Yan Cigui

Chapter 447: It won’t always be dark under the lamp (two updates combined into one, asking for the

Chapter 447: It won’t always be dark under the lamp (two updates in one, please vote for me)

 It is late spring, and the flowers are in delightful color.

 When there is a wedding event in the house, Chen is particularly particular about pruning flowers and trees and shaping potted flowers. As people pass through the garden, there are endless flower scenes.

 Bao'an Garden is a place with outstanding scenery. Although Lin Yunyan left the pavilion for half a year, no one else has lived here, but it is still well organized.

Mama Ma moved out two deck chairs and placed them on the porch.

 It avoids the midday sun and can enjoy some warm wind, which is very comfortable.

Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian lay down together.

The masters took a nap to sober up, and the people below stayed away.

Lin Yunyan turned sideways and asked Xu Jian: "When you said about reorganizing and gathering earlier, did you mean the private soldiers in his hands?"

"How can a person who is bent on rebellion have no soldiers in his hands?" Xu Jian lowered his eyes to calm down. "The money collected from so many temples and charity halls is not a small amount."

Only eunuchs and dead men in the house in the house in Beijing can not be used so much.

How could Xu Jian not know this?

 Xu Jian slowly raised his eyes.

 Apart from charity, Li Du must have other ways to make money.

Just listening to the tone of Xu Jian's words, I knew that he had some opinions on this.

That’s really a steady stream of gold and silver piled up in one place.

The imperial court regrouped its troops and intercepted them all the way through the passes. It was not easy for Li Du to win a quick victory.

While the imperial court was trying its best to increase troops to Yumen and continuously send supplies to the west, Leng Shi suddenly shot an arrow straight to the capital, catching them off guard.

 Money that is not spent is ultimately a dead thing.

 He spoke very calmly, but also showed a bit of confidence: "If Li Du wants to succeed, the best thing is to go straight to Huanglong."

 Turn the tiger away from the mountain.

 The most likely thing is that they were frustrated on their way eastward, their troops were short, and their supply lines were too long, which led to intrigues and divisions. "

As for these two places, the Thousand Steps Corridor is getting more and more frightening as the numbers are frightening.

 When the time comes, it will be easier to invite the gods than to send them away.

Also confiscated in the same batch were the rough account books collected by Jing Daduan from Jiangnan Shantang.

What’s more, there are also charity halls in other state capitals.

Previously, she put the current accounts related to Jinzhong Changyuntang that she dug out from Guangde Temple into a private residence in Li Du, and then Xu Jian led someone to copy them back and hand them over to the official responsible for clearing the accounts.

"I also mentioned this matter to the Holy One yesterday," Xu Jian said slowly, "The war has not started in Yumen yet, so everything is based on speculation. At present, in addition to strengthening the security at the border, the Holy One also wants to arrest the guards of the capital. ”

 What they collected was only the middle years, not the whole story from beginning to end.

"The oriole is behind..." Lin Yunyan murmured, following Xu Jian's train of thought, "If he wants to unite with Su Yi, it is best to deploy troops inside Yumen Pass. Once the war starts in Yumen, he will kill from within Going out and cooperating with the inside can catch the defenders off guard."

 It was Li Du, and there was no way he would let himself fall into that kind of predicament casually.

The more fierce and stalemate Yumen fights, the more beneficial it will be to Li Du.

 Sound in the east and attack in the west.

Lin Yunyan couldn't help but frown: "The capital is not small, even if it includes the surrounding areas, even if you really want to hoard private soldiers, they can be hoarded without a trace."

To achieve this effect, Li Du's troops must not be too far away from the capital.

Lin Yunyan is very familiar with him.

Having said this, Lin Yunyan shook her head again: "It is not advisable to divide the east and west. He is caught between Shengshang, Xiliang, and Gu Yue. He will only be affected by both ends and be overwhelmed."

He didn't know that Wang Liu was a chess piece that Li Du had thrust into his side in the sixth year. He trusted Eunuch Wang very much and left all the money hiding matters to him.

“This is an idea, but for Li Du, the benefits may not be enough,” Xu Jian considered, and said, “By tearing through the Yumen defense line, we can indeed advance eastward to the capital, but this journey will not be smooth sailing.

 Li Du relied on money to raise private soldiers in the early years, and now he is busy recruiting soldiers and horses. He cannot be idle.

If you are impulsive, you can probably do things step by step.

Lin Yunyan nodded after thinking.

Lin Yunyan understood what Xu Jian meant: "In other words, unless Li Du wants to separate the east and west from the Holy Sage, it will be risky for him to choose to cooperate with the outside in Yumen."

 Once too much is consumed on the road, there is no point in making a surprise attack.

Handback gold bricks in Laoshi Alley have been picked by Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan in this life, but the others will fall into the hands of Li Du in the future.

“In addition to what he had done, Li Du also had Li Mi’s money in his hand,” Lin Yunyan said.

