is now.

 Judging from the gains and losses alone, Li Du's step was definitely unwise, but from another perspective, it became clear that this was a step he had to take.

 No one else knows, but Lin Yunyan knows it clearly.

 These days, she and Xu Jian have been getting closer and closer to the people behind the scenes.

Li Shao remembered what happened to Dingguo Temple. The identity of "Tong Gonggong" was also caught, and the house was also noticed.

 It won’t take long for all the dots to be strung together into threads, and the threads to form a web.

If other people are doing this, they will have to work hard to get the support of the Holy One, but when it comes to Dingguo Temple, the Holy One is the most active one.

Even if you behave calmly and orderly, your heart is on fire.

 Once caught in the big net, Li Du would not be able to escape.

Those crimes will be carried out sooner or later, and as a defeated bandit, what use is the prince's identity?

It is better to give up your life in exchange for it.

 When the day comes that he becomes king again, who can say that he is not Li Du or the son of the late emperor?

Thinking of this, Lin Yunyan suddenly realized: "That's why Li Du chose to take risks and strike first - to kill Li Jun."

No need to foreshadow, Xu Jian could understand whatever she said: "We all feel that Li Jun's death is strange, and now we have a way to explain it. It is certain that he will be caught. Rather than handing the initiative to the Holy One, it is better for him to play the game himself."

 Li Du did it on purpose.

He lit all the gunpowder barrels at once, without giving the Holy Sage a chance to slowly lay out his plan and press forward step by step. He killed Li Jun and sacrificed the flag, forcing the court to make a noise, and the Holy Sage had to deal with it.

“Kill Li Jun, send Li Rong away, and let all the servants and dead soldiers around him evacuate,” Lin Yunyan said, “He is waiting for Yu Lin to surround the mansion.”

Xu Jian nodded: "He is very talkative today. We ask him what crime he is guilty of, and what crime he pleads guilty to."

"His main purpose is to abscond, and at the same time he can easily expose Concubine Dong and give justice to Zhang Xuanshi," Lin Yunyan chuckled, "Should I say that he is a thief who never escapes, or that he is easy to do with ease? All the benefits can be obtained. Don’t fall behind.”

"If everything goes as planned by Li Du," Xu Jian analyzed, "then the substitute will plead guilty and escape from the capital. Su Yiying should be his escape route. It will not be easy for him to make a comeback, but he can still keep Qingshan. "

 At this point, Xu Jian paused and concluded: "It's better to dock the tail."

 No matter how loud his movements were, or whether his posture was awkward or not, to put it bluntly, it was "tail-cutting".

 The difference from the previous one is that this time the tail was cut so deep that it almost reached the waist.

 From the perspective of the whole story, their organization and thinking are smooth.

 The biggest problem now is how to replace him.

"After all, he is a prince, and if the Holy One wants to execute him, he will be poisoned by Bai Ling," Lin Yunyan asked. "Regardless of whether the Holy One will come to see him off, you and Eunuch Cao will definitely watch him die with your own eyes. Then when will he die with the fake one?" exchange?"

Xu Jian pondered for a while and then said: "Zhenjiu Bai Ling belongs to Zhenjiu Bai Ling, but he can decide where he will die."

People have to go on the road and pursue a decent life.

Li Duruo brought it up and wanted to leave in a dignified manner, and it was impossible for the Holy Father not to agree.

“If he chooses the Palace of the Prince of Jin, and the guards **** him out of the palace and return to the palace, he can kidnap prisoners on the way,” Xu Jian said, “If he chooses the Bihua Palace, he might be able to find something to do on the way.

He can also rob a prison, and escaping from the palace prison is not easy, but it is not impossible to let the substitute die in the chaos and escape intact.

Furthermore, the people around him are good at using strange medicines. If he also has the fake death medicine, then he can do even more tricks. "

Lin Yunyan pursed her lips: "There are so many weird ways to deal with a disaster."

If Li Du Jinchan is really allowed to escape from his shell, there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

 “I have to remind Your Majesty.” Xu Jian said.

