Yan Cigui

Chapter 440: It’s Li Rong (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

Chapter 440 is Li Rong (two updates in one, please vote for me)

Lin Yunyan did not answer the words, she just pursed her lips and smiled lightly, well-behaved and shy.

The Queen Mother saw that she did not want to talk to Derong about the rebellion of King Jin in detail, so she gave her a step: "Derong is already here, why is the concubine not here? There are three missing ones, and the Ai family's hands are missing. It's very itchy, Yun Yan, go and urge her."

Lin Yunyan followed Shan Ruliu, got up and went outside.

The Empress Dowager asked Princess Derong again: "I heard you mention it a few years ago that you wanted to escape the summer heat. When do you plan to set off?"

"That's what I thought, but it seems I have to put it aside for the time being," Princess Derong sighed, "Second brother doesn't know what kind of trouble he will cause again. People in the court are in panic, but I went to have fun with my consort. It’s too shameful. Besides, I’m not in that mood anymore.”

"That's true..." The Empress Dowager nodded and patted the back of her hand, "It doesn't matter if it's in Beijing. The capital is only so big. If there is any situation, it can be dealt with. The Ai family feels at ease. It's not like people from all over the world. If anything happens, it will be too late by the time it reaches the Ai family."

Princess Derong knew that her empress was thinking of Dingguo Temple.

"I'm not defending the second brother," she said, "but I heard what he meant that day. He also regretted the ending of Dingguo Temple. He didn't go to kill the late empress and Ayun. On the contrary, it was because of this that he made you He completely fell to the Holy One, making it impossible for the second brother to win."

The Empress Dowager looked sad, thought for a moment, and said: "What he thinks is his business, but the Ai family also has something to say.

 Ai Jia is not only the married daughter of the Shen family, but also the queen of Dashun.

The Ai family is heartbroken that A Yun died, but they will not ignore the country and the court for the future of Shen and Yun Yan.

 The Ai family has also thought carefully about recommending the emperor to your father.

 Facts have proved that Ai Jia was right. "

Princess Derong said: "I know you, it's the second brother who can't accept failure and is desperate."

"When it comes to being a famous king through the ages, the Holy One does not have that kind of qualifications, not even A Cang. The brothers all have their own strengths and weaknesses." The Empress Dowager paused and continued, "In Li Du, In Li Jun's eyes, the Holy Emperor was unqualified. They could find a lot of faults, but they were not convinced.

 But here in Aijia, the Holy Spirit has done a good job.

 Hold on well, be diligent and diligent, and do not make rash advances, so that the great obedience can be relieved from natural and man-made disasters and the lives of the people can be better. The Holy Spirit has done it.

 De Rong, it is not that easy to defend the country. "

The eldest princess smiled and said: "That's what you said.

  I am not like them who go to court to discuss affairs, and I don’t know much about government affairs inside and outside the court, but I have eyes.

 You think about it, I have traveled to many places over the years, and I have seen with my own eyes that the lives of the people are getting better and better year by year, and the country is peaceful and the people are safe.

To achieve this result, His Majesty had great intentions. "

At this point, Princess Derong suddenly changed the subject and lowered her voice: "In the final analysis, Sixth Brother is good at everything else, but there is one thing that I can't stand him for!"

"Oh?" The Queen Mother raised her eyebrows and asked doubtfully, "Which one is it?"

"Too sentimental," Princess Derong frowned slightly and thought about her words, "I know Sister-in-law Six is ​​good. He can't let Sister-in-law Liu go for so many years, so I can understand him.

 It's just that he shouldn't pin all his feelings for Sixth Sister-in-law on Li Shao.

If Li Shao is a capable person, the sixth brother can just protect him. But if Li Shao is like that, let alone the second brother, I don't like him either.

 The dignified prince behaves so absurdly! "

The Empress Dowager said: "He is no longer the prince."

“It’s not true today, who knows whether it will be true tomorrow?” The eldest princess muttered, “The courtiers dare not speculate on His Majesty’s will at will, but you and I both know Brother Six’s temperament!”

 The Queen Mother was noncommittal.

She knew the inside story and was not worried about Li Shao, but she would not discuss this with Derong in detail, let alone reveal her inclination.

"You are embarrassing the Ai family," the Empress Dowager smiled, "How many years can the Ai family have a good life at this age and with this body? It's still early for the emperor to pass the throne in his prime! The Ai family can't see that anyway. for one day."

"Listen for yourself," Princess Derong complained, "What do you want me to say?

 Say you can definitely watch that day? This is not a nice thing to say, it is a curse on Brother Six.

 I feel very uncomfortable saying that you can't see it, but I hope you live a long life. "

The Empress Dowager burst out laughing. After finishing her laughter, she sighed and joked: "Derong, your destiny is determined by God. Flowers know their seasons, and people know their destiny. They have to put them down when it's time to put them down. Otherwise, flowers are not flowers, and people are not human beings." , but the old monster!"

"You are really this!" Princess Derong said angrily, "I hope you live a long life, but you say you are an old monster!"

