Yan Cigui

Chapter 446: If you are henpecked, be henpecked (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

Chapter 446: Henpecked

 In the yard, the third uncle of the Yu family kept winking at his eldest sister-in-law, urging her to knock on Zhu Xiang's door.

The third aunt just got two boxes of heavy gifts. Although they were sent by the princess to the whole family, she was still being lenient and was too embarrassed to disturb them.

The husband and wife looked at each other and settled the lawsuit, but it was the second aunt who had the thicker skin and strode to the door.

She was about to knock on the door, but the door panel pulled open.

The palm of her hand was empty, and the second sister-in-law took it back, pretending to be calm and touching her hair.

“Princess,” she said quickly, “his third uncle has just come back and brought back a cantaloupe. I’ll cut it up and bring it to you soon.”

 The third aunt's mouth twitched.

 What kind of melon is there in this season?

 Don’t even draft a lie.

  But she couldn't break up the trouble, so she could only bite the bullet and agree: "Yes, yes, the princess will eat two more pieces later."

How could Zhu Xian not see the true thoughts of the elders in the courtyard?

It's just that the family pays attention to keeping a harmonious appearance, there is no need to expose them all.

It was impossible for her to tell the inside stories about Su Yi and Gu Yue, but she still mentioned a few words in a roundabout way: "People are doing it, God is watching, how the officials are doing, the common people know it, and the peaks also know it. .

The uncle of the Yu family is the county magistrate here, and he has to do a lot of things. There is also a county magistrate above him, so it is not easy to earn an official title.

 The two of them walked out together.

The third uncle of the Yu family was extremely excited. He responded repeatedly and said that he would go to Xin Chengyuan and that he would give his eldest brother a good warning.

Of course, after the decline of the Yu family, it is not a bad thing to be able to make a real difference through official donations.

"Be more open-minded," the third aunt advised. "I used to try to get some good things from the Zhu family, but the result was a mess! Now the princess can still make suggestions, and it's because of Azhan's face."

"Chengyuan, you are an official in such a far away place, haven't you been back to Beijing for a few years?" Lin Yunyan asked again.

                       In the final analysis, it was for her, Zhu Huan, that she hoped that she could live more comfortably in her maternal grandfather's house.

 Lin Yunyan could help her out with a matter of just a few words, so naturally she wouldn't hide it.

 The third uncle of the Yu family was anxious, but he did not dare to really stop him.

The princess didn’t need to say these words originally.

 There are difficulties with Zhu bloom.

The third uncle of the Yu family originally just wanted to ask the princess for some information, but he was careless and talked hurriedly, as if he was begging for promotion, and his face turned red.

"Yes," the third uncle of the Yu family sighed, "Although there is family leave, it is too far away. I can't keep up with him after coming and going. I am still tired, so I haven't asked him to come back. He himself said that while he is here, he can't catch up. I have been practicing a lot in the past few years, and if I can be promoted in the future..."

 Chengyuan County is the most northwest county in Jingzhou Prefecture.

 Chengyuan connects the outer and inner passes of the customs. It is an important place. As long as it is done well, it will be seen.

"Go out?" The third uncle of the Yu family hurriedly looked at Lin Yunyan and said, "The family did not entertain well, which made the princess laugh and laugh."

"It depends on fate, it depends on fate!" The third aunt quickly whitewashed it for him, "What's the point of being an official? In the end, it depends on the fate of each one, don't you think so, Princess?"

"Who is this? The princess!" The third aunt pursed her lips, "Do we really expect the princess to give our uncle much political achievements?

If the princess knew where the rebels were, Duke Fu would have arrested them long ago!

The princess asked about the uncle's affairs. If Chengyuan becomes a decent place in the future, the superiors will know that the uncle's contribution is a part of it. "

Thinking that it was Chengyuan after all, she still kept a cautious eye on it.

Lin Yunyan smiled.

 The government was located in Jing'an City in the southeast. After the caravan was reorganized here, it headed northwest.

Zhu Xian thanked him softly.

Lin Yunyan knows that place.

The second sister-in-law understood better and sighed: "The family is still in decline. If my great-grandfather and grandfather were still here, it would not be the only uncle in the family who donated an official position and couldn't be promoted after all the hard work."

“I heard last time that my uncle was working as an official abroad. Where was he working?” Lin Yunyan asked.

Although it is a small county, because it is far away from Jing'an City, the caravan's last rest supplies in the customs are all located here, and it can be regarded as the only way for individuals to come and go.

Lin Yunyan patted Zhu Xiang's arm gently.

The third uncle of the Yu family had reached such a high level, and he hurriedly said: "I will be the county magistrate in a county called Chengyuan under Jingzhou Prefecture."

Lin Yunyan smiled and shook her head.

The third uncle of the Yu family also said: "That's the truth. The princess is right. Chengyuan is not just a corner. It connects the inside and outside of the pass. If there is any slightest disturbance, it can go straight to the sky. With someone of that status, even a little bit of it can leak through the gaps between his fingers. It’s enough for us to eat and drink.”