There is a strange medicine to prevent Li Du, and there is also a substitute to prevent Li Du.

Lin Yunyan half-sited up, reached to the edge of the bed and opened the curtain.

There was no light in the inner room, but fortunately she had adapted to the darkness at this moment, and was aware of the interior furnishings, and could see the shadows clearly.

The windows were half open for ventilation, and the outside was also enveloped in darkness.

Lin Yunyan estimated the time and said, "It's still early before dawn."

The palace door was closed at this time, and there was no urgent matter. They could not rush to knock on the palace door, they had to wait until dawn.

Lin Yunyan withdrew her hand and the curtain fell again.

She was about to lie back down, but Xu Jian's hands grabbed her waist.

Lin Yunyan lowered her eyes and looked at Xu Jian.

Although she couldn't see her expression clearly, Lin Yunyan was keenly aware that Xu Jian's mood was much more serious and urgent than the previous moment.

"We can't wait until dawn," Xu Jian helped Lin Yunyan sit up, stood up, lifted the curtains and got out of bed, "We have to enter the palace now."

Hearing this, Lin Yunyan also got out of bed, took off her shoes and went to the table to light a lamp.

Outside the curtain, a voice called the moon came: "Do you want a slave to come in?"

Wan Yue stayed outside. At first, there were a lot of chatter inside, and then she woke up in a hazy state.

She couldn't hear what the two masters were saying in the inner room, so she thought it was the young couple who woke up in the middle of the night and rubbed their hair together, so she steeled herself and didn't dare to fall asleep, lest she wait for her master to ask for water.

Just now, there was a lot of movement inside, but it seemed like the sound of getting up.

Wan Yue was also busy putting on his clothes and asked.

Lin Yunyan responded and asked her to come in and light the oil lamp.

 Soon, the room lit up.

Lin Yunyan narrowed her eyes subconsciously.

Xu Jian was born as a military general, and he moved very quickly. He was able to clear up everything in the dark.

Seeing that Lin Yunyan was in a hurry to change her clothes after adapting to the light, Xu Jian knew that he could not persuade her, so he simply did not persuade her. He only ordered Wan Yue: "Send someone to go ahead and call Shen Chen and Xuan Su, and ask the porter to prepare the horse and carriage."

Lin Yunyan glanced at him and said, "You want to ride a horse?"

Ordinarily a carriage would be enough, but Xu Jian wanted to go faster, but she didn't dare to waste a moment.

"It's such a short distance, it won't hinder your legs," Xu Jian knew she was concerned, so he comforted her, thought about it, and then explained, "If I were Li Du, I would fight quickly."

Lin Yunyan opened her eyes wide.

In just a moment, she understood.

For Li Du's plan to be a big success, the most important thing is to "take it by surprise."

 In other words, the Holy Master and Xu Jian cannot be left with enough time to think and organize.

Once someone thinks of a "substitute" as a way to escape, all Li Du's arrangements may be in ruins.

His tail was broken to his waist. Li Du would not accept such a failure.

 After all, his life was really at stake this time.

 Having been seen through, Li Du's life is at stake!

 Only the word "kuai" can prevail.

 Xu Jian acted quickly and gave Lin Yunyan a few more words before setting off: "I will ask Xuan Su to follow you. You should bring your sleeve arrows, just in case."

 Lin Yunyan responded.

She knew she couldn't be of much help this time.

If Li Du really takes action tonight, it's best for her to hide far away and not get involved, so as not to cause trouble to Xu Jian and the others.

 But she had to go to the palace again.

At first, if Xu Jian could not knock on the south palace gate, they turned to the west palace gate and used Cining Palace as a stepping stone.

 Furthermore, since the matter was serious, she had to let the empress know as soon as possible even if it was still midnight.

 Xu Jian took the first step.

The sound of horse hooves pierced the silence of the night, all the way to the imperial city.

Lin Yunyan walked out of the house, looked at the moonless and starless sky, and took a deep breath.

