Yan Cigui

Chapter 439: It’s not an abandoned child, it’s bait (two updates in one, please vote for me)

Chapter 439: Not an abandoned son but a bait (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

 The boy's father-in-law was taken down.

Lin Yunyan took out the handkerchief from her sleeve and handed it to Xu Jian.

The fine silk handkerchief is embroidered with two peonies and has the smell of spices that she usually uses in her daily life.

Xu Jian did not answer, but wiped his hands with an old piece of cloth placed on the table in the lobby.

Let the servant's saliva stain the veil?

  Can't be such a waste of natural resources.

When Wantang saw this, he was asking his men to bring some tea to soothe his throat. He turned around and saw this scene. He didn't tighten his lips and smiled happily.

How else can we say that young couples are so particular?

 It’s not like an old married couple like him.


 After a hard night's work, my clothes were all covered in ashes.

   I will be talked about by my old wife again when I go back.

Wantang secretly shook his head and cleared his throat: "My lord and princess, it is a great harvest to catch this person tonight. We have worked hard for so many days, and it has not been in vain."

To tell you the truth, I was worried earlier, because I was afraid that King Jin and his gang would have run away long ago, and we wouldn't be able to catch anyone.

 Firstly, I can't get the job done, and secondly, I'm afraid they will come back.

 Now, it’s considered an opening. "

 “How can all this work be in vain?” Xu Jian said, “But the protagonist tonight is not him.”

Wantang was stunned when he heard this.

What's the meaning?

Isn’t this **** a protagonist?

He was the one who mastered the poison recipe, and he was also the murderer who poisoned Prince Ding and the man in Yongji Palace.

 In the end, it’s just a supporting role?

What is the origin of the protagonist? Could it be King Jin himself?

"Where is the protagonist?" Wantang rolled up his sleeves and asked, "Lao Wan will go with you to capture him!"

"There's no need to worry," Xu Jian said, "I just captured the three messengers, they are the key."

Wantang half understood and half didn’t understand, so he asked, “Can you ask me a question?”

“Let’s pick them up together,” Xu Jian said, “Let’s see which one is smarter.”

 My men have gone to do some work.

 Wantang has a long neck, etc.

Lin Yunyan stood next to Xu Jian, no one said anything, and she understood with just a few glances.

Not long ago, after receiving the note from Su Chang, she and Xu Jian found it a bit strange.

 It is an extremely abnormal thing for Eunuch Tong to stay in Beijing.

Just as Lin Yunyan said to Eunuch Tong just now, as a chamberlain, once he is arrested, he will have fewer opportunities to quibble than others.

Eunuch Tong seems to rarely show up, but he is actually not safe.

Su Chang clearly met him.

From the previous battle, Li Du did not have his tail cut off, but instead led the troubled river to the east to protect the young father-in-law. There was indeed a deep master-servant relationship.

But if he was so reluctant to part with Eunuch Tong, Li Du should not have left him in the capital this time.

The manpower that Li Du can fully trust is indeed tight, but it is not to the point where two or three more people can no longer be found.

 Therefore, Eunuch Tong’s stay in Beijing has other meanings for Li Du.

Before the arrest, Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian could not determine the meaning. After arresting two groups of people, they basically had a definite answer.

 The father-in-law is not an abandoned child, but bait.

Of course, Eunuch Tong himself seemed to have no idea of ​​this. When he was provoked and questioned by Lin Yunyan, his reaction could not deceive anyone.

 Eunuch Tong sincerely believed that he stayed here only because Li Du trusted him.

Lin Yunyan thought that they still had a friendship between master and servant.

Li Du protected his father-in-law when he was able to do so. At least he was much better than Dao Heng and Wang Qi.

 But when Li Du was in trouble and had to be careful every step he took, Eunuch Tong was abandoned, or in other words, used in exchange for more benefits.

 Because Li Du's great cause of rejuvenation needed Su Yi.

Li Du believed in Su Yi, but he was not completely assured of Su Chang.

 The root of this matter is still in Chenmi Hutong.

At the beginning, in order to persecute the person behind the scenes and put pressure on him, Xu Jian once said something to Li Shao in the East Palace, mentioning that "the envoy from Gu Yue came in and out of the house, so he left the golden note."

Those things were said on purpose, heard on purpose, and spread to the ears of others on purpose.

 The man only cut off Dao Heng's tail after he knew that Xu Jian had known about Chenmi Hutong.

Since the person behind the scenes was Li Du, how would he view the envoy Su Chang?

Xu Jian's original words were conservative. He did not identify who the envoy was, nor did he reveal that it was Eunuch Tong who met the envoy. Even on the day of the siege of the Jin Palace, Eunuch Tong's visit to Chenmi Hutong was concealed. Get up.

 But when it comes to Li Du, I think I have to be on guard.

A year later, Xu Jian did not check the eunuchs who came in and out of Chenmi Hutong, but there was no news until Feng Chang spoke.

Of course it's not that Lin Yunyan and the others don't want to check, but that Su Chang can't answer anything except the surname Tong.

