Yan Cigui

Chapter 442: Too murderous (two updates in one, please vote for me)

Chapter 442: Too Murderous (Two updates in one, please vote for me)

 Outside the Imperial Study Room.

Eunuch Cao came out and said, "Is there any news?"

“I found the Zhuangzi that His Highness Li Rong mentioned, but the building was empty.” Xu Jian replied.

 Eunuch Cao was not surprised.

Xu Jian entered and reported the search status of the past two days: "All the documents found have been brought back, and Mr. Wan sent them to Qianbu Corridor."

At the other end of the Dali Temple Yamen, a room was specially set up to pile up documents related to the case.

The old people who were doing the accounting and sorting were also sitting there, comparing and calculating bit by bit.

Even though we are working night shifts every day, there is only "some progress" and it is still early to complete the work.

 In case investigation, especially a case like this that has taken more than ten or twenty years and been carefully planned, the most important thing is time.

 Happily, in an emergency situation, the most lacking thing is time.

“The details of the case can be a step slower. They need to be thorough, careful, and correct, but Li Du must be caught as soon as possible.” The Holy Master sighed.

Xu Jian responded and changed the subject, mentioning Li Shao: "His Highness also asked me this morning about how to deal with His Highness Li Rong."

"Shao'er also asked me," the Holy Master said, "What do you think?"

“My idea is not complete,” Xu Jian said carefully. “I was busy searching the mountains this morning, and I didn’t have a chance to discuss it with His Highness. I really want to hear his thoughts.”

The Holy Spirit had no objection and signaled Eunuch Cao to invite Li Shao.

 Not only Xu Jian, but also the emperor himself wanted to hear more about Shao'er's political opinions.

 In this current situation, it is of course him who ultimately makes the decision, but there is no harm in listening more.

 Li Shao arrived soon.

"Have you found Zhuangzi? It's empty?" Li Shao snorted, "Can it be empty? If Li Rong ran away, who would stay in that Zhuangzi!"

His tone was very dissatisfied, and finally he asked: "Father, why don't you just kill Li Rong?

 Speaking of which, the government should have directly beheaded Li Du that day!

 He died on the spot, so there was no such thing as a golden cicada escaping from its shell! "

"Your Highness," Xu Jian's voice was calm, not affected by Li Shao's excitement at all, "A wise king cannot rule the world without bypassing a review and investigation. The regulations are clear and clear, so they will not be implemented according to the facts. How can he behead someone at the first sign? What’s the truth? What’s more, it’s a prince.”

Li Shao looked dissatisfied and asked: "According to what you said, if I find a rebel, I have to feed and drink him for several months, so that I can find him?"

"Is he a true rebel or was he framed? Your Highness, how can you tell if you don't find out?" Xu Jian said.

 “Li Du recognized everything on the spot.” Li Shao became a little anxious.

"Your Highness," Xu Jian glanced at the Holy Emperor and then said to Li Shao, "I am talking about His Highness Li Rong now."

Li Shao couldn't help but be speechless, and after a while he said angrily, "Just kill him."

"The pros and cons have been discussed a lot by other adults in the morning, and His Highness has listened to them all," Xu Jian said, "I have some new clues here..."

 What he was talking about was the confessions of hunters and medicine farmers that Chen Gui had inquired about.

"So," the Holy Master said, "if it hadn't been for the chance encounter with the cousins ​​in Uncle Cheng's mansion, Li Rong would really have died in the mountain col?"

Xu Jian replied: "At present, it seems that is the case."

"I don't think so," Li Shao insisted. "It's just a coincidence now. If it turns out to be an unlucky coincidence, it can naturally be arranged to make it a coincidence. According to what the imperial doctor said, Li Rong can still hold on for another day or two, as long as he still has breath. , Can’t we find an Orion reporting officer and bring it back?”

 This method is completely feasible.

 Therefore, Xu Jian did not deny Li Shao, but echoed: "What your Highness said is true, and it can indeed be so."

Li Shao received echoes and became more insistent: "So it should be killed."

 The Holy Spirit was noncommittal.

 Xu Jian paid attention to the expression of the Holy Emperor and continued to talk to Li Shao: "Your Highness, the clan members are particularly opposed to it."

“Clan relative?” Li Shao curled his lips with obvious disdain, “Did Uncle Ping say something, or did Great Aunt Baoying say something?

 They said nothing.

Uncle Ping was still involved in government affairs in recent years, and Aunt Baoying and the Queen Mother moved around a lot. Even the two of them did not speak for Li Rong, but others came to join him!

 I don’t see much happening on weekdays, but this time I jumped out one by one.

 I think they are afraid that Li Du will come back to settle the score with them, and they want to please both sides and be a mere wallflower.

 One by one, relying on their little blood connection to have the surname Li, they pointed at each other. "

 Li Shao has always troubled those so-called clan members.

That's all for those who are really close to them. There are also some who are about to give up the fifth service. It's honorable to call them relatives. They are also called "poor relatives of the emperor's family" as the old saying goes.

One day he stopped in front of the palace. Not to mention that Li Shao couldn't recognize it all, he guessed that his father might not be able to recognize it either.

As for those people, if someone named Li does something, they can collapse the gate of the clan's mansion.

Mingming's jurisdiction has been handed over to the Ministry of Rites a few years ago, and the Zongren Mansion exists in name only. There are no visitors all year round, but these days it is more lively than the market.

Xu Jian added: "The purpose of keeping His Highness Li Rong is to find Li Du as soon as possible. Even His Highness Li Rong can save his life. All the other ministers need to do is stand up..."

“I don’t think so,” Li Shao interrupted Xu Jian. “Those who know Li Du’s plan and whereabouts are all close friends and will not defect. There is no use in wooing those who don’t know.

It's better to kill a few more to scare the monkeys and let them know the consequences of rebelling with Li Du!

Let me think about it, maybe hang Li Rong’s head on the city gate? "

The Holy Emperor said nothing, just looked at Li Shao quietly.

 There is indeed no clear answer to whether to kill or not to kill. The final decision is just a matter of weighing the pros and cons.

 At first, when the Holy Master heard Li Shao say "kill", he thought he was being decisive, but the more he listened, the more he felt that something was not right.

That is no longer decisive, but ruthless.

 In other words, the murderous intention is too strong.

This murderous intent was revealed little by little as the conversation progressed, and it was like a hot flame, running straight through it.

 Did someone else guide Shaoer?

not at all.

 He just sat here and listened, and the Holy Master could clearly hear every word Xu Jian said.

 Xu Jian was making a statement without any obvious inclination. It was not until he heard that Shao Er had murderous intentions that he tried to persuade her, but Shao Er didn't listen.

 In other words, there are some differences between what Shao'er heard, what Xu Jian stated, and what the Holy Emperor heard himself.

It was at this moment that the Holy Master realized why Shaoer originally said that Xu Jian cheated him.

 In all likelihood, the same is true.

 Something went wrong between those who heard and those who spoke.

 If we don’t come together, there will naturally be differences and contradictions.

"Shao'er," the Holy One said with seriousness and sincerity, "Don't ever mention the idea of ​​hanging up the city gate again. Li Rong's surname is Li. He is only eleven years old. He is not the one who committed the heinous crime. Even if he wants to do it for It shouldn’t be such a tragic situation if Li Du pays the price.”

Li Shao's face turned pale. He did not dare to contradict his father. He lowered his head and replied, "I know I was wrong."

 Xu Jian looked as usual.

 In the days to come, he and Lin Yunyan wanted to sit back and relax. Apart from catching Li Du, they could not let Li Shao make a comeback.

I have to say, Li Shao is still Li Shao.

 Li Shao's heart has always been that those who obey me will prosper and those who go against me will perish.

He will still be afraid of the Holy One now, but when he has the power of life and death, he will be unscrupulous.

 In the past, the Chengcheng Mansion only reduced the rank but did not behead. The charge was really ridiculous and absurd. The evidence was insufficient and unconvincing, so much so that the civil and military ministers stopped and tried to persuade him.     Things deep in one's bones cannot be changed.

Today Xu Jian deliberately asked the Holy One to summon Li Shao, and also wanted the Holy One to see more of Li Shao's fierceness.

 And Li Shao lived up to expectations and showed off.

 The other side.

 Lin Yunyan got the approval of the Empress Dowager, left Cining Palace and went to Jingxin Hall.

There are not many guards in the Jingxin Hall, but everyone is serious. It is quiet inside and outside, and it is extremely boring.

Lin Yunyan walked in and saw Li Rong through the open window.

 Li Rong is still recovering from his illness.

The little boy who was originally a little chubby has gone through this ordeal, and his chin looks a little bit sharp.

 A pair of black eyes looked at the people entering the yard.

When their eyes met, he suddenly bent his eyes and showed a shy smile.

Lin Yunyan walked a few steps over, stood on the corridor, and said hello through the window: "Your Highness looks much better."

"It was the princess's cousin who found me?" Li Rong said, "I am very grateful to them. I should have given them some gifts to express my gratitude, but I have nothing now."

"Your Highness, you are polite. This is why my cousin met Your Highness." Lin Yunyan clasped her hands in the direction of the main hall, bowed and then said to Li Rong, "Your Highness, rest more, I will go see the princess."

After saying that, she walked down the steps here, crossed the courtyard, and arrived at the west side hall.

 The windows of the west wing of the hall are also open.

 The original purpose was to allow mother and son to look at each other through the window for comfort, so Princess Jin sat under the window.

Lin Yunyan entered the palace and said, "The queen has something to say and asked me to bring it to the princess."

Princess Jin was startled and subconsciously looked out the window.

Li Rong was lying by the window, looking at her eagerly.

A pain in Princess Jin, his eyes turned around Lin Yunyan and Li Yan. In the end, he was not willing to close the window, only got up and moved, and the two sat at the small table.

 The table cannot be seen outside.

Princess Jin knew it, but she still couldn't help but want to tilt her body to reach it and try to see.

 “The Queen is very worried about Your Highness.” Lin Yunyan said.

"Yes, my biological son, how can I not worry about him?" Princess Jin touched the jade bracelet on her hand, "I also want to thank the princess, otherwise I may never see Rong'er again in my life.

I wanted to give the princess a gift, but everything was confiscated. The few items I had left with me were ordinary, far less than what the princess used on a daily basis.

 Besides, in this situation, if I give anything to anyone, I am causing trouble for them. "

Lin Yunyan smiled.

 She knew that Princess Jin was not stingy, and that was indeed the case.

  When mentioning Li Rong, Princess Jin couldn’t help but get a little emotional: “One day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, the prince made the land become like this!

I originally thought that although the prince took Rong'er away, although he shouldn't, he still wanted to protect his son.

He fought over and over again, and in the end he fought for Rong'er.

 Now it seems that I made a mistake! How could he really care about Ronger?

As long as the people looking after her were more considerate, they would not let Rong'er sneak out and fall down the mountain, almost dying!

Tiger poison cannot eat its seeds, so he only hurts me, what else can he do to harm Rong'er! Rong'er is only eleven years old!

I can only comfort myself by saying that this is a blessing in disguise.

The prince took the wrong path, and Rong'er followed him, even if it was not voluntary, he would not be able to escape punishment in the future.

It would be better to escape back. No matter whether he lives or dies in the future, at least he said it himself and let everyone know that he does not want to participate in the rebellion. "

Lin Yunyan heard what Princess Jin said, but she had different opinions: "I don't think so."

Princess Jin was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting to be refuted.

 But she really thought so.

 Did she think wrong somewhere?

"Your Highness is eleven years old. If he stayed in the palace and was arrested with you, he would not be as free as you. A man is a man," Lin Yunyan said very directly, "On the contrary, he disappeared for a while and then escaped. How can he still I have more of a mother-son bond with you. Look, he is in the side hall opposite, and you can see him just by standing by the window."

Princess Jin thought for a while and said: "In that case, it is also a blessing in disguise."

"Whether it's a blessing or a curse, we haven't decided yet," Lin Yunyan looked deeply at Princess Jin and said in a deep tone, "The depth of the fate between mother and son depends on what His Highness thinks."

Princess Jin's eyes widened suddenly: "What do you mean, Princess?"

“Everyone in the court has their own ideas on how to deal with His Highness Li Rong’s affairs,” Lin Yunyan said. “I don’t need to explain the specific situation in detail. I think the princess can understand it.

His Royal Highness can still stay here to recuperate, which is not only considerate of the Queen Mother, but also benevolent of the Holy One.

 But you also said that no one dares to say what will happen to the sky, the earth, and tomorrow. "

Princess Jin looked at Lin Yunyan blankly.

“You know your son better than your mother,” Lin Yunyan held Princess Jin’s hand, speaking softly but firmly, “If Your Highness is sincere, I will treat him the same way I treat you. If Your Highness has other ideas...

 Princess, the Queen Mother is very appreciative of the fact that you exposed the false identity earlier.

Although husband and wife are one body, they also pay attention to right and wrong. King Jin made too many mistakes and hid them too deeply.

It would be really worrying if His Highness Li Rong is too deeply influenced by him.

Your Majesty, let me tell you that opportunities are given by others, but you also seize them yourself.

 What do you think? princess. "

 Princess Jin’s fingers trembled, and her whole body was shaking.

The lips were pursed, the eyes were misty, and the eye sockets were red.

 But none of this could express her feelings.

Her heart felt like it was being cut by a knife.

She understood every word the princess said.

 She also understood what the Empress Dowager wanted the Princess to convey.

 It is precisely because it is so clear that it hurts so much.

 She can definitely abandon the prince, but the prince is unkind, so what if she is unjust?

 Ke Rong'er is her son!

How can a mother leave her own child behind?

"Princess," Princess Jin choked, "I believe in Ron'er, and I believe that what he told is the truth. He escaped with great difficulty, and I, I don't want to doubt him!"

Lin Yunyan looked at her quietly.

 Princess Jin turned her head, avoiding Lin Yunyan's eyes, and rambled on about a person who said a lot, all of which were to defend Li Rong.

   I couldn't help but burst into tears.

 Finally, she raised her head again.

"I understand, I understand. You have to seize the opportunity by yourself. If you take it seriously..." Princess Jin's voice was even more broken than her heart, "I will seize it..."

Thanks to book friends Lili and Xiaoyuan for their tips.

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