 The gate of the mansion is wide open and the gate rails are moved to facilitate the entry and exit of carriages.

Lin Yunyan stepped onto the carriage and said to Uncle Niu, "As soon as possible." The carriage sped along and arrived outside the Nangong Gate.

 Lin Yunyan got out of the car, holding a lantern in Wan Yue's hand, and handed another one to her.

Hold the lamp, and as she got closer, she saw the tall figure standing in front of the palace gate.

 “How is it?” Lin Yunyan asked.

Xu Jian turned around, tied her cloak tightly for her, and said, "The guards have gone to report."

Lin Yunyan nodded: "That's good."

I was afraid that the guards refused on the grounds that "there was no need" and "inconsistent rules". Now that they have been going on, they will definitely call Xu Jian with the holy temperament.

 The two men stood side by side.

Xu Jian moved slightly and naturally stood upwind.

Lin Yunyan noticed it and was about to say a few words to him when she heard movement from behind the palace gate.

That was the sound of urgent footsteps.

 From far to near, while running, panting and shouting "go fast, go fast".

The voice was blocked by the palace door, and it was muffled and heavy. It made Lin Yunyan's heart tighten and she couldn't help but raise her eyes to look at Xu Jian.

 Xu Jian also frowned.

The palace door opened, and the guard saw that the princess was there. He was a little confused, but didn't ask any more questions.

The one who was running all the way held his knees and said: "Holy, Holy Master, please hurry up and go to the prison!"

 A prison? !

 Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan exchanged a look.

That bad premonition seems to be coming true.

Lin Yunyan hurriedly asked: "What else did the Holy One say? What's the situation?"

The guard shook his head repeatedly: "The younger one didn't see His Majesty. When he ran halfway, he met the person in front of the Emperor. He said that His Majesty was summoning the Duke urgently. The younger one said that the Lord had already arrived at the gate of the palace. The man said, "Let's go." Go to the prison quickly."


 Half an hour ago.

 In the prison, the guard in charge yawned.

 He glanced inside and saw Li Du sitting against the wall with his head tilted, he must have fallen asleep.

“I am still a prince in the morning and a prisoner at night. What a big change.”

The guard glanced at the colleague who was speaking, and said in a low voice: "Be gentle, don't wake anyone up."

The colleague curled his lips and smiled: "Don't fall asleep."

As he was talking, another person came in from outside.

 What comes is their summit.

The two of them stood up in a hurry and asked, "Song Qianshi, why are you here?"

"Normally we don't care about people here. I'm afraid you are not used to keeping watch at night, so you will fall asleep immediately." Song Qianshi smiled, "Here, I brought some snacks and tea to refresh myself."

 The two of them hurriedly thanked each other.

Song Qianshi sat down together.

Soon, the two guards became drowsy, leaned their heads on the table, and fell asleep.

Song Qianshi immediately walked out, and soon, another person followed him in.

The two of them walked to the cell. Li Du inside had already stood up.

 No one spoke.

Li Du took off all his clothes and handed them to the person who came after him. The person took off his guard uniform and put on Li Du's clothes.

The two made an exchange, and the man stayed in the cell, while Li Du followed Song Qianshi and left.

Song Qian was familiar with the situation, so he bypassed the patrol and sent him off for a while. The two chamberlains who came to pick up Li Du were already waiting here.

Li Du then spoke to Song Qian in a low voice: "Thank you, I'll leave the aftermath to you."

Song Qianshi said with tears in his eyes: "My subordinates are waiting for your return in the imperial city."

Watching Li Du disappear into the night, Song Qianshi returned to the cell and lay down with his two men.

After half a stick of incense, he heard someone coming in quietly.

 Song Qianshi opened his eyes and met the man's eyes.

The man nodded slightly, picked up the key on the side and walked to the cell. After opening the cell door, he walked out of the cell with the fake Li Du.

Song Qianshi was counting silently in his heart.

When the count was over, he opened his arms and stood up, shouting and slapping his two men awake: "Oops!"

