Yan Cigui

Chapter 457: Worrying (two updates in one)

Chapter 457: Worrying (two updates in one)

 Li Shao’s carriage entered the alley.

Because the Dingbei Hou Mansion was surrounded, the neighbors' houses on the left and right were closed, and the whole alley looked a bit solemn.

 The porter answered the door and was stunned when he saw Li Shao getting off the carriage.

 “How come your Highness is here?”

"I came as soon as I thought about it. Is grandpa at the mansion?" Li Shao responded casually, but his eyes couldn't help but glance to the side of Dingbei Hou's mansion.

 The case was not yet clear, and the orders from above were to "treat them kindly". The guards were relatively relaxed and did not feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

Those with sharp eyes saw Li Shao and quickly saluted and said hello from a distance.

The porter followed Li Shao's gaze and replied, "My uncle and uncle are not here. The old lady is in the inner courtyard."

Li Shao was just doing it on a whim. His grandfather and uncle were not in the house, so he didn't care much.

After entering the door, he asked again: "What's going on next door in the past two days?"

The concierge said: "Yesterday, the guard office came to search, and Dingbeihou Mansion was very cooperative. I thought it was just off the agenda, but I didn't know that something deadly was actually found.

The Ji family insisted that they were 'unaware' and 'framed', so Commander Wan returned to the palace without much trouble.

 After that, they surrounded the house, but they were neither noisy nor noisy inside and outside, and were very restrained. "

 You can be more restrained, after all, such a big thing is weighing on your head.

 The neighbors were anxious when they saw it, let alone the people of Dingbei Hou Mansion?

When the porter said this, he didn't keep his mouth shut and sighed: "The Marquis of Dingbei still brought his children and grandchildren to fight against the enemy in Yumen, but something like this happened in Beijing. The person who framed him is really hateful!"

Li Shao raised his eyes and looked at him: "How do you conclude that it is a frame-up?"

The concierge was stunned.

Knowing that I had made a mistake, and that I really couldn't figure out the temper of His Highness, I had no choice but to lower my head and say nothing.

Li Shao didn't bother to argue with the concierge and strode towards the inner courtyard.

As they walked outside the old lady's courtyard, Xia Qinglue, who had received the news, had already come out to greet her.

Xia Qing slightly saluted and called "Your Highness".

Li Shao nodded slightly in return.

In the room, the old lady also got up and walked to the door. She asked Li Shao with a kind smile: "Your Highness should send someone over earlier, so that I can ask the kitchen to prepare more of your favorite dishes."

  "I came as soon as I thought about it," Li Shao stepped forward to help him, "Grandma, does she know what I like to eat?"

 “Why don’t you know?” The old lady smiled and mentioned a few dishes.

 Li Shao raised his eyebrows.

 Almost all of them are the ones he loved to eat when he was a child, but have eaten less in the past two years.

 But we can't blame the old lady for not remembering that when he was a child, he would come once a month, but as he grew older, he came less and less.

 In recent years, during festivals and festivals, I would only show up, say hello and then leave, without ever sitting down to have a meal.

Who is to blame for this?

After much deliberation, Li Shao still had to blame his grandfather and his uncle who inherited the title.

If you don’t rely on your status as the father-in-law and uncle of the country, you can’t think of fighting for Li Shao.

If they had the dedication to their grandsons that Liu Xueshi and Gu Heng did, Li Shao would not be the deposed prince today.

Li Shao took a deep breath.

 He wanted to have a good talk with the two of them.

It makes no sense that other people’s maternal ancestors are charging forward and racking their brains, while his maternal ancestors are retreating.

Especially for my eldest uncle, this morning when I came up to see Mr. Liu, he saw everything he did. In the end, it was no different if he just didn’t learn and didn’t see anything.

Taking two more steps in, Li Shao noticed that there was another person standing next to the floor covering.

 That is Xia Qingzhi.

