Yan Cigui

Chapter 434: He is unkind to me! (five thousand big

 Xu Jian went to see the other dead and wounded.

 Everyone was wearing night clothes, their faces were tightly wrapped, and only two eyes were exposed.

 Tearing apart the cloth and looking at it, they all seemed extremely unfamiliar.

 A few of them are eunuchs, which are the best to distinguish, and the rest may be guards on duty in the palace.

The dead have no breath, and the living have their mouths shut.

 Those who can help Li Du escape must be dead soldiers, and all of them must be strict with their mouths.

Xu Jian guessed that he was not as easy to pry with as Wang Liuliu.

 So he stood up again and looked around.

 The guards stood either nervously or uneasily.

Nei Ying thought he was among them. Xu Jian did not expose the fake Li Du immediately. He only said to His Majesty: "I was stabbed by a sword. I lost a lot of blood and was injured on one side of my face. It was very painful to think about it before my prince passed away. Your Majesty, no Do you know how the prince left the cell? "

 The Holy Spirit’s face was tense.

Eunuch Cao saw it in his eyes and said, "It wasn't long after we arrived that we stabilized the situation and didn't bother to ask more questions."

Hearing this, Xu Jian took half a step back and gave up his seat.

Eunuch Cao looked at the guards: "Who can tell me what's going on? Who is on duty tonight?"

After the words fell, the two guards stood up bravely.

It is a great sin for a person to run away, and it is also a sin for a person to die. Even if the two of them wanted to pluck themselves out, they would not have such eloquent tongues.

 In this case, we can only tell the truth.

“The two younger ones were keeping watch. The younger one was sitting opposite the cell. He could clearly see that the prince was inside and the cell door was locked.”

"Song Qianshi was worried that the children would fall asleep, so he specially brought tea, water and food."

“Yes, the little ones all ate, and then they seemed to fall asleep.”

“I didn’t have much of an impression. It wasn’t until Qian Shi slapped each of the children to wake them up that they realized that the cell door was wide open and the prince was gone.”

“Then call someone quickly, and the young men will rush out with their swords in hand.”

"There was a chaos outside. A dozen helpers appeared around the prince, and they started fighting."

"They were defeated and retreated after suffering casualties. Only then did the young men realize that the prince had fallen to the ground."

 The two of them talked to each other and told each other clearly what happened.

Eunuch Cao was not surprised that these two people "slept over".

If people in the cell can escape, the guards cannot escape the blame. Generally speaking, they are either distracted or sleeping, and the other is committing suicide.

As for whether these two people really slept or participated in the release...

Eunuch Cao looked at Song Qianshi.

 Song Qianshi felt embarrassed.

What happened tonight is not so perfect. At least if we really pursue it, he will definitely not be able to escape.

But every step is done step by step, and the merits are considered complete.

 As for his fate…

If you can get away with it, you can accept fines and demotion; if you can't escape, then you will be a good man after eighteen years.

 Song Qian had figured out both the good and the bad things. On the outside, he showed annoyance, anger and anxiety to others, but in fact he had a clear understanding of it in his heart.

 But unfortunately, something that was perfect became unsatisfactory.

 The Duke of Fu is here.

 He squatted down and observed the body of the "Prince" for a long time.

 Don’t let it be seen out, right?

 It shouldn’t be, his sword was calculated and he knew where to strike to weaken the most unlikeable place.

He had also illuminated it with a torch just now. At least as an insider, he could see that the facial features of the body were enough to be real.

 As the uninformed party, Duke Fuguo can really see through it at a glance?

Song Qianshi was full of murmurs.

Even if Duke Fuguo did not raise any questions after the inspection, Song Qian's affairs were not at ease.

 This may be a "guilty conscience".

 He understands the truth and wants to control it, but unfortunately it is difficult to do so.

Song Qianshi could only comfort himself. No matter what, the prince had left safely.

 In this drama of the golden cicada escaping from its shell, the result that the prince most wants to achieve is naturally "death".

 The Holy Spirit determined that King Jin was dead.

The imperial court will continue to trace the whereabouts of His Highness Li Rong and others, but will no longer look for King Jin.

 After three to five months, the intensity of the search will naturally decrease.

 The prince who is already considered a "dead man" will have more freedom and opportunities to do subsequent things without having to worry about pursuing soldiers all the time.

However, if someone can figure it out, God can figure it out.

Things went wrong, the false identity was exposed, and the court's pursuit continued for a long time.

Although the prince is restrained in doing things, he has escaped from the capital after all. As long as Qingshan is still there, he can still make plans for it.