If you want to rely on government agencies to search everywhere, you will get the same result, which is thankless.

Even if their advance goes smoothly, Li Du and Su Yi are just cooperating. If Gu Yue also pulls Xiliang, how can he dare to let Gu Yue and Xiliang soldiers go directly to the capital?

Li Mi was demoted that year and couldn't take away the gold and silver. Some of them were confiscated, but the bulk of them must have been hidden.

 At the same time, if Concubine Dong had any money, Li Du would probably take it away.

Once the coalition forces are divided, what awaits them is the end of being defeated by each one.

His eyes were burning, and they didn't look like they were tainted by alcohol at all.

She half raised her body, looked at Xu Jian steadily, put her hand on his eyebrows, and stroked him gently.

Xu Jian looked sideways at her, their eyes met, and finally she couldn't help but curled her lips and said, "It's better to seduce than to defend.

As long as Li Du is not eliminated, the court will feel uneasy. But Li Du is in the dark and he can hide it.

Once the defense of the capital increases greatly, Li Du will not be stupid enough to rush in and die. "

 That’s why it is said that it is better to lure the enemy deeper than to defend blindly.

 You can catch the snake only by luring it out of its hole.

The reason is this, but Lin Yunyan also understands that this move is risky.

Not to mention that the Holy Emperor will not agree easily. If we really want to discuss the difference in the Jinluan Palace, I am afraid that not many courtiers will dare to fight.

"There is no need to rush," Lin Yunyan smiled, "As you said, the war has not started yet in Yumen, and the mantises and cicadas have not moved, so the oriole will not chirp at this time."

 Xu Jian was amused by the "chirping".

He also raised his hand, clasped Lin Yunyan's hand that was on his forehead, and held it in front of him, rubbing it slowly with his thumb every now and then.

"I see that my father-in-law had a lot of wine at noon, and he is probably sobering up now," Xu Jian said, "I will go to Qianbu Lang first and then come back in the evening to discuss it with my father-in-law."

Lin Yunyan teased: "Are you sober?"

"I'm not drunk at all." Xu Jian squeezed Lin Yuntian's fingers, her voice was lazier than usual, perhaps because she was lying down.

Lin Yunyan laughed.

 Xu Jian got up from the recliner and gave Lin Yunyan a hand.

Lin Yunyan arranged her appearance with him before sending him out.

 Xu Jian left, and Wan Yue came over to report: "The third girl came over just now. She knew that the Duke was sobering up, so he left again."

 Lin Yunyan nodded.

Since she had nothing to do in the afternoon, she went to Hanhui Courtyard.

Lin Yunfang was sitting on the couch in a daze. When she heard Lin Yunyan's voice, she hurriedly poked her head out of the window: "Brother-in-law is gone?"

 “I’m going to Qianbu Corridor.” Lin Yunyan replied to her.

When she walked into the room, she saw Lin Yunfang winking at her, and Lin Yunyan raised her eyebrows.

"Let me tell you first, I didn't mean it," Lin Yunfang said, "I was just walking a little faster, and I happened to see you lying there talking, so I turned around and left." Lin Yunyan couldn't help laughing: "What are you doing? Crooked.”

She and Xu Jian lowered their voices, but they were talking about business matters and world affairs. How could they be so charming?

Lin Yunfang made a long "beep" sound.

 “You can exaggerate.” Lin Yunyan laughed.

 She said that it was because Yunfang was naive and in love that she felt tired of seeing other couples talking seriously.

 All in all, too little knowledge and too much fuss.

There are countless things that two sisters can say when they work together.

They joked with each other a few times, laughing until they were out of breath. They lay side by side on the couch to catch their breath.

Lin Yunfang blinked and said, "I was very sad when my eldest sister went out, and I was the only one left at home."

Lin Yunyan patted her arm.

“I want to find someone to play with, but I can’t find anyone anywhere.” Lin Yunfang sighed.

While talking, Mrs. Chen happened to come in from outside. When she heard this sentence, she smiled and cursed: "You are such a girl, you still want to play! Ancestor, prepare your dowry in advance, time flies so fast, you can't even do it in this house." It won’t last more than a few years.”

Hearing the sound, Lin Yunfang sat up, looked at Mrs. Chen and said angrily: "Mother!"

“It’s the same no matter what we call it,” Mrs. Chen came in and said cheerfully, “If you don’t believe me, don’t ask Yun Yan, is it time to slowly get to know each other?”

Lin Yunyan still protected Lin Yunfang and whispered to her: "Do you think there are no sisters at home to play with you? I will give you an idea and ask your aunt to choose a bride for Yunding."

Lin Yunfang’s eyes suddenly lit up.

"Don't tease her, she will definitely believe it." Mrs. Chen couldn't laugh or cry.

In the past six months or so, Mrs. Chen has managed to marry her two nieces. Seeing the joyful scene in her family, how could she not want to take care of her two children as well?

She still has some idea about Yunfang's marriage.