Xia Qinglue did five things at home, and Xia Qingzhi did three things at home.

“I’m here to see what’s going on next door,” Li Shao said, walking in with the old lady, “I’m here to see you too.”

"Your Majesty, I'd like to thank you for your concern." The old lady responded, but she never mentioned the neighbor.

Xia Qingzhi was not as restrained as the old lady, and asked directly: "Your Highness, how does the Holy One view the matter of Dingbeihou?"

“Qingzhi!” The old lady looked at him angrily, and then said to Li Shao, “It’s rare for Your Highness to come here and not talk about the court affairs.”

Xia Qingzhi turned his head gloomily.

Seeing that Xia Qinglue remained silent, he added, "You and Duke Fu are as familiar as brothers wearing a pair of trousers, so you don't care?"

Xia Qing briefly looked at the disapproving old lady, then glanced at Li Shao, knowing that Xia Qing said: "The one being investigated is the Dingbei Marquis' Mansion, not the Duke of Fuguo's Mansion."

Li Shao laughed.


 He had forgotten that there was such a thing.

Obviously they are cousins ​​of similar age, but Xia Qinglue doesn't know why he has no friendship with him, but he is very familiar with Xu Jian.

 In terms of not taking the right path, Xia Qinglue actually did not make too many concessions.

His mind was not on studying at all, and he loved watching the excitement of various houses all day long. His father often called him to the imperial study room, just to listen to him tell fun stories.

Xia Qing slightly knew a lot about the news about the shortcomings of families in the east and west of the capital.

You are such a lover of theater, but now you don’t want to mention Ding Beihou Mansion?


Xia Qinglue didn't want to say anything, but Li Shao wanted to ask.

"If my father didn't trust Marquis Dingbei at all, he wouldn't have besieged the mansion politely today," Li Shao said. "But I don't dare to believe it blindly. After all, Li Du is involved. I also want to find out the situation as soon as possible, otherwise Whether it’s Jingcheng or Yumen, it’s very worrying.”

The old lady laughed: "That's the reason. The specific internal situation will be investigated by responsible officials..."

I want to bring the topic back, but Li Shao is not one to give up halfway.

He and Xia Qing briefly said: "Why is it none of Xu Jian's business? Xu Jian is under the command of Dingbeihou. If Dingbeihou has an affair with Li Du and lets Xu Jian do dangerous things, what will happen?"

"How could His Highness think so?" Xia Qinglue had no choice but to throw the words back.

"Xu Jian is your best friend, and he is also the one who helps me. I hope everything goes well for him." Li Shao nodded slightly when he said this.

 Speaking of positions and closeness, Li Shao believed that he was speaking the truth.

Xu Jian's accident would not do him any good. On the contrary, Xu Jian's return alive would be his help.

He was really concerned about Xu Jian's condition and spoke more and more confidently: "Li Du hates Xu Jian. The Marquis of Dingbei didn't say anything about letting Xu Jian be involved in danger. He could also assign some difficult things to Xu Jian. If the time comes, he will not have any credit, but he will still have a lot of sins." …Grandma, do you think I can stop worrying about the situation in the Dingbeihou Mansion next door?”

"It is reasonable for His Highness to be concerned about the condition of Duke Fu," the old lady thought for a moment and said, "We have been neighbors with the Dingbei Marquis Mansion for so many years and have had many contacts over the decades. Knowing their character, the Ji family should not be Li Du. people.

 I also know that I know people but I don’t know their faces, and I don’t dare to say for certain.

 But I think the imperial court can determine the result after conducting an investigation. "

Li Shao didn't expect to be able to dig out any secrets about the next door from his grandmother, he was just very upset.

Since Enrongbo's Mansion and Dingbeihou's Mansion are close, why don't Dingbeihou help Li Shao?


 There is none in Enrongbo Mansion either.

 This is the point that Li Shao is most troubled about.