There are still many people who donated a lot of money, but only got an idle position. They have no oil and water on weekdays, and they can't make any achievements. They only have an official title.

 When Zhu Xiang and Lin Yunyan went out, the second aunt said: "The princess didn't say anything..."

Zhu Xiang saw it and advised: "Third uncle, we are still in a hurry to go out."

Further west from Jingzhou Prefecture is Yumen. If Dashun wants to do business outside the customs, he must pass through Jingzhou Prefecture.

 Must be governed well. "

 It’s really not thick-skinned for my family members.

 “Where are you talking?” Lin Yunyan said.

 “Now that you know this, treat Ah Chan better in the future.”

Zhu Xiang was stunned and turned to look at Lin Yunyan.

 “I’m going out with the princess.” She said with a smile.

"How could I not treat her well?" the third aunt retorted, "I don't give her less food or clothes, and I always treat her with a smile. Even today, we can't compare with the Duke's Mansion..."

 The other side.

 The carriage drove all the way to the outside of a teahouse.

 In the past, when the little sisters went out to play in the boudoir, they often came here.

Zhu Xuan sat in the elegant room and took a bite of the bean paste cake: "It still tastes the same as before."

 The relationship is close, so there is no need to talk about the situation, just talk about recent life.

“Princess,” Zhu Chan said truthfully, “you don’t have to worry about my poor life in the Yu family. Even though I live under someone else’s roof, it’s still my grandfather’s family. With my grandmother here, I can’t suffer much.

 Besides, if others don’t know clearly, don’t you still know?

Each of my uncles and aunties are becoming thinner-skinned. If I am kind, how can their faces be gloomy?

If I say something bad about my uncle and aunt in the alley, they will become ants on a hot pot. "

Lin Yunyan laughed.


If you weren't thin-skinned, why would you have been put on the fire by Grandma Wang's "big mouth" and hastily expressed your stance to the neighbors to seek justice for Zhu Xuan's mother?

"I'm still very grateful to you," Zhu Xiang said again, "I lost my fortune, but now I live a solid life."

"That's good," Lin Yunyan said with a smile, "Eldest sister also asked me to tell you that she will live alone in the future, and the small courtyard will not have as many rules as the Duke's house. You can just go find her when you are free. No need. What kind of posts are there?”

Zhu Xian also laughed: "Definitely."

 The two of them talked to each other, and when the time was almost up, they prepared to leave.

Lin Yunyan thought of her previous words and gave some advice: "It's important Chengyuan. Since your uncle wants to work hard in his official career, he must seize the opportunity in the next two years."

Zhu Xuan’s breath tightened.

Lin Yunyan added: "It's not like we ask him to make any earth-shattering political achievements. He just needs to be down-to-earth and do everything he needs to do."

Zhu Xuan pursed her lips hard.

 These two sentences sound fine.

 A closer look shows that "seizing opportunities" and "being practical" are actually opposites.

Zhu Xian is not a one-minded person. She comes from the British government. She has dealt with many people and she has heard a lot of roundabout ways.

 Besides, she also knows Lin Yunyan.

The princess will not say contradictory words for no reason, that is, there is something inside, but she cannot tell it clearly.

Zhu Xiang nodded deeply: "I took note of it." In the past two years, Chengyuan thought something would happen that would draw the court's attention to this place.

The uncle does not need to rush forward, he only needs to keep his feet on the ground. When everyone looks over, they can see his diligence and conscientiousness.

 This matter will not be mentioned further.

 The two of them left the private room and went downstairs.

At the bottom of the stairs, a young gentleman was about to go up. When he saw a female family member coming down, he stepped aside.

 The two cars met each other.

The young master saw Lin Yunyan's appearance clearly and saluted and called "Princess Princess".

Lin Yunyan stopped and looked at him. He looked very familiar. After a second thought, she remembered: "Master Yu."

That person is Yu Chengan.

 After greetings, there was nothing else to say.

Lin Yunyan and Zhu Xiang walked out together, chatting and laughing, and got into the carriage.

Yu Chengan looked at the back of the car and touched the tip of his nose.

What did Xu Jian say that day?

 Why don’t you have fun?

 Perhaps it’s because they got married.


Although the princess is indeed very good-looking, she is afraid of henpecks, and she says so proudly!

Seeing that Yu Chengan had not gone upstairs for a long time, he only looked at the door, and suddenly he understood.

Their master is definitely not looking at the princess.

The princess is married to her auxiliary Duke, and the relationship between her and the Duke is still very good.

 When two are eliminated and one is removed, the answer is naturally whichever one is left.

Him, he ran out quickly, took another closer look, and then suddenly remembered.

He quickly turned back to Yu Chengan to claim credit: "Sir, is that Miss Zhu next to you?"

 “Miss Zhu?” Yu Chengan was stunned.


