Yan Cigui

Chapter 458: Playing with incense is not allowed at home (two updates in one, please give me a mont

Chapter 458: No playing with incense is allowed at home (two updates in one, please vote for me)

Hearing this, Mrs. Enrongbo sighed and said, "That's the truth. I don't think the Dingbei Hou Mansion will have anything to do with Li Du, but investigating collaborators in the court is not what we women and children think..."

 What doesn’t Lin Yunyan know?

 She has the deepest experience.

 In the final analysis, it is a struggle for imperial power, and all parties will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

Whether it is treason or not, the so-called evidence is all false.

 The former Chengcheng Mansion was also like this.

 I know it in my heart, but I can’t say it with my mouth.

“Yes, if you are involved in this matter, you will inevitably have to give it more thought,” Lin Yunyan changed the subject, “We are unable to clear away the charges for Ding Beihou Mansion, but we can only help as much as we can.

 Old madam, I am not trying to put money on my face.

At this time, other people are more scrupulous about what they do, that is, Enrong Bofu, and I, even if we are not so careful in our actions, we are not afraid of being implicated for no reason. "

“The princess is favored by the empress dowager,” the old lady said slowly, “and she is also a kind-hearted person who does not want to see her old neighbor suffer.

 I am not trying to shirk anything. There is no reason for us to sit idly by and do nothing if we can help.

 But I’m also afraid of making things worse. "

Lin Yunyan heard the worry from the old lady's words. She pretended to be confused and asked: "How could it be self-defeating?"

The old lady sighed: "The more people like us, the more cautious we have to be. Alas!"

"I think," Lin Yunyan leaned slightly and spoke to the old lady in a suppressed voice, "after deposing the crown prince, the Holy Emperor still valued His Highness, but His Highness's situation in the court was not as good as before.

The Duke and I naturally hope to help His Highness, but if Your Highness wants to return to the position of Crown Prince, the help of the Enrong House is indispensable.

If even my grandfather’s family is standing by and watching, who can your Highness expect? "

 The old lady's face turned pale when she heard this.

She looked Lin Yunyan up and down a few times and said in a deep voice: "The Holy One has His Majesty's consideration. If Your Highness is a qualified Crown Prince, the courtiers will also see it. Princess, we can just talk to our own people about this. Don’t talk about it outside.”

Lin Yunyan blinked: "Yeah, let's talk about it among ourselves, but what should I say about outsiders?"

Having said this, Lin Yunyan stood up and left.

 Mother Yu sent her out all the way.

Once out of the hospital, Lin Yunyan frowned slightly.

Aunt Yu saw this in her eyes and said: "Princess, I'm sorry to say this, our old lady is responsible for self-restraint. It's not that she doesn't worry about His Highness, but she doesn't know how to use it even if she has the strength, let alone dare to use it."

"I know," Lin Yunyan said, "I'm anxious too.

 On the surface, it seems that Li Du is plotting the Dingbei Hou Mansion, but what is happening behind his back?

Our Duke is also in Yumen. If Dingbeihou is in disarray because of this, and the Xiliang people take advantage of the situation to attack, and Yumen suffers several defeats, the Duke will be equally responsible.

 At that time, the Duke of the country will have to be careful. If he is the leader in the court, how can he actively fight for His Highness?

I may not be sure, but I heard from my father that the Liu family and the Gu family would take advantage of the Dingbei Marquis incident to seize the opportunity to get as much benefit as possible.

 In other words, things in the Dingbei Hou Mansion are not fair and are going downhill all the way. Their Ji family is not doing well, and we are also suffering setbacks.

 Am I anxious today? Am I just for myself?

To put it mildly, as long as the Empress Dowager is around, I will be prosperous. Even if the Duke of the country suffers a defeat, it is not his first fault. We can still live a good life behind closed doors.

 What shall your Highness do? What to do next? "

Grandma Yu felt very excited when she heard her few sincere complaints.

 After sending the person out, he returned to the room and saw the old lady sitting cross-legged on the Arhat bed with a solemn look on her face.


"Alas..." The old lady sighed deeply, with a look of helplessness on her face, "I also understand her. At her age, she is inevitably more anxious when things happen. But we know our own situation. It's not that we don't want to be anxious, it's that we don't dare to be anxious at all."

Mama Yu lowered her eyes.

As an old servant of the Xia family, he knows everything about the situation at home, so how could he not know that the Xia family is in trouble?

En Rongbo's Mansion and the country's father-in-law and uncle-in-law look great, and they can kill people with just a few names. But apart from this name, what else does the Xia family have?

 There is nothing left.

 There is only "favor" but no real power.

Had it not been for the emergence of a queen, even the word "enrong" would not have been mentioned.

Unfortunately, the empress left before the emperor ascended the throne. Fortunately, she left behind her eldest son, and the emperor valued friendship and did not create a new queen after he ascended the throne. This allowed the Xia family to run smoothly as the head of the family.