He was holding fire in his heart and his face became darker. He briefly said a few words about home affairs. Knowing that neither the old uncle nor Enrong uncle came back for dinner, Li Shao simply stood up and left.

The old lady wanted to keep him, but if she couldn't keep him, let it go.

 The two brothers Xia Qinglue sent him out all the way. Along the way, Li Shao listened to Xia Qingzhi talking about this and that. Xia Qing slightly wanted to interrupt several times, but the two men ignored him.

When he walked to the door of the mansion, Li Shao finally saw it.

Xia Qingzhi was also full of complaints.

Li Shao didn't want to talk to Xia Qing slightly, but he was quite pleased with Xia Qingzhi, and even asked him to have a drink with him next time.

After sending Li Shao away, Xia Qinglue and Xia Qing knew: "Your Highness Jingui, if you want to have a drink, you should come to your home and forget about it outside, so as not to cause trouble."

Xia Qingzhi frowned and said: "You also said that His Highness Jin Gui has the final say where he chooses to have a drink. I don't want to go to any weird place with His Highness. It's worth having a drink in a serious restaurant. Such careful advice? Don’t you go out to drink less?”

 It’s not enough to talk about speculation.

 But those who are speculating can talk about it together.

The next day, Li Shao invited Xia Qingzhi to dinner. At noon, he booked a private room in a small restaurant not far from Qianbu Corridor.

Since he is from the Xia family and does not serve wine, Eunuch Gao cannot say anything.

The two of them talked a lot about a few side dishes.

Unlike his cousin Qing Lue, Xia Qingzhi was studying Zheng'er Ba Jing, and his studies were not outstanding, but he could be said to be quite satisfactory.

 But his path to education was not smooth.

The family did not arrange for him to enter the Imperial College under the shadow of a shadow. The academy was not bad, but there were many talents. He was only a student with a higher family background than others, and he did not stand out among his teachers and classmates.

"I also know that our Enrong residence has received favor from the emperor, and the queen left early, so we need to be more restrained and prudent in our actions," Xia Qing knew, "but I occasionally think that my grandfather and the others are too restrained."

 Obviously he is the father-in-law of Dashun, but the Xia family is far away from the government.

Enrong Bo went to court and did not participate in other political affairs. He just had the word "Qinggui" carved on his face.

Xia Qingzhi never thought about asking his family to put so much thought into him, but not only did he not care, but he also showed humility, which was really aggrieved.

Xia Qingzhi quietly glanced at Chamberlain Gao, lowered his voice and said to Li Shao: "I shouldn't say something, I quite envy that boy Liu Xun.

Obviously he is just an empty-headed straw bag, but his father worried about him a lot when he was in office and wished he could arrange everything for him inside and out.

 That is to say, Liu Xun couldn't figure it out himself, so he got into trouble with others and caused His Highness to suffer..."

Li Shao laughed.

 This is indeed a true statement.

 Liu Jing did his best to raise his son. Of course, he raised a son he recognized.

 Speaking of which, that boy Liu Xun is in exile, and he doesn’t know whether he is dead or alive at the moment.

After lunch, Li Shao was dissatisfied with the alienation from his grandfather's family, and Xia Qingzhi had thoughts about his grandfather and uncle's aristocracy. The two thought of going together, which could be regarded as a "hit".

 In the next few days, we often met for dinner and drinks.

Under the private housekeeper, he sought Cao Gonggong: "I shouldn't worry about Enrong Bo's Mansion, but Xiao I think Xia Sanzi's words are not very appropriate ..."

Eunuch Cao knew what was going on and reported it to His Majesty.

The Holy Spirit sighed: "Xu Jian is not in the capital, and Shaoer has no friends."

After all, he is the nephew of the Xia family. The Holy Emperor will not say that Li Shao is not allowed to interact with his maternal relatives, so he said: "Tell Qing Lue and ask him to join in. Qing Lue will follow. I am relieved."