 The worst is like that!

Song Qianshi calmed down, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, I brought tea and water to the prison. The prince was indeed locked up well at that time.

What happened next was also vague to Xiaguan. When Xiaguan opened his eyes, the prince was gone and they both fell asleep.

 The lower official will know that something bad has happened and he has been tricked!

 After that, just as they said, the lower official and his brothers fought against the robbers.

They were all wearing night clothes, and it was like this in the chaos.

The lower official's supervision was not good, and someone took advantage of the loophole. Please be punished by the Holy Spirit! "

The Holy Emperor looked at Song Qianshi for a few times without commenting.

Eunuch Cao asked again: "You three are all asleep. Are you incense or drug? What about tea and snacks?"

Song Qianshi said: "I was in a hurry to chase him out and didn't pay attention to those things."

 Xu Jian asked the emperor for instructions and entered the cell.

 Compared to the daytime, the entrance looks much messier.

Tables and chairs fell down, snacks were scattered on the ground, some pieces rolled aside, some were crushed in the middle of the road, tea bowls, teapots and plates were all broken, the tea wet the ground, flowed away, and seeped into There was only a thin layer of water stains left in the cracks of the floor tiles.

Looking further inside, the cell door was open, the chain and lock fell to the ground, and the key was still inserted in the keyhole.

 Xu Jian exited and told the emperor about the situation inside.

Eunuch Cao asked Song Qian again: "Where was the key?"

Song Qianshi said: "Hang it on the wall behind the table."

 “Approximately how long did you sleep for?”

Song Qianshi added: "I just checked the time, maybe two or three quarters of an hour."

Eunuch Cao took a deep look at Song Qianshi.

 Not cautious.

 The King of Jin was able to get out of prison because of the carelessness of these people.

 Is it just imprudent?

 The most likely thing to be tampered with was the tea, and if the tea was all spilled, there was no way to test it.

If King Jin really escaped, no one would be lenient, but it happened that King Jin died here.

There are more than ten dead soldiers. If there are really internal agents guarding the cell, how can King Jin still be dead?

 Is it really just bad luck?

Eunuch Cao didn’t want to attribute this result to Li Du’s luck, but now, Li Du’s body was in front of him.

 Could it be that he is a villain and there is no insider among the guards guarding him?

They were just tricked, but they were not careful and almost escaped from King Jin?

 Thinking about it, Eunuch Cao glanced at His Majesty subconsciously.

Judging from the look on His Majesty's face, Eunuch Cao thought that His Majesty was also thinking about this issue.

Song Qianshi stiffened his neck and lowered his head, but his eyes were darting around, trying to see some clues on the faces of the saints.

Especially Duke Fu, what Song Qianshi was most worried about right now was Duke Fu, who rushed here quickly.

The Duke's Mansion is on West Street. How can it be so fast from reporting the report to the Holy See to summoning the Duke?

 Did the Duke of the State not leave the palace last night?

 Staying in Cining Palace?

Song Qianshi thought he was secretly observing, but he didn't know that his unnatural body movements all fell into Xu Jian's eyes.

 Xu Jian has already determined the identity of Nei Ying.

“Your Majesty,” he walked to His Majesty’s side and whispered, “I would like to ask you to take a step to speak.”

 The Holy Father raised his eyebrows.

Xu Jian didn't say just now why he entered the palace late at night.

The Holy Spirit took a few steps to the side to avoid the guards: "Speak."

"I am anxious to enter the palace because I thought something would happen tonight. The prison robbery may be just a scene, and the person who dies is probably not the King of Jin himself," Xu Jian said in a low voice, "The King of Jin has most likely prepared a substitute. I just thought of this and entered the palace overnight, but I didn't expect it to be a step too late."

 “What?” The Holy Master was stunned, and his tone was obviously anxious.

He couldn't believe it and turned his head to look at "Li Du" on the ground.

 This Li Du is fake?

 But he had just seen it with his own eyes, and Eunuch Cao had also seen it, and saw no problem. “What did you find when you knelt down to check?” The Holy Master wondered.

“The wound on the face damaged part of the facial features. You can take a closer look later.” Xu Jian said.

When the Holy Spirit heard this, he wanted to go over and check immediately, but thinking that the dead were dead and the living didn't know where they were, he sighed: "You should have told me earlier. I was delayed for a while. I don't know if he is." Already escaped from the palace."

Xu Jian said simply: "If the King of Jin can escape, there must be some internal support here.

Then the emperor should have calculated the time and made sure that King Jin was almost ready to leave the palace before asking people to perform a show.

