Yan Cigui

Chapter 459: Isn’t it possible that the late Queen also suffered from this disease? (Second update)

Chapter 459: Isn’t the late Queen also suffering from this disease? (Two updates in one)

 The back side of the teahouse.

 Liao Zi said hello to the waiter.

“Hey, Brother Liao is accompanying his sister-in-law in the shop today?” the waiter said enthusiastically, “The crystal cakes will be out of the cage in half a quarter of an hour. I’ll pack a few for you and you can bring them to my sister-in-law to try?”

Liao Zi agreed wholeheartedly, looked up at the stairs, and whispered to the waiter: "I'll go up and take a look around..."

 “Old rules,” the waiter said, “It’s okay to hang around, just don’t cause trouble.”

Liao Zi knew this, and asked the waiter to pack a few more snacks, stuff a few coins, and then went upstairs with confidence.

This teahouse is an old shop on the street.

It has not been well renovated for some years, but the location is good, the regular customers are used to it, and the business is not bad.

 Because of this, the sound insulation is very poor.

Liao Zi identified the private room where Xia Qingzhi entered. It happened that the next door was vacant, so he entered.

 As soon as you come in, you can hear the movement from left to right.

And there was a sliding door partition connecting Xia Qingzhi's room. Liao Zi gently opened a gap and the sound became much clearer instantly.

Liao Zi carefully leaned over the seam to look at it.

 The one who was dressed elegantly was undoubtedly Xia Qingzhi, and the other one who was more simple was recognized by Liao Zi at a glance.

 The man's name is Pang Feng, and he is a scholar.

Liao Zi has been working with Chen Gui in the past few years. He has visited many scholars in Laishenghui Pavilion. He has a good memory and can recognize 70% to 80% of them.

Pang Feng has been to Shenghui Pavilion several times.

According to his own statement, in his early years, his family was quite wealthy and could support his education. A few years ago, his father passed away unexpectedly, his grandmother fell ill, and his mother took care of the life alone.

He thought about quitting school and finding a job as an accountant or a bookkeeper, but his mother said nothing and wanted him to have a good future.

 Fortunately, Pang Feng was good at handwriting and was valued by a wealthy family who supported him in his studies every month.

Making money with manuscripts is a way of life for many students.

 Those who can write well and quickly will be willing to cooperate with each other.

 Chen Gui received Pang Feng's handwriting and commented that this person "has practiced hard".

Liao Zi was a rough guy. He learned a lot of Chinese characters and his writing was like a crab crawling. He couldn't understand whether it was good or bad. He was better than him anyway, but he also remembered Pang Feng.

 Just why does Pang Feng look so familiar with Xia Qingzhi?

 Could it be that the wealthy household he was talking about was Xia Qingzhi?

After Liao Zi confirmed the identity of the person next door, he stepped away from the gap and just listened to the noise.

On the other side, Pang Feng took a sip of tea and smiled warmly: "I feel most comfortable getting along with Brother Xia."

Xia Qingzhi raised his eyebrows.

Pang Feng added: "My classmates all know that I don't have much money, and they usually want to pay for me when they are invited to something. I know everyone's good intentions, but they are soft-spoken. They have been soft-spoken many times, and I feel very sorry for it. That is, Xia Brother, please let me come to an ordinary teahouse, and you and I will pay our own way."

Xia Qingzhi smiled.

Who doesn’t have some self-respect yet?

 It's just that he has always been curious about who funded Pang Feng.

Pang Feng took the initiative to bring it up: "The old man said before that Jin Qiu and I will introduce some old gentlemen to guide me in my essay. My essay is a weak point. If I can improve, I will do well in the examination room." Ranking.

At this point, I envy Brother Xia very much. Brother Xia is a descendant of the uncle's family. As long as he is willing to study hard, it is easier than us to meet Mr. Xia. "

Xia Qingzhi’s smile was slightly awkward.

 What kind of "simplicity" does he have?

It's just that he would complain to His Highness, but he would never talk to other students who were far inferior to him about the situation at home.

When he was studying abroad, he always held his head high as a disciple of Enrongbo Mansion. How could he say that he was unhappy here and there?

“The master leads you in, and you have to cultivate yourself,” Xia Qing knew. “Whether you get good grades in the examination room or not depends on yourself. Brother Pang and I are not much different.”

Pang Feng agreed.

"That master..." Xia Qingzhi asked, "I don't seem to know which master funded Brother Pang."

"I can't tell you the specifics. When he was young, he worked for a noble family, and when he was old, he became a free man. He saved a lot of money to support students like me." Pang Feng changed his subject, "It's a coincidence.

I once mentioned Brother Xia to him, and he said that he had met Brother Xia’s aunt, the late Empress, before.

Even though it was old age, he still remembered that the empress was dignified and dignified at that time. "

"Have you met the late Queen?" Xia Qingzhi became more and more interested, "I also met her when I was young, but I was still young at that time, and now I can't even recall her appearance."

Pang Feng sighed: "If the empress were still here, I don't know if I would have the chance to sit here and have tea with Brother Xia today."

Xia Qingzhi laughed and did not answer directly.

 In other words, he actually did not dare to make a decision.

From a common sense point of view, if the late empress was still alive, the Enrongbo Mansion would definitely be more prosperous. When he was away from home, there were countless people who wanted to curry favor with him.

 But it just so happens that the temper of my elders may be even worse than what they are now!

Pang Feng seemed to be excited when he said this: "To make the Holy One never forget her, the late Empress must be extremely graceful and beautiful."

Xia Qingzhi was startled: "Why?"

Pang Feng said: "Isn't the temper of the queen not very good? The master said that when he saw the queen, she got very angry for some reason. Don't your family know the temper of the queen?"

Xia Qingzhi was stunned.

 As a junior, he doesn’t even remember the voice of the empress, so how can he know her temperament?

However, in his memory, he heard his parents talking once. His mother seemed to have complained that his empress was mean and murderous, and his father asked her to "lessen talk about old sesame seeds and rotten millet."

Xia Qingzhi's breath tightened. He would definitely not admit it to Pang Feng, so his face darkened and he said, "Brother Pang is wrong. If I remember correctly, the empress has a dignified and steady temperament and will not lose her temper."

This time it was Pang Feng's turn to be surprised: "Brother Xia doesn't remember, doesn't he?"

"I heard family members recall it," Xia Qingzhi said, then remembered what Li Shao had said and added, "The Holy One also said that the Queen has a calm personality. When he was young and impatient, the Queen was there to persuade him to stay calm. The Holy King also said I have benefited a lot from my mother-in-law.”

"That's right!" Pang Feng looked like he suddenly understood. "I also heard what the old man said. The old man was just an errand at the time. He didn't understand the whole story and misunderstood the empress."

These words were quite pleasant to the ears, and Xia Qingzhi’s face brightened slightly: “That must be the case.”

“Speaking of which, I also appreciate people with a steady personality who can sit down and explain things clearly when things happen,” Pang Feng complained as he took a sip of tea, “To be honest with Brother Xia, my grandmother has been getting worse and worse this month.

She is a very reasonable old lady, but she was stimulated by my father's accident. One moment she was talking nicely, and the next moment she suddenly started to curse and hit others.

 After making a fuss for a while, she calmed down again. She cried and apologized to my mother for dragging us down.

 I know I can't blame her. She is sick and is not trying to cause trouble.

 Her illness has become more and more serious recently. I see it in my eyes, I am helpless and feel very sad. "

In the private room next door, Liao Zi couldn't help curling his lips when he heard this.

 Sick due to stimulation?

He is talking about the grandmother of the Pang family, but he is clearly referring to the late queen!

This man had really bad intentions. He called the late Queen's nephew a madman in front of her.

Unfortunately, Xia Qingzhi didn't hear it at all and was still concerned about whether his grandmother's illness could be cured. Liao Zi sighed secretly.

 What is this called?

 This is called reading.

As long as I go to the streets and interact with people, I won't be led by the nose like this.

No wonder the princess asked him to come up and take a look at what was going on here. He could see Pang Feng with malicious intentions at a glance.


 Who can call someone else’s deceased elder a lunatic to their face without any evil thoughts or for no reason?

Pang Feng looked solemn and sighed repeatedly.

For a moment, he even thought about whether Xia Qingzhi was "as wise as a fool" and pretended not to understand, so he punched the cotton with his fist.

After a few more conversations, he was sure.

Xia Qingzhi really didn’t understand what he meant.

Pang Feng had no choice but to carefully explain the symptoms to Xia Qingzhi.

“Everything is normal on weekdays. Neighbors used to praise my grandmother and mother, saying that they are a harmonious and good mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. They get along well with their own family and with their neighbors.”

“My grandmother is really a very good person. She gets sick just because of being stimulated. She will fall ill suddenly without any warning.”

“The attack was so severe that my mother couldn’t even cope with it, so she had to let me tie my grandmother to a chair.”

“I have been taking medicine, and the doctor has also prepared some spices and prescriptions, saying they can help calm the mind and calm the mind.”

“Brother Wang and the others didn’t say before that my clothes were fragrant and elegant? How could I have the spare money to be immodest? It was because of the incense at home that I smelled it.”

“Other people light incense for fun and out of interest, but for me, it’s a helpless act.”

Xia Qingzhi nodded: "That's really hard work."

"After all, she is my grandmother," Pang Feng wiped his face, "They say that family scandals should not be made public. No one in the family will tell anyone who is crazy. I usually keep my mouth shut, but today I am in a mood. Brother Xia Don’t be offended.”

Xia Qing knew: "Don't worry, I won't say anything else."

Pang Feng saw that he still didn't understand what he meant, so he had to expose it: "Actually, it's not just my grandmother. The doctor said that many people have similar problems.

 Everything is fine when normal, but when an attack occurs, some people shout and kill, and some people suddenly make sarcastic remarks and lose their temper, which is very different from usual days.

My grandmother was more serious, committing the crime five or six times in a month, while others were milder, only once every few months or half a year.

 Alas, I don’t mean anything else, Brother Xia, isn’t the late Queen also suffering from this disease? "

Xia Qingzhi stood up and asked, "What did you say?"

"I said something wrong," Pang Feng quickly poured the tea. "I will punish myself with three cups of tea. I will punish myself with three cups of tea. I am upset and talking nonsense. Brother Xia, please don't argue with me."

Xia Qingzhi usually likes to be generous, so he didn't throw up his sleeves and leave at this moment.

Seeing Pang Feng finish his drink, he cleared his throat and said, "If you talk nonsense like that again next time, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Pang Feng naturally responded sincerely.

The incident seemed to be over, but Xia Qingzhi's heart was not at peace.

 A person who is usually very kind, but occasionally behaves erratically because of his madness.

 Some people commit the crime only once every half a year.

 A little calming spice to restrain yourself.

These words swirled in his mind, entangling the image of Queen Xia in his heart more and more deeply.


The Holy Father praised his aunt for being calm, but the man who supported Pang Feng had seen his aunt lose his temper, and his mother also said that her aunt was "mean" and "murderous".

The aunt's illness is rare, and there must be a spices for the reason.

I heard that my aunt used to like to use incense, but in Xia Qingzhi’s memory, none of the sisters in the family played incense anymore.

The fourth sister once mentioned that she wanted to make perfume, but her mother stopped her and said she would never allow it.

Xia Qingzhi’s heartbeat is getting faster and faster.

  Could it be that Pang Feng was really right?

 And it is precisely because my aunt is sick that my grandparents abide by their duties so strictly?

My aunt has been gone for more than ten years, which is actually not that long. There are still many people who have been in contact with her who are still alive.

If the Xia family fights too fiercely and offends others and reveals what happened in the past, then...

 How can a madman be a queen?

 Can the son of a madman be the prince?

Xia Qingzhi thought he had discovered the secret of his family, and his face turned pale.

 He found an excuse to say goodbye to Pang Feng, dropped the money and stood up to leave.

Pang Feng sent the people away, sat back down and finished all the tea and snacks before tidying up and leaving.

Liao Zi organized his thoughts, asked the waiter to pick up the snack box, and then went to talk to Lin Yunyan.

                                 ification 1510. I told Lin Yunyan exactly what I heard, and also shared some of my own thoughts.

Wan Yue heard anxiously: "The late Queen is really, really crazy?"

Liao Zi said: "Pang Feng must have bad intentions, but I can't say whether the queen is sick or not. But looking at Xia Qingzhi's face, it seems that he has thought of something. He seems to have been deceived by Pang Feng."

Lin Yunyan lowered her eyes and thought for a while, then said: "It's just coaxing, just hold on to it.

Look at our old lady, she is well-known for being a kind person. She doesn’t try to get along with others, and she doesn’t argue with others. Who wouldn’t praise her for her gentle temperament?

Even so, our family members also know that grandma sometimes loses her temper when she can't stand it.

Could it be said that she is ill? "

Wan Yue nodded thoughtfully: "Yes, people are not dough, no matter how good-tempered they are, there will be times when they show up."

"Perhaps the same is true for the late Empress. Her family knew that she would lose her temper, and Xia Qingzhi was fooled into it because of the spice matter," Lin Yunyan commented, "What needs to be considered now is that Xia Qingzhi mistakenly believed that the late Empress was mad. what happens.

 That was the purpose of Pang Feng, or the people behind Pang Feng, to deceive him. "

 Wan Yue understood.

Lin Yunyan then told Liao Zi: "Go and ask Pang Feng again, whether his family situation is really what he said, and who is the person who supports him."

Those who know that the late empress loved incense and that the Xia family now does not allow girls to play with incense must not be ordinary people.

Liao Zi should come down.

 Waiting for Liao Zi to leave, Wan Yue asked Lin Yunyan: "Princess, do you hope that the late Queen is not sick, or is she really sick?"

Lin Yunyan thought for a long time and sighed: "Looking at the past, I hope the late Queen is as kind and gentle as I imagined."

 Li Shao has such a temperament.

If even the late Queen had an argument with the Holy One while she was ill, and in order to control the aggravation of her illness, she used the spices of peace and tranquility, then how pitiful is the mother who sacrificed her life to save them that night!

 Thanks to the book friend’s small yard for the reward.

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