Yan Cigui

Chapter 456: a wave of resentment

Chapter 456 A burst of resentment

 Although Xueshi Liu is old, he is full of energy.

I have been dealing with documents all year round. I picked up old books and shook my head, cadenced, and wrote clearly.

 For a time, the Jinluan Palace was much quieter, except for the old man's voice that echoed around the beams.

Officials who had previously clamored for Marquis Dingbei to hand over his seal could not hold on any longer now.

Upon seeing this, Li Shao glanced sideways at Academician Liu, withdrew his gaze, and raised the corners of his lips behind his back with a look of disdain.

  Editor, really good at editing!

How can a little guy like Li Mian carry this?

One look at it makes me sick, and then I look at the chicken that looks like it has a broken neck. Liu Guiren’s hen is the only one who protects her closely.

 Still memorizing Sui Shu!

 Li Shao didn’t believe a word of it.

 Think he has never been a prince? What was Li Mian doing memorizing Sui Shu at that age?

This scholar Liu made up such a story in order to put some money on Li Mian's face.

I am not afraid that my father will get interested and go back to school to test Li Mian's homework. As a result, Li Mian can't recite a word.


 This is not a bad idea.

Li Shao thought that he would have to mention it to his father after going to court.

Li Mian has worked so hard, give him a chance to perform.

As for now, no one cares whether it is true or false. Scholar Liu dropped the topic, and officials who were related to Li Mian and came up from behind stood up to agree.

“Your Highness, what you said is very reasonable.”

"It is not appropriate to change generals before the battle. Yumen is confronting the enemy. The general has been changed, and the morale of the army is turbulent."

 “Use history as a mirror, learn from past mistakes, and don’t make the mistakes in the history books!”

The more Li Shao listened, the more unbearable the contempt on his face became.

 What do you mean by what Li Mian said makes sense?

Those words were said by Li Delin. Whether Li Mian memorized them or not is a matter of debate.

 Furthermore, it is not appropriate to change the commander on the spot, and there is no need for anyone to stand up and memorize anything.

 Can you count all the officials in the Jinluan Palace?

 They are all very numerous!

 Just look at where the **** is crooked.

Now, Li Du inside the pass is missing and is obviously still planning something. Outside the pass, Gu Yue from Xiliang is aggressive and looks like he will fight Dashun for several months.

 Sounds like internal and external troubles, but it turned out that the emperor was doing well and was still trying to figure out who had the bigger butt.

 Look at those big butts swaying from side to side, showing off for their masters...

 Li Shao rolled his eyes.

In the past, he was called a crown prince who did not distinguish between priorities and did not understand the importance of priorities. Now, looking at him, he has no more priorities than him!


 It’s not just the word benefit.

In this case, don’t blame him for being cruel. When he can gain power, he must let these ministers who are full of interests know how powerful he is.

Of course, Li Shao knew very well that if he wanted to make a comeback, Xu Jian's help would be indispensable.

Then Xu Jian must not be left in Yumen.

 After all, the father could listen to what Xu Jian said.

While thinking deeply, Eunuch Cao announced his withdrawal from the court.

It is not advisable to change generals from Yumen, and the Holy One will not really listen to the joy of his subordinates. Academician Liu suppressed the situation with one word, and the Holy One took advantage of the situation and summed up the matter.

 Stabilize the morale of the troops on the front line, and conduct a careful investigation of Dingbeihou Mansion in the middle of the capital.

If there is really a case of accessing Lidu, he will be severely punished, but if he is splashed with dirty water, the Ji family must be cleared.

Until it is found out, the Dingbei Hou Mansion will only be sealed. We must be polite to our family members and must not intimidate them.

 At the same time, we must also investigate the young father-in-law again.

After the guard of honor left, Li Shao did not stay to listen to the discussions of the courtiers, but went to the imperial study. The Holy Father changed out of his court clothes, took a bowl of sweet soup from Eunuch Cao, and took a few mouthfuls before he regained his energy.

Li Shao also accompanied him and drank most of the bowl.

 The Holy Father asked him: "What do you think of this?"