 The old lady had a close relationship with her, she was very fond of Duan Zhihuai, and wanted to get closer to him.

 Chen himself did not make much judgment. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that Duan Zhihuai was good.

He has a decent appearance, knows his family well, has good knowledge, and most importantly, good conduct. After all, he lives in the same family, and his character cultivation and how he treats others are all visible, which is more reassuring than his appearance, which he has only seen once or twice.

 Whether it can be done or not depends on the two children themselves.

As for Lin Yunding's marriage, Mrs. Chen alone could not make the decision.

My uncle has no biological children. Although Yun Ding has not invited the crown prince, he is still training him according to his example.

In the future, if Chengjue takes on the role of Duke Cheng, his wife must also have the magnanimity and ability of Mrs. Chen. Mrs. Chen can give some suggestions, but the uncle and the old lady are indispensable for making the final decision.

 Besides, men, getting married later is not a problem.

 Unlike the girl’s house, it’s not good to be too late.

Calculating this, Yunfang couldn't wait in the room until her sister-in-law came in.

Lin Yunyan laughed for a while, then suddenly changed the topic and asked Lin Yunfang: "I haven't asked you yet, what do you think of the two cousins ​​of the Duan family?"

Lin Yunfang was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect that she would switch sides before the battle.

“Cousin Zhihuai, cousin Zhiyu,” Lin Yunyan said, “Which one do you like?”

With such a question, Chen also cheered up and listened carefully to her answer.

Lin Yunfang's bright eyes looked at Lin Yunyan and then at Chen. Her eyes flicked back and forth between the two of them several times, her face getting redder and redder.

“I knew it, I knew it!” she said coquettishly, covering her face with a pillow, “I’m the only one left, and everyone wants to see my joke!”

 Chen was overjoyed.

While smiling, he pointed at Lin Yunfang and shook his head helplessly at Lin Yunyan.

 This is not something we have learned yet!

 Alas, she is no longer a little girl, but she is still so innocent.

 But for this kind of thing, it is useless to urge her. She can only wait for her to suddenly enlighten one day.

 Ms. Chen sighed again.

  What you give birth to is yourselves to bear.

When the night fell, Xu Jian came back from Qianbu Corridor, and went into the study with Lin Yu, closed the door and talked for two quarters of an hour before walking out together.

Just looking at his expression, there is no clue.

Lin Yunyan asked Xu Jian with her eyes. Xu Jian just smiled and signaled her not to be anxious.

 After dinner at Uncle Chengyi’s Mansion, the couple returned to the Duke of Fuguo’s Mansion.

 “My father-in-law asked me a question.”

Lin Yunyan looked at him quietly, waiting for him to continue.

"If Yumen really goes to war as we think," Xu Jian paused and said, "What are my plans?"

Lin Yunyan couldn't help but pursed her lips.

Several thoughts passed through her mind, and she was unsure for a moment, so she asked: "Father refers to..."

"Should I go to Yumen or stay in the capital?" Xu Jian said, clasping Lin Yunyan's fingers and squeezing them soothingly, "I was surprised that my father-in-law would ask this, and he didn't give an answer for a while."

Lin Yunyan nodded slightly.

 This question is not difficult to say.

Xu Jian has an old injury on his right leg. Although he has recovered a lot under the doctor's treatment and can ride a fast horse, it is still difficult to say that he can recover enough to march and fight.

 It is impossible for my father not to know this.

Moreover, in the general situation of a son-in-law, if he has a choice, the father-in-law would not think of letting his son-in-law go to the battlefield.

 In other words, the father should not ask about this.

 No wonder Xu Jian also said "accident".

 But my father just asked.

In Lin Yunyan's view, her father would not ask casually. Once he asked, it was not a simple choice of whether to go or not. There was a deeper meaning behind it.

 “What else did father consider?” Lin Yunyan asked.

“Military power,” Xu Jian said, “I have been thinking about this recently.”

Lin Yunyan can tell with just one point.

 Li Du’s rebellion required troops.

 She and Xu Jian want to completely overthrow Li Shao, so why don't they need to?

 They have been able to gain the upper hand in the past two years and achieve a balance between Shengshang and Li Shao by relying on the darkness under the lamp.

 But it won’t always be dark under the lamp.

 After removing Li Du, she and Xu Jian will definitely turn against Li Shao, which will naturally be restricted by the Holy Emperor.

 Therefore, you must have soldiers in your hands.

 Only by having military power in hand can Li Shao be completely unable to stand up, and only then can he be able to speak and take the initiative in future battles over the appointment of the crown prince.

“Yumen’s withdrawal from the enemy is a very good opportunity.” Lin Yunyan commented.

"My father-in-law means the same thing," Xu Jian said. "Of course, it's just a prototype. We need to continue to discuss how to do it and how to arrange it. As you said, the oriole hasn't chirped yet."

 Please give me a monthly ticket~~~~~

Thanks to Bookstore book friend HY_RC for the tip.

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