 “What old monster?”

There was a sound from outside. It was Lin Yunyan who was helping Concubine Wen in.

Seeing that everyone was gathered, the Queen Mother signaled Grandma Wang to prepare the horse crane, and briefly explained a few words about "old monster".

Concubine Wen was amused: "Your Majesty, they say 'you know your destiny at fifty'. How old is the eldest princess? She can't realize it. Only those of us who have lived for a long time know that when we are old, we are reminded everywhere to hurry up." about there."

 The Empress Dowager caressed her palms.

Lin Yunyan's eyes turned away from the Empress Dowager and Princess Derong, and she also curled her lips.

Hand up the horse and let go of those things.

The Empress Dowager was in a good mood and did not rest until the evening.

 Wen Taifei will return first.

Princess Derong was also preparing to leave the palace and asked Lin Yunyan, "Does Ning'an want to go with me?"

Lin Yunyan said: "The Duke is in Shuntian Mansion today. I'm afraid he won't be free yet. I'll wait another two-quarters of an hour to pick him up."

“Newlyweds are great!” the eldest princess teased.

Lin Yunyan smiled: "You and your consort are known to everyone as a couple of gods and immortals. Let me tell you quietly that when we, the younger generation of girls, get together, we all talk about you with envy."

"You have such a sweet mouth!" The eldest princess beamed, "No wonder the Queen Mother loves you the most. Who wouldn't love such a sweet mouth? Okay, I'll go back first, and you can talk to the queen for a while."

Lin Yunyan escorted her out of the hall.

Princess Derong walked out of Cining Palace, turned her head and looked in the direction of the main hall, and then got into the sedan chair.

 The sedan curtain fell, the smile on her face faded little by little, and she closed her eyes to rest.

Lin Yunyan returned to the Queen Mother and said coquettishly: "You can't say that you are an old monster anymore. You are not an old monster if you live a hundred years."

 “You child.” The Empress Dowager was helpless and amused at the same time.

Lin Yunyan knew the Empress Dowager very well.

 When she and Concubine Wen came in earlier, the empress's tone and demeanor were as usual, but Lin Yunyan just felt that it was not that simple.

At this moment, it is just "revisiting old things" and trying to figure out the situation at that time.

"Derong and the Aijia proposed Li Shao," the Queen Mother thought for a while and then said, "She is not satisfied with Li Shao."

Lin Yunyan looked at the Queen Mother without saying anything.

The Empress Dowager added: "Derong, she is better than a daughter, but also bad at being a daughter."

 Smart, lively, and lovable.

These advantages cannot all be considered advantages in a prince, especially a prince who is growing up. A prince needs more stability, knowledge and courage. However, Derong is a princess, so she is the late emperor's favorite daughter.

 But because she is a daughter, the court battle has nothing to do with her.

No matter how the brothers fight, she is an outsider and no longer a member of this "family".

Lin Yunyan thought about the Queen Mother's words and asked, "Are you worried that the eldest princess will suddenly get into trouble?"

"Ai Jia is not sure," the Queen Mother said, "but she is smart and can understand Ai Jia's words."

Seeing Lin Yunyan frowning, the Empress Dowager laughed again: "In the final analysis, it is Li Du who suffers the most and has the deepest hatred. So many things happened, which made everyone feel uneasy. If we can't catch him in one day, let alone the Holy Master, he won't be able to sleep well." , Aijia can’t sleep well either.”

"I heard that there can be some progress. Ding Yuannian gave some explanations, and we will proceed according to his confession," Lin Yunyan said, "I just don't know when I can catch it."

"Speaking of which," the Queen Mother asked, "how many days will it take for your eldest sister to leave the cabinet?" The topic suddenly changed, and Lin Yunyan was stunned for a moment without reacting.

The Empress Dowager smiled gently: "What? If Li Du can't be caught, there won't be any happy events in the house?"

 “That’s not true,” Lin Yunyan said.

"Yun Yan, this is how we live our lives," the Empress Dowager said. "Even if important matters are pending, we have to live our lives."

"You're right," Lin Yunyan smiled. "I heard that my eldest brother-in-law's mother has arrived in Beijing, and the new house has been packed and ready. I'm just waiting for my family to go over and make the bed."

Hearing these happy events, the Queen Mother's worries about Li Du and Li Shao suddenly relaxed.

She listened with interest for a while and said, "Tomorrow the Ai family will send someone a pair of screens to add makeup to her."

Lin Yunyan thanked Lin Yunjing for the reward.

 There are eight days left before the wedding.

Lin Yunyan went back to Uncle Chengyi's house to see if there was anything she could do to help.

 In fact, she had no part in anything but teasing and joking with her sisters.

The three sisters were in Zai Shou Yuan. They came and went and exposed each other's shortcomings, making little Duan even laugh non-stop.

It was busy, and there was a sound of footsteps in the yard.

Lin Yunyan looked out through the window and saw a young gentleman coming in a hurry.