“The only Miaomiao left in the British Duke’s palace!” the personal attendant added, “On the day when the British Duke was beheaded, didn’t I follow you to the execution ground?

 She was holding her mother’s tablet and watching her grandfather, father, uncle and other family members lose their heads.

There are some people around who say that she is cruel and cruel, and that she deceives her ancestors and destroys her ancestors.

 You praise her for her determination and clear distinction between grudges and grudges. "

With these words, Yu Chengan answered: "It's her. No wonder she looks familiar. You have a really good memory."

Him said with a smile: "You usually praise chickens or crickets. It's rare that you praise a girl. I will definitely remember it."

Yu Chengan:…

 Can’t listen anymore.

 He directly raised his hand and patted his forehead.

 The next day.

 Sincerity is hosting a happy event.

 Xiao Duan always acted like a bowl of water, and would not follow the facts.

Lin Yunjing's marriage proposal was not as good as that of Lin Yunyan, who had the title of princess, but Xiao Duan did not have much of what she should have and enjoyed. She even thought that Yu Pu was not well-off, so she privately subsidized Yunjing a lot and gave everything to her. Stuffed into the dowry box.

These subsidies are naturally kept secret, so as not to embarrass the Yu family if the dowry is too generous and far exceeds the betrothal gift.

Mrs. Huang was reluctant to say goodbye to her daughter.

On the big day, she didn’t want to cry, but she couldn’t hold back her tears and turned her back to wipe them away from time to time.

Lin Yunjing also cried.

 Under the hijab, one pair of eyes were full of tears.

Lin Yunyan supported her and whispered: "Sister, the worst marriage has been ended. Once you have passed that hurdle, the road ahead will be uphill."

Lin Yunjing held her sister's hand with her backhand and used her fingers to express her gratitude.

 There is a lot of excitement in front of the door.

The two brothers Duan Zhihuai asked questions one after another, and Yu Pu answered appropriately and cleverly, which attracted applause from the crowd watching the ceremony in the alley.

When the hour comes, the groom comes in, picks up the bride and leaves.

With the sound of firecrackers and the beating of gongs and drums, the sedan chair left.

Lin Yunfang was very happy to see it at first, but then she realized that she was the only girl left in the family.

 There is wine in the uncle's house.

 Xu Jian sat down to eat.

Even though it was a wedding banquet, many people took this opportunity to ask more about his recent major task of catching rebels.

Xi Shangzhuxi was pulled, the key things could not say, but the wine did not drink less.

On the way to the moon, I went to look around. When I came back, I whispered to Lin Yunyan: "Fortunately, Mr. Guo has a good drinker, otherwise he would have been drunk long ago."

Lin Yunyan smiled.

Of course, you can’t drink like this if you have a good drinker. Xu Jian has to go back to Qianbulang in the afternoon.

Just when Lin Yunyan was thinking of finding a way to "rescue" Xu Jian from the banquet, a woman came to look for her outside the flower hall.

“Princess, the Duke is drunk.”

Lin Yunyan knew it as soon as she heard it, and said hurriedly: "Let Yun Ding and the others lend a hand and help him to Bao'an Garden."

After hearing this, the other female family members who came to have dinner stopped talking to Lin Yunyan and asked her to just take care of her.

Lin Yunyan left the flower hall and walked all the way to the backyard.

Going through the Moon Cave Gate, I met Xu Jian and the others in the corridor.

 Xu Jian stopped pretending to be drunk and stood up straight.

Lin Yunding saw her and smiled happily: "Second sister, I'll leave it to you. Yunfeng and I will leave first."

Lin Yunyan thanked her and then went to see Xu Jian again.

Xu Jian doesn’t show off when he drinks, even his eyes are clear and he walks steadily.

"I'm just thinking about how to rescue you. You put it on yourself first." Lin Yunyan said.

Xu Jian walked slowly towards Bao'an Garden with her and said, "I saw Wan Yue, and I knew you wanted to escape too."

Lin Yunyan couldn’t help laughing.

 In the past, she would not have minded talking to other ladies and old ladies for a while, but recently many people wanted to inquire about things, and she either didn't know or couldn't tell them, so it was better to avoid them.

“I agree with Zhu Xiang,” Lin Yunyan said. “Her uncle is the county magistrate in Chengyuan.”

Xu Jian nodded slightly: "If there is a war in Yumen, Chengyuan will be the checkpoint for dispatching food and grass."

Lin Yunyan asked again: "Is there anything going on at Yumen?"

"There is no news yet," Xu Jian paused and then said, "But according to the reports from the spies in Xiliang, there may be some action."

And once Xiliang becomes turbulent, what will happen to Gu Yue, who has been in harmony with Dashun these years?

"If I were Li Du," Xu Jian said solemnly, "it is the most important time to reorganize and regroup, but my whereabouts will not be easily exposed. When the Yu family is in trouble, when is the oriole behind?"

 Please give me a monthly ticket~~~~

 Thanks to Bookstore book friend Ye Xiaowei for the tip.

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