Those two people were in a state of confusion.

"What's wrong?"

 “Why did I fall asleep?”

Song Qianshi shouted: "It's broken! King Jin is missing! Where is the key? Who came in and let the person go?"

The two guards were completely awake.

Song Qianshi ignored them and rushed out, shouting at the top of his voice: "King Jin has run away! King Jin has run away!"

 In an instant, all the guards were noisy.

 The patrolman reacted first, raised lanterns and torches and looked around.


 “There’s someone there!”

 Some people ran, some chased, and some rescued.

There was chaos for a while. In the dark night, the fire was dazzling and the sword was not very sharp.

Song Qianshi took advantage of the chaos and drew his sword to attack him, but Li Du did not hide and went to die calmly.

The fighting continued for a while, and the situation stabilized only after the prison robbers were killed and wounded and those who escaped escaped.

"What are you doing standing there? Why don't you hurry up and give chase? You can't let the prisoner go!" Song Qianshi pretended to stamp his feet, then grabbed a torch from his men and shined it on the face of the man lying on the ground, "Where is King Jin? King Jin didn’t run away, did he?”

 The King of Jin is easy to recognize.

 The golden outer robe was taken off when he was locked up, leaving only the white bottom garment underneath.

Having been locked up for almost a day, the bottom clothes are dirty, with gray patches, white patches, and even red patches.

"This..." Song Qianshi opened his mouth, "Prince of Jin? Prince of Jin?"

 "Prince Jin" was struck by a sword.

One of the guards rushed to check, and when he touched his neck, he sat down on the ground in fright: "No, no air!"

Song Qianshi screamed, pushed the guard away and touched it himself: "I'm really out of breath... It's over, it's over now! Don't just stand there stupidly! Yes, yes, report it to the Holy One quickly! Go quickly!"

 The smell of blood is obvious here in the prison.

When Xu Jian arrived in a hurry, he saw that there was already a queue in that compartment.

The living guards were arranged in a line, and the dead were also arranged in a line.

The Holy Spirit stood between the two groups of people, with the torch shining on his face, and his brows were full of depression.

Eunuch Cao saw Xu Jian first and nodded slightly to him.

 Xu Jian stepped forward and saluted.

The Holy Spirit asked: "I heard from the messenger that you were already outside the palace gate at that time? What did you think of?"

“I want to see King Jin first,” Xu Jian said.

 The Holy Spirit responded.

 Xu Jian walked over, squatted down and looked at the people on the ground.

 Hit a sword in the chest and died on the spot.

 In terms of body shape, he is the same as Li Du.

Judging from the facial features, this man's face was scratched during the conflict. The wounds were deep and smeared with blood, but judging from his current appearance, he was also Li Du.

 It can be said that there is no such injury...

Xu Jian calmed down and tried to restore the person's appearance before the injury in his mind, and he knew the answer in his heart.

Along the way, Xu Jian kept thinking, if Li Du had already prepared a substitute, why did he still have to go to the prison?

  Even if there is internal support, there are still risks in substitution.

 Given Li Du's temperament, it would be better to commit suicide in his house when he was "desperate".

 After seeing the fake Li Du, Xu Jian understood.

 Because it’s not similar enough.

If this fake Li Du's face appeared completely in front of them, most people would be able to tell that something was wrong.

 Therefore, it is necessary to use a wound to weaken the difference and raise the seven points to nine points or even ten points.

I have to say, the effect is very good.

 At the very least, neither the Holy Father nor Eunuch Cao noticed it.

Of course, it’s also because it’s dark under the lamp.

Li Du died elsewhere with a damaged face, so they would subconsciously suspect that there was fraud.

However, Li Du failed to escape from prison and died. Whether it was the Holy Sage or Xu Jian, they personally talked to Li Du in the cell during the day, so they probably ignored the truth and falsehood.

 What a great step to "escape the golden cicada".

I'm coming.

 Half of the rewards and updates will be posted first.

 Continue to shout for monthly votes~~~

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