The minister and the princess came together. Just in case, the princess went to guard the Yamen and asked people to keep an eye on some palace gates.

I have warned you not to let anyone in or out of the Nangong Gate. "

The Holy Spirit sighed after hearing what he said.

 When Xu Jian arrived, he informed him that he and Ning An went to borrow people first, but the speed was quite different.

Of course, the Holy One knew better. If Li Du had really arranged his escape, he would most likely have left the palace before the fight broke out in the prison, and the garrison office would not be able to wait for him at the palace gate.

Li Duruo finally escaped from the capital, and it would be difficult to find him.

Even if he doesn't go out, the capital is so big that it's easy to hide someone.

 For a moment, anger, unwillingness and other emotions surged in his chest. The Holy Spirit tried his best to suppress it and asked, "Why do you think he faked his death?"

 Xu Jian briefly mentioned the conjecture to the Holy Father.

The Holy Master nodded slightly and called Eunuch Cao over: "Take a closer look to see if it is Li Du himself who died."

Eunuch Cao's eyes widened suddenly.

The Holy Emperor would not have unreasonable doubts. When Eunuch Cao realized what Xu Jian had said, he couldn't help but look at him.

Xu Jian asked the sage: "You once said that Li Min was born with six fingers on his right foot, so his remains are not easy to falsify. Does King Jin also have such clues that can be seen at a glance?"

The Holy Father frowned and recalled.

Xu Jian suggested: "I heard from the princess that Princess Jin was settled in the palace by the Empress Dowager."

Eunuch Cao understood it.

 Between husband and wife, they always know more details.

   "If you are young, please ask others to invite you."

 The rest of the matter does not need to be arranged by the Holy Spirit. Eunuch Cao has taken care of it all.

The body of "Li Du" was moved to the nearby Yifu Palace, the deceased was also moved to the side hall, and the injured were taken care of.

Hurryly summon Yu Lin to check several palace gates.

Song Qianshi and the two guards took him into custody first and waited for further interrogation. The remaining guards stayed here under the supervision of the imperial forest and were not allowed to leave the palace until the matter was over.

 Outside the East Palace Gate, Wantang had a sad face.

  Tonight is his night watch.

 As a commander, he can take a nap even if he is on duty at night. If there is any movement, he will be summoned by Tongzhi.

But they had just surrounded Jin Prince's Mansion during the day, and Li Rong was nowhere to be found. The mansion was also deserted. The most important thing to search for them was the past two or three days.

 Over time, I'm afraid it will be in vain.

So Wantang didn't go to bed and braced himself to think about the matter.

Unexpectedly, I did not expect the whereabouts of those people, but I waited until Princess Ning'an came to visit.

 What is this thing called?

Even if the two parents-in-law quarreled and the princess wanted someone to seek justice in the middle of the night, she should have gone back to her parents' home. How could she still come to guard the Yamen?

"Something happened in the palace prison. Because King Jin escaped from prison, Mr. Wan quickly gathered people to find out some palace gates."

After listening to it, Wantang’s ears were buzzing and his neck and joints were hurting!

 Looking at the palace gate?

 Besieging the palace gate? !

He Wan Tang has eaten the heart of a bear and the gall of a leopard? !

"Princess," Wantang was extremely worried, "I'm not putting on airs for you. It's actually the rules of guarding the Yamen. If you want to transfer people, you must have the Holy Spirit's will, and the waistband is also fine."

"I'm not trying to embarrass Lord Wan. I don't have the badge of the Holy Emperor, but I always hold the badge of Cining Palace." Lin Yunyan took it out, "I know you don't dare to surround the palace gate, and you will cause a lot of trouble if you hold the blame afterwards. Just stay far away from each palace gate, and stand with three or five people watching."

 Speaking of which, Wantang really can’t be old-fashioned.

It concerns King Jin, and the princesses have come to borrow people. He is passing the buck and letting King Jin run away, and he has no way to explain.

So Wantang bit the bullet and agreed.

The other palace gates went their separate ways, and he followed Lin Yunyan to the east gate, because it was the closest to the prison.

Wantang looked at Lin Yunyan from time to time and couldn't help but comfort himself.

Things are a bit sudden, but the Duke of Fu and the princess have always been reliable in their actions, and so is the Chengyi Mansion. Both the Lin and Xu families are loyal...

 After waiting for a long time, there was still no movement at the palace gate.

Seeing Lin Yunyan's solemn expression, Wantang said, "Princess, it's a good thing there's no movement."

Lin Yunyan said: "Maybe King Jin got away before we came."

They had been waiting for a long time. Suddenly, the east palace gate opened and a group of imperial guards rode out.

 The leader saw them, and the two parties quickly exchanged news.

“The Holy One suspected that King Jin had faked his death and asked us to leave the palace to trace his whereabouts.”

 “No one else has come out since we got here.”

Lin Yunyan raised her head, raised the torch in her hand, and shone it on Yu Lin's face one by one.

“Don’t worry, Princess. We checked and checked before opening the palace gate, and we will definitely not get mixed up in it.”

Having said that, Lin Yunyan, Wantang and others still looked at it carefully, and the imperial guards recognized each other again.

After Yulin set off, Wantang said: "Most of the palace gates are in the same situation. Perhaps as the princess said, the King of Jin fled long ago. I will go back to the Yamen to mobilize manpower, strengthen inspections, and ask yesterday's questions Did the night watchers find anyone suspicious?"

Lin Yunyan thanked her, entered the palace gate, and went to Yifu Palace.

 The Holy Spirit is also at Yifu Palace.

 The main hall is brightly lit.

The chamberlain had already washed away the blood on the face of the body, and the Holy Emperor came closer to look at it carefully, discussing with Xu Jian from time to time.

“He is the same height as King Jin, and there is no difference in body shape.”

“The facial features are really similar. If you hadn’t reminded me, I would have been able to hide it from him.”

 “The teeth are very neat, just like the king of Jin.”

"Without this sword, his intact appearance... seems to be slightly different."

 Xu Jian is also re-examining it.

I have to say, they are very similar.

 Compared to when he was in the prison with torches on his face, it feels more like it now.

With different light, the lines displayed are also different.

The imperial doctor must have done the autopsy at dawn. Looking at such a face, who would have thought that this person turned out to be the fake King of Jin!

 That is, Xu Jian was suspicious from the beginning, and it took him so long to notice any subtleties.

This wound caused nine or ten tenths of a person's original appearance. It was truly a "miraculous workmanship".

Lin Yunyan entered and bowed to the Holy Master.

"Is Ning'an here?" The Holy Master turned around and moved a step to block Lin Yunyan's sight. "Young lady, just don't look at her. Don't scare you and make you have nightmares later."

Lin Yunyan is actually not afraid at all.

Haven't she seen too many **** people?

 Even if it means killing, she has done it before.

 It's just that those are her and Xu Jian's secrets.

In the eyes of the Holy One, she was still young and innocent, so she followed the good and stepped aside.

 The Holy Spirit asked again about the situation outside the palace gate.

Lin Yunyan said it again, and then said: "You must not blame Commander Wan, he was forced by me."

The Holy Sage said: "I know."

As he was talking, there were hurried footsteps outside.

Lin Yunyan saw that the person who came was wearing thin clothes and simply pulling up her hair. She was Princess Jin.

Princess Jin's uneasiness was clearly written on her face. She even stumbled over the threshold when entering the palace. Fortunately, Lin Yunyan helped her.

 She thanked him softly and looked at the Holy One again.

The Holy Spirit said: "Look carefully to see if it is him."

Seeing the blood-stained bottom coat, Princess Jin was so frightened that she subconsciously turned her head, pursed her lips tightly and closed her eyes. After a while, she had the courage to look over again.

Walking to the couch where the body was placed, Princess Jin looked at the face and quickly said with a trembling voice: "Really, isn't this the prince?"

"Since we are husband and wife, my sister-in-law understands him better," the saint said. "Wherever there are moles or old scars on his body, if you don't dare to do anything, point them out and let the people come. This is a big matter. Is he alive or dead?" , Sister-in-law must be watching carefully."

 Princess Jin blinked.


What kind of couple has the husband deliberately plotting rebellion for many years, but completely keeping her in the dark?

That is rebellion! Usurping the throne! It's going to take your head off!

 She never thought of becoming a queen, but she was involved in such a conspiracy without any warning.

 It’s not just her, her daughter is only eleven years old! In the morning, he was still the young prince, but at night, he didn't know where he was hidden by Li Du. The days after that were completely different!

There is also her natal family, which has been slowly declining in recent years. They were already worried about the future, and she was involved in this matter.

 Does Li Du regard her as his wife?

 Has Li Du thought about her and their family’s fate?

 He is unkind and I am unjust!

 Princess Jin gritted her teeth and said, "I can do it myself."

After saying that, she reached out and pulled open the body's underwear.

Yesterday’s one thousand and today’s one thousand, together with the 10,000 coins that I left as a reward for my book friend in the autumn.

 Thank you book friends for your support, happy Women’s Day everyone~~~

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