 The person who came was none other than Duan Zhihuai.

He and Duan Zhiyu set out on a study tour from the south of the Yangtze River and went all the way north, watching as they walked. They arrived in the capital almost half a month ago.

The nephews and grandnephews from the family that Xiao Duan had been longing for finally arrived safely, and he was happy to meet them. Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian also came back to have a meal and get to know each other.

 Speaking of which, I had heard of Duan Zhihuai, the third brother-in-law, in my previous life, but this was the first time I had seen him in person.

Duan Zhihuai's stature is not high in the capital, he is gentle and has a good temper.

Just today, Duan Zhihuai was covered in gray and looked a little embarrassed.

After entering the house, Duan Zhihuai cupped his hands and said, "Princess, I wonder where the Duke is now?"

Lin Yunyan said: "I should be at Qianbu Corridor today. Does my cousin have anything to do with him?"

Duan Zhihuai nodded: "We may have discovered Li Rong."

Lin Yunyan’s expression condensed: “Seriously? Where is he?”

“In a mountain valley in the Western Mountains outside Beijing,” Duan Zhihuai said, “Zhiyu and I were traveling in the mountains. We walked very deep and accidentally slipped down the mountain. When we were looking for a way out, we found a young man lying down in the woods.

We have seen the portrait posted on the city gate and thought he looked very much like Li Rong.

 He broke his foot and seemed to have not eaten or drank for several days, leaving him with only one breath left.

 We gave him a drink of water, Zhiyu looked at him, and I returned to the city to report the news. "

Lin Yunyan turned to look at Xiao Duan.

Little Duan understood and said, "Take him to see the Duke of Guo quickly. This matter is important, don't delay."

 Lin Yunyan responded.

The carriage left Uncle Chengyi's Mansion and headed all the way to Qianbu Corridor.

Duan Zhihuai talked about some more situations on the road.

Judging from the traces on the ground, there were very few people in that mountain col and forest. The two of them would not have gone there unless it was an accident. Li Rong most likely slipped down accidentally.

There was no one around, but they didn't dare to be careless. Duan Zhiyu was good at climbing trees, so he found a tall tree crown and squatted down to keep an eye on them. Duan Zhihuai didn't know how to do this, so he let him return to the city.

 Normally, he should report to the official directly, but he had not been in Beijing for a long time, and he was afraid of causing trouble to the uncle's house by acting rashly, so he wanted to find the elders in the house first.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Chengyi was not at home, but when Lin Yunyan came back to her parents' home, she immediately looked for her.

 Thousand-step corridor.

When Xu Jian got on the carriage, he was quite surprised to see Duan Zhihuai there.

After hearing what Lin Yunyan said about the situation, he immediately got out of the car and asked Shen Chen to prepare his horse.

Turning around, Xu Jian asked, "Can my cousin ride a horse?"

Duan Zhihuai replied honestly: "My riding skills are not good."

 Xu Jian asked again: "How do you know the way?"

“Don’t worry, Lord Duke,” Duan Zhihuai was very confident this time, “I’m good at memorizing directions.”

 Bring the horse.

 Xu Jian led Duan Zhihuai on horseback, and Shen Chen followed.

 The three of them went to the garrison yamen first.

As soon as Wantang heard that he was going into the mountain to capture Li Rong, he immediately ordered six horsemen to ride swiftly according to Xu Jian's instructions. He himself was not idle and followed him.

 The horses galloped out of the city.

Wantang asked: “Are these people really enough?”

Xu Jian urged his horse and said, "We only found Li Rong, and judging from his condition, it doesn't look like anyone else is around."

 Horses jolt.

 It was quite stable when you first went up the mountain road, but it became uncomfortable when you walked on the forest road.

 Fortunately, the people who came with us were all masters of equestrian skills and could still ride horses in this situation. If it were a more normal situation, we would have to dismount during this section of the road.

 Xishan is a continuous mountain. If you don’t have an accurate location, trying to find someone here is almost like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Duan Zhihuai was uncomfortable being jolted, but fortunately it did not affect his ability to identify the path and pointed several people forward along the way.

After entering the mountain col and walking for a while, I suddenly heard a string of birds chirping.

"That's Zhiyu." After Duan Zhihuai finished speaking, he used his hand as a whistle and responded with a string of bird calls.

Soon, Xu Jian saw a person sliding down from a big tree in front of him.

Duan Zhiyu wiped the sweat from his forehead and pointed out: "No one else has come again, that person is right there."

 Xu Jian and others dismounted.

Wantang was impatient and ran towards the direction Duan Zhiyu pointed.

As expected, there was a person lying on the ground in that box. Judging from his stature, he was a young man in his early ten years.

Wantang ran two more steps, took a closer look at the young man, and then shouted to Xu Jian: "That's him, Li Rong."

 Xu Jian also squatted down next to Li Rong.

 The young boy’s eyes were closed and his lips were chapped.

He checked his nose and found that there was still a little breath.

 Please give me a monthly ticket~~~

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