 The other side.

Lin Yunyan’s carriage entered Uncle Chengyi’s residence.

When Xiao Duan saw her, he hurriedly said: "It's so hot, be careful not to get heat stroke."

“I made some cold cakes at my house and kept them ice-cold along the way and sent them to my family to try,” Lin Yunyan said with a smile, “I will also send some to Uncle Enrong’s house later.”

As soon as he heard this, Xiao Duan wanted to call for help.

Lin Yunyan stopped her: "I'll go by myself."

"It's so hot..." Xiao Duan disagreed, but when Lin Yunyan insisted, she had no choice but to let her go.

Yun Yan has always had her own opinion.

 Perhaps go to the next door, not just to deliver cold cakes.

 In fact, Lin Yunyan did visit the Xia family on business.

The capital is facing a storm due to the BRIC case in Dingbeihou Mansion, but it is Li Shao who Lin Yunyan needs to be more vigilant about.

According to the information obtained by Shen Chen, it may be that without Xu Jian to supervise the government, Li Shao seems to be in a solid state in recent days.

Since Li Du still has the ability to frame others in Beijing, he cannot ignore Li Shao, who "cannot distinguish between ourselves and the enemy" and can blow up a big firecracker at a moment.

 It's just that now, it's not so easy to put people around Li Shao.

 The way for the eunuchs, chamberlains, and bodyguards was blocked by Eunuch Cao.

If it weren't for his incompetence, Eunuch Cao would have wished he could have followed Li Shao at twelve o'clock every day.

Hence, the person who has been close to Li Shao in recent days is Xia Qingzhi of Enrongbo Mansion.

Lin Yunyan knows something about Xia Qingzhi.

Xia Qingzhi is the nephew of Uncle Enrong. His father is the second son of the old uncle. He is married to an official woman. In addition to Xia Qingzhi, there is also a daughter who has already left the government.

The Xia family's incense is not prosperous, but it is not sparse either.

 In the Qing generation, Xia Qingzhi, who was ranked in the middle, was neither above nor below. His family did not value him as much as his eldest grandson, and he did not favor him as much as his youngest grandson.

 In such a situation, it is not surprising to have complaints about the situation at home.

 But if Li Du can win over Xia Qingzhi, Lin Yunyan still doesn't believe it.

 Because Queen Xia died due to Li Du's plan, regardless of whether Li Du wanted it or not, the result was there.

It is not surprising that everyone in the Xia family is gnashing their teeth at Li Du.

 How could anyone vote for Li Du?

Li Du had to make two more turns if he wanted to make waves.

Lin Yunyan just wants to figure out where these two bends will be.

 When she went to Enrongbo Mansion, she could be said to be familiar with the roads.

 She often came here when she was a child, and the old lady and the uncle were very kind to her.

Aunt Yu, who was beside the old lady, trotted all the way to greet her: "Princess, our old lady was still talking about you a few days ago, saying that since you married to Fu Guogong's mansion, it is not as convenient as before when you lived in the alley. See you."

Lin Yunyan smiled.

 After seeing the old lady and sitting down, Grandma Yu put the cold cakes on a plate and presented them to her.

The old lady smiled and used a piece: "The princess is still thinking about me, and she will not forget me if she has delicious food."

 “You used to give me whatever delicious and fun things you had,” Lin Yunyan said.

The old lady looked cheerfully, but with a glance, she signaled Grandma Yu to keep the others away, and then she asked seriously: "Is the princess coming here for some serious business?"

"Yes," Lin Yunyan followed her words and said, "for the matter of Dingbeihou Mansion next door.

They are all old neighbors in the same alley, and they know everything about him. I don’t believe they would vote for Li Du.

My grandmother asked me to come here because she wanted to discuss it, and she was wondering if I could help the Dingbei Hou Mansion at this time. "

Thanks to the book friend Cha Ge for the tip.

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