 But how many years has it been since the empress was gone?

 It’s been more than ten years!

How many years will this grace from the Holy Spirit remain?

neither knows!

If His Royal Highness the Crown Prince can succeed to the throne smoothly, then everything will be fine, but the Crown Prince is no longer the Crown Prince!

If they take the initiative to plan something for His Highness, if the matter does not go well and instead annoys His Majesty, it will be a disservice.

Moreover, the Holy Emperor's gentle treatment of the Xia family for more than ten years is inseparable from the Xia family's self-restraint and self-restraint.

If the Xia family had bared their teeth and claws, the situation might not be the same as it is today.

If the Queen was still here, she wouldn't have allowed her family to be so humble and restrained. In the final analysis, today's grace and glory are castles in the air, and they are too weak to stand on.

"The princess is young and she doesn't understand this." The old lady raised her hand and wiped the corners of her eyes. "I should not say something. She will not understand this dilemma until the Queen Mother leaves one day."

Grandma Yu said: "The princess is not a arrogant person who relies on favors."

“It was indeed not true in the early years,” the old lady thought for a while and said, “In the past two years, especially after getting married, I think she has caused a lot of trouble.

 It’s not her fault. Every family has sutras that are difficult to recite. She married into the Duke of Fuguo’s mansion, so she had to recite the sutras smoothly without much effort.

 From what I can see, there seems to be no tacit understanding between her, Duke Fu, and His Highness..."

 The life-saving kindness of Dingguo Temple is the guarantee of a smooth future.

  There should be no separation of partnership between the Princess and His Highness.

"We don't understand the affairs of other families," the old lady's eyes darkened, and she told Aunt Yu, "If the princess wants to help decide the Beihou Mansion, let her do it. We are still the same as before, don't get involved in outside affairs, don't Causing trouble.

 Yes, Qingzhi has been walking around with His Highness a lot lately? Let him be at peace too! "

 Aunt Yu responded.

 The other side.

Lin Yunyan walked out of Enrongbo's house, with many doubts lingering in her heart.

 The old lady was too restrained when it came to dealing with Li Shao.

In the past, especially in the last life, when Li Shao came to power and launched an attack on An Yibo Mansion and implicated Dingbei Hou Mansion and Chengyi Bo Mansion, Enrong Bo Mansion never stood up and said anything for the old neighbors.

This is definitely not wrong, and it is not something to blame. They are all members of a big family, and they want to protect their own family and avoid causing trouble. It is human nature.

Moreover, Uncle Enrong's residence has been going to Dianmao for many years. He does not care about the important affairs of the court and only acts as an idle royal relative. With such restraint, it would be even more strange if the Xia family stood up to oppose Li Shao's opinions. .   Some people like to argue, and there are definitely some who don’t.

With her grandmother Xiao Duan’s kind-hearted pearl in front of her, Lin Yunyan didn’t have much doubt about Enrong Bofu’s caution.

 A quiet and restrained gainer, this is Lin Yunyan’s view of Enrong Bofu.

Looking at it again in this life, it seems to be the same.

  When the prince was deposed, Enrong Bo entered the imperial study room to express his understanding and decision to respect the Holy One.

  It would be foolish to oppose something that is certain.

 But before that, during the long period of back and forth, the Enrong Mansion had not fought for anything for Li Shao...

 Looking back at it now, this seems too "restrained".

Now that she is talking to the old lady face to face, Lin Yunyan can feel this excessive "restraint" more and more.

  It’s not because of the temperament of the family, but rather because they are afraid of coming forward and being implicated in any problems.

 Given the great love the Holy One had for the late Queen, the Xia family's fear was obviously too much.

Lin Yunyan returned to Uncle Chengyi’s Mansion and found Aunt Wang.

Grandma Wang is still very talkative, and she can talk about all the big and small things about her neighbors in a clear and logical manner.

“At Dingbeihou Mansion, when we were guarding the house, the old lady of his family almost hit the pillar to show her ambition. Fortunately, the people waiting on her left and right were clever and hugged her tightly."

"I heard that Mrs. Hou persuaded her, saying that Mr. Hou and the others were still killing enemies in Yumen. If they knew that the family was trapped and my mother fought with her life to resist injustice, she might be shaken and afraid, and lose the opportunity to make meritorious deeds. He would have lost the opportunity to prove his innocence and said that no matter what, everyone in the house would stay alive until Dingbei Hou's master returned to the court. "

"The past two days seem to be much more stable. The slave guards and guards have delivered the vegetables and grains as normal. I think it won't be a problem for them to live here."

“I just don’t know when I can get rid of the suspicion. There are so many guards in the alley, and every household feels uncomfortable.”

After hearing this, Lin Yunyan asked, "I want to know about the Enrong residence."

 “Unrong’s Mansion?” Aunt Wang was puzzled, “They are still the same.”