“My son said during the early court meeting,” Li Shao replied, “my son doesn’t agree with Xu Jian being in command to carry out any offensive.”

 Only answering Xu Jian, without mentioning Ding Beihou, the Holy Sage said: "This is the reason, but you spoke sharply before. In your opinion, how to arrange Ding Beihou?"

Li Shao disagrees with the evaluation of "sharp".

He only slandered the really sharp ones, but he hasn't said them out yet.

Honestly speaking, what Xu Jian said while watching the music before was really sharp.

Then again, why are those who take advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters not sharp?

 Li Shao wanted to refute, but when his father looked at him solemnly, he swallowed it back and said only business: "My son doesn't have much contact with Dingbei Marquis, so I don't dare to say what his relationship with Li Du is.

It is not advisable to change commanders before the battle, but Erchen thought that if Dingbeihou was an honest and honest person, he would definitely exchange military exploits for trust after learning about the situation in the capital.

Either fight it out and win a victory. If Yumen's situation is indeed not suitable for an urgent attack, it is better for him to take the initiative to hand over the command seal to Xu Jian than for you to order a replacement.

 In the final analysis, it is better to check faster in Jingli. "

 The Holy Emperor nodded, feeling much relieved.

 Look, Shao'er's affairs are not without rules. He did make many mistakes in the first two years, but he has changed a lot after deposing the prince.

The Holy Emperor thought about it and said, "I still trust Dingbeihou. The words of the young **** cannot be counted."

Li Shao then asked: "You have some judgment, and naturally you can see that there are many people fishing in troubled waters early in the morning, and they all have their own agendas. Why don't you scold them?"

"The morning court is a place where political affairs are discussed. Each minister stands there and has his or her own stand on public and private matters. You cannot ask everyone to be completely unselfish," the Holy Sage said earnestly, "Shao'er, sitting on the dragon chair, you have to give Opportunity for courtiers to speak.

  If something makes sense, you should listen to it even if the position is different from yours; if something makes no sense, don’t believe it even if he quotes scriptures and has the upper hand.

I say listen more, think more, and see more, not only when you are observing politics in the six departments, but also in the Jinluan Palace.

If you don’t listen and don’t think about it, how do you know what their hidden thoughts are? What purpose do you want to achieve?

I want to stop their mouths. If they talk behind their backs, won’t I not be able to hear them? "

"Speaking of quoting scriptures," Li Shao took up the topic and said, "Li Mian has already memorized Sui Shu. Father, why don't you ask him to come over and memorize a few more sentences for you?"

The Holy Emperor smiled and shook his head: "Since you know that Academician Liu is making up nonsense, and I also know it, why bother to embarrass Mian'er?"

 Li Shao lowered his eyes.

 Is this because he is embarrassing Li Mian?

 It was clearly Xueshie Liu who was dancing the banner for Li Mian. He wished that his grandson could climb over Li Shao!

 They are all from my maternal grandfather’s house…

Not to mention Li Lin, whose maternal grandfather's family died, leaving only women and children, Li Mian has the Liu family, Li Fen, the little boy, and Gu Heng are helping him win over people, and he, Li Shao...

Enrongbo's Mansion is still there, but the whole family is extremely aloof and far away from the government, leaving Li Shao to fight alone.

Thinking of this, Li Shao felt resentful in his heart.

 Coming out of the royal study, Li Shao went to the Ministry of War to observe the government affairs. He did not ask the high chamberlain to arrange the carriage until the end of the day.

 “Aren’t you going back to the palace?” asked Gao Nei Shi.

“Let’s go to Uncle Enrong’s Mansion,” Li Shao stared at the chamberlain Gao and said, “What? If you don’t ask Eunuch Cao for permission, I can’t even go to Uncle Enrong’s Mansion?”

 The high chamberlain had a look on his face.

 Short update today.

 At the end of April, monthly tickets will be doubled, so book friends are kindly requested to save their tickets~~

  Thanks to book friends 20211119105721505 and Xiaoyuan for the reward, and thanks to book friend celestial Li in Book City for the reward.

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