Yan Cigui

Chapter 444: Good things in the dandy (two updates combined into one, please give me the moon)

 The tea is full of water.

Wiping the rim of the lamp with his fingertips, Xu Jian pondered Li Rong.

 When he took Cheng Xi's portrait to the Jingxin Hall, Li Rong looked at it very seriously.

 Xu Jian asked at that time "Have you seen this person in Zhuangzi?" Li Rong gave a negative answer.

 But does Li Rong really not know Cheng Xi?

Still they know each other but don’t talk about it, one more thing is worse than one less thing; or maybe he hides it with other thoughts?

 This question can only be asked to Li Rong later.

Now, Xu Jian looked at Yu Chengan and asked, "Where did you meet Cheng Xi? Jiangjunfang?"

"No," Yu Cheng'an replied, "There are many people in Jiangjunfang. It's enough to watch other people fighting **** and crickets on weekdays. I raise it myself, so I still have to find another place to show it off."

 Xu Jian motioned for him to continue.

Even if Yu Chengan had a full stomach of cricket treasures, he would not introduce everything to Xu Jian in such a busy time.

 He did not show off, and said directly: "If there is a general's residence, there is a marshal's residence."

 Xu Jian raised his eyebrows.

He has been walking around Beijing for many years. Although he has never been to the Marshal's Mansion, he has heard Xia Qing mention it briefly.

 Jiangjunfang is a business for wealthy people. As long as you have money in your hand, you can enter. In addition to noble men and women in Beijing, many wealthy businessmen's children are also frequent visitors.

These people get together and get to know each other, which is also a way to expand their network.

 Marshal's Mansion is different from Jiangjunfang.

Mere money alone cannot enter the gate of the Marshal's Mansion. Only the disciples of Shangying and the junior high-ranking officials can become guests.

Yu Chengan would go to the Marshal's Mansion from time to time.

The 一, in the end, I would be distressed in case of bumping into the General Square.

  In the Marshal's Mansion competition, the people fighting against are all "respectable people", and they will not lie about whether they win or lose.

 After all, what could be more dignified than a door lintel?

In Yu Chengan’s words, a monk who can run away cannot escape from the temple. Wherever the door opens, he can go directly to the door if he dares to default on his debt.

No matter if there is any conflict, I am the grandson of the Hou family, and you are no different. Everyone is the same, and I am not easy to bully because of my background.

"You took that cricket to the Marshal's Mansion, but Cheng Xi bought it. Is that what happened?" After Xu Jian asked, seeing Yu Cheng'an nod, he asked again, "That day you met His Highness Li Du or Li Rong. ?"

Since the Marshal's Mansion is a place where powerful people play, it is not unusual to encounter one or two chamberlains.

 Some will put on a disguise, and some will not change their shrill voice at all.

“I remember that I was in disguise on Chengxi’s day,” Yu Chengan recalled, “dressed like a master with a mustache.”

Xu Jianjian asked: "Are you sure you won't admit your mistake?"

"I can even distinguish crickets, but I can't distinguish faces?" Yu Cheng'an asked, quite confident, "I could still tell at a glance that he was a chamberlain, and he said he didn't bargain when he bought crickets. I guessed at the time , nine times out of ten, the Lord wants to buy it.

It is not unusual for the Lord to not show up. I have money in one hand and crickets in the other, and I will not ask the waiter who his master is.

As you asked, I did not see Li Du or His Highness Li Rong that day.

However, according to His Highness Li Rong’s reaction when I later asked him where the crickets came from, it seemed that he did not know that I was the original owner of the crickets. "

"The year before last, when His Highness was nine years old," Xu Jian continued, "Normally, Cheng Xi would not have taken His Highness to the Marshal's Mansion. As for Li Du..."

Li Du went out and saw Eunuch Ye running back and forth beside him.

Since Cheng Xi is his general manager in handling the important matters of seizing the throne, Li Du will not let him stand in the sun with him.

 Speaking of which, Cheng Xi was neither Li Du nor Li Rong. In what capacity did Cheng Xi enter the Marshal's Mansion?

 Who did he go to see in the Marshal's Mansion?

You can’t really love crickets and buy them, right?

 Xu Jian thought so and asked this question.

Yu Chengan couldn't answer it at that moment and said, "Then we can only see if the people in the Marshal's Mansion still remember him."

Xu Jian put down the tea cup and stood up: "Lead the way."

Yu Cheng'an was stunned for a moment and teased: "What way are you taking? The Marshal's Mansion? It's not appropriate for a popular man in front of the emperor, a fast and thoughtful auxiliary Duke, to go to a place of entertainment for a dandy, isn't it? Does the princess allow you to go?"

"Why is it not allowed to investigate the rebels?" Xu Jian asked, "What? When you go to the Marshal's Mansion, you don't just fight **** and crickets, but also engage in more shameful things?"

Just as he was talking, Shan Shen knocked on the door outside and wanted to come in to thank Young Master Yu for the snacks.

Yu Chengan quickly waved his hand.

Joking is a joke, and dandies are also divided into different levels.

Fighting cocks, crickets, and even occasional fights are considered a good thing for a dude here.

If it's really a mess, Mr. Shan can just take him back to Baoanhou Mansion and let his grandfather take care of him.


 The spring sunshine is warm, which is when the business of the Marshal's Mansion is booming.

Of course, compared to the bustle over there at the General’s Mansion, the Marshal’s Mansion is much quieter.

 Those who can do this kind of business in Beijing naturally have a solid backing.

Xu Jian once heard someone say that the owner of the Marshal's Mansion has some relationship with the family of the consort Han Zhaoqing. To put it bluntly, the Marshal's Mansion is backed by Princess Derong.

 Lin Yunyan mentioned to him the Queen Mother's concerns about Princess Derong. The two of them had also sorted out the affairs of the eldest princess. Naturally, there were also rumors about the Marshal's Mansion.

 According to the little princess, when asked about it at the card table that day, the eldest princess denied it.

“Fighting **** and crickets? Others don’t know, but you, the Queen Mother, don’t know me? I hate the flying hair the most.”

“Earlier, some of the younger members of the Prince Consort’s family wanted to watch the cockfight and asked me if they wanted to watch it too, so I pushed them away.”

“I can’t stand the smell! We women all like fragrant food. How smelly is the fighting cock.”

"If I want to make money, I won't allow them to fight **** and crickets. Why don't they all sit down and play horse crane for me?"

“I don’t know if anyone who makes money has come to me. They are just rumors in the market. If I come to ask for clarification, I will be bullying them.”

“Since that business is fairly honest and nothing has happened, let him go.”

“If something goes wrong, it’s not too late to tell. If it’s not my shop, how can it still cover my head?”

 “Who am I? Can I let others throw dirty water on me?”

Whether it’s true or not, both Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan felt that they could only believe half of this statement.

 Fortunately, he did not come here today to find out the situation of his backers.

Yu Chengan is a frequent visitor.

  When the carriage is on the front foot, the steward will come to greet you on the back foot.

Xu Jian came to the door for the first time, but the steward saw it. The appearance of the nobles in the capital had long been engraved in his mind, and he greeted him respectfully.

After entering the private room, Yu Chengan still didn't beat around the bush and went straight to the point: "I sold a cricket at your place the year before last. Does the manager still remember it?"

 With the landlord taking a commission from the marshal's house, the steward doesn't have to remember it, but it's all recorded in the accounts.

  The question was not about any private matter, and the steward was very cooperative. He served good tea and snacks here, and took people to the accounting room to read books in the other room.

Yu Cheng'an has a good memory. He can remember the year and month, and the dates roughly. He can quickly check the accounting office if it is targeted.

 In just two-quarters of an hour, the steward responded and reported the specific time, amount, and names of both parties.

"The buyer's surname is Jiang?" Yu Cheng'an frowned, "Then the eunuch's surname is Jiang? Who did he come with? Who is the master?"

The steward couldn't handle things for a while, so he called a few people to reminisce.

"Is that a father-in-law? The younger one didn't see it." "You don't even have the eyesight? The younger one saw it."

“Prince Jin? Young Prince Jin? They are not guests of the Marshal’s Mansion. They have never been here even once.”

"That man has been here two or three times in total, and he has a badge from Prince Liu's Mansion. The old prince used to come here a few years ago, but he has become dry and can no longer come."

“Yes, Mr. Jiang seems to have picked up some crickets or something and sent them to Zhuangzi for the prince’s amusement.”

“In addition to buying crickets from you, he also bought a pair of vases.”

“Although there is no noble person to guide the way, the old prince is a distinguished guest, and the man is the father-in-law, so he will not be turned away.”

Other than that, it’s hard for them to recall.

 After leaving the Marshal's Mansion, Xu Jian Shao was not allowed to visit Prince Liu's Mansion again.

"I won't follow you," Yu Cheng'an said, "No matter if it's useful or not, at least it gives you a direction. When you make great contributions, don't forget about brother. I don't ask you to be promoted. I just ask you to tell me in front of my grandfather." Good words.”

Xu Jian laughed and said, "What do you mean? Ask him to tell you how to get married?"

 Yu Chengan, Jing, Xie and Bumin.

He was busy until it got dark, and Xu Jian entered the palace to resume his duties.

"There is nothing to gain from staying in the prince's palace," he said. "The old prince is seriously ill, so I just said hello and left. Later I asked the young prince a few questions, but he couldn't explain why the servants around Li Du would use them." Keep the badge of the Prince's Palace."

The Holy Master nodded slightly and turned his head to say a few words to Eunuch Cao.

Just as Eunuch Cao had to ask Xu Jian if he wanted to investigate the British Duke's residence, Eunuch Cao had to come forward if Xu Jian wanted to ask questions and stay in the prince's residence.

 Prince Liu is the emperor's uncle, how can Xu Jian confront him head-on?

Moving in reinforcements is the right way.

Xu Jian added: "It is rumored that the Marshal's Mansion is backed by Princess Derong. Princess Derong denies it. Yes or no..."

 “I will ask Derong.” The Holy Emperor’s expression was not good-looking.

 As the late emperor’s favorite daughter, Princess Derong had rich assets.

 It is impossible for De Rong to be short of money, and of course it is not impossible to make money, but the business of the Marshal's Mansion only hurts the children of the aristocratic families.

 Withdrawing from the imperial palace, Xu Jian walked to Cining Palace.

Lin Yunyan entered the palace in the afternoon and was currently in the Jingxin Hall.

 Princess Jin looks bad and is worried.

“The imperial physician came to check for His Highness Li Rong’s pulse. He noticed that the princess’s complexion was not good, so he reported it to the Queen Mother after returning home,” Lin Yunyan said. “The Queen Mother is very concerned.”

"After the princess mentioned it before, I kept looking at Rong'er. To be honest, I didn't see any clues." Princess Jin was so worried that her voice became hoarse. "I hope he won't be confused, and I'm afraid that I Grass and trees are all soldiers.

I was afraid that I would take a wrong look and miss the queen's caress, and I was also afraid that my sudden suspicion would hurt Rong'er's heart.

Princess, I feel so uncomfortable. "

Lin Yunyan nodded slightly.

She knew this was difficult, but if even Princess Jin couldn't understand Li Rong, it would be even harder for the rest of them.

Princess Jin was full of words and couldn't hold it back, so Xu Xu talked a lot.

 In the window on the opposite side, Li Rong was still lying under the bed, watching expressionlessly.

 The window opposite was open, but he couldn't see Princess Jin and Lin Yunyan, let alone what they were talking about.

 All he knew was that the mother-in-law had been in a very bad mood for the past two days.

 Sadness, anxiety, urgency and confusion were written all over the face of the mother-in-law.

It’s not that Li Rong doesn’t want to ask, but mother and son can only talk from a distance through the window. Daily greetings are not a hindrance, but private matters are out of the question. Furthermore, the mother-in-law is obviously unwilling to speak out.

 He secretly guessed that in all likelihood, the princess wanted to know the whereabouts of her father.

 What can I do if I ask my mother and concubine?

 The mother-in-law doesn’t know anything at all.

The sound of footsteps came from outside again. Li Rong turned his head and looked over. Seeing the identity of the person clearly, he took the initiative to greet him: "Fu Guogong."

"Your Highness," Xu Jian saluted, "I'm here to pick up the princess."

Li Rong pointed to the other side: "The princess is talking to her mother and concubine."

“There’s no rush,” Xu Jian walked a few steps towards the window and stood on the corridor, “I just happen to have something I want to ask His Highness.”

 Li Rong nodded, indicating that he was very cooperative.

Xu Jian said simply: "As for Cheng Xi and Wang Jie, His Highness said that he has not seen them in Zhuangzi. Have he seen them in other places?"

 “I have never seen it in my memory.” Li Rong said.

 The movement in this room naturally spread to that room.

Lin Yunyan had already come out, and Princess Jin walked to the door.

Li Rong's eyes suddenly lit up, and he called with a bright smile: "Mother Concubine!"

 Princess Jin kept nodding in response to him.

Xu Jian glanced between the mother and son, and said to Li Rong: "Isn't it inconvenient for His Highness and the Princess to be so far apart?"

"It's not very convenient," Li Rong pursed his lips, "But I understand that being able to live in a courtyard and being able to greet my mother and concubine across the courtyard is a sign of mercy from the Holy Emperor and the Empress Dowager, and I am very satisfied. ”

"Your Highness is well aware of the righteousness," Xu Jian smiled, "I also want to find Prince Jin as soon as possible. After everything is settled, Your Highness and your mother and concubine will not have to do this."

Li Rong responded in a low voice.

"Speaking of which, I met Yu Cheng'an from the Baoanhou Mansion today," Xu Jian started a different topic, but his tone was as relaxed as before, "He mentioned it to me and said that he saw His Highness playing crickets one time, and that His Highness is now in There is nothing to do here to rest. If Your Highness is interested, he will give you a cricket for your entertainment."

Li Rong was startled.

Xu Jian added: "It's just a cricket. I think the Queen Mother will agree."

Li Rong, however, shook his head: "I started playing cricket more than two years ago, and then I stopped playing. How can I be so embarrassed to ask the Empress Dowager for her favor just for a cricket?"

Lin Yunyan listened to a few words and said with a smile: "I don't think there are any books in the princess's room, and I don't think there are any in your highness's house. If you need anything later, just ask for help."

Li Rong responded and thanked him.

 He watched Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan leave.

A burning gaze fell on him. Li Rong followed it and smiled at Princess Jin again.

“Don’t worry,” he said. “The Duke also asked me if I wanted to play with crickets. You see, I can play with crickets, so I’ll be fine.”

Princess Jin hurriedly said: "It's okay, everything will be fine."

 It must be fine.

 When Princess Jin turned around and returned to the palace, the smile on Li Rong's face faded.

He stopped lying on the window edge and fell straight on the couch, staring at the rafters in trance.


  Why do you talk about crickets?

Who gave him that cricket?

 Happy? ! (End of chapter)

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