 “What about the past?” Lin Yunyan asked, “What were they like before they were ennobled?”

Aunt Wang took a breath and recalled: "Our alley is either a prince's house or a high-ranking official's home. Before they were ennobled, the family was headed by the grandfather of the current uncle, and his great-grandfather was a doctor of honor and wealth. There have been several officials, big and small, in the family.

 But that’s all in the old calendar. Since those old ladies passed away, things have been going downhill.

 Fortunately, my family is rich and the house is ancestral property, so I will continue to live here.

 Later, the first queen entered the royal family, and after the Holy Emperor ascended the throne, he was granted the title of Enrong Bo.

I remember that their family has always been well-behaved and has good neighborly relations, both in the past and now.

 At the end of the day, there aren’t any messy families living in our alley, they are all decent. "

Lin Yunyan said softly: "Mom, help me find out as much as possible. I went to see Mrs. Bo today, and I always felt that something was wrong with her words. She seemed to be hesitant, as if she was afraid that the Holy One would be angry. What could they do to offend the Holy One?"

Aunt Wang was surprised for a moment and looked thoughtful.

Lin Yunyan did not rush her and waited quietly for a while.

"If you didn't mention it, I wouldn't have thought of this. As soon as you mentioned it..." Grandma Wang frowned, and she didn't feel confident in her words, "I'd better listen to what Grandma Su at the third girl's place said."

 At Lin Yunfang’s place?

“It’s been three or four years,” Grandma Wang recalled. “Did you give the third girl a set of spice jars as a gift one year?”

This time it was Lin Yunyan's turn to frown.

 Three or four years?

To her, it was more than thirteen or fourteen years.

"It seems that there is such a thing," Lin Yunyan said, "Is it during Yunfang's birthday?"

"This servant doesn't know so clearly. I just heard from Nanny Su that the third girl likes that set of jars very much," said Nanny Wang. "It just so happened that Miss Xia came over, and the third girl took it out to light incense and smell it. Unexpectedly, Fourth Miss Xia The girl said she didn't know how to do this.

The third girl said, "Then I'll teach you." The fourth girl Xia refused, saying that playing with incense was not allowed at home.

Not only her, but other sisters also didn’t play. She even said that one time she wanted to play with incense, but the old lady scolded her when she found out.

She cried to her mother full of grievances. Her mother seemed to have also complained, saying, "How can a lady not be a good woman?"

I don’t know if this matter is important, but you found it strange when you asked me.

If you do not let the girl dance the sword, the slaves have seen it and do not let the girl smell the fragrance. They have not heard of it at other houses. "

Lin Yunyan pursed her lips.

 En Rongbo Mansion doesn’t allow girls to play with sex?

The Holy One clearly said that the late Queen liked to use spices and was also good at mixing incense.

Is it because after the accident happened to the empress, the elders in the family did not want to see things and missed people, and were sad about the old scene?

Or is there another reason?

But when it comes to the former queen’s use of incense, the mystery of the heavy casualties caused by the fire in Dingguo Temple was only revealed this year. Previously, no one knew that sleeping incense was lit in the temple that night. Why did the Enrong Palace prohibit the girls from playing with incense? ?

Or is it that, although they didn’t know the whole picture, they vaguely guessed part of it, and that’s why they banned it?

Lin Yunyan raised her hand and pressed her temples.

 She thought this was something she should figure out.

The Holy One is unwilling to give up on Li Shao because he loves and feels guilty about the late empress. If the late empress has some other secrets, perhaps they can use them when dealing with Li Shao in the future.

"Mammy." Lin Yunyan whispered a few more words to Mammy Wang.

 Aunt Wang understood and nodded repeatedly: "Don't worry."

 Twilight is falling.

Lin Yunyan's carriage drove out of Chengyi's Mansion.

A carriage was approaching. The two carriages met and each had to move aside.

Lin Yunyan lifted the curtain and looked out, and it happened that a curtain was also raised on that side.

 “Princess.” The person in the car greeted.

Lin Yunyan nodded slightly: "Mr. Xia."

 The person in the car was none other than Xia Qingzhi.

As the Xia family's carriage moved forward, Lin Yunyan thought for a while and asked Uncle Niu to follow him, not far or too close.

 The evening in Beijing is very lively.

The carriage in front stopped outside a teahouse. Xia Qingzhi got out of the carriage and glanced at the gorgeous carriage not far behind.

Uncle Niu spoke in a low voice to the car.

Wanyue jumped out of the car and walked into a rouge shop on the street.

When Xia Qingzhi saw this, he just thought they were on the way and didn't think much about it.

Wanyue came out again soon, smiled and reported to Lin Yunyan: "I told Liao Zi's wife that Liao Zi happened to be resting in the backyard, and I have asked him to go and have a look."

 Lin Yunyan nodded.

The teahouse looked a bit ordinary, not like a place where Li Shao would come.

But he didn’t know who Xia Qingzhi was having tea with.

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