From Li Du's perspective, this is more like Xu Jian only knowing one thing but not the other.

 In other words, Xu Jian knew the identity of Gu Yue’s envoy and even Su Chang, but he did not know or recognize Eunuch Tong himself.

Su Chang is the only one who recognizes Eunuch Tong.

Then once the young father-in-law is arrested, Su Chang will be extremely suspicious.

 And Su Chang is judged to be untrustworthy, and all subsequent actions of Li Du and Su Yi will be adjusted accordingly.

 Using Eunuch Tong as bait to test Suchang's loyalty was the reason why Li Du kept him in the capital.

 Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian had this in mind, so they arranged the arrest tonight.

 Eunuch Tong will definitely be arrested, and Li Du will have to mess with his other plans.

The one who recognized him was Grandma He.

 After the garrison yamen was evacuated, Lin Yunyan left with Aunt He's family in a flash.

 This is not only to protect Suchang, but also to prevent Suchang.

Xu Jian oriole followed and caught three people who were watching, showing that one was well prepared.

 At the same time, he also "let go" one.

That one is in Xiaoci Hutong. He seems to have lived here forever. All the neighbors recognize him. The security office did not find him out after checking twice.

 The only thing that is revealing is the body shape.

 Standing and walking, an expert can tell whether you are practicing or not.

Moreover, the man secretly looked at Lin Yunyan and Aunt He, his eyes not curious, but scrutinizing.

Xu Jian did not arrest the man, but asked Xuan Su to follow him carefully to determine where he would go next.

Not long after, the three people were lifted up together, their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, and they were in a very embarrassed state.

Wantang asked: "Everyone's name, surname, and what they have done should be explained."

No one answered.

Wantang was not surprised by this. He laughed, turned to Xu Jian and said, "It's so naive to be tough-talking in the yamen."

"It's naive." Xu Jian answered.

He has seen tough-tongued people.

Like Wang did in the sixth year, it is extremely difficult to dig out a word of truth from his mouth. But it would be easier if there were three accomplices.

"You can stay frozen if you want. We'll starve for three to five days before we review. Whoever speaks first will eat chicken legs, the second one will be fed two mouthfuls of rice porridge, and the last one will be hungry."

 “Turn around and come back again, and it’s still the same rule, repeat it for a few days.”

"You three, look at each other. Can the other two survive better than yourself?"

“If you hesitate a little longer, the chicken drumsticks and rice porridge will be gone.”

“If I were you, I would tell you everything I can say now to avoid starving you for three to five days.”

After hearing what Xu Jian said, Wantang burst into laughter: "The Duke of Guo is still kind-hearted. He also gave me chicken drumsticks and rice porridge. If you ask me, Lao Wan, I won't hit the one who speaks first, the second one will be beaten, and the last one will be beaten." It's twenty boards.

Our brothers here know how to beat him. It hurts like **** but he won’t die.

 Sigh, it seems to me that you three don’t quite believe it?

Then let’s take ten boards each to taste them. "


Ten boards were struck each, and the wailing sounds gradually increased from loud to soft. Finally, the pain was so painful that I couldn't even cry out, and all I could do was gasp for air.

Wantang asked his men to feed each of them some water, and repeated the previous question: "Name."

 Some hesitate, others blurt out.

 With this beginning, subsequent interrogations became much simpler.

Xu Jian kept listening to Wantang's question, and abruptly interrupted with a question: "Eunuch Tong went out for a trip. Who did he meet?"

 “Master Ding!” one person said hurriedly.

Another one hurriedly said: "Master Ding from the Jingwei Command and Envoy Department!"

Wantang took a breath: "Ding Yuannian?"

 “I don’t know what it’s called. I live in Xique Hutong.”

Wantang was puzzled and thought he had remembered it wrong, so he asked Xu Jian, "Ding Yuannian didn't live there, did he?"

Xu Jian said: "He raised one there."

Wantang’s mouth twitched.


 In addition to the outer room, what else can be raised?

Na Ding Yuannian seemed to be an honest man. He relied on the support of his in-law family to climb up to the level of third-level commanding officer step by step. He did not expect to buy another house.

However, how come Duke Fu knows everything?

 After working hard all night, the garrison Yamen made another achievement.

Relying on the competition between these three people, two more private houses in the capital were provided. Although they were uninhabited at this time, some old documents and documents were copied from them.

 At dawn the next day, all the progress was sorted out and presented to the Jinluan Hall.

Although there is still no whereabouts of King Jin and Li Rong, the capture of Eunuch Tong is considered a big progress.

After Xu Jian finished speaking, he turned to look at Ding Yuannian: "Master Ding seems to be very uneasy?"

Ding Yuannian's face darkened: "Master Guo, what do you mean?"

"It means that Eunuch Tong's mouth is not as reliable as Mr. Ding thinks," Xu Jian said calmly, "The people who followed Eunuch Tong also saw him go to Xique Hutong. Mr. Ding can't say that he didn't know that Xique Hutong is What's going on?"

