Yan Cigui

Chapter 443: Just a cricket (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

Chapter 443 is just a cricket (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

Lin Yunyan came out of the side hall.

In the opposite window, Li Rong was still looking at her, with a bit of curiosity in his eyes.

“What did the princess and the concubine say?” he asked.

Lin Yunyan said: "I told you something about your highness's maternal grandfather's family."

Li Rong was stunned for a moment, then asked again: "Grandpa, grandma, are they okay? My father's rebellion has also affected them, right?"

“Your Highness,” Lin Yunyan said softly, “If you are implicated, you will inevitably be implicated. What the princess wants right now is to be less implicated.”

Li Rong nodded thoughtfully.

Lin Yunyan turned her head and looked inside the hall again.

She spoke without suppressing her voice, thinking that Princess Jin could hear these few words of conversation.

If Li Rong is really evil, what is more important between his son and his natal family depends on the choice of Princess Jin.

After washing her face, Princess Jin sat down under the window again.

Mother and son faced each other, and seeing Li Rong looking at her with concern, Princess Jin almost burst into tears again.

 “What’s wrong with you?” Li Rong didn’t dare to shout loudly. Fortunately, the Jingxin Hall was not big. Every word was word by word, and with his mouth open, he could convey a lot of meaning from the shape of his mouth.

 A young boy with a childish look on his face.

Princess Jin quickly forced out a smile and responded: "It's okay, my concubine is okay. You take good care of yourself."

 Just take care of your body.

 Don’t have any treasonous thoughts.

If you really go astray...

 When Princess Jin thought about that possibility, it was painful for Princess Jin to even breathe.

 She glanced towards the Buddhist hall.

 Rescue the suffering and rescue Guanshiyin Bodhisattva.

 Princess Jin kept praying in her heart.

I don’t know if Li Rong saw clearly the tangled look on Princess Jin’s face. He rolled his eyes and laughed.

Half of her body was lying on the window sill, but the hand hanging inside the window was tightly clenched.

 On the other side, Lin Yunyan returned to Cining Palace.

The Queen Mother invited her to sit next to her and asked, "Have you told her everything?"

"Say it," Lin Yunyan replied, "The princess is very sad, and it can be seen that she is in a dilemma."

“The Ai family doesn’t want to embarrass her,” the Queen Mother sighed, “but who hasn’t experienced a few embarrassing things in this life?

 Fish and bear paws, palms and backs of hands.

 When it comes time to make a choice, I hope she can think it through and not regret it.

The Aijia treated her with the utmost benevolence and righteousness. "

 The love between mother and child is blood and nature.

The world is big, and there are indeed mothers who do not care for their children, but Princess Jin is obviously not that kind.

"The world is difficult," the Empress Dowager added. "It's already in chaos. The Ai family thought that if there was less chaos, there would be less chaos. When gods fight, the common people will suffer in the end. In a few days, the Ai family will fight Derong again. Said, wise people should not do foolish things."

 At this point, the Empress Dowager lowered her voice and asked Lin Yunyan: "The Ai family heard that the Holy Father mentioned that Xu Jian is worried about Li Du joining forces with Gu Yue to launch an attack?"

 Lin Yunyan nodded.

This matter will be kept secret for the time being.

The Holy Spirit secretly issued a message urging several border passes to strengthen defenses, but he did not discuss it in the court. He was also worried that Li Du had a hidden line in the court.

 Once the news spreads, it will only alert the snake.

Furthermore, Xu Jian wants to keep Su Chang's line as much as possible. At present, it seems that Su Chang has no signs of defecting again.

"Xiliang alone has caused so much trouble to Yumen," the Queen Mother said solemnly, "If Gu Yue also comes to intervene..."

 Resist or even fight back.

 The Empress Dowager is not without that kind of confidence.

 After these years of keeping a low profile, there is no shortage of troops and sufficient food and grass. As for the selection of generals, as she said with emotion to Lin Yunyan a time ago, the veteran generals can still carry the load.

 She is more worried about running out of money.

Li Duruo also raised his troops and moved here and there, making the situation volatile.

Lin Yunyan understood the Empress Dowager’s concerns.

 In her memory, Gu Yue did not join forces with Xiliang, nor did she attack Dashun.

 It's just that Li Du had a smooth life in his previous life, which was completely different from his current situation.

"There are both external troubles and internal worries," Lin Yunyan said. "My dear, from another perspective, if we can get through it smoothly, the country will become more stable."

Hearing this, the Queen Mother laughed.

 The next day.

 In the morning, it was still you and me going back and forth, everyone having their own arguments.

Li Shao was mentioned by the Holy Father yesterday, but today the words "hang Li Rong's head on the city gate" finally didn't come up in the court.

 The Holy Spirit urged all relevant yamen officials to do their own things well.

 The more you know about Li Du's surroundings, the more chance you have of catching someone as soon as possible.

Even if we are really looking for a needle in a haystack and we can only wait for Li Du to jump out on his own, we must cut off a few more of his arms before doing so to weaken his power.

 Fortunately, the hard work these days has not been in vain.

Song Qianshi couldn't stand the interrogation and confessed that among the eunuchs around Li Du, the most effective one was neither Eunuch Ye on the surface nor Eunuch Tong who had always hidden his identity, but another one named "Cheng Xi".

Feng Chang, after Eunuch Cao gave him a meal of chicken legs and a meal of swill, knew that Li Du was "defeated" and named three other insiders in the palace.

Xu Jian went to see Eunuch Sun with the confession from Song Qian.

This Eunuch Sun was far less loyal and strict-tongued than Eunuch Tong. In order to be able to carry his life on the road, he cried and described Cheng Xi's appearance, and also sold out Wang Jie who had killed Li Jun that night.

Li Rong looked at the portraits of Cheng Xi and Wang Jie, recalled them, and said, "I haven't seen these two people in Zhuangzi. Maybe he didn't show up, or maybe he was hiding somewhere else."

 The newly added pictures were plastered all over the capital and sent to other state capitals.

The people who followed the trace of the carrier pigeon to Jinzhong have not yet received any news. The people who reviewed the accounts got a glimpse of the problem through the accounts of Chang Yuntang and others.

 A team of people entered Guangde Temple to investigate the list of grants over the years.

 Another team of people rushed to Jiangnan to investigate the financial problems of Jiangnan Shantang.

Ding Yuannian also failed to hold on and explained everything one after another. Within two days, three more officials from the capital were arrested.

 At the Jinluan Palace, Xu Jiangong reported the latest progress.

After hearing this, Gu Heng had a thought in his mind and praised Xu Jian.

"young and promising."

 “A rising star.”

 “The future of the country.”

 For a time, there were many echoes.

Xu Jian glanced at Gu Heng.

Mr. Gu’s move is indeed a compliment, and it does have a deeper meaning.

 Speaking of which, Mr. Gu has shown his kindness several times, both covertly and overtly...

 Xu Jian glanced at Li Shao again.

Li Shao's expression was indifferent, but his eyes did not conceal his disdain for Gu Heng.

At this moment, Xu Jian did not want to cause unnecessary conflicts with Li Shao, so he bowed to the emperor and said: "I dare not take credit, but I also deeply feel that there are fewer young people in the court.


 This is enough to make many officials look embarrassed.

If I praise you, just accept it. What do you do to expose someone’s shortcomings?

Especially those of the disciples who lined up, their faces turned red and blue.

The Gu family didn't have any children to embarrass themselves, but Gu Heng was not stupid and knew that Duke Fuguo didn't want to hear his praise.

Even though there are some conflicts and frictions between the Duke of Fu and His Highness, it is obvious that the two people are still on the same front now.

They want to win the Duke of Fu to their side and to the side of His Highness the Fourth Prince...

Gu Heng thought, His Highness must be asked to "work hard" again.

Eunuch Cao announced his withdrawal from the court.

After the Holy Driver left, the tense atmosphere in the Jinluan Palace finally relaxed a little.

The security guard moved his swollen shoulders a little and was about to leave when he was stopped by Shan Shen.

 “The Marquis takes a step to speak.”

The security guard looked around, then pulled Shan Shen out, walked down the long walk, and arrived at the square.

"Has my unworthy grandson caused trouble for Mr. Shan again?" the security guard asked in a low voice.

 No wonder he always suspected that Yu Chengan was causing trouble, it was actually what Duke Fu Guo said just now in the main hall that made his face particularly dull.

 Throughout the year, he rarely had anything to do with Shuntian Mansion. If he did get into trouble with the Yamen, it was probably because of the **** Yaosun.

 “No,” Shan Shen explained quickly, “It’s for other things.”

The two of them chatted about serious matters.

At the end, the security guard Hou blushed slightly and said: "I am really scared by Cheng'an. When Mr. Shan looks for me, I think he is causing trouble again!"

Shan Shenxin said: If there is less than what is above, there is more than what is below.

 He still said a few words of support and encouragement, and said: "You are still young, please sharpen your temper."

Hunt Bao Bao returned to his home holding in his anger.

By chance, I met Yu Cheng'an, a young man who looked like a human being. The man behind him was holding a small bamboo basket in his hand.

When he saw him, he didn't bother to salute and hid the bamboo basket behind his back.

 The security guard was very angry.

 Wouldn’t you know if he didn’t look at it?

 It’s not just a cricket!

"Shame on you!" Marquis Baoan scolded him with a straight face, "I used to be a famous general and commanded thousands of armies. It would be better for you to just command crickets!"

Yu Chengan wanted to laugh but was too embarrassed to do so.

My own grandfather knows it myself.

He must have heard something again outside and got excited for a moment. At this time, you can't let the old man hold it in. Just listen to his instructions honestly.

 “Tell yourself, how old you are!”

“I was also very smart when I was young. When I met Duke Lao Fu outside, I felt proud. I can’t compare to him, but my grandson is no worse than him.”

"Look now, Xu Jian can speak well in front of the emperor, and he is neat and thoughtful in handling affairs. He is a great contributor to the matter of Li Du's rebellion."

"You and he have known each other since childhood. We have competed in both civil and military affairs, but now we are beyond our reach."

 “I married the Empress Dowager’s sweetheart, what about you?”

“You fight **** and crickets all day long. I want your grandmother and mother to show you a girl, but I’m afraid of hurting them!”

Yu Cheng'an listened, holding back a laugh, and turned to wink at his attendant.

The attendant was smart enough to go to the flower hall and fetch a cup of tea and hand it to the Marquis Baoan.

Hour Bao Bao took a sip.

Yu Cheng'an said: "That's not what you said when you mentioned Xu Jian two years ago. You said he went to the Jinluan Palace to have fun."

Marquis Bao Bao glared at Yu Chengan: "He has changed, why can't you also change?"

Yu Chengan had no choice but to shut up.

After listening to the training honestly, I can’t fight the cricket today, so I can only go back to the house and stay there.

 Staying until the afternoon was really boring, so I went out again.

I followed him all the way and asked, "Master, where are we going?"

Yu Chengan found a tea stall and sat down, and said, "Go and ask, where is Xu Jian right now?"

"Are you looking for Duke Fu?" The attendant was stunned, "Don't you just want to have a fight with Duke Fu after hearing what the Marquis said? Master, this is not a fight!"

Yu Chengan said in disgust: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

 When he was a child, he couldn't beat Xu Jian. At most, the fight was a draw, and most of the time he was covered in bruises.

It is impossible for him to fight Xu Jian now. Xu Jian has a leg injury and cannot win with force. If he loses, it will be embarrassing.

When he found out that Xu Jian was in Shuntian Mansion at the moment, Yu Chengan took the initiative to look for him.

Hand brought two large boxes of snacks with him, saying it was for condolences, and Shan Shen was too embarrassed to turn them away.

I happened to be tired and hungry, so I stopped to rest my stomach.

Xu Jian also sat down to have tea and asked Yu Chengan, "A rare visitor, are you here to complain?"

Yu Cheng'an said: "Come to complain."

 Where does suffering come from?

 It comes from the training.

"It's a good time to have fun, but you are motivated and positive," Yu Cheng'an sighed, "You change when you ask, and it hurts a few brothers. In other words, Qinglue is better. With the protection of the Holy One, no one in the family dares to say that he has been there all day long. Have fun."

 Xu Jian laughed and said, "Maybe it's because we got married."

Yu Chengan was startled, frowned and said, "Isn't it true that you said something to my grandfather?"

“I’m busy catching rebels and I don’t have time to care about your crickets and fighting cocks,” Xu Jian suggested, “How about you also marry a daughter-in-law?”

Yu Chengan was quite disdainful.

 Xu Jian slowly used a piece of mung bean cake.

 After all, he has known Yu Chengan since he was a child. Although he has not interacted with him much in recent years, he generally knows Yu Chengan's temperament.

Just being scolded by the security guard, Yu Chengan would not come to Shuntian Mansion to complain.

Xu Jian did not rush, just waiting for Yu Chengan to speak.

After a long while, Yu Chengan glanced at the officials walking outside the house, and asked Xu Jian in a low voice: "How does the Lord plan to arrange His Highness Li Rong?"

“The decision has not yet been made,” Xu Jian said, “What do you think?”

Yu Chengan added: "I raised a cricket the year before last, and it wasn't long before someone took notice of it and offered to buy it.

 The buyer was the **** named "Cheng Xi" in the picture posted, and the cricket was later in the hands of His Highness Li Rong.

 I recognize the crickets I raised myself and there is nothing wrong with them.

I asked His Highness where he got the crickets, and he said he found them interesting by watching the servants fight with them. "

Xu Jian’s eyebrows tightened slightly: “It’s not cheap for you to sell crickets, right?”

"For you and me, it's certainly not expensive, but for a eunuch, it's still heartbreaking, even if he loses face again." Yu Cheng'an said.

 Xu Jian nodded.

There is a way here.

 Cheng Xi was Li Du's most capable person, but he was separated from the Jin Palace.

He was not in the roster of Prince Jin's Mansion, and none of the housekeepers and ladies brought back by the Prince's Mansion mentioned him, nor did Princess Jin's wife.

 After the portrait came out, these people were also very unfamiliar with Cheng Xi.

 Cheng Xi would not appear in the Jin Palace easily. If he wanted to fight crickets, he would also fight with the people in that house.

So, where did Li Rong get that cricket?

Li Rong said that he did not see Cheng Xi and Wang Jie in Zhuangzi. Did he recognize Cheng Xi before that?

 Please give me a monthly ticket~~~

 Thanks to the book friend’s small yard for the reward.

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