Ding Yuannian snorted coldly and was about to say something, but was stared at by a sharp gaze.

 The dragon's face is majestic.

 Ding Yuan's neck is sweating continuously.

If Duke Fu Guo asked this question from the side, Ding Yuannian would just wave his sleeves and leave, but this was in the Jinluan Hall.

"I, I am scared," Ding Yuannian knelt down with a plop, "I have indeed seen a person, but he was a rickety old man with a beard. I did not connect him with the father-in-law beside King Jin at all. He opened his mouth, "Master" I didn't know what he was talking about. I found him in Xique Alley and drove him out. If I knew he was from the King of Jin, I would have arrested him long ago."

Ding Yuannian's "wisdom arises out of desperation" obviously did not cover up the doubts of others.

"What happened to Magpie Alley? Why did Mr. Ding go there?"

"If you didn't know him in the past, why would he come to you at this time of life and death?"

“Master Ding, I would like to advise you to make meritorious deeds.”

Ding Yuannian was confused by the constant persuasion and questioning. When he looked at the bright yellow figure on the dragon chair, his vision went dark and he passed away.

 For a time, some people were pinching people, while others were pointing.

The Holy Spirit coughed twice and asked the guards to take Ding Yuannian down. He asked the imperial doctor to ask him when he woke up.

After leaving the court, the Holy Master walked up to Xu Jian and patted him on the shoulder: "Thank you for your hard work."

 After speaking, he said to other courtiers: "Everywhere should be tightened. We can't let Li Du cause trouble again."

 Over the next few days, I started to gain something one after another.

The man Xuan Su was following wanted to release carrier pigeons, but he was intercepted on the spot and more than twenty of them were collected.

 Interrogated the pigeon breeder and learned that the pigeons would fly to Jinzhong.

Lin Yunyan simply compiled all the accounting issues found in Jinzhong Changyuntang and other charity halls into a book, and hid it in a private house that was previously discovered. It was dug out during the second inspection of the Yamen.

 Through the hands of the old men at Qianbulang who are good at handling accounts, I figured out one of the ways that King Jin had accumulated wealth over the years.

 In Cining Palace.

Lin Yunyan chatted with the Queen Mother.

“It’s definitely not just in Jinzhong. Such easy and secretive money is blooming everywhere. If you ask me, people as rich as Jiangnan will definitely not be able to escape the disaster of the King of Jin.”

After hearing this, the Empress Dowager said: "Li Du is much more patient than the Ai family thought. If he hadn't been caught this time and allowed to hide, it would have been hard to predict the future."

There was no one else in the hall, so Lin Yunyan said: "His Highness originally believed in him."

The Queen Mother sighed.

 Which thing was believed or not in the past?

  It is about how to proceed in the future.

The Empress Dowager has always been worried about Yun Yan, who had conflicts with Li Shao several times.

Li Shao's position as crown prince was deposed, but both the Empress Dowager and Lin Yunyan knew that the Holy Emperor was willing to re-establish him.

If Li Shao could truly realize the truth and be upright to the king and people, the Queen Mother would not object to giving him a chance, but the actual situation is that she just lacks a little confidence.

However, Li Du has not been eliminated and the court is not stable enough. It is not wise to talk to the Holy Emperor about the crown prince at this moment.

"The people who went to Jinzhong to investigate are not sure whether they will be able to gain anything..." The Queen Mother sighed, "It is difficult to conquer a country, but it is even harder to defend it.

 The world was poor when the Holy Emperor ascended the throne, and he had to rest and recuperate for more than ten years before finally achieving the state of Tai'an he has today.

If war breaks out again, your muscles and bones will be broken again. "

Lin Yunyan thought for a while and said: "It is also a good thing to remove the hidden dangers as soon as possible. While Xiliang and Gu Yue have not moved yet, while the veteran generals can still fight. Otherwise, in ten or twenty years, the veteran generals will raise If you don’t use the knife anymore, your descendants won’t be able to continue, and the trouble will be even greater.”

When it comes to the lack of jobs, the Empress Dowager is also helpless: "The Ai family heard that the Yin of Shuntian Prefecture often scolds the dandies in the capital? He wants to scold them. They all come from noble families and do nothing all day long. As long as half of them are willing to make progress. It’s not like he has no successor.”

As he was talking, a call came from outside, saying that Princess Derong had arrived.

Soon, the eldest princess came in, greeted the Queen Mother with a smile, and supported Lin Yunyan who was saluting.

"I heard that Duke Fu has made a great contribution this time," the eldest princess smiled and said to the empress dowager, "the husband you chose for Ning An is really good and can do things well."

 The Queen Mother laughed.

"I really don't understand the second brother," the eldest princess said again, "Not only did he go crazy himself, he also caused trouble to his sister-in-law and Li Rong. How did he come up with the idea of ​​​​faking death and escaping! Speaking of which, you can guess Ning'an. It’s amazing that he’s waiting for something like this.”

Thanks to Bookstore book friend Yuzi Hehe for the reward. Thanks to Red Sleeve Book Friend